
Tuesday, September 10, 2019

#GetDownBeforeYouGetUp #WARTheBand

Richard Joseph Stephan · Tuesday, September 10, 2019
Inventing no means to survive booked, blinded and bamboozled on a teeny, tiny sea Princess
Eclipse means that there’s always something to come between short skirts and slips, my hand
Whether it’s the sun, the moon, other planets and their moons or a fake cosmic stellar eclipse
From the origin, alpha that proceeds to the omega at the end’s destination, Time’s hour glass.

Whales and porpoises, sharks and sea salt entering the seven holes, inherited by ape DNA
To the absolutely temporary feeling of being alive in a kind of dream, no power to control it
Only a random series of causes and effects that accumulate to form the philosophy of a mind
It’s better than you thought but not as good as it once was, sleeping giant body, awakened.

Paranoid and schizophrenic nature of the pampered, spoiled baby, child, adolescent human
Deeply sunk in quicksand and looking forward to getting help to pull out the life that’s left
Inside the heart and head, waving arms and sinking Nike covered feet, white Levi blue jean
In search of the ultimate Truth that cannot be corrupted by Word of a Pink Panther theft.

It’s unknown if the X factor is a divisor or subtraction, zero minus zero equaling a fat zero
Banquet for the little league of children hitting and catching baseballs around a grass park
Perfection’s the whole shebang, positives and negatives, outside and inside a neutral hero
Where it is, nobody knows, nobody can tell, everyone thinks a soul, a spirit of the shark.

Antecedent to some suspect premises which lead to a valid conclusion, prehistorically One
Comedy on stage or on film set just happens because the actors are recorded being fake hair
Up and down the bobber goes tryin’ to trick me into settin’ the hook on nothing but idol air
Cool, it’s just a fluke, the Magic inside like Disney, will never terminate the man hair-bun.

Avoid the dead meat and dead plants and you’ll starve to death waiting for the protein adds
What do you know? It’s happening all over again, the mental and physical chess game, lads
Hot and cold, good and bad, wool and satin/silk, it’s all in the game called Love, below above
Found myself in the cradle of love goin’ downstream but not yet in the cradle of True Love.

r j j stephan, i
c. September 10th, 2019 A.D. @ 9:11 PM PST
{ #FireInTheHOle listenin’ to Billy Idol #RebelYell & HITS on youTube link @ https://youtu.be/VdphvuyaV_I }

#OldNormalIsExtraordinary ... in #Podunk #WatchinWavesRollOffTheRocks #SippinWhiskeyOutTheBottle #SweetHomeAlabama #UncleKracker #Sundown

Richard Joseph Stephan · Tuesday, September 10, 2019
Warden wanted this to be this way, warden has nobody to answer to, warden is the king of us
In the penitentiary and hoosegow of the minions, keepin’ the ones who know no golden rules
Doing to everyone else everything you wouldn’t want to be done to your form, your DNA pool
Morons and idiots related to your mother and father, your friends, your aunts & uncles, cuz!

Matter that blew out of the sun’s participation in the #BigBang, theoretically plausible scree
Before there was something, there was nothing, a Void devoid of atoms’ protons and charm
Molecular generation presumes degeneration and you personally will have no idea what it is
Nevertheless, it will be what it will be, it is what it is and there’s no need to pretend, kin to be.

Snakes came first, then the slither wormed it’s way down yonder into the bowels of home kin
In a trance since way back when, all without the youngsters who had no idea what it was, see?
Cut wide open teenager captured in the web of the forces of the air’s wind and deep end’s sin
For the sake of the satiation of the beast within, I am One or Two, maybe a Trinity of scuzzy.

Big bottles of whiskey, so fine, don’t know why but they get your spirits high as the ball jars
Oh and the smoke from the acres of twisted leaves, punked and moved into the ether’s cars
Fine, so fine you can’t see it but you’re crashed in it, moved too fast and ran into the walls
Nothing left, just this and that and some words that mean nothing special, y’all got no balls!

It’s gonna be worth a try if you can jump off of a plateau into a netherworld’s sweet nothings
For us to know and for them to find out, nobody will know the end after it’s over, except God
And there ain’t One God, there are many, look at how many souls move the matter of kings
Queens have much to do with the hive, #Stonehenge or not, go find the Truth, It’s a #Hotrod.

r j j stephan, i
c. September 10th, 2019 A.D. @ 10:10 AM PST
{ jammed listenin’ to some Littlefoot .& Alexander King #OG chit #DontWait #ROSAP #RaisedOnSkynyrdAndPac ...don’t hesitate one second link @ https://youtu.be/LMvy3BalcW0 }

#WhereRubberMeetsYourMama #NotConceived #BackToTheSeaOfLove #RockMyCradledWorld

Richard Joseph Stephan · Tuesday, September 10, 2019
Chicago to Texas, Florida to New Jersey to Washington and California, I fly friendly skies
I find nothing other than what I am looking for which is, my kind of town, friendly old pods
For the babies and the older folk turnin’ clocks back to the infant side of life, where life dies
We all have to roam the plains and valleys looking for the reason to be alive, dad said gods.

Home to me and home to you are two different things, to me it’s wherever I am here, so pitch
Could be the north or south side, east or west border or just inside the prison of singer’s hood
Bottom line is to breathe or not to breathe is not entirely up to me personally, there’s a hitch
When it comes right down to the thing itself, this bag of 208 bones and a few quarts of blood.

Prompt or tardy, all life matters, we kill things before we eat them, very nice, all too humane
Nothing personal meant to cast aspersions on anyone’s religion or philosophy of life in a can
Food saved from spoiling, water and milk saved from being polluted with refuse shat in holes
Sent down deep into the bored holes below the outhouse container con-game, tricks in bowls.

Fine messes we’ve created from scratch, clean slate to begin and scratched with dark cloud Id
Undercover, underneath a veneer of mahogany cosmogony, a surge of spunk emerges, um, yo
Without warning and just because the plumb needs to animate the functional essence, an Ego
Heads are really not dead, they’re deadheads drinkin’ Ripple and Spanada, waitin’ to be a kid.

Blown minds of cannibal TNT, eating ourselves into extinction, bleeding hearts of blue blood
It all comes out of me, when the heartbeat slows down and reaches the final pump of the pud
Everything is spent, everything is broken and ready to be repaired, the fix is in, I’m right on it
From the #GetGo, It’s what it is to be this me I inherited from Ma & Pa, breath in some chit.

Bent broken rules more than anyone else would have, so disobedient and such a vow breaker
It is what my great, great grandfathers and grandmothers would have expected, I paid the bill
Approached with the fatality of death, I chose to survive and live in the viral bacteria, free will
Recollect the reason why mother and father mated? For the spice of life, love of a #climaxer.

Survival of the ‘Fit’ and entertainment of the less qualified to survive on a solo flight into hehl
Not down to the core of planet Earth but to the place in Space that is nowhere in Time, we fell
Here and now, Space and Time perceived by sensation, recorded for recollection, to be or not
Mental case that ought to be in a cuckoo bird nest, locked down in a straight jacket, I am hot!

Cooler than iceberg blue, hiding the essence of the atoms’ muck and mire, a rib bone of a God
Pleased and thanked all of the Ones who came before and left before you and I arrived, blood
Just whistling Dixie in the downwind knowing that it cannot be discerned by minions of mine
Appearance of compassion, essence of divinity, God’s dam of H2O is a dam, watermelon rind.

r j j stephan, i
c. September 10th, 2019 A.D. @ 7:11 AM PST
{ jammed this out of the genome while listenin’ to the #BadAsse RLBurnside. Leadbelly #EverythingIsBroken on youTube link @ https://youtu.be/ckWvocU0B94 }