
Friday, February 07, 2020

#HyperHeaven #SubatomicHellFire

- - - - -  #SkipItSkippy - - - - -
Of the rats who crawl and humans who burrow in the caves deep traps of holy burial mounds
Pyramids and headstones commemorating a life that nobody remembers, release the hounds
WTF are you lookin’ at? It’s just a regular thing, mine and yours, all of us just all too human
Effects follow causes of the free will to act and move to the rhythm, pound a back beat, man!

From south to the north poles, around the circumference of Earth’s burnt stardust, we rollin’
On the way to the grave of others who came died alive, a Martian pulsar full of air for ballin’
Performance mismatched millions of bucks in a cache of commercial endorsement rhymes
Showtime for the minions to see what’s possible and the improbability of seeing Good times.

South or north of borders of natural division, rivers and lakes demarcate dead zones to Light
Intellectuals and punks who learned nothing from ancestors, consume a blind man’s insight
Miracles happen just because they can, if you don’t believe it can happen, it will not, dead air
All in for the war’s duration, pass the ammo please, small or long arms to steal, I don’t care.

It goes the way it’s always gone, beginning to the ending, it’s the same old story, different day
Mention the facts of life, forget about it, hat fun facts sacred, fever pitches, homeruns of Ruth
Happy that you’re in a club of more than two and awaiting a Word to stop the madness’ fray
Magic spells and incantations give hope to the hopeless, it’s false but better than the Truth.

On being a man not a dog who rolls over to get attention from the master, pray hard for It
Words so heavy in light syrup that you cannot avoid the intensity of being without the gods
Evil is Live spelled backward either for a reason or not, random sounds just happened, chit
Now and later just like before, you came and conquered the matter, materialistic hot rods.

r j j stephan, i
c. Vendredi, February 7th, 2020 A.D. @ 911 am/pm
{ drafted listenin’ to #BlackJesus by Everlast in perpetuity, link on youTube @ https://youtu.be/dVeLYAgiJxg }


Thursday, February 06, 2020

#DrinkUntilYouCantDrinkAnymore #UMMAGUMMA1&2 @Sysyphus

Richard Joseph Stephan · Thursday, February 6, 2020
------------   #DontCryJustFly  -------------
Dysfunctional all we have, all there is, everything’s the passing of aces & eights, gettin’ stiff
That is what it’s all about, that and a blues guitar strapped shoulder to hip, axing a neck riff
That will lay the chords down and the rhythm and beats of the heartbeat like about 240BPM
I didn’t know the thing itself was an arpeggio on the block, dreamin’ on dead end street scum.

What it all comes down to is that the form of the play we’re starring in will have a last finale
Some punks lift up their fists as if that means that they have power, clearly 2 aces never fail
It’s all over when the Jacks are trips, full house aces under one eyed Jack’s diamond signs
Whatever dominates dead men’s hands is engulfed in the One, Nothing itself, itself a thing.

Indescribable and with no adjectives to modify the pronoun, It is the whole shebang, Zeus
Greeks, Romans, Europeans, Russians, English, Latinos, Orientals and tempting of a Muse
Who got me here and there in symbiotic osmosis from zygote to corpse, DNA’s magical riff
Acid of ancestors and survivors of #TheStruggle of angels, risen and fallen off heaven’s cliff.

Bring it into the fold just like you wanted to, intention causing manifestations of a dream blur
Sovereign kingdoms and fiefdoms pretending Life is different now that the King’s cape is silk
Queen is a maroon head case, full of the pretensions of vagrant, homeless bums, crooked ilk
Someday, it will be to be or not to be, it will be finished, holier than thou, Plato’s myth of Ur.

Pontious Pilate or Pocahontas provides #TheSystem Ups & Downs of uncivilized revolutions
Men and women want to live free but cannot when they eat prey of their own, it’s hunter sins
Wartime battles of bloody water and dirt, flowing underground ways to magic, warrior fates
Too young to resist bully bellies, backs, faces, legs and lips, #Deadmen tattooed it, aces & 8’s.

r j j stephan, i
c. Jeudi, February 6th, 2020 A.D. @ 5:55 PM PST
{ Drafted while jammin’ to #BlackJesus by Everlast on youTube link @ https://youtu.be/dVeLYAgiJxg }

#BadHairDayBaldGuy #GoogleBaldDudes #UmNope #WhoLovesYaBaby

Richard Joseph Stephan · Thursday, February 6, 2020
----------    #MarquisDeSade  #GopherExtermination   -----------
It is already gone as if it never, ever was in the first place, there is no choice except to be an It
This here and that there are all that there is in a solar system tailored to be like an epileptic fit
Your deities and mine all meet in the middle of nowhere where nothing exists anywhere at all
My subatomic charm and love will be the ends of original sins, the omega of an urban sprawl.

You will never like what will cause your own personal extinction, you’ll see Nothing in a ball
I got an insignificant amount of the scents of the human women on Earth, it causes a big fall
From the paradise in the middle of nowhere, on a planet’s Terra ferma, end of a god’s mother
Pulling and pushing the gravitational collapse into Reality, as we know it, First Cause’s #grrr.

Breathe deeply in a vacuum of oxygen and nitrogen deficiency, ready to supernova the H2O
Crust, dirt, rock, mud, silt, pebbles, rocks, boulders and the entire waterlines gone, it’s blown
To smithereens and the Singularity that cannot be imagined or theorized, drop out of college
Before it’s too late, you either will be a professor or a person who read Dostoevsky's #TheIdiot.

Freaks in and out of the government and private corporations, #Loonytunes love of the ‘toon
Come home soon wherever that is in the darkness’ menudo of #Triggers in this black lagoon
Not that it’s you or anyone you know but a goon is one and the same, all a back-wood kindle
They don’t like change ‘cause they believe they know it all, like a fabled moose, a Bullwinkle.

It’s time to analyze the two concepts of nature and humanity, All Is, sanctimoniously singular
Who you are other than a lump of redskin bones, haters of mortality’s 8 mile high mortal Sin
To be or not to be was always the only question either before Francis Bacon or after Einstein
Whatever you will know the day you die is all there is now, tombstones sink, go down, not up.

Here’s the golden apple dropped from the tree of knowledge, now it is done, it’s fake essence
Of the cavemen and the magicians who put the spells on the herds & tribes of homo sapience
You will forget about everything the moment your last blink sees that black light is consistent
Epileptic brain’s dysfunction in microcosmic spasm, my 208 mortal bones death calls, #Shit!

r j j stephan, i #HedgeFundZero
c. Jeudi, February 6th, 2020 A.D. @ 7:77 AM PST