
You face the facts, naked as the day you were born, conceived germs in the Void
Big Bang nobody heard or saw & only pretend to know what logic & reason allow
Simple as 1, 2, 3 when you count to 10, begin with zero & shuffle to the negative
Add, subtract, multiply & divide a One into an infinite division of all things at one.
Broken into infinite shards of subatomic charm, extinction & evolution lies of apes
All we have to do is be quiet for a minute, become Outer Space between THC vapes
I shall find the missing part of my scree somewhere over the rainbow, like it or not
Knowledge of subjects, predicates & objects of derision, enhanced mind of a robot.
Fill up your cup, it can’t be empty at any time, if it dries up it won’t return unto normal
Field of dreams and the perception of reality before or after your deep sleep, so formal
Pretty or not, beautiful things may be the form closest to what’s inside of you, so deeply
If and only if you know it all, then you will find that knowledge is all about a deader sea.
Games, rules, start & end before you know it, having fun or not, it will all end in a peep
Lost right where I found it yesterday, a slit in the matrix above the apex, below the deep
Pretty girls moved in front of my eyes, they didn’t see me watchin’, they had a feeling too
All in a Philly mood, a Shy town groove down on Rush Street, carryin’ on the in royal blue.
Simply too complex to be so easy to comprehend the nature of being alive, a super Nova
Miracles happen, I am one, it was a low probability that I’d have the chance to do it again
A long time ago, I lived & died for a spell, made no karma to return in grace, I’m free man
Can’t get better since I’ve commandeered all cause & effects of Milky Way’s beef bologna.
Prick up your ears, now hear this word in a sentence’s paragraph-full page of a recipe hit
Drink to make your brain swim above the surf from the first shot to the smart & final exit
Sharp needle and silver needle function as the only way to face the day, it’s high as Fugue
Black-out as it turns inside out, gave me a chance to regroup the trip to the moon, it’s huge
If and only if you & I agree on the truth of the premises, then we’ll see it all alike
No disagreement between laws regulating freedom & the gain of function psyche
Hot or cold, high or low, in the end it’s like it was before you were aware of, As Is
Hair on the dog fell out after the liquid gulped down my throat, passin’ out, cuz!
Been up & down, day one until today, it’s nothing personal, it’s the luck of the draw
Hit woman, feared just as much as a poisonous viper, just because of the ruthless hits
Upside the head & stealthy kidney punches finished the effect of a concerto movement
In sevenths, diminished, major, minor or indeed, the chords of the centrally intelligent.
Mask to cover-up the nothingness, as it is above, so it is below, astronauts know it all
They kissed the face of God & came back to tell us all about it, dream in a dream’s fall
Back to Earth after being aloft & disconnected for longer than a year without cold beer
Unbearable & nearly too much to handle, such addiction was paradise’s cure for fear.
Bought a big case or a keg, kept me company with or without a human being in tow
Not my job to hold court for the minions that struggled to find freebies in the hood
Ghetto immersion or suburban sprawl brickhouse & swimming pool, all in every row
If & when it all ends in a bang, I won’t point fingers or cast aspersions, pucker & blow.
You’ve heard it all before, I speak & you finish my sentence and thought about spam
Baseless and useless inconvenience of pushing and shoving to get ahead in a dream
You think you’re more than a thing, but you aren’t, just a thing itself, alone & at one
With that said, it ends in South Texas, in a hurricane, chased her there, prenatal Zen.
Comin’ around to the same wavelength, the frequency higher than normal, kill a man
This one not another one, patricide of the matricide gives the impetus to suicide’s fan
Giving up on the struggle with moods out of control, inherited endocrine system’s go
They inhabited all common ground with others who came to groove & then just blow.
Fear for your life because they know y’all are the mothers’ phuqrz, stillborn to run fast
If you don’t evade the onslaught, you’ll be the leftover bones by the campfire, foo-foo
Fight or not, nobody & nothing lasts forever, check the nothing at the door, it’s all true
What you saw is what you got, zygote to cadaver, mutation of cosmic dust, Philly blue.
Infrared to ultraviolet light produces illusions of the spectrum’s illumination pure funk
I’m in a circular jerkin’, sunken vinyl record groove, 33.3, .45, or a .78 RPM in the trunk
I said shotgun in a song, I did the jerk baby, did it then & doin’ it now, nobody’s exempt
Not one dead person who was alive told a tale after life with tempting Truth, “I tempt!”
Still alive and kickin’ in the stall, as old mules do once grown-up beyond the teens’ riots
So sad to find out that there’s nothin’ but bull’s scat to spread in the garden of Eden shots
Jack Daniels’ brown or Carlos’ Tequilla clearly do the job just fine, 4 shots and a cold beer
Look around the old bar, nobody is there but the bartender, he terminated ‘em all in fear.
Prisoner of Peace just out of the penitentiary full of innocence, mortal sinners of God
Innocent, yet proven guilty as charged, imprisoned with Mother’s innocents in the pod
Not only is Life a dream, it’s not even your dream, you’re only one of all vanishing ghosts
Earth is the stage; accidents are the actors facilitating the extinction of the species’ posts.
Funny as Hell, a promise to the Good and the Evil, backward word of Live, all holy ghosty
Bundled up for frozen tundra, to survive the polarization of heat and all Hot Stuff for free
Keeping copacetic impossible once you’ve killed heartbeats & gasping of oxymoronic gas
I’m not as foolish as my image appears to be, I keep a mask on to keep y’all off of my adz.
Pimple upon your seat turns metastatic and you can’t sit down anymore, you’re in a pickle
Why you got stuck there is because you got the easy reaction from the bored and innocent
Pumping blood head to foot, thinking, walking slow down avenues and mean streets of Shy
I left it all alone, my father & his father put out the Chicago Fire in me, gave me a water pie.
What is live? What is dead? Same things move until they die and shrivel into cosmic dust
Dead or alive, as seen from Outerspace, foreign concepts since immortality we can’t trust
It’s blind faith in the moronic sacrifice of divine death on dirt, signal isn’t sweaty balls, dad
You lied to me, said I’d be OK if I open my eyes & believe in being saved by nobody so bad.
Above and below rocks rollin’ along the ecliptic, magnetized by hot scat floating in Space
Missiles and rockets get the jobs done, it’s the trajectory of the extinction of the species
All atoms are mortal units, coming out of nowhere to return to being buried out of sight
Historical leftovers come & go, commanded suggestions to complete a mighty good fight.
r j j stephan, i
c. Jeudi, 2-13-MMXXV @ 444 PMPST
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