
Showing posts with label @TheViewWokeDown. Show all posts
Showing posts with label @TheViewWokeDown. Show all posts

Thursday, February 13, 2025





You face the facts, naked as the day you were born, conceived germs in the Void
Big Bang nobody heard or saw & only pretend to know what logic & reason allow
Simple as 1, 2, 3 when you count to 10, begin with zero & shuffle to the negative
Add, subtract, multiply & divide a One into an infinite division of all things at one.

Broken into infinite shards of subatomic charm, extinction & evolution lies of apes
All we have to do is be quiet for a minute, become Outer Space between THC vapes
I shall find the missing part of my scree somewhere over the rainbow, like it or not
Knowledge of subjects, predicates & objects of derision, enhanced mind of a robot.

Fill up your cup, it can’t be empty at any time, if it dries up it won’t return unto normal
Field of dreams and the perception of reality before or after your deep sleep, so formal
Pretty or not, beautiful things may be the form closest to what’s inside of you, so deeply
If and only if you know it all, then you will find that knowledge is all about a deader sea.

Games, rules, start & end before you know it, having fun or not, it will all end in a peep
Lost right where I found it yesterday, a slit in the matrix above the apex, below the deep
Pretty girls moved in front of my eyes, they didn’t see me watchin’, they had a feeling too
All in a Philly mood, a Shy town groove down on Rush Street, carryin’ on the in royal blue.

Simply too complex to be so easy to comprehend the nature of being alive, a super Nova
Miracles happen, I am one, it was a low probability that I’d have the chance to do it again
A long time ago, I lived & died for a spell, made no karma to return in grace, I’m free man
Can’t get better since I’ve commandeered all cause & effects of Milky Way’s beef bologna.

Prick up your ears, now hear this word in a sentence’s paragraph-full page of a recipe hit
Drink to make your brain swim above the surf from the first shot to the smart & final exit
Sharp needle and silver needle function as the only way to face the day, it’s high as Fugue
Black-out as it turns inside out, gave me a chance to regroup the trip to the moon, it’s huge

If and only if you & I agree on the truth of the premises, then we’ll see it all alike
No disagreement between laws regulating freedom & the gain of function psyche
Hot or cold, high or low, in the end it’s like it was before you were aware of, As Is
Hair on the dog fell out after the liquid gulped down my throat, passin’ out, cuz!

Been up & down, day one until today, it’s nothing personal, it’s the luck of the draw
Hit woman, feared just as much as a poisonous viper, just because of the ruthless hits
Upside the head & stealthy kidney punches finished the effect of a concerto movement
In sevenths, diminished, major, minor or indeed, the chords of the centrally intelligent.

Mask to cover-up the nothingness, as it is above, so it is below, astronauts know it all
They kissed the face of God & came back to tell us all about it, dream in a dream’s fall
Back to Earth after being aloft & disconnected for longer than a year without cold beer
Unbearable & nearly too much to handle, such addiction was paradise’s cure for fear.

Bought a big case or a keg, kept me company with or without a human being in tow
Not my job to hold court for the minions that struggled to find freebies in the hood
Ghetto immersion or suburban sprawl brickhouse & swimming pool, all in every row
If & when it all ends in a bang, I won’t point fingers or cast aspersions, pucker & blow.

You’ve heard it all before, I speak & you finish my sentence and thought about spam
Baseless and useless inconvenience of pushing and shoving to get ahead in a dream
You think you’re more than a thing, but you aren’t, just a thing itself, alone & at one
With that said, it ends in South Texas, in a hurricane, chased her there, prenatal Zen.

Comin’ around to the same wavelength, the frequency higher than normal, kill a man
This one not another one, patricide of the matricide gives the impetus to suicide’s fan
Giving up on the struggle with moods out of control, inherited endocrine system’s go
They inhabited all common ground with others who came to groove & then just blow.

Fear for your life because they know y’all are the mothers’ phuqrz, stillborn to run fast
If you don’t evade the onslaught, you’ll be the leftover bones by the campfire, foo-foo
Fight or not, nobody & nothing lasts forever, check the nothing at the door, it’s all true
What you saw is what you got, zygote to cadaver, mutation of cosmic dust, Philly blue.

Infrared to ultraviolet light produces illusions of the spectrum’s illumination pure funk
I’m in a circular jerkin’, sunken vinyl record groove, 33.3, .45, or a .78 RPM in the trunk
I said shotgun in a song, I did the jerk baby, did it then & doin’ it now, nobody’s exempt
Not one dead person who was alive told a tale after life with tempting Truth, “I tempt!”

Still alive and kickin’ in the stall, as old mules do once grown-up beyond the teens’ riots
So sad to find out that there’s nothin’ but bull’s scat to spread in the garden of Eden shots
Jack Daniels’ brown or Carlos’ Tequilla clearly do the job just fine, 4 shots and a cold beer
Look around the old bar, nobody is there but the bartender, he terminated ‘em all in fear.

Prisoner of Peace just out of the penitentiary full of innocence, mortal sinners of God
Innocent, yet proven guilty as charged, imprisoned with Mother’s innocents in the pod
Not only is Life a dream, it’s not even your dream, you’re only one of all vanishing ghosts
Earth is the stage; accidents are the actors facilitating the extinction of the species’ posts.

Funny as Hell, a promise to the Good and the Evil, backward word of Live, all holy ghosty
Bundled up for frozen tundra, to survive the polarization of heat and all Hot Stuff for free
Keeping copacetic impossible once you’ve killed heartbeats & gasping of oxymoronic gas
I’m not as foolish as my image appears to be, I keep a mask on to keep y’all off of my adz.

Pimple upon your seat turns metastatic and you can’t sit down anymore, you’re in a pickle
Why you got stuck there is because you got the easy reaction from the bored and innocent
Pumping blood head to foot, thinking, walking slow down avenues and mean streets of Shy
I left it all alone, my father & his father put out the Chicago Fire in me, gave me a water pie.

What is live? What is dead? Same things move until they die and shrivel into cosmic dust
Dead or alive, as seen from Outerspace, foreign concepts since immortality we can’t trust
It’s blind faith in the moronic sacrifice of divine death on dirt, signal isn’t sweaty balls, dad
You lied to me, said I’d be OK if I open my eyes & believe in being saved by nobody so bad.

Above and below rocks rollin’ along the ecliptic, magnetized by hot scat floating in Space
Missiles and rockets get the jobs done, it’s the trajectory of the extinction of the species
All atoms are mortal units, coming out of nowhere to return to being buried out of sight
Historical leftovers come & go, commanded suggestions to complete a mighty good fight.


r j j  stephan, i

c.  Jeudi, 2-13-MMXXV @ 444 PMPST

{ Saturday Night Live Best #KillMyLandlord #DeepThoughts 50 years link on youTube @

https://youtu.be/C-hpSU_fMYk?si=WN57wI4OP-r3UuTR }




Sunday, February 02, 2025

#DigOneHeartbeatAtATime #Oneness

Gods forbid you come to a gunfight with a sharp knife, you’d be sure to die quick six
No turning around or back once you’re committed to terminating the threat, 2 sticks
We called holy names which cannot be uttered by mortals, nobody knows it all, One
Yet there’s a place in the aquarium, in the zoo or the whole ecosystem for my Son.

Buried or above and beyond the thing itself, there is a shape or form of the atoms
Imagine you’re a pebble on a beach full of pebbles, there were no Eve’s or Adams
The blank spot in the human memory was all too humane, we cannot be accidents
Insanity of the mind evolved from a hunting & gathering culture, the sixth scents.

Enculturation of the tribe by nobody but a random collection of idiotic baboon ilk
Crime and the punishment resulting from the act, all the same when it’s all over
Guilty by reason of insanity or just because you’re a mean & nasty, immoral lover
Hugs and kisses to you even if you can’t receive them without a shake & shudder.

I saw you cringe as if you were being approached by disaster, yet that was me fool
You weren’t fooled before the fools got into your head’s mind, old ladies of the pool
Hey man, it’s incredible & totally easy to believe at one and the same time, amazing
Like winning your father’s favor & inheriting gold & silver mines full of #DOGE ding.

Quirky yet fully immersed in winning of the game, with or without known damn fools
I know the way, you know a wrong way and we’ll meet at the end in the storm’s pools
Love and the lack of it is the Force behind your Life’s progression, kings & l’il queens
All for the One & Only Truth, no priests or monks know it, only God knows It dreams.

Swallow your pride, internalize your disbelief in the facts of life, you’ve made your bed
Sleep with an eye open or expect the worse, getting lost within a dream’s dreamscape
Can’t awaken if you’ve lost your memory, can’t come back to the origin at End’s finale
What it is, who it is & why it is how everything cannot be underestimated, we’re dead.

I have no proof other than wakes & funerals I’ve attended before my own, it’s creepy
Kissin’ the Italian corpses left by my loving kinfolk, gave them a granite rock & grave
Just to be there in case a stranger passes by & reads the curiosity of a solo existence
Pied piper playin’ your song, my tune ain’t in the reservoir, I’ll be freestyle jazz’ tense.

You know like only you and I know the Truth about the nature of Being, it’s deep secret
Hidden from all the mass’ humming engine with a hole & dip stick, keepin’ out of debt
Gone way too fast counterclockwise about the track, crashed & burned body’s bones
What was necessary & sufficient for my bongo drums to keep a beat, angels’ moans.

Brief speech you didn’t even know was coming, all for One & One for all, the ghetto
Place to live for the welfare of the motherless children, can’t keep the legs to blow
Human need & desire for the extinction of species is within the RNA, love stinks too
As above, so below, the stars blow with their planets, our sun goes, you’re gone boo!

r j j stephan, i

c.  Mardi, Janvier XXVIIIth  MMXXV Anno Domini @ 444 PMPST

{ Slipped out of the Vault With No Door, while listenin’ to #TheGhetto (again) by @DonnyHathaway on youTube link @ https://youtu.be/5uLM6DdTpmQ }




Sunday, December 22, 2024

#MakeMyWISHcomeTrue @MariahCarey #Snow #Ice & #Missletoe #AllIWantForChristmas #PleaseComeHomeForChristmas #TheEagles


Surround squares by woke lovers equal to the matrix’ rubric cube effect, 1 angel’s 1st cause
Whatever heats and freezes is all there is, matter or immaterial, special effect of gold dust
You care ‘til you can’t laugh any longer & you begin to cry about the death of the fallen One
Poor old spirit first created out of Nothing by the matrix, no accidental conception, my son.

Rich beyond the billions of the wealthy in universal atomic fission & fusion, a particle of silk
Leftovers once Big Bangs pass from a Future’s forwarding to the Past’s Presence, a fool’s ilk
Follow a bouncin’ ball that leads us all from the dream between your ears & reality of a goof
Trip with or without the generosity of pot plants we hex into magic potions, we’re 180 proof.

I gave it all for nothing, trained to survive in the center of dire straits, distributed at random
No recollection of a guilt complex of historical, ancient civilization & the ocean’s sea scum
Knowing Nothing itself as well as you can without saying a thing about its zeroed empty sun
Hits, playin’ @Motorcity @Motown song & rockin’ #Suspicions among us, strait shot’s 151.

Code too complex for a simple mind, calculus’ trigonometry & analytic, ancient philosophy
Above the sky that’s blue in the daytime, pitch-black spread-out coast to coast on the spin
Ask your mama for Truth, since your father’s either dead or just vanished upon a THC cloud
Life is what the hell it is, it knows the occult mystery of magicians, pretender’s holy shroud.

I won’t ever tell you I told you so, I didn’t tell you so, there was a secret to be kept, a promise
To the One who left Space’s matrix, y’all fell out of Earth’s spin, above, below, what to miss?
You’re not the ashen bones in the funeral pyre’s display, you ain’t in the undertaker’s casket
Where you are is better than a quart of formaldehyde replacement of the vampire’s biscuit.

Wings on my back, only one chosen to hang on to my invisible tail, she won’t ever let it go
Eventually we’ll be where we’ve always been, everywhere that a Big Bang can go, we blow
The function of mathematics cannot be denied, it originates with a point-to-point lineup
Then an imagination erasure of the space between the ears, within the skull & bone’s cup.

Runneth over due to an effulgence of I don’t know what, subatomic waste of rainbow trash
Hate & Love, imaginary fruits and vegetables from the plants & trees of liquid and gas hash
One more chance before you die and way before lying on your death bed’s ground of being
Movement animating all I need, transformation of Form & Matter, still a Star in Singh-Singh.

My father & mother told me to follow the leader until I figured out how to live in my own way
From the bootstrings in basic training to the fully vested retiree embedded in solid ground
We all live on it, some of us believe we don’t and we’re not responsible for the outcome day
Final judgement on your acts of good & evil’s commands, law-code well known rule to play.

Find out you’re mortal and your skin and bones will leave happiness behind in a 6-foot hole
Only if you’re fortunate, some get a body bag of bones, some nothing but Earth’s mink stole
Hot sun melts the tar upon the roof, your feet ain’t fireproof, so hot yo’ sandals wanna die
Under the boardwalk down by the sea, me & my baby on a blanket eatin’ a hot dog & fries.

You father, a man, loved a mother, yours or somebody else’s mama, disseminating the fool
From coast to coast and border to border, papa was a rolling stone wild with gravity’s cool
Chance and the free will to cause the effects that happen to darling couples, incubate an X
May be a Y combined code without intent, just lucky to become present, Gods live for Sex.


r j j  stephan, i

c.  Dimanche, Freezember XXIInd MMXXIV Anno Domini @ 711 AMPST

{ Appropriated via the Calculus of the Void function, jammed to @MarvinGaye #LetsGetItOn in a #Motown Top 100 Greatest Hits in a loop on youTube, link @ https://youtu.be/eYBS1WZeb9o }



Friday, November 22, 2024

#GrandSlamWinningEverythingInSights @Jaguar2025 @Porsche2025 #WINNING @Carlos_SantanaDevadip


In the end, nothing matters once you’re not breathing in and out, know that Truth
Either accidental or on purpose, this Earth in orbit around a burning byte forsoothe
I am no idiot, moron or imbecile, I am not a man beyond my skin & bones of Flesh
Id to eat while Ego passed on mother’s milk, Superego suckle or so I’m told, go fish.

Mental retardation due to a blow to the head found in the MRI for y’all and I, fear not
Nobody lives forever, no skin & bone lasts longer than a century more or less, what I got
On the one hand, there’s ignorance and bliss then on the other hand, there is pure Sonny
My dad’s vision through his two grey iris eyes was all smoke & mirrors, divine son of a gun.

Punks moved away from a door beyond good & evil as a cause & effect twixt atoms in a galaxy
No night & no day if you’re not on planet Earth, nothing like this miraculous search for “Me”
This is a dream within Poe's etiquette dream, imagery of shadows within a cave’s inner wall
Nuclear missiles launched in error, restarted the ignition of Earth’s inner core, it’s a fire ball.

In and out of the mind locked inside of an illusion you’ve gleaned from the teachers' program
Jacked up so your conscious awareness gets away with murder but no, not on @instagram
Bleed words out the dish rags leftover from the necessary & sufficient conditional conclusion
Medium on high, lower than the lowest level of dancing bears left on Earth livin' in a redskin.

You move until you don’t, nothing to recall then, nothing is more of the Space between stars
Playing games or working with no winning in the end, it’s the way the ball bounces far
From the first to the last place in line, every angle of every shape, square to sphere of gas
Atoms whirl, planets too, between a Void & the whole shebang, it’s how the children play ass.

Not being vulgar, the primate thing, it’s the right thing, get old enough to reproduce & kill it
Original sin, you inherited the knowledge of good & evil & how to obey or break in-law’s rule
Philosophical Theology available, wide open, ignored by masses of Mass, transmutated amps
Mankind in its lowdown, dirty spirit reflects inner beauty covered in the bog of the swamps.

Hard candy melts quicker at 100 degrees than it does at 98.6, it helps, keeps the kids woken
They'll grow old & die just like y’all will, let 'em know as soon as possible ‘fore they’re all in
What they don’t know'll hurt them, all ignorant are at a disadvantage, happy idiot trippin’
Bliss itself takes all the time in the world to know Good, the Bad as Evil, Ugly as Sin.

Fighting for places in Space that can’t be invaded by most foul, misrepresentated ilk
You know what I mean, I know what I mean, I don’t know what you mean, I miscalculate milk
What represents this world inside your mind outside your mind, I can explain holes, too
Where nothing at all is everywhere around my head, 360 degrees above & below, free fall fool.

No fear of being without your intense and complex misapprehensions, gonna be just fine too
Cartoons you’ll recall, the day you met the circle of your infinite source, your Ma & Pa stew
Made you in one orbit & some full moons, like bread in the oven, super loaf of edible grace
Conquer you, on the land you walk on & let it go, without choosing a wind’s blown, easy pace.

Far away, already gone, got the picture of the empty rectangle’s perimeter, I care, you don’t
Air ran out, suffocated in oxygen, the O2 was too much to handle, exhausted the gods, I won’t
Just watch me roll, until I’m out of site, can’t see my face, you see clearly without lens’ fog
Oh no, you made a mistake, too far now, already gone, Eagle wings flap, jump over a GD bog.

r j j stephan, i
c. Vendredi, BLOVEMBER XXIInd MMXXIV Anno Domini @ 1111 AMPST
{ Kicked out my head while jammin’ 2 @jaguar COMMERCIAL #JaguarComm2024 link @ https://youtu.be/rLtFIrqhfng?si=Von_ds2dWTp4NGI4 }

Saturday, November 02, 2024

Extinction's Abyss #FlipGodOffThePlanet #NowSTFU #WillYou #DoTheKamela #SNL #FERGIE

You got another thing comin’ & it ain’t no shelter from the cold pain, everywhere it exists
On your borders of every country, every continent above the sea, there is extinction’s abyss
All the brave men who would have gone, died with their bravery in the battle against gods
Strangers full of the scat they’ve eaten in another form, cold or warm, meals on hot rods.

Snowing until the mountains are capped with frozen rain, before it melts into rivers of gas
Hydrogen and oxygen in their own ways, are the matrix of Life anywhere in the cosmos’ ass
Not nice to fool mother nature nor the creation of blind faith minions who crave dead food
In the end, when the proof for Truth cannot be denied, there’s your foster parents’ blood.

Produced your soul with a gamete & ovum created from nothing but the First One, dangers
Full of jelly or custard, that Bismarck didn’t sink, it thrived into the sinews filled with blood
You feel it, we all feel the same thing when we do identical things, act One product of mud
Possibly there’s no encore after the Play, when it’s over, it’s all over, Yanks lose to Dodgers.

Inappropriate behavior exhibited, a doppelganger neither with my permission nor knowledge
It’s a put-on if you ask me, to show the world that there’s a power much bigger than hot fudge
Hitting the road with Jack, it’s much longer than the maps indicated, 2 inches are 200 kilometers
Hopping ‘til Easter then dying for a rise out of rigor mortis, only One god can perform, not hers.

I am utilizing a tool of this trade, an ethereal persuasion from a sped-up present in the SF bay
Dreams appeared out of nowhere & in no time at all, they vanished into thin airshow, The Way
By no uncertainty principle can anyone exist on a planet with freed slaves & their progeny mix
Masters’ daughters and liberated slaves’ sons evolved into wealthy, upper class, private dicks.

In the showdown, there is always the ends, the shots from the duel in the dirty, dusty pathways
Chilled Earth, Wind & Fire in a cornucopia that yields all there is from ancestry & descendantry
Love or the lack of it didn’t matter before, only in between before the fixed legend eclipses it all
Talkin’ a singularity of the creator’s wounded heart, love can’t stay out in the open, it’s Ai’s fall.

Pitches down the pipe, struck out twenty-six in a row, fast-screwballs, bored kids run out of time
We kid you now when we normally kid you not, cheaper to keep her, beats rhythm, holy rhyme
Cake made in the bakery of mama, she cooked & cleaned while I waited for a piece of the sign
That the eight cuts will lose one of them, masticated the fruit & nuts, the creator was so fine!

Pine box at the end keeps your bones until the wood & your parents’ DNA dissolves, as you do
Superego can fill the volume of the Void with more cache & digits than a zillion-trillion or two
Haunted by ghosts no more my man, my woman like my mama stands up for the Truth, as I do
Created by the unknown & left to fend for themselves, those unseen before us, feared Me too.

I can’t blame anyone for fearing the significance of signs of stop & go signals, I’d like to signify
But I can’t tell you the word, the code or I’d have to terminate your remaining time of life to die
It’s a sound from A to Z, combined with a rattle and a hum, replacement for the deplorable guy
Unknown commodity, sideways or up and down, it’ll end in a solo whimper, so have a good day!

Idiots close to the vest stay right there, forget about you & your hallucination that you’re alive
You’re in a dream & you’ve been fooled to think you’re in a reality other than that, you’re jive
Yet you’re free as the flowing water comin’ down the mountain from the melted white snow
Simple mind inside of your head, the wall is in your head, I lie that you lie, you’re lying now.

Moron, you get it now. You could fly in a blue dream without your wings, just die first, hu-man
Winner, winner, chicken dinner, can’t fly for a reason, bake, fry, BBQ their wings, all too human
Beans & seeds to keep the ignorance occupied with clutter & immaterial forms of dead-life sin
Mortal & original offenses are the natural beast’s behavior, laws are to tame the beast’s skin.

Pinch yourself if you think you’re sleeping & dreaming, this is reality & it’s the way it is now
For now, cause & effects repeat ad infinitum and there’s nothing you may change, just blow
Lips closed tight, wind up & out the face, screech in the ears to be blocked, deleted in spurts
Fear me & you until the loathing appears from the place underneath the sister’s dark skirts.

Creatures of variable mutations of DNA, some still here & now, some long extinct, even day 1
Nothing more or less than everything under the sun, our closest star, a bit of the astral cluster
Milky Way, immaculate conception inside of a virgin, a pope, bishop & cardinal can preach, sun
It’s the invisible One behind the origin of the sun & the whole universe of blown stars, buster.

Up and down from the bottom line you can jump to the top shelf of ingredients, old schools
Nothing is up there, where everyone wants to go, final destination of dead witches & ghouls
Humble your soul’s molecules & atoms down to the nuclei, proud to be dead weight keepers
Fick led people from the holy water to the insipid missiles launched & discovered monsters.

Telling the bad guys where you hide from the predators is the idea you get before extinction
Every extinct species on Earth, from A to Z, some undiscovered, some archeological foreskin
Saying words, sounding as A, E, I, O & U, sometimes Y & there’s consonants like the eighteen
Five and ten stores have cheap goods, penny candy in jars, security internal morality sting.

Bitten by the eye-teeth and canines to bleed out the form of life that is food for vampire ilk
They are already dead, painfully alive with the minions who deal in guilt and chocolate milk
High five and ten stores closed for business, today and tomorrow, forever and a day or two
High times, blood flow, brain’s mind, speak, see & hear no evil, kill purple people eaters too.

Everyday you wake up, stay awakened up to 16 hours & then resume the unconscious fire
Fire up the engines waiting for the shot to begin the race, the finish line’s ahead, love a liar
Perfection between the zero & the One, any other number is imperfect & part of the hole
It’s empty & it’s never been full of anything except once, at the Big Bang, boom, let’s role.

Sucking down into the Singularity there’s a point of no return, nobody wins at the ending
Hair is burnt, skin is love in a hotdog bun, the space between stars & planets is full of scat
You can feel the Truth coming into the veins and arteries, streams, rivers & an ocean thing
Atoms H2O gas recombination, The End dissolved, hydrogen, neutrino-oxygen Mega boom.

r j j stephan, i

c. Samedhi, BLOVEMBER 2nd MMXXIV Anno Domini @ 1111 AMPST

{ Drafted while listenin’ to @JoeRogan interview with @DonaldJTrump on youTube link @ https://youtu.be/hBMoPUAeLnY?si=qQQBUy7ENShaRiKn }


Sunday, October 13, 2024

#YouDontKnowLikeIKnow #HowMuchYouGot #WaitHereIllBeRightBack #NightDayNightDay #Nickelback #WeNeedBroads #LotsOfBroads

Something needs to be written down so that it can be said in the future world’s unborn sons
Daughters will need no boyfriends, no need to have any babies to give grand folks some kin
Dreamin’ without any appetite for the food or data combination in x’s & o’s, all in clear skin
Queer’s the same when it’s different to the perception of the freaks and triggered long guns.

Bribery or a mere kind request for assistance in the candy store where y’all comin’ for more
You’ve got nothing to trade for the addiction, except your service to terminate the appetite
Sooner than later, consider the ending right now without wasting any more time, what for
For the sake of the pride of the family you’ve evolved from, the apes of the lions’ den door.

Last breath just like the first, a shock to be dead to the world, skin & bones back for more
Just a ghost of smoke in the shapeless void that always smells like the ghosts of the whore
Known that the mystery is a secret with a code memorized, never told in spoken Word-up
For nobody anywhere can this ever be repeated, it’s a princess’ prerogative to humph-it-up.

Hefty price to pay when you’ve got the fruit of the loom right here and now in a candy store
Fancy pants thinkin’ you know it all, maybe you do, I did too but I’ve forgotten the inner core
Sounds like fury without any reason, irrational laws created to stir up the inner sanctum web
As above it is the way it’s always been, so below is the confederate state of Johnny the Reb.

Hobo from New York left bowel movements coast to coast all the way to San Diego’s hot fakes
Stole all that from San Ysidro over to San Antonio, battles with the rancheros, stole the valor
Here we are here and now, protecting the ripped off weeds and pines, almonds & landscapes
Peter named poor Richard, subtle James & archetype Albert, DNA bleeding RNA out the core.

Into eggs, the ova of the willing and inadvertent virgin conceptions below a Catholic girl’s skirt
All is good, abortion’s wrong any way you look at it, forest through trees & dreams of star dirt
Trash & rubbish are all you have to show for the significance of important up in smoke stache
Civilization invented Garbage Dumps & thermonuclear annihilation of garbage, I, white trash.

Inherited the horrid errors of random recombination of DNA, the most fit have survived pests
Which will come sooner or later but the extinction of the species won’t pass God’s smell tests
Stench of the high heaven burnt smoke of the chemicals from Argon to Xenon & deep infinity
Helium as we know it, fills balloons with frozen smoke, an electron, a neutron-proton trinity.

Tweedle Dee & Tweedle Dum couldn’t hold a candle to the presence of miraculous things now
Before our very eyes, blinded by Light or not, we become conscious of the gods & Zeus’ glow
Look into the sun when it’s blazing in the northern or southern hemisphere of the planet, see
It was the light that blinded you, burned out your retina inside of your skull’s software party.

Dream within a dream, Edgar Allen & I agree both before & after our deaths, it’ll still be true
That life is nothing more than a random bowl of cherries that some eat & others waste too
Spheroid sweet fruit of the cherry tree to drop the seeds to grow more fruit sap onto the field
Eden’s garden maybe, maybe not, it is written and before they’d spoken, they signaled creed.

Make it all up to avoid fear & loathing results of coming to know absolute Truth, half-naked
It is embarrassing to realize that you’re as ignorant as the birthday you get, all so unaborted
Steal the phenomena without knowing that you think, therefore you exist both above the dirt
As well as being six feet underground, it’s Fact of Life #1, you’re alive & you’re gonna die hurt.

Your mama & papa gave it all they had, the rest of the story is up to you, all intent is presence
Dreams come true if you know that dreams are likely to be none other than heaven’s scents
Soul without matter yet holding power to influence Things themselves or none of the above
I ask questions I’ve already got answers to, they’re all rhetorical, woke awaken, white dove.

r j j stephan, i

c. Dimanche, ROCKTOBER XIIIth MMXXIV Anno Domini @ 411 PMPST

{ Intellectual regurgitation penned this afternoon while jammin’ to @Nickelback #HITS on youTube link @ https://youtu.be/ULwIM6Za0QA?si=2l-_sxDTesgHY31D }