
Wednesday, July 10, 2019

#WarpedSpace #TheoreticalMetaphysics & #TheIIdiot professor of morons, #Space + #Time AKA - a cosmic-atomic eliptical orbit of GRAVITATIONAL COLLAPSE & spontaneous combustion {#BigBang} gave rise to LIFE ON EARTH 93 million miles away from #TheShadow #TheVoid #KepplerTelescope

Richard Joseph Stephan · Wednesday, July 10, 2019
------------------EXOPLANETs @MINERVA----------------
There is only One regret when it all comes right down to it, that you can’t stay alive forever
Naturally beasts are mortal and die of hunger, poison or old age, they dig graves for bones
Buried so deep that nothing but a bulldozer could bring it back to the surface of burnt ash
Lucky to get a bit of the sky’s air in my lungs for a feeling like happiness, it’s alright, Flash.

No sooner do you begin to enjoy the ride than a man and a woman bring the thunder down
Makin’ out, makin’ love, makin’ bambinos for the bees and birds who like that kind of thing
Procreational random DNA expression from the cornucopia of faces’ whole bodies and soul
Here’s the condition you must begin within, a kind of quicksand to sink you and me in a hole.

Imagine this scenario, if you will, you are dying and can’t think of happiness any longer, bam
Now, you’re force to achieve stasis while in orbit around the blazing star, the sun of the Man
Turned out to be a crime mob busted after being contracted from a macroscopic royal scam
Whomever has gold or silver in their pocket, go bury it under an oak tree man, in a tin pan.

Before anyone knows it, life on Earth will return to the flow of the gravitational collapsing
All of the blind faith and baseless hopes and dreams turn into the static, sacrificial offering
Symbiosis with the matter and energy both inside and outside of the skeleton’s essence, Om
All there is, all there ever was is what will be, US, here and now, uncertainty, being in Rome...

#Theresa games to play to pass the twirl and wobble of the dirty ball of confusion, sweet Ma
I thank you wherever your beautiful spirit wandered in the plethora, oh mama, Time’s sweet
No junk in my veins or in my brains other than the logic and reason left by Platonic dialogue
With nobody but my shadow and your shadows left as your body entered/exited my #Meat.

Do not doubt me unless you’re prepared to be persuaded that your worst nightmare’s scum
Is the justice about eight miles high in the ozone layer of the planetary transit about Wisdom
It means that what will be will be but what comes around goes around, you reap what’s hehl
Don’t shoot the messenger because I’ve got more bad news, you have a need to know, do tell.

Inhaling one of my last hundred million breaths, I’ll not waste it on infidels’ heavenly omens
Just ‘cause I believe that I am livin’ on borrowed time without an expiration date to saddens
Nobody wants to go but not even One gets out alive in a body, rise to life in Spirit, sunny sent
If you believe or know what’s true, enjoy every moment, remainder, divisor and the quotient.

r j j stephan, i
c. July 10th, 2019 A.D. @ 11:11 AM PST
{ blasted out at the speed of light, stars’ AKA ExoPlanetas revolution drafted while being simply amazed in the #3shadowOfMars & into the #Space between stars youTube link @ 19KM/second link @ https://youtu.be/dXrvnToQadM }
#Father #Son #HolyGhost #Trinity

Tuesday, July 09, 2019

#WeAllHaveADanmGoodTime #AintGonnaWasteOneMinute @ChrisJanson #SmokeEmIfYaGotEm

In the name of the apex of Pyramid of Cheops (Khufu), something has arrested the attention
Of the One and the Many, something was known and then the species lost a key to creation
It is not the Love or the Hate or the Indifference, we’re the remnants of a star in the pantheon
Gods of humans are one and the same, starstuff of cosmic debris in a billion deadheads’ kin.

Rubbing the sticks together for the friction of the fire isn’t working any longer, head of a Void
Punks and heroes die together in a plethora of plasma, dead in the hub of absolutely nowhere
Spokes of the round wheel connect the core to the outlaws and bandits of law and order’s fix
To the killing apes, mankind who kills all animals on Earth including its own DNA appendix.

Eating and drinking The Way of the warrior-hobos who walk the planet both lost and found
Without a thin dime and dirty begging fingers reachin’ for the handouts from anybody’s labor
But not the consuming freeloader who wants what you have but doesn’t want to keep sound
Flying around fecal matter of the moving things, the lives’ things, hunks of astral funk-odor.

Earth smells in Space, all of the aliens know that noses are the only way to smell big trouble
Whether it’s right in front of the face punchin’ you right in the nose, #SuzyQ but I love you
I always will no matter what, until the sky falls into the sea, I’ll be true so say you’ll be too
If you wander off of my reserved spot for you, that’s fine, I’ll be here in God’s dam, bubble.

Frozen and too far from a star, nothing DNA can bake and mutate, I animate grapevine flocks
Here and Now we are in this Present being shoved from the Past into the inevitable #Brexit
No shock to be all alone with no allies in a hostile environment which wants to suppress It
To be the It that is alien to the Fold, tribe or holy country. to be or not be inhumane phux.

In and out of the ears, in One and out the Other, about to lose my mind over goddess’ folly
Imagination is more important for comprehension of the abstract nature of consciousness
More important than life itself, no other animal on Earth has it except the human, it’s holy
See what you got, a microscopic microdot of code, we’re all upset over Nothing, it’s a guess.

r j j stephan, i
c. July, 9th, 2019 @ 2100 hours PST Mardi Soir

Monday, July 08, 2019

#DoNotDoubtYourSelf #YouAreAlwaysRight #YouGotItRightTheFirstTime #BlackEyedPeas

Richard Joseph Stephan · Monday, July 8, 2019
Life brings weird SOUNDS to the First Cause of your own conception and birth, oh man!
That’s all you can say in the end when all of the games are played all empty heaven sent
Truth and its diametric opposite are One and the same thing, dual point of view of a fan
Who and where you are, needle in the groove, present, past & future IS US, we represent.

All in for the long haul whether trouble finds me with you or not so, be prepared cub scout
When you turn into a bear after the long adolescent hibernation, you will be challenged out
From your most cherished blind faith beliefs in the Things Themselves to the enigma of Id
What the substance of the atoms of matter becomes is an unnamed anomaly, it’s The Kid.

Walked the red dirt in the foothills for two days to find nothing but golden air’s dead obits
In the night or in a day there’s nothing different except for sweet shadows of my girl’s thigh
Because, so I’m told, the planet is spinnin’ and wobblin’ on an invisible axis to forced orbits
In infinite revolution with a finale as either a Red Giant, White Dwarf or a Black Hole sigh.

Speakers’ modulation of a high fidelity amplifier blast decibels to Mercedes’ ears and eyes
Reason and logic, in the hands of alpha males of the human population on seven continents
Wasted on the inevitably extinct species that used to be the aliens of this solar, systemic pi
It’s 3.14 any way you look at it, from the a quick in ant out of an alpha male kissing the sky.

All the addictive Jazz and R&B and R&R and Country and Classic and Folk, my wheelhouse
Logic on the job to reduce the wonder to the known, the ‘x’ to the variable ‘y’ of man & mouse
From the south to the north pole and all around the equator, DNA animates the gas’ liquids
Hope and Faith and Charity all concepts of the species’ random survival mechanism for kids.

Mothers and fathers of everyone, y’all are responsible for this here scat in front of your eyes
It’s for your eyes only, all of y’all and I don’t mean maybe, that’s what my mama used to say
When she was serious about the discipline I required to adapt to my future Time that flies
From perch to perch, from microbe to things that eat things like me, it’s got to be my eyes!

One last thing, in case we don’t see eye to eye, now or in the future or past, con macho gusto
¡El placer es todo mío! and that is about all that needs to be said, this LSD acid trip is a must
For the angels above and below the ash and rock blown from the burning star-stuff above me
What it is will be what it has always been and what it will always be, a supreme idiotic finale.

r j j stephan, i
c. Monday July 8th, 2019 A.D. @ 6:66 AM PST #PHAT #YeahYouKnowMe #InkBlotHeader