
Wednesday, January 27, 2021

#BoysRoundHereToo #UpDownAdInfinitum

Broken boned corpse, draggin' the only spirit you've got through muddy muck, perpetual honey
Killing the words and phrases with bullets, cannonballs, sticks, stones and the hate of the Word
It's a fictional combination of sound, to make you happy, make you laugh when it ain't so funny
It's pitiful but I have no pity on the inept and those incapable of survival of a pink Easter bunny.

First to the final time, breath goes in and out and never stays long, it's gone before you know it
Stand up straight, attention, at ease of the mankind parade of ecstasy & destitution of gash slit
What it is, it's in and out for an insemination of the pride for mother-lode's antimatter animator
Stiffs that die inside, mixed up things ain't inside anymore, mama with love, gonna be a hater?

It is all your fault and you know it, I know it and we don't care one way or another, no do overs
Stepped in some Rando prints that came right before you arrived, no choice, it's predetermined
Miracles or magic movement of the hands, the outlaws & inlaws are a rough crowd, one angel
Deductions from the given, assumed premises yields a foregone conclusion, a dimensional hell.

Mothers of y'all got screwed by their fathers for not telling them all the Truth, the no brainer
They knew and they died before they told the girls the Truth, keep saying it, The Truth, etc etc
Nobody ever told you the Facts, the Facts of Life?  Now you tell me you didn't know of Her?
Mother Nature ripped you like a dagger, down the center of your heartland, a gift from Sarah.

Who she was & who she'll always be is the One & only One we all came from, red stop sign
Too far gone to die as the One immortal thing itself presents Mother Earth's refusal to turn
Blood lines back to A First Cause's Big Bang Ghost in an empty bed of stars, Space-Time burn
Time you faced the Truth about False Alarms, last one is sounding now, Co-Exist or #FlatLine.

Holy ghosts and the fear and loathing of the Truth that y'all are hangin' by a thread of spiders
Hooked to breathe the air in and out, can't stop unless forced by something stronger than hers
Her love tries to keep you here & now but a heart's attack shoots back, simple rip, cut a break
No regrets, I used to be where you are, I smashed the last straw, above & below, a GD freak! 

r j j  stephan, i
c.  Mercredi, Janvier 27th, 2021 Anno Domini @ 12:00 midnight, my mama's mama's birthday in 1906 A.D. @JosepinaLiPumaAlfano  #HappyBirthdayNana  -This woman raised me while my mama had 5 more babies after me... #MotherLine <3

* Drafted while listenin' to @EricChurch #Chief & @JoannaCotton jammin' #OverWhenItsOver link @ https://youtu.be/102HX7VMaeY & #AColdOne link @ https://youtu.be/BKvE-WoooLE }

Tuesday, January 26, 2021

#DigitalNonsense #FromNowhereSpecialty

One step beyond the glass door of perception, behind the absence of darkness' light side
Perfect that squirt can between your legs, sittin' in a plastic chair at the front of the pak
High and dry, it was as it's always been notwithstanding the foamy, wet hydrogen oxide
I left & you left and we left the Oneness, love burned a short bailiwick and y'all cracked.

High and dry above and below the hella good ol' boys with sweatin' longneck 12 packs
Down by the riverbend where the current really gets goin' for the raft, it's just the facts
At the end of the day, when it's all over, a cold one makes the difference, forget about it
You can't have a do-over because what comes and goes never comes back, river-rat chit.

Muck and mire move the religions to the right & left of the spectrum politico, do it, bite
Right in the most meat you got, probably a butt roast or slab/side of ribs, out of eyesight
For no reason, this doesn't rhyme with the words that end straightened lines, this is it son
Cold one you took from home to your roost where Mr. Right should reside, I ain't the one.

Filled up the tanks of Geronimo for the last stand for the motherland, not yours, it's fine
I was here & now way before the Great Lakes were all that's left of the H2O and my wine
It all got high and dry way before I came to take a stand on my grounded flying machine
In the end at the final shot in the dark, you won't know it but you'll be in a finale scene.

Mortified by the mortician & the embalmer, put me on ice, frozen blue, hard, fake heads
Boys and girls turn around & they either die or live to be a hundred, trade you for beads
Punked & looked up to derelicts living under freeways, dirty monkeys gone bats hit crazy
Gifts of gods over & under a freeway's access to sandy beaches failed 12 paks, I'm hazy?

Bonded to the surfaces of what appears to be the graves of our ancestors and descendants
Surprise is the Word of the day, it can't be all there is, yet it may be, all too human hot Ends
Reward for being punished for other people's karma is ten years down the river, it's all over
From a date of birth through a date of death, we're in it, Darkness pretending to be friends.

 r j j  stephan, i
c.  Mardi, Janvier 26th, 2021 Anno Domini  (A Cold One!)
{  Drafted while listenin' to @Eminem #FALL on youTube link @ https://youtu.be/MfTbHITdhEI }

Monday, January 25, 2021

#WhoTheIntercourseCares? #ScreamMoonShine #TaughtHimEverythingHeKnows

Tigers & lions dreams begin & you've no idea who or where you are, here, now too
Space and Time itself are constructs of the human brain's genome, DNA gone blue
Freedom and slavery are nothing compared to the coral of life, ready to be the food
Of men and mice, of dogs and cats with their cave dwelling owners of their blood.

In the seminal vessel, a miniscule particle of charm breaks free into the Void to me
Inside the skull apparently above the ground, an urn or casket or Davey Jones' skree
Come hell or high water, that means until death do us part with the H2O, I'm the One
Been there on it for seventy years and there's One more thing, split cortex?  It is done.

Completed mission from the ground zeroes to the epitome of the peak of empty Space
A drive or a flight or a walk or a crawl gets the locomotion to begin, First Cause's ace
In the empty, dark hole or in broad daylight, punks and pundits enter the comical race
Laughing past the bank versateller, nothing ventured or gained from that awareness.

Without sense and without any gold or silver, pirates raid the haves, create knaves
Unscrupulous lovers of living for cheese and shiny gold teeth and nose rings of slaves
Doing the master's bidding to avoid the whip and the isolation of being out of control
Caged behind bars or inside of a lunatic cubical of isolated spirit, exit of death's hole.

Hung, poisoned or natural sleep into the eternal night without a wake-up call, my god
Or God depending on if there is One or more than One, offspring of the Main Vein bod
Which is empty of gas, empty of matter and form to construct life as we know it, a chill
To be or not to be after you die, that's a shaky, spear question without response, I will.

Be is to exist without a host, I cannot do that, I need air and water and junk to eat
Avoid being eaten by the hungry who have no idea that I am not FOOD, I'm a MAN
Spelling & calculating the data from an age of reason to an age of decrepit solipsism
I found you and I, nobody else in the room, there's no trinity except the solar system.

Planets unknown lookin' like the cornucopia of emptiness inside and outside of gods
Divinity posited because only Blind Faith reveals the open sight of guns and hotrods
Here's the tranquility, the day you die my man and my woman, all Adam's Xmas Eves
Making Reality, a Being apart, departed red blood & bones return to gods' of peeves.

r j j  stephan, i
c.  Lundi, Janvier 25th, 2021 Anno Domini @ 1:11 AM PST
{  Drafted listenin' to #SmoothCriminal by #BlackFaceSuspect @Michael_Jackson1 on youTube link @ https://youtu.be/h_D3VFfhvs4?list=RDh_D3VFfhvs4 }

W.W.A.R.D.?  #oomcdh