
Thursday, November 17, 2022

#IDontCareWhatTheyThinkOrSay #SomedayWellKNOW #HoneyDontGoOutOfThePicture #IWillBegYouToSTAY @SmokeyRobinson

Consolidated in logic and reason without a First Cause, just an accidental mutilation
I got a few itemized deductions from your itinerary you've saved to surprise the gods
As if they didn't know what you owe the powers that be, if you're an idiot, nevermind
If you're rational and are willing and able to reason from conclusions, original sinned.

Apparently, self-defense is useless if you're slipped a Mickey by a mouse or dirty rat
Continuity of your DNA from the Big Bang on to the G-collapse into the Singularity fat
Holy excrement and evil, smooth living in a deep groove with the aliens & she-devils
All the apes and spiders and snakes become extinct in a millisecond, gods' criminals.

No disembodied consciousness in #OpenSecrets or #TopSecrets, just bongin' on water
Smooth as silk, y'all live and y'all are required to die, to leave it all behind, sun's hotter
Than it was the day before you were conceived in a holy darkroom, my eyes wide open
Seeing within all our minds equals the mind of God, a side-effect, you're 1/7th stepson.

Pardon my bloopers I've made in the last seven decades, it was all my fault unto death
Mortality cracked me up, expecting peace and love while getting war and hate, a wrath
For everyone, infant innocent in a court of law and in the divinely programmed cell acid
Elder humanity out of debt sooner or later, Earth all into #RidinDirty, it's me, I'm a Kid.

Without a whole body the host suffers the feelings of getting ready to fade into no sound
Out of the One came the Many & they must return in the circle, come around, go round
As if there was any choice when you square or cube a random digit, unknown "x" spree
Once it's posed, the question begs to be answered with Truth, nothing but It, Help Me!

Wisdom of the survivor is that you can & will survive again, ad infinitum, there's Spirit
Empty mind still armed with recollection tools, full of Nothing but dark sounds, I feel It
All for One and the One for all the things that came from it, necessary & sufficient to be
Tautological fallacy red, white & blue or 50 stars in a corner, 13 to 50 in 250 years, see?

Idiots, as an orphan is as an orphan does, who knows why?  Someday we'll know or  not
High probability you'll die in a flood or a fire since that's all there is between Space & pot
High upon a G-spot, Spot the dog of Dick & Jane who never grew to adults, still kids high
On their swings & slides, havin' fun like being at a party, consequence of Truth, y'all die.

Nouns and verbs need those adjectives and adverbs to disguise their non-existant selfies
Always with the cellphone or i-phone clickin' on the links of frozen rinks, a skating freeze
In a circular jerk, exceed unexpected results by a magic drive a hole in one, 300 yarder
Come to buds or to saviors of your soul and someday you'll know, we're all out, it's over!

r j j  stephan, i
c.  BLOVEMBER XVIIth, MMXXII Anno Domini @ 1600 hours
{ Flew high like a cuckoo bird in the sky, flashed this out whil listenin' to @BillyPreston #WillItGoRoundInCircles. . . in a loop, link on youTube @ https://youtu.be/ghj5V5cUo1s & @JeffBeck & @ImogenHeap #Blanket on youTube link @ https://youtu.be/z79pgPn357gD & @JJJackson #ButitsAlright link @ https://youtu.be/cBW9Gt2ha44 }

Wednesday, November 16, 2022

#BluesBrothers #TheEagles #TowerOfPower #TheRollingStones #EntourageFIRED #JimiHendrix

I don't care, senses of all except the smell & taste, it makes no senset
Yet I hear every strike via 10pins dropping to TNT exploding ordinance
Common humans and the primates they're related to are a remnant folk
Of gods who came & died, buried underground & burned up in a smoke.

Trim your head's dead cells from your bald head, shaved all too close
As if you're stroking your senseless skull, a dream worth havin' too
If not this somnambolism then there's always the emptied Void's thrust
Within all souls, invisible subatomic particles eat gods' neutrino dust.

Marking the x's & o's to designate the play of A-game, to score & win
That's everything's theory, to be or not to be & make it prosper in sin
Sucking all gravity out of the container leaves Nothing at all, I am
Absurdly, a play on Evil-Live staged preludes to a finale, royal scam.

Morons & idiots left behind to run the show, a production of intentions
Will to power produces products, keep it in mind, blind lead the blind
From the first held hand to one last grip on subatomic reality, 3rd kind
Liberated from reality's chain reaction to withhold gods' sons.

High above or low below, as a conscious experience, breathing hot air
We named LIFE as we know it, what Man does stylin' girls' hair
All for One and One for All, fathers, mothers, sisters-brothers singing
Miraculous ENDS,  display no reason to BE, a #Laugh-in laugh, guffaw.

Bring your ordinance to suboordinate any dominant before you eat it all
Consummation of the matter to sublimate the power into a cool cat call
Complicated simplicity so that the imbecile may assimilate without It
Genius needs a god within or the matter, just a prelude to being shat.

Freedom to die no more, survival is necessary & sufficient, oh immortal
Nevermore to rot in dugouts, graves of Earth red & black gold dirt, pal
Holy soul, rubber-tinfoil, mythological empty vacuum, I name fathers
Beyond Ends, copasetic beasts of burden see Nothing but a bunch of mothers.

r j j  stephan, i
c.  BLOVEMBER XVI, MMXXii Anno Domini Mercredi @ 111 AMPST
{ Kicked this in the false teeth this AM while jammin' to #TheBluesBrothers link @ https://youtu.be/mVm8soroPJY & #TopGun ...don't think, just do... link @ https://youtu.be/6YaH04MZRmg }

Tuesday, November 15, 2022

#RIP @JimBohannon @X-Teena @Dave_Chappelle @SmokeyRobinson @GregAllman #ThisMeansWAR #TheBOSS

Comingling with the entities available, it's the Life on Earth the angels imagined in heaven
On this concept, an analysis will drive the stake into the heart and soul of the vampire haven
There is nowhere to hide from the end of your or my life, won't look back from that point on
Forward so fast that it goes from four to seventy four in seven decades of days and night fun.

Brace yourself for the legacy you'll require to discover this call of the wild, #CeLive & death
Deep down at the absolute center of soul's core, All's Nothing, as below, so above in Space
Not One thing in mind, it's the mythology of the scared cats and dogs, all there is to it's face
Behind the mask, it's skin, bone, bloody meat that we never eat, shape & form, lost breath.

Time out in the game before it's all over, a final effort to be enlightened in dark, cave light
Shadows on the wall passing from one end to another, never turning back, forward march
Onto the field of the battle for survival, where not everyone subscribes to the Golden sun
Of vermin and the all too humane species bipedaling with glee on a dirty stardirt rotation.

The frozen tundra and the melting mud of delta and gamma rays, cosmic big bang ending
It's expanding and contracting, a gravitation of tragedy and comedy juxtaposition to sing
From cliffs, mountaintops rocky and frozen high up in the sky, closer and colder old soul
Upon your heads, upon your feet, wake up, get down, you & me, mama didn't raise a fool.

r j j  stephan, i
c.  Mardi, 11-15-2022
{ Drafted out of the Twilight Zone @Jim_Bohannon R.I.P. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jim_Bohannon & listenin' to @TheEagles link @ https://youtu.be/Yaa23DFP450 }
R.I.P. #JamesEverettBohannon  1-7-1944 - 11-12-2022  Military service
"After his graduation from Southwest Missouri State in 1966, Bohannon enlisted in the United States Army, serving until 1970. Assigned to the Army Security Agency (ASA), his four years of service included a tour of duty (April 1967 to April 1968) during the Vietnam War with the 199th Infantry Brigade.  During the Tet Offensive in early 1968, Bohannon was at Long Binh serving with the 303rd ASA Battalion as part of the II Field Force headquarters. After completion of his Vietnam tour Bohannon was assigned to the Washington D.C. area until discharged in 1970." - wikipedia