Parts of the whole found buried underground of a being
At a fool's abode, Homer love & hate of the dream's ring
Couped up in the town, nobody knows the centered One
Deeply integrated into the soul's equation of a bee sting.
It's completely fallen apart into an infinite conglomerate
Everywhere except where you can see is the hiding place
Ain't no mind funk down in a box down under or an urn
Sure ain't my fault that you're a fool in love with a burn.
It is what it is when you're honest & seeing a god's belief
That you & all Life from DNA is GOD, the rest is acid relief
Getaways from borders, natural born Martian, dirty rats
Offense & defense of the Way, narrow sharps, wide flats.
Brung communion to my party, shot Don Julio Especiale
Spirit hot enough to enter grounds of being my ol' pal AL
Needing the air, the water & Time in Space, it's My Way
After this & that fills the ether with my 208 bones to pay.
Let it all go for no reason other than a misunderstood hit
On your psyche's challenge to surviving a play, all over It
Matter & the forms puttin' your funk ahead of a climax
It's comin' & goin' from A Center, off the record redacts.
Call the empty Space heaven just like the casket confines
Or if it's an Urn turned upside down on a Hawaii incline
Downhill & downstream & eventually out to a deep sea
Scenery change from a spot, a dot to a perspective of Z.
All of it gone in a puff of smoke, it's the way it is, I agree
With the Word, answer to the only important question 3
When's my last day & why does it have to be secret sight
Question everything, all authority is a concept of might.
Things have changed smak in the middle of rowin' a boat
Downstream through the eddys & pools of nasty moats
Keepin' the stench out of our faces gets natural selection
Something 'bout a truck & a beer sittin' on cold ice & sin.
Red sundresses havin' fun in the day & night, look at it
Up, down and all around, she just liked my truck jacked
Jumpin' in a creek early in the AM gets your chill to burn
Gettin' to be near surrender's Bad Smell, a Chicago urn.
I learned to talk & stop walkin' in diapers, soil to drench
Now to predicate the subjects and objective of a wench
Lookin' to be married to it, a premature pregnant hump
Scapegoating & displacement behavior, being a chump.
Grand scale of things in microscopic form, electron proof
Fat, thin men both do their best to kill blue mockingbirds
Tunnels of love dark and slippery for the dream to spoof
As if there needs to be but everything changes in words.
r j j stephan, i
c. Samedhi, August XXth, MMXXII Anno Domini @ 808 AMPST
* Header is Cher's High School Yearbook Photo & Me upside down, thumbs up! Exclamation points !!!!!!!! LOLs !
{ Drafted to @DarylHallsClub @DianeBirch # LifesTooShort my friends, link @ }