
Friday, January 26, 2024

god GOD WTF? Hurry Up & Wait Just A God Forsaken Minute ! #CHERRY

STRIKE now & then, mystery solved by Sherlock Holmes or other bloody sleuth in stealth
Yet, one original sin lingers as if obedience to One God was Origin of this universe’s wealth
Proof forms rational argument blind faith follows leaders of packs you run with to death
Either way, in any other form of spending Life on Earth in ignorance, unfit to survive it.

Sometimes, girls see the world through the prism of their fathers’ souls & mamas’ boys
Maybe the origin of the problem of existence, what we’re doin’ & why here & now knows
A matter of energy application of dream love, passion to uncover the Void’s absolute toys
Downshift to third & power shift without a clutch when RPMs allow, be God’s lip blows.

Ball rolls on flat ground until momentum is cancelled by gravity’s magnetism, finite rest
Molecules and atoms never completely disintegrate into oblivion, I can’t prove I’m the best
But I’m all I’ve got, my parents’ offspring from heaven or somewhere above Time in Space
I’m grounded in the center of the core, on the fringe of the stratospheric nuclear suitcase.

Fusion into Void after fission of all too humane bombs made for alien extraterrestrial UFO
Your ancestors are rolling over in their graves or exciting their bones and ashes in a hole
Above and below the surface and the core of Earth, it’s anybody’s guess, a leap of love faith
That the thing is, we couldn’t just be an accident of the solar system’s random god-wraith.

You have an opinion which has no relation to whatever happens to be true about Time’s ID
By the time I got to Woodstock New York in 1969, I had just flunked my senior year in HS
I watched the whole thing as much as I could but I can’t recall anything from day 1 on site
I don’t care but since it’s on a youTube video, I got the whole madness from the cyber byte.

Lazy bones in 208 pieces from skull to toe, a random collision upside down to begin with
North or south of the equator of Earth, the moon still stays in Space, Adam & Eve had a fit
Played the mating game with no permission but perfectly predictable for One who knows it
I got a golden needle pierced through my heart, the MRI shows the shadow, I’m dead s#it.

Ain’t nobody’s fault, just an accidental force of One meeting the Many & giving it all up
Twisted whirl of swirl is the only way to go, no direction inside a maelstrom of throw up
Harmony divided or multiplied by zero, expected to be zero, more than -1 & less than +1
Proteins of Hydrogen and Oxygen the accidental sunlight burning into godlike formation.

Broke the glass house & destroyed the space within, now you can let it all be, drop the top
Only way to fly in a pink Cadillac on the freeway, I-5 or I-80 to go any direction, full stop
Source of the middle of the onion is a seed, coded with the shape and function of menudo
Legumes and roots, medicine and dead-life plants & animals, hunter-gatherer late show.

Store between the harvests and hunts, refrigerate the spoils to lock in the fresh, clean kill
If you don’t take care of the consumables, you’ll catch the viral-bacterial infection intel
Secrets you won’t know what to do with, so mum’s the word, go back to the future today
Actresses deemed necessary for the pleasure of civilization’s stage play, you don’t say!

Either you fancy your face in the mirror or you don’t, either way, be happy you got it
Some people party from teens to elder adult, others never party at all, kind people all
Entered monastery or convent to protect the celibacy choice from temptation of mating
God’s bad joke to create the dynamic & then allow the perversion disallowing the DNA.

The narrow way goes right down the middle & there’s no looking back to return you
All facts of life disappeared with your first step beyond the twilight zone’s azure blue
At the precipice with both feet still on the ground of being, eyes both blinded by light
Wake up, woke up a bit groggy & now, still gotta die someday, I failed & lost the fight.

Pick a hand that I have hiding behind my back, you get to have only one choice, man
Women voted, men voted, the illusionary is clear, morons elected follow the command
Who is the director of the American Way, your mother, your father, sister or brother?
Nobody you know by name, no one anybody can know, that being is a mama banger.

Punch you in the face and I’ll mend your broken nose and blackened eyes, I’m so sorry
It was not my intent to hurt you but to silence your voice and mind from being so noisy
So, weak fall to the strong, it’s not my idea, it’s the fact of life, essence precedes existence
Unfollow suit, hearts are Trump from Charm & Love, Neutrino DNA patchouli incense.

I’ve nothing to say, whatever said is all about nothing, that’s all there is too, nothing else
You’ll find something of course for a counter example to the paradigm case of prison cells
To lock up the inferior speaking, uneducated children of moronic idiotas and miscreants
Define terms and if the shoe fits, wear it, you own it since Free Will led you to the dance.

Undeniable, y’all can lead a horse to poison water in a desert but you can’t make it imbibe
What you know and what you believe are things that aren’t true, all inherited Blues jive
As if everyone on Earth is the only One here, alone with nobody else in the stark darkness
Come over to my place, it’s not a destination though, it’s the journey, hands in my pockets!

News is that you died, I died, we all died after we got born, it’s the future without the Past
No historical record of you in the lexicon of Mankind, as if you never came & went at last
You and the full Monty are bleeding out on the tarmac, all high people will die in the back
Immortal is a word not any reality defined in an invisible dictionary, metaphysical contact.

Breadcrumbs left for a trail to return back to the beginning of the story, crumbs got eaten
There’s a future that comes after the past is finished with the present, to be in a finale scene
You’ve got to be the luckiest person ever to be born to Man & Woman, Earth’s worms died
No crawling, slithering, walking, running or dreaming of the surreal being Kentucky fried.

Birds of a feather, two- & four-legged anima, winged insects, underwater wonders in & out
Blinking 182 times until we drop every day, once a day ‘cause it’s the nature of a wildebeest
My apes monkeyed around & wrote on the wall in the cave, darkness is under a hard rock, my sons
No nouns, pronouns, verbs, adverbs, adjectives, articles, prepositions, conjunctions or interjections.

r j j stephan, i

c. Vendredi, Janvier XXVIth , MMXXIV Anno Domini @ 1300 hours

{ Crying & drafted this harbinger while jammin’ to @ZZTop #Mary in an infinite #Cherry loop, on youTube #LayinMyWay link @ https://youtu.be/va9NM-Fnehk?si=1Tj0aRvk-N_xEnjm  & @Missy_Elliott & @Christina_Aguilera #CarWash link @ https://youtu.be/aVlpy5USN-E?si=bSZFRzD2CPE7xA-3 & https://youtu.be/0bKyF4eRdfQ?list=RDMM }

Thursday, January 25, 2024

@JoeWalsh #TheHeavy

ssssssssssssssssoh say can you see?sssssssssssssssss
Bringing the miracle to fruition by formulating the intent to materialize a thought
Munch on mint for the breath inside of the eating hole of the fire breathing dragon
Rednecks not from sunshine or attitude of good ol’ boys & baby girls all-growed-up
Word to the wise, don’t double cross ‘em or try to hide the advantage in a tea cup.

Day after you die, recollect the past birth to death, even uneventful stray cat naps
Sleeping between lucid dreams gets you charged for the being wide-woke to raps
Words and surreal ideas that display Truth & legitimacy even to blind faith of flocks
Nobody alive can guarantee anything will happen exactly as divined by runes’ rocks.

Before you found out what you know now, ignoring the bliss you felt was oblivion sin
Where trouble makers trend among the minions, steps away from takin’ no more lip
Sisters and mothers, I’m your brother not your father, I’ve got the anthem song’s spit
By the riverside, you layed the blanket on the ground, by the river, we really got down.

Think about the facts of life, naked apes without cages, running rampant in paradise
Traditionally a tall tale forced on the wild & innocent who knew the Truth’s four eyes
Farsighted, nearsighted, astigmatically challenged, just a legally blind bag of bones
208 of them all together, only one fractured, spine & numb skull to Hell’s iPhones.

Hunger for an empty tank’s refill kills desire for unearned runs battered into rhymes
Home base is the only important place in Space, know it’s slope & valued hard times
Smoked without fire, a spontaneously combusted flammable, up in smoke like that
Think that you exist & like magic you do what you do, here & now for a spell, not shat.

Slaves & masters have no skin color, they’re all 208 bones animated by random spunk
You & I can see right through each other’s thin skin, there’s DNA runnin’ the acid funk
Learned behavior of grown babies who were abused children is the cause of the Ends
Flash pan, as if y’all are #Woke’ or #Illuminated, #ThinkForYourself, dream on friends!

Morons breathe hot air just like the genius who heads their family, idiots are all in
Freaks & ne’er do wells adapted one RNA mix of the genome, eating dead life runts
All you hear when it’s time to cook, fry, boil or BBQ the things likely football punts
Kickin’ it at the flickering campfire or the back porch above swamp gas, honky kin.

Monsters are souping up their vehicles to be insured by the powers that be what I am
Automatic registration to vote, you may get a ballot, maybe you won’t, here by a screw
Lucky to be here for a NY minute or just a brief moment in a revolutionary strange brew
Pork rinds & pigs’ feet ready to eat out the plastic bags, commander in chief of Spam.

Whiskey spirits fermented the grain during the storage, it’s all about the grain alcohol
My cup never ranneth over since it was bottomless, to fill her up, you had to be insane
Will to animate limited by boundaries in place in outer space, corral for the holy spirits
Nobody gets out of the stratosphere with a conscious mind that feels pleasure & pain.

My neighbors in my neighborhood, next door or across the street, waiting for a Savior
Not helping themselves but praying on bended knees with hands folded for deadheads
Of dying like the rest of the dead, no longer living as the rest of the living, blindside red
Right in front of my face, every daily look in the mirror, overlooked its imaginary door.

Educated by the intellectual reprobate, prisoner of battles & wars, The Professor wise
As my own stepfather had criticized my behavior groomed by parochial trainer gadflies
On the wall or just buzzin’ from wall to wall, floor to ceiling, hatch out of fecal matter
All Life dependent upon Death, random yin & yang of the circle surrounding me & her.

Pandora’s box got unlocked accidentally & released the hounds, unleashed the wrath
Of war’s battle of arms, killing both sides until extinct, the dead die with a gaping hole
All seven holes in the head’s skull, wide open for the words to hear & devour for dinner
Novel I wrote & finished, I lost on a bus, the only copy, now it’s a bestseller of another.

Tried to bring a suit of law to artificial intelligence, twas a moot point, blank plug buck
White hot noise is all that’s left over, unmoved, remain at rest, move out of the hot fray
Decibels in the negative range of auditory stimulation, shut the lips for a hot kiss today
Blood is in & out of your hands, animal style, caramelized, Real is: What d’phuq, over?

Love was no reason for my daddy to kiss my mama, that fatal attraction got me done
One came in first while the others perished in a womb Void, never to be at one again
Pierced you in the spleen, nailed your hands & feet up on the wall, like a fly my son
Smile at the beach boy sounds, surf’s up in perpetuity from Malibu to Big Sur’s fun.

In the enclave of the cave, enough light entered the darkness to show the narrow way
No time like the present, up & down the shallows way to Valhalla, be evil genius today
Far or near, we anticipate stretching forms made of organic matter, one cell to corpse
Marketing everything that you can make a ROM clone, turn left & squirm in the door.

r j j stephan, i

c. Jeudi, Janvier XXVth MMXXIV Anno Domini @ 444 PMPST
{ Drafted while jammin’ to @TheEagles & @TowerOfPower #DownToTheNightClub & #HITS on youTube link @ https://youtu.be/qNWYHSbaFBs }
