
Tuesday, May 14, 2024

STOP, YOU'RE FIRED! ESCORTED FROM THE BUILDING . . . #WhenTheGeneralsTalk #DRAKE2 #Skynyrd2024

Michigan survey and Mississippi poll data indicate you’ve got big trouble in small China
What in the intercourse of animals is going on within the atmospheric pressure love spa
Password forgotten, identity of face, fingerprints, DNA CODE of extinction Singularity fix
One myriad of atoms dump into the Void, Nothing alive beyond the Void licks and kicks

Nothing is fair, sometimes you win & other times you lose, winning losers of a holy game
Man and woman, human beings all, not aliens from another star in the land of the lame
You ain’t no antichrist, you’re no prochrist, you’re no devil in disguise or no-body losers
F-bomb use by the women points to the decline of civilization, give mamas the fingers.

You will like it or lump it, means if you abhor the thing then remove its presence in sight
We move without thinking, we’ll die & remain the same, without thinking of a good fight
Symptomatic of the disease, it’s a quality I’ve tended to with revolutionary artificial intel
UFO crashes in Time & Space give us the crumbs of infinity, travel e=mC2’s rang a bell.

Boiling hot and frozen stiff in the middle of a bizarre world, animate the cats on the block
They all await the ending, some look forward to being dead in heave, others do hard rock
Back & forth in the cradle, baby looks up just like the day it’s gonna die, no beat or pulse
Into the center of the core, in the middle where nothing is surrounded by everything else.

Suckin’ wind out of the restroom allows no more breathing in or out of the inner sanctum
Bloody thoughts have no blood at all, ideas called thoughts with jigger shots of 151 rum
Primary or secondary, hearts beat in all synchronization with the Earth’s rattle & hum play
All gone away forever, sender unknown, address unknown, #SkibbidyDoo, so yesterday.

Something changed, nothing is the same as it was yesterday, troubles seem far, far away
Laughing and crying about this or that story, #LouieLouie sang a song, tonight at ten PM
She’ll do it again & again because it’s the nature of insanity, expecting unexpected Zen
We know nothing, we’re the rocket men with one love, pop your tarts & blow me today.

Do not touch my wife or my husband with your eyes or your hands or you will disappear
As soldiers do on the battlefield and airmen who crash and burn aircraft that fly by ear
Suffering stops when the pain ends a connection with the vibration of immanent death
Back off of the thought, store it in back of the mind to recollect at-will, hold your breath.

Laugh at the serious people and their theories of reality which have no grounded being
Inside of the forms, shapes are unrecognizable, outside and inside don’t coincide at all
Higher above the air to breathe, a soul without a body, flies with abandon, hear it sing?
What we are is an atomic conglomeration, star-sons of Adam, Time & Space cool thing.

Narcissistic as you are, you think you’re not so much, right or wrong, the point is moot
Nothing’s happening to the things we are, a scent of nothing at all wafts through afoot
Nonsense and logic merge into inductive and deductive arguments for pan philosophy
Horizontal moves of my head-cam, follow the tilt & pan shots circular jerk of Divinity.

Balance on your ball with a plank of petrified wood, moving to and fro, tilt & pan shots
You’ve got nothing but Time until you don’t have it any longer, lose Space & lose Time
High low inner being, animated and excited like a divine flambe nobody knows is Fire
Spark out of nowhere, friction or spontaneous combusted, ride dirty up-country here.

God ain’t helping, that’s not the divine task, struggling for existence is tantamount ego
Staying alive in the body, healthy without invasive plunges into my skin, no shots Bro!
I’m not havin’ it, nobody knows what happens when we die, no heaven or hell likely
Simple mind, brain workin’ the room, applause & an encore, that’s the ticket, To Me!


r j j  stephan, i

c.  Mardi, May XIVth  MMXXIV Anno Domini @ 711 AMPST

{ Cast these aspersions toward the #Genome, toss the salad for monkeys who want the #TrojanHorse in the house, while listenin’ to #TheyNotLikeUS #DRAKE on youTube link @ https://youtu.be/Xty2gi5cMa8?si=EQaXuUHQtHrZK2mU }


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