
Thursday, August 13, 2015

Uncle Kracker - Nobody's Sad On A Saturday Night #ElvisAtTheEnding

Eleven apostles who did their best to pig out on the ping pong darkness' fool stop
It's not that you can feel the pressure in the stench of some hookers' zitto pimple
Songs sung by the ping pong champs in the middle of one dark god's damn simple
Not for you or me but for everybody & that includes the whole shebang's holdup.

It's not for me to say out loud but nobody can stop me from thinking, therefore, I am
One with the underlying spirit moving undercover of the organic bones' in pond scum
Here and there we've all come across the insanity of being ill, under the weather haze
Purple it is or it was until the trip was over & the trails disappeared like thinnin' hair.

Scenes in perpetual repitition, nearly ad infinitum for no good reason, it is just because
No other proof that there's any higher power other than Death itself, that's all, our fuss
Fallout from the aerial assault and the creepy ones on land & the sea, marines give up
Never could before but innocence & fierce drive is trumped by a hallucination tea cup.

Being far away from the Truth is useful when you're headed into the black of the Void
Only music & rhythm's rhyme gettin' the prose to become a poem, love's sick android
Among the throngs, all crowd control is all hyper-cyborg, robots on security God sends
Do no harm to the humans, only restraint at minimum, instant unconscious obedience.

All security have the larger than normal ears to have their heads stand out from others
Like radar they hear the first call for help or a first punch on skulls & the rib bone spurs
Nobody has a life exactly like another's, mothers, fathers, orphans of a real, slow hand
Everybody knows Truth is that nobody knows, knockin' on your door now, blind band!

r j j  stephan, i
c.  BLOVEMBER 2, MMXXI Anno Domini @ 07:11 hours
{ Mardi chops inked to #LowDownDirtyBlues1&2 https://youtu.be/RAmSYWO41hw & https://youtu.be/fedsz2D_PAo & @TheGentrys #KeepOnDancin' #ShakeItBaby @ https://youtu.be/AGHFaBx6j8M & https://youtu.be/Vhh9nmJEgXw }