
Friday, March 15, 2019

#WhereIBelong #WithMyOwn #CheeseburgersInParadise #ParrotHeads

A song! Uh-h! Skirts above thighs brought the clouds of this frozen ocean down mountains
Melting into rivers and streams all the way back to the sea, for no reason, just because of sins
Not mine but an original Sin, the one that made the world this way, Mater Dei’s #BlueBubba
Hop on the bus and the shuttle out to the outer islands where nobody ever goes to Cha Cha.

You may have been created from love or hate but you’re here nonetheless, all of us, here, now
We’re makin’ dreams and illusions of our historical inheritance manifest on a destroyer’s bow
Sucker punch in the face breakin’ my bloody nose and jaw, fractured my skull’s absent mind
Into the final stages of dementia and we humans become trivial pursuit of Earth’s addiction.

Traditions and civilized culture notwithstanding, the extinction of the species is immanent
Ides of March on a day William Shakespeare’s #Caesar fired #Brutus, so grateful to be here
With or without y’all, I can rule the planet surface that I tread, alone with what heaven sent
Picnic on a blanket or on a park bench, ridin’ dirty on the tryst of life’s anomalous dear, fear.

You are too slow to play a game of cards, I have to finish the game before an inevitable bungle
Get on your high horse or uncover your will to power and use intent to materialize a jungle
On the way from conception, through deception myths idiots project this Void’s gold fleece
Compared to a poked eyeball, this living, #Nothing becomes extinct the day you rest in peace.

Eyes watering, blinded by the ultraviolet and infrared light, rainbowed spectrum blue to pink
On the way to be prepared for the inevitable obstacles in our way, balance on a fulcrum rink
Slide, slither, burrow and die enlightened or ignorant of the reason for being alive, to fly high
In your mind, man-goat body, abandoned white dwarves of Big Bangs, lord, almighty, sigh!

r j j stephan, i
c. #TheIdesOfMarch 3-15-2019 Friday @ 9:11 AM PST #DRAFT#2
{ THIS first draft was lost in space after I hit the enter button! If this one doesn’t publish as it should have the first time, then YOU HAVE BEEN HACKED! #Cheers drafted while listenin’ to Jimmy Buff's link @ https://youtu.be/yR8FvDDhBv0 }

Thursday, March 14, 2019

@MarkLevin @ArmstrongAndGetty @ricoSacto #ricoSacto #BrandThisSheet

Richard Joseph Stephan  ·  Thursday, March 14, 2019
First n’ foremost, a primary factor in an equation is indeed a liberty but nobody knows
Nobody knows and it appears that the unknown will remain as such, broken cache cows
To be right here and now, in front of our very eyes, deaf to the joy of the world of Gods
Where the good, bad and ugly mix up their lives in pain and suffering, in Great Floods.

Regurgitate the expectorate, a confusion of enculturated nuns, priests, Pope’s son of ol’ Steve
Caught up in being the remnants of a dumbness, a caveman, cave-woman, holy Adam’s Eve
Only you know like I know what the Truth is, you can handle The Truth well, #Fatebook data
#ConscienceOfTheNation in bloody radio’s cosmic waves/frequencies, dialed, a digital Raja.

In the end or at the beginning of your conception, you get what you pay for and this life’s free
You must mind your P’s and Q's before you cash in on the #Benjamins that slip out your grip
For the reason being that you are all sheep thinkin’ that you’re not one, provin’ that y’all are
Political scientist trained by dead East and West philosophers, Nihilist, an atomic fusion scar.

There is more than one way to skin a cat, if you know what I mean by that unknown motto
On being a cat with nine lives, that illusion fades with the last breath, last heartbeat of jello
Bringing the bacon home, goin’ to the 9 to 5 or swing or graveyard shift of Flintstones’ hell
Pretending as your brothers and mothers did, absentee artificially inseminated a DNA cell.

Professor Research moving human minds of girls and boys into failed K-12 ET seeds’ grapes
In a petri dish of bacteria, shoot, hang, gas or electrocute is a modus operandi of naked apes
In ecliptic revolution around a contracting White Dwarf tomb, light alarms, clockwork orange
Your knee should genuflect, bow down to Reality, all Capitol Punishment is, is sweet revenge.

r j j stephan, i
c. March 14, 2019 A.D. @ 7:11 AM PST
{ drafted while listenin’ to Talk 650 KSTE 0600-1000 AM PST, the mighty Armstrong & Getty worldwide radio show link @ https://www.iheart.com/live/talk-650-229/?pname=kste-am&campid=play_bar&cid=index.html & ‘during’ the commercial spot breaks escape into my #PTSD with Multiservicios Zztop ZZtop - zupy i zapiekanki #WorldOfSwirl on youTube link @ https://youtu.be/Sk6YS5m-tSc }

Wednesday, March 13, 2019

#ValuableScribble #OneTwoTree #123

Richard Joseph Stephan · Wednesday, March 13, 2019
Closed minded people, integrated from head to toe, lipstick on a beautiful woman, rosebuds
Why the attraction to the lips? Observe the monkeys, the apes for the clues to erotic services
Naked apes are slightly different without all the hair, remnants left atop or hidden in crevices
Who you think you are, who you think you’re related to from the Past, of human remains is...

It’s not God my religious com-padres and com-madras who have the problem within, it’s y’all
Y’all are good and evil, it’s not your fault that y’all are conceived in or out of sin and created 1
From two we merge into one and don’t have any problem with that until the next rollin’ ball
You catch it, hit and kick it, you throw it, you headbutt it and we bury your bones, oh my son!

It’s bigger than bathing in bleach to get rid of the contents inside the 208 bones’ immersion
In a funeral pyre the dust left over is exactly the point of origin, from it we come, my only son
Daughters educated us, sisters prompted us and brought out the protector in the X-genome
Why it’s the Y-genome that causes the Earth Mother to animate the wobbling, ecliptic drone.

I pretended that you are important, more important than I but deep down I knew, I’m sacred
Without me, I don’t see or hear anything here and now or evermore, I’m the thing Itself’s Id
Drummed into my conscious mind, fighting for the right to live free of the overlords who kill
They’ve a view of the points of light in the black Void between me and a scam, you’re a shill!

All of the doors have been slammed shut, there are no locks, no keyholes, no handles to find
I had a professor or two in college who attempted to assault my 27 year old mind, they failed
Marx and Lenin studied The Word made flesh to dwell among us, queer nature of mankind
Light of ultraviolets and infrareds become all too human nature, hopeless idiots God’s killed.

r j j stephan, i * header of poem is the head/lips of a fav femme fatale of mine, Stevie Nicks
c. March 13th, 2019 A.D. @ 4:11 AM PST
{ drafted like a caveman up before dawn, listenin’ to #PokeSaladAnnie #TonyJoeWhite on youTube link @ https://youtu.be/MCSsVvlj6YA }
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