
Showing posts with label @TheViewWokeDown. Show all posts
Showing posts with label @TheViewWokeDown. Show all posts

Saturday, June 29, 2024

Carcass BBQ For The Brothers From Other Mothers & Sisters #Cheech #Chong #BoogieWoogieChooChooTRAIN

cast aspersions, name’s phil herup
Fill’er up your 1 ounce brain with potential fodder for the process of elimination
Written words are spoken after it’s thought, origin of species is of the men & mice
Killed the performance of the millennium just for kicks, schtick is original as sin
Computer in hand, plugged into cadmium’s free radical of the political, social skin.

I’m not the one to talk, but since this is writing, I’m one to speak the word of one man
Neither the good, a bad or ugliest of them all, in my own mind, I’m the One’s only one
Anyone else wouldn’t be able to handle the Truth, incredible like all prefabricated scat
Spirit you blow into a ferocious substance that crawled out of the muck & mire of shat.

Holy families don’t exist on planet Earth, fallibility is not an option for the pope nor I
In the end of the beginning is the creator of the dream, alone & asleep in a cloud bed
Above or below, a song remains the same, not a lead zeppelin but that’s all she wrote
Da bears out the windy city or jets out the big apple’s core, final score’s point is moot.

Dream within a poor dream, it’s squared and then cubed for chits and giggles for sure
Certainty is that uncertainty is the principle you cannot deny, knowledge is impossible
It is for me to know & you to psycho-analyze your formation, your opinion deductions
Always look at the cell @11:11, twenty-four seven happens without you too, my sons.

Daughters and your mothers just like your sisters and a hundred grandmothers agree
It’s all about you now until you can’t breathe with or without a soul or black belt degree
Treat or the tricks of the trade are the remarkable cause of life itself, mitotic divisional
What you are from an original sinner in a garden of Gotham or Eden, God’s hadron cell.

Scared of you & your mother’s sister’s granddaughters because of all their good ol’ folks
And you know the difference between a nightmare & a daydream, you gotta be so woke
To know what wisdom is all you need to know, only you know it or not, roll the die hole
Stress kills peace of mind you need to survive in health & wellness, a career advise her.

Get far away from me before you fall down and hit your head, you’ll be consumed in fire
Things matter as Earth does, molecular structured hard atoms atop the funeral’s hot pyre
There is a bridge too far to cross for any human but the divine can traverse it momentarily
Y’all know it well, you’ve assumed too much yet remain insane in the 2nd City, my pretty.

Milkshake of bottles of bourbon when the earth quaked a moment ago, only a shot is left
For my benefit and six cracked-up eggs in the crate, life itself is the luck of a random draw
Begin with political science and the wet dream of life without any debt, gold calf of straw
On the right with the maggots who hung with the lord of the flies, spirit loves a third shift.

On the QT system of beauties and beasts humans balk at the finale before the end of Time
Not only but also this here and that there, singing a ballad in harmony with One’s hard dime
You must be in good condition to analyze a discombobulated myriad of entrails out of God
Spiders in or out of maniac men, bats out of Woman, saga has a finale, my vetted hotrod.

Now then, whispering sooner or later won’t help the impossible become possible, a slave
From start to finish, an amalgam of serene laughter in a den of iniquity or any cat’s house
Baby has no idea what the elder human will uncover in the name of Science, a bat’s cave
Pronto or in the nightmare’s due time, the product hurts nobody but the dirty, rotten louse.

Basement door’s locked and I can’t open it without knowing the combination to the lock
Are you crazy or what? Whatever is holy cannot be the scatological return to Malibu beach
Where my soul goes between Big Sur and Monterey, southern Cal by Santa Monica’s muse
She won’t leave the beachies alone, it’s not my fault but my obligation to be the outreach.

Demonic saints all dead a long time ago, postmortem when blood doesn’t flow #In&Out
Between head to the toes, the heart pumps it with the pressure of the Love within doubt
Dreaming about gods lying to the dead guys who left the orally written words, insanity fur
You know and I know the reason for everything that exists in reality as we know it, LSD blur.

Quicksilver and the lead you transmuted to pure gold, via the theft of secrets of occult ilk
Masquerading as the chosen of the creator of Man & Man’s all too human world, coco milk
Hair of the dog cannot stand on end when the pate is shaved & shined, nails painted fuscia
Sunsetting mothers’ graves that lie six feet underground embalmed or wishbone in an urn.

Band of rock has a visual aid for the faint of heart, armed & dangerous for the self-defense
Scrapes scratched deep wounds into lucid dreams you can’t recollect, I’ll inject the venom
Poisonous asps in a snake pit giving snakebites to one another’s two eyeballs & goat skulls
Doppelganger on the run, look into the fractured mirror, cracked & stained rosy pink petals.

Dreary night after you discover that you’re a moron and always have been an idiot, for real
Part your long hair down the middle for your long stay in the blue platinum quicksilver seal
Keep your timing in a Ball jar like any other fabulous concoction of liquid sea gram for me
Any time you want to feed the monster to let it suck on your teat, rock-a-by my baby, free.

As something is like nothing you’ve ever dreamed of on Earth, you’ll never know terrorisms
For nothing has no reason, it’s nothing that you can subjectivize or objectivize my old sonny
Common knowledge innate within the genome has everything in chemical codex, harmony
Hater of love for pyramids’ salutes to king of kings, 1st God of sedition, straight up treasons.

What I am, hated the dream when it ended but only because I thought it was reality, I think
Hitting the whole shebang like I aimed my arrow dead at the target’s bull’s eye, scat stank
Misty tears cloud my insight, but it still is as clear as daytime in the fog of war, it’s Showbiz
Fill the head up with the scat you’ve been eating and drinking, it’ll all come out in the ends.

Aftereffects of the naked apes playin’ games without knowing all the rules of love’s chaos
Sudden impact on an egg in the womb’s room, you find Nothing more than an empty blouse
Whine about your stupid little gold man you didn’t get, you’re an inch away from being afoot
How you got here & why you’re here & now is the most important fact of life to know about.

Whitefish in the sea for the old man or his younger woman fan, appeared out of nowhere
Specialty you’ve operated on for years & years is born and become still, dying of darkness
Fire first then ice cold, empty deadness’ opportunity knocking with a joke about idiotic chit
Harmony & discord accomplish everything from Big Bang to our own particular Singularity.

Myriad of smoke and mirrors available for lease, infinity & the void of the Black Hole are in
Holy ghosts and the rest of the malarkey being swallowed by fish, hook, line & sinker within
They are supernatural and they know it, one thing for certain, it’s stuck on repeat forever too
Cool, I’m smooth and copacetic, Mona Lisa and Cleopatra following me, I am psycho-blue.

r j j stephan, i

c. Samedhi, June XXVIXth MMXXIV Anno Domini @ 411 PMPST
{ Sucked out of the holes I’ve inherited from the genome while jammin’ to the tune #WhereTheCountryGirlzAt? Link @ https://youtu.be/qBbTUw6dIpA?si=JAXzXiwgg1sNtyb5 }


Friday, June 28, 2024

#KeepThemSeparated #YouGotTo #GladYouHaveNoBravado

Bleach in your arm would kill the virus?  Are you out of your ever-lovin' mind, ship of fools' make-up
Regardless of your sidestepping on stepping stones in the halls of freaks of nature, brothers n' sisters
Content is rollin' from the bottom to the top, like cream rising from the dregs of the basement's shop
Bottles of wine are all empty, drank all the Boone's' Farm & Spinada right out the bottle, I got jitters.

I didn't even spill any wine, drank every drop from my grandfather's wine cellar in 'Chi' on Ohio Street
I played baseball and basketball and football either baked or inebriated on some type of enhancements
Tried to pump up the muscles 'til the rips & tears of the meniscus and then it was off of my feet to pay
Longer than a short time but not as short as you'd want it, it was like orbiting Earth forever & a day.

On the cuff I've got a link, 18 of the cuffs for the 9-hole link at the club, I am a member of a Guild
You may not have heard of them, all of us are undercover lovers of the Truth, raw & occult filled
Bibles, books, beans and big brother funneling us into the tunnel, roller coaster cannot terminate
To the end after about 25 thrilling climbs, deep falls from 100's of feet above the tarmac, 1st date.

It was all over for me, the one I should have coupled with moved on to repopulate Earth with 8 kids
None of them mine, all of them, three different fathers, the 1st two died while on their fireman jobs
Firefighters so brave, they rush into danger ahead as if it's the only way to work for love of money
Wooden boards planed from the logs of the redwoods and my love for the forest of an empty city.

Perfectly off kilter as it should be, fighting the power until it gives up the push and the shove
Every spin & wobble of Earth in every town across all 7 continents, keeps gravity up above
The molten core of the planet leaves you with no other choice than to assume Earth's breath
It does what it does and we're passengers at the mercy of the odds that I'm needed for death.

Leftists of the Far Right have infiltrated the rank & file of the clowns, junkies & relatives
Distant cousins and close strangers you've seen & touched in their nakedness, bones within
Make the deal, it's an art and only the losers don't get it, they repeat ad infinitum, mortal sin
Mortal meaning the "Living" skin & bones, free will, nerves, mental thoughts of divine lives.

Baptized with water, if Earth was dry, we wouldn't have come to be that way, spit, but why
Knowing what I know means I really don't know what I thought I knew which is nothing, sigh
Killed the dead guys and brought them back to life like Frankenstein, you moron!  It's an idiot
Bastards deleted the load, it's not saved, it's lost in space, you're many too late, you're a robot!

r j j  stephan, i
c.  Vendredi, 6-28-2024 Anno Domini @ 111 PMPST
{  Tricked this out of the universe while jammin' to @WARtheBand #HITS @ https://youtu.be/Wx_OrjGn9lo?si=ckDvu7lJ8d51txbY }

Tuesday, June 18, 2024

#SkipARope #CattleDriveACowboy** #GotBloodLestat #SaveAHorseRideACowboy #RIP @WillieMays44

Predication complications
Early in the AM, even an idiot wakes up for a momentous shunning on Earth
Subjects triple-double as objects & fact of life is that Life is a DNA TNT ride
There’s nothing like a real thing, baby, over here down home by my cool side
When y'all are already gone, it’s OK ‘cause I know you comin’ back, ne'er.

Immortal touches below ground, six feet under or just dust to the wind gales
Beating up the family of jewels from diamonds to sapphires glowing to fade
When pain & suffering leave way for the pleasure of feeling too good to be
True to yourself & your cherished candy, saved all the good ones I can’t see.

Came above the surface's deep-dive currents flowing from the core's sets
To go wives & all of the all too humane inseminators who came out closets
Off a #BarbaryCoast goin’ south with a breeze from a stern or port of a ship
Touched deeply down into the psyched-up spiritual soul, in a psychic flip.

Punks get blue just like well-adjusted, mature ones ‘cause they’re too human
Are you tryin’ to push me over the cliff, no god or dog there before any man?
Kid Christian actions & reactions to a Cabalistic, rock & roll rules ala Greeks
Describe the sadness in the fourered room, without none of the many freaks.

Pumped up with the bad vibrations from the syncopated waste, astrosphere
Pinkish red to purple-blue, rainbow of a frequency hidden frequency’s tear
H2O dripping as if there was a separation of hydrogen & oxygen, outter blue
I swear, ain't getting to the end with eyes wide open, closed without a clue.

By the sides of an outback, caught in the system’s muck & mire, all true love
You couldn’t make any of this up & noone cares that you're below, as above
Trinity of Goers & Olive Oyls rulin’ the roost of One & the Many, inked pens
Commandments of the golden rules for the beasts within infants of queens.

No way on this one way street anyone can mistake the dead end, high curb
It was 50 feet of grass sod with two cottonwood monster trees 20 feet apart
You and your father may not know one another but that doesn't matter all
It's all your karma way of paying back anything you've loaned from the Ball.

Earth rolls, revolves in revolution around the son, wobbles in happiness sin
Paying back the totally unprovable violation you're responsible for, anyway...
You gotta go I know, so do I and it's not due to ennui or lost in a form, a dot
Some acid became self-conscious of that which came from nothing's shot!

Screamed by unknown voices, invisible pool of white noise and shark fins
Soon enough, although it may be much later than you’ll ever see, die in sins
You know like I know something, it’s Matter, Energy, Time & Space searching
Complexion identical in the darkness, there’s no light in a black, holy thing.

Keep an open mind, you'll need it once you discover the nature of your Id
A ruler of your Ego & SuperEgo, an imaginary thing itself, it thinks, I am it
Yoyo flippin' around the world, walkin' the dog & a plethora of tricks, I'll vet
Bang sounds loud when it echoes in a small room, the echo is asd clear as chit.

Hum vibrations stretched animals’ skin & plucked E, A, B, C, D, F or high E
We know the banjo & ukulele & mandolin search for hillbilly souls in the hills
Islands or deep in-country where wise men fear to go, welcome supper spit
You may be a main dish without you, hope & faith you’re eyes are open pit.

Poly-synchronicity with a waxing gibbous moon, Earth-bound satellite bang
Lovers underneath have hearts beating too hard to let them be climaxing
Neither more nor less than the passion of being human we're born to sting
Two hearts meeting, middle of nowhere start beating as one, gong bell ring.

Woman is all we’ve got to protect the survival of the species, they're crucial
We’re sufficient but we ain’t necessary at all, men, priests, parents of ‘em all
Bringing the loaves & fish to the idiots tryin’ to recreate Woodstock mortals
All of 'em originals, dead & gone, crippled with amnesia, too high my pals!

Think the thoughts of a good, an evil or an ugly finale end, a final deep fake
Mothers and fathers of ancestors & descendants of them, we dream awake
Look me square in the eye & tell me you’ve deep dived into Earth’s ground
Same old ways and means that can’t change, stars shine on top 40 sound!

Love, climaxing new life that bursts into many from the One sacrifice a day
As if we don’t know this is all a dream, something dropped a thin dime

Follow timeline either side of the zero-origin, positive a la right, negative left
On board before the flood, floating 'til land came back into sight, it was gone
Time is comin’ for some soul-searchin’ effort to avoid heart bridges undeaf
Change came & everything mutated like it was meant to be, right of wrong.

You thought you knew what needed to be done, you were right on the money
Shot the pistol’s rounds deep into an enemy’s body & soul, paid high, honey
Said & done before it was too late to forget about it rested, luck-charmed life
Farewells or greetings for all too human beings, innocent & at one, cut knife.

Blown horn, strummed strings pick modified frets in harmony, skin & metal
Light or heavy is just One's way of expressing subject or object predication
Tryst of modifiers like adjectives & adverbs complementing nouns to scuttle
Zombi or not, body-form of humanity's DNA/RNA, mother-in-law kin, my son.


r j j  stephan, i

c.  Lundi, 6-17-1972 Anno Domini @ 0420 hours

{ Drafted in a rage within for no reason, alter-ego kicked this instead of the dog while jammin’ to @TheBeachboys #Darlin & #HITS link @ https://youtu.be/iXhB2uETzP0?si=-7ZhL-WePg5gC5oP }


Sunday, June 09, 2024

@StrappedPackin9mm @That's the Truth! #ShopAround #HoudiniMagic #Samples? Nooooooooooooooooooooo

W.O.R.D. TATOOED TEAR SHERIFF OFFICER UNPAID firestarter #harryhoudini
Overlaid my hat down right there by the door near the front porch, inside not outside
I was there but I wasn't there for long, just a moment out of the millennia frozen, far side
It came and went like it was never even there in the first place, world is a figment of stones
Crumbled from ejection of absentee father I call, Sun without a day spin of my kin's bones.

Baptism, Confession, Communion, Confirmation, Ordination & Extreme Unction extinction
Born into the mythology that the dead men wrote down on parchment & cyberspace origin
Just the invented imagination of the blown-up molecules full of atomic matter, energy I sing
You know it, I know it, you can't believe it & I'm thinking you'll be surprised at the Ending.

Apes eating whatever grows until it's all gone and they look at one another starved mugshot
Bottoms-up on your final sip of the wine of the past Time's broken records, no god means a lot
All you have is what you've got, lucky to be here for a momentary lapse of the Spring's season
Baseball pastime, broken records Boxing, Batting, Touchdowns & Homeruns for food, common.

Schooled all empty minds with a spongeful of sticks & stones to throw at the King and Queen
The Historical is hysterical if you put the reverence to rest, once and for all, think cave of Man
Empty and dark until the colors were perceived by a mutant from the RNA malfunction dream
Images moving as cinema flashes light through a thin film of chemical reactive cookies & cream.

Still hungry with The Jones of my addiction, bursting the balloon with sheer immortality spins
Around in coracles, wobbling to and fro, one way, one man, one oar, a hit and run bully's sins
Expect nothing & everything comes at you without regard for your attention, you shot the dope
Stoned and shattered by the gangster rat-a-tat boom-boom, regardless, the holy man is the pope.

Inherited nothing from it all, everything was here & will be here forever, except my superego set
Id, Super Ego & little ol' me doin' what can't be done by anyone else, just breathe in & out of it
No other way to belong to the group, it's the only way to be on the narrow path's crossroad debt
Left over the karma your ancestors are responsible for, it's not fair to pay by acting like an idiot.

Thirty or a thousand miles away from the Truth because it's always right there inside your head
Cow's teat milk & honey help to keep empty minds alive for a while, a timeline that's divine fed
By the unknown, that you know, feels like there's one more chance to succeed, to never bleed
Strong forever until the final blow of rotten teeth & bad breath even Listerine couldn't read.

Damn skippy I'm right, on the far left, center or far right, it's a straight line to die on the fly
Honor and respect for the ones who weren't lucky enough to be all too human, like Ma & Pa
Needed the two to tango in order to become the holy roller you are today, it's credit to be high
Soul and body aches gone with a gasp, walked on the lonely road, its was home, I'm The Guy!

Killin' me with pain 'cause I call your name when I know you ain't there, no answer comes
Grind the grounds until the brew is satisfactory and you've gotta go to Hell and get all gone
No freedom to choose this young minds, you gotta go if you came in peace and love, go home
Know & believe this, aliens are an all too humane future's past, simultaneous ape-snake bone.

There's a hot fire in the hole, it's time to beware of the dogs behind the gates of the nether-ice
Everywhere outside of the warm quilts and covers of your down-feather mattress are 2 dice
One is a die & two are dice, it's a straight line between 2 points, if it curves there's hope at all
Atoms fill the universe, named gas at random for no reason, once lost in Space, it's terminal.

Digest the appropriate fuel for the eternal trip, you won't masticate, fornicate or excrete it all
What was is no more, alone without anyone else anywhere sensible by high IQ or ESP, I fall
Down below the threshold of sensation, happiness a memory of a collision Hit, all accidental
Hence, there's no reason for Life of any form to exist on Earth, yet here we are, ain't that Hell?

r j j  stephan, i

c.  Dimanche, June 9, MMXXIV Anno Domini @1111 AMPST
{ Crafted as the air blew threw my 208 bones while jammin' to @CurtisMayfield #BackToTheWorldAgain #VietNamEraFunk link @ https://youtu.be/g2udbdAmdkc?si=Jx5-tI_n7-acYqL6 }

Wednesday, June 05, 2024

#MounntainDew or #Dye or #BeStardust #WoodstockBoy

Timing is everything in Space, a long, long time ago before all humans became evil reasons
All due to the least likely to survive, unfit beings saved to reproduce species’ extinction sons
The fix was in before anybody knew it, you’re dreaming of the thing itself, dead ended love
One way to go full speed ahead, nobody goes backward, God’s no reversal of heaven above.

From hot water, H2O pair of oxy-hydro ash of the end of this solar system’s carbon quake
Cause of the first time an atom split is your conscious wokeness of the pain that baby’s fake
Crying crocodile tears in the swamp bog as if there’s a way to return to the beginning dawn
In the final spin of the darkness enveloping blown atomic light, great awakening you pawn.

No king and no queen, no bishop, cardinal or neophyte son of idiots & morons, too human
Above it’s dark, below it’s dark, in a closet it’s dark, after your death of bones, it’s still man
No pins dropping to spoil the roar of empty, dead air, no idyll chit chat with your best boon
Higher than the lowlife on the bottom of a bog, below a swamp’s things themselves’ moon.

It is what it is, I am what I am, you’ll never know how much I really care about surviving
Will to the power for aid in the success comes from some great grandfathered-in original G
Hot or cold out of the faucet, wet water drank and rinsed all in and out of my filthy crying
Wasting tears on wasted nights and days, revolving the rotation & wobble, infinity’s thing.

Before and after the misconception, it’s creative license to apply linguistic uncertainty et al
For you, your ancestral descendants & God there’s nothing more nor less than we ever see
You get it all in the matter material things with material girls and boys in the rockin’ band
Mild and harsh, as above so below, healed the deaf and dumber 20/20 vision of Ayn Rand.

What you do with your life is already your destiny, there’s no free will in the egg conception
Survival in darkness for a year or so means nothing at all when all Truth displays the dawn
Where I come from, there’s deadened Earth, cool wind and hot fire, move like a king pawn
Sixty-four squares on the plane’s 3rd dimension, wavelength of the 3-D, impossibility of sin.

Create the things, you are responsible for everything the things do & say, war kills things
Battle to keep the peace, knock off the disagreement with the enhancement of three rings
One or two rings aren’t sufficient, the third is a necessary condition to keep up the flow
Middle path goes one way with no return or turnabout, I am the only one I am, now blow!

For the sake of the grandfathers and grandmothers who got us here by hook or by crook
Before you could disobey the rules you needed to know the punishment, avoid pain hook
Nobody I ever knew liked the pain, punishment for the punishers, warn the fool monkey
Skullcaps cry ‘cause you spanked ‘em, so just die, after or before Time’s up, skeleton key.

Games without the rules aren’t games but that chaos can’t be avoided, played hard ball
Nothing soft about the round projectiles, need a glove to catch, bat to smash a strike call
Colloquialism just an idiom of my handy locutions of word salad & dressing to sixty nines
Thrown out the club, threw up in the gangway, drank ‘til drunk, I died, now it’s just fine.

I think I died but I still wanted one more drink, wasn’t inebriated any longer#, just Woke
Up or down makes no difference when you’re on the surface of the spin, lookin’ like a dope
Energy fully engaged, blown to smithereens, what you see is what you get, now don’t choke
Swallow the wad, it’s gonna go through the stellar system, I’m the hangman with the rope!

 r j j stephan, i
c.  Mercredi, June Vth, MMXXXXIV Anno Domini @ 111 PMPST
{ Kicked out the jam while listenin’ to @Everlast #GrammasHand
on youTube link https://youtu.be/4f-PVsqtzVU }
