
Sunday, May 19, 2024

#OldLadiesFineAsWine #YoungLadiesGrownGrapefruitFunTimes #ThatSmellThatSurroundsYou #Skunk #Gunpowder #PrinceCharming #SimpleMan

Instance of instant incessant bickering causes the separation of the church from the state
It is not what you think or what you believe to be true, everything everywhere is my fate
To be or not to be the man with the plan ain’t what I’m cracked up to be, grandkids of me
All nineteen or twenty of ‘em get my positive thoughts 24/7, they’ll need the power tree.

It’s not my intention to control the nature of the beasts, just guide to the easy middle path
Full of thistle and thorn on the left over stardirt of getting lucky about a demigod of Wrath
Picking my personal will to power over another unknown force, even occult or demonic art
Power gets my full attention, I wield intent, nobody gets except the One who stole my heart.

Chit was not for sale, I wasn’t marketing the thirty-two thousand odd ounces of skin & T-bone
The Man, The Woman is the skeleton key without which the lock remains closed to hot stone
Thoughts have no place in Space & Time, a firing of neurons in grey matter’s nervous system
Holy from the womb to the grave or urn or unknown media, air, land or sea, all about them.

Made us animate liquid rock & rolled it away on wheels & tires, flung it up as above, so below
Morphed hidden smokey spirits comin’ off the flame of red-hot Fire, sunlit slow-motion glow
Inside the womb we go, wanted or otherwise, avoided the invasion of privacy by metal forks
Tried to grab my head and my foot but I moved when I saw ‘em comin’, I smelled the humphs.

Pretension of the pretenders finding the going around is worse than the comes around, say it
Philosophy of the Science & bubble gum theory of babies turned into professori, it’s true grit
The highway was always in disguise even from those who parented your journey up the road
Gypsy & just a rich kid who can’t see labor’s force as the transcendental nirvana, prince-toad.

Fill the empty shell with the nut but it’s beginning with the seed and the water of RNA/DNA
Pills, injections and ingestions move the one cell into infinity of self-replicating arch--divinity
Immortality beyond the 208 bones being alive without disease, unhappiness in a 2nd city play
Initial JMJ, Jesus, Maria & Giuseppe on every singularity paper of parochial swag’s 6-13 orbits.

Get the holy Hades back into your life, it’s part of the star closest to us, the Sun is hot as hell
I am not being facetious about your gonna get your arse burnt if you don’t buy the hard sell
Think of demons of miracles that a creator allows to be, a superior role model for oblivion tea
It will come once atoms split in two from sea to shining sea, pole to pole, equator is wobbly.

High in your ability to see DANGER coming toward your face, parlay the attack & eliminate It
Nothing is more important than breathing, eating, sleeping, being friends but trusting no chit
Mothers and fathers leave us all early to let us be free, liberty from all bones of parent neglect
Care about you? You care about you, that’s what counts, orphans too, know thyself, Respect!

I ask to say one thing with a string of sentences you’ll never forget, you’ve come too far, pals
Out of a Void, somewhere below or above where you sit, stand & listen closely to what I say
Stop the sound, listen to Nothing but dead air moving in and out of your ears, ace the finals
When the grades have posted, you’ll know the feeling of a four point ‘O’ & a Philosophy BA.

Idiots and morons fill the continents with free loving souls and imprisoned ones too, Outlaws
Horns blow to let the ones who ain’t deaf know that the judgement of justification has jaws
Bite and chew the fools who violate the commands of royal deadmen, behind bars, murder 1
Humanitarian & humane as possible, Earth will blow it’s top, orbital stop, I’m phuqin’ Sun.

If you know anything then you know that you don’t know anything at all, it’s all conjecture
Old school of #WOW #6EQUJ5 7, 72 seconds UVB76 of #4625KHz download Comm impure
Absolute zero & one moving at speed of light to extra-terrestrial Space radio wavelengths
Frequency to dot your eyes and show the meaning of life in the crop circle leftover by Pez.

Sugar and honey in the crop circle’s center, a Tesla or a Marconi moved the unmoved atoms
None of the signals have the SOS in them, imagine drowning in the sea, beatin’ your drums
Hercules it is now Then, pulse signatures if and only if you have the key to F-class star load
Highlights & lowlights come with UFO phenomena, in debt, we’re in a Dyson Sphere mode.


r j j  stephan, i

c.  Dimanche May XIXth MMXXIV Anno Domini

{ #FRB Fast Radio Burst comes once, this is One, drafted while jammin’ to #AlienContactInOuterSpace #NumberStationsCIAET link @ https://youtu.be/IYf-1rO7FMk?si=xjdQADSkn7YLTHJG }


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