
Thursday, November 29, 2018

Jonny Lang - Stronger Together (Official Music Video)


#Agog@Google#OnlineGoggles #CHRISTMASafterbirthGoldSilver @ricoSacto #ricoSacto

Richard Joseph Stephan · Thursday, November 29, 2018
Claus ain’t wearin’ no idiotic, black or red cap’s Espirit of holly, #OurLadyOfAngels’ Savior
Postulation is that the Romans killed the son of God’s spy reindeer, red-nose Rudy the Rack
Buy what you want, don’t need it in a glee fog for God-Santa you worship a bushel’s peck for
When the time in space comes to make the exchange you get nothing but a plug nickel back.

And so it goes that nobody knows the actual history behind this game of life, we be playin’
Games to bide the Time until there’s no choice but to take one last gasp of the air, leavin’
Punchin’ out on the clock that the gods use as the dam we fall over, without wills, his/her
Jingle bells my arse, holidays of distraction, New Year, Saints Valentine and Christopher.

So the sprinkles left behind are enough to get through to the next cycle, more Gold in me
For the rational thought and the use of Reason and Logic are the gifts of my DNA’s scree
What can be Is and what will be will be and the End is as close as it needs to be, lit up exit
Where it’s at and where it’s happening in this thing after being an animal? Well, be agog!

There was a day in Chicago when a school burned down to the ground with the kids inside
Teachers, nuns, priests, personnel’s office and children with the halos they bought & died
Happiness, Good and Evil could not be further apart and one or another must be murdered
Sadness and honor for Ones who precede our blind faith infused hearts, Nothing’s feared!

r j j stephan, i
c. BLOVEMBER 29, 2018 A.D. @ 06:06 AM PST
This piece is dedicated in HONOR of my HERO Grandfather who was a fire fighter in the Chicago-Fire Dept #ChicagoFireDept during this tragedy in 1956 AD, cudos Captain #Albert’Al’#Stephan RIP grampa!
#OurLadyOfAngelsChicago @ricoSacto #ricoSacto 

Wednesday, November 28, 2018

#ChicagosGreatestHits @WLS-FM94.7 @ https://www.iheart.com/live/947-wls-5367/?cmp=web_share

Richard Joseph Stephan · Wednesday, November 28, 2018
A universe blows it’s top out the bottom of the Void and you panic, as if it matters to God
Nothing at all, an eon before the humanity of it all began it’s scourge, thirsty mighty’s Power
Others came and went, we’re here but we’ll also be gone with the Unknown’s mystery pod
To the mothers and fathers of the DNA, perfect imperfections of magicians and the Other.

A mouse and a microbe carry on the occult Cause and Effect of the spirits and souls of Ra
Inside or outside the pink inner sanctum womb of the genome, a holy seplechur from Ga
Impudence impeding the progress of dry sponges without liquid, this is First Cause’s prey
You, me, everything ever alive that died and lived here and then and now, turn into day.

Short trip on a long drive away from home, not knowing that you will never even bleed
Arisen to the top of the ocean full of scum, evolutionary crop of DNA, ergot-acid creed
Evil escaped, hearts and minds throwup #Folks, babies to dead men, alt-right in strife
Ask rhetorical questions until a final question rolls ahead of all the rest, life with no wife.

Essence and Being that keeps your consciousness here and now without being a has been
Deserve a shout-out and whether in the light or in the darkness, Truth of the unknown X
Is that it’s as simple as you and I may have tried to imply by being the simple minds’ ilk
Cells, bones and blood of the Holy Father and Holy Mother, heaven, Earth, click, click...

r j j stephan, i { Oui, oui, madame, Mmme, monsoir, Msr! Header is a Cromagnon from the Cro-Magnon Beard Co, kiddin’....it’s just the #BoneheadOfGod! }
c. BLOVEMBER 28, 2018 AD @ 11:11 AM PST
{ *it is 27 degrees F. in Chicago, Illinois right now, I’m in 80 degrees F. in Sacramento, California! ...This was drafted while listenin’ to 94.7 WLS-FM online #ChicagosGreatestHits online link @ https://www.iheart.com/live/947-wls-5367/?cmp=web_share }