
Showing posts with label #Timing. Show all posts
Showing posts with label #Timing. Show all posts

Tuesday, June 25, 2024

#BlackPaint #BluesDark #DroneFromBATz

Covid-19 bat blue
Only you and I know the reason for the fiasco appearing before our very myopic eyes
Seeing, so is believing, blind faith before your very eyes, visionary missionary of flies
Where we maggotize out of this world to our bare skull and bones, imaginary nirvana
Paradise that your body won’t feel, taste, smell or hear, a whole lotta love for Joanna.

Pork is the pig’s meat, nothin’ fancy, an animal sloppin’ in mud, begettin’ piglet runts
Meet the phantom ghost that matches your smoke & mirrors, an empty null set sons
Below the 2nd floor is the flat that nobody wants to rent, except me, all a safe house
Ace in the hole I’ll go in the pinch when I’m exiled by the fury of the red horde plows.

Atop the anthill among the hot mothers and cool progenitors remains a real good girl
All alone without a clue about the situational awareness required for survival’s whirl
Heinous crimes against the brothers and sisters from other mothers, a dragnet trip
Fencing in the immoral boys and girls who know nothing about the eternal worship.

You and the rest of your friends and family don’t know you like I do, only you know
Offering nothing, expecting nothing, receiving nothing much of anything, it’s slow
Time clicks forward to the last time you’re gonna get a chance to gasp deeply in
Syncopation with the world’s zeitgeist that can’t be sucked, a Singularity love sin.

Balls thrown, bounced, caught, shot, blocked, kicked, slapshot to a sudden death
To be or not to be a champion all you have is the luck of the puck or ball, a bounce
Goes up and down until it’s too late to leave, last call for alcohol, goin’ to my place
Prove it all night in or out of the bedspread, sing & dance for all it's worth, my face.

This here horizon right over yonder beyond the hills of brothers’ & father’s demigod
Built it inside of the manger where a virgin is allowed to put a baby to save all worlds
Outcome of Evil & Live spelled either way, an act or at best a labor of love, cold hotrod
Egad, as they used to say, way back when, back in the day, you’ve got beautiful curls.

Not only livin’ on Love, caused by Love & dropped down in the menu from head to toes
Only they’re not your eyes, they’re the portals through which the pablum got so rough
Until you were full of it & now share it with the world as we know it, gods are big blows
Orbiting a star red dawn to dusk, 365 to survive without parents & social welfare tough.

So, impregnate the eggs in a clinic, many children from testubes, now the rulers of US
Laboratories with not so mad scientists, formed by Marx from scat that fell off the bus
Without a driver, without a destination to refuel and rest, without a passenger it’s moot
Points connected 1-100 tiny dots on the 3rd act of the play of existence’s 3rd dimension.

All that formless shape in a 2nd dimensional form of RNA is a Void-like puddle of mud
As above, so it’s below, one-dimensional form, shaped Nothing, bitten bytes of charm
Subatomic subliminals, emotionally psychotic responses to Life on a wild animal farm
What I am inside of the forehead, worrying about the inevitable, I’m Iced Soul, Blood!

Frozen ground you walk upon, just to see you here again, we were all gone in Time
Finish line ain’t in sight, you & I will & shall do what the Hades allows us on a dime
Nothing else to do but breathe in & out ‘til a last gasp of gas, then we’ll be hear-say
Not ‘til that moment, it’s glasses up high in salute of the huntin’ & fishin’, every day.

This red dirt rich fishin’ & huntin’ and black dirt gold from my pappy’s sachet of cash
Pints empty flasks and the lead that turned into gold, left over inside the cold caves
Carefully involved in the loose lips that sank ships, there’s a reason for the hero sins
Hated by the countrymen ‘til the legend is revised, firearms silenced, crooked lines.

r j j stephan, i

c. Mardi, June XXVth, MMXXIV Anno Domini @ 666 AMPST
{ Worm crawled out the mud during pre-wokeness, while jammin’ sounds of @Armstrong_GettyRadio on@KSTE650AM #PrettyFunnyRadio & then listened to some @LukeBryan #HITS https://youtu.be/OTXRH96KPn4?si=PefcbpugPuv7nI-6 }

Tuesday, June 18, 2024

#SkipARope #CattleDriveACowboy** #GotBloodLestat #SaveAHorseRideACowboy #RIP @WillieMays44

Predication complications
Early in the AM, even an idiot wakes up for a momentous shunning on Earth
Subjects triple-double as objects & fact of life is that Life is a DNA TNT ride
There’s nothing like a real thing, baby, over here down home by my cool side
When y'all are already gone, it’s OK ‘cause I know you comin’ back, ne'er.

Immortal touches below ground, six feet under or just dust to the wind gales
Beating up the family of jewels from diamonds to sapphires glowing to fade
When pain & suffering leave way for the pleasure of feeling too good to be
True to yourself & your cherished candy, saved all the good ones I can’t see.

Came above the surface's deep-dive currents flowing from the core's sets
To go wives & all of the all too humane inseminators who came out closets
Off a #BarbaryCoast goin’ south with a breeze from a stern or port of a ship
Touched deeply down into the psyched-up spiritual soul, in a psychic flip.

Punks get blue just like well-adjusted, mature ones ‘cause they’re too human
Are you tryin’ to push me over the cliff, no god or dog there before any man?
Kid Christian actions & reactions to a Cabalistic, rock & roll rules ala Greeks
Describe the sadness in the fourered room, without none of the many freaks.

Pumped up with the bad vibrations from the syncopated waste, astrosphere
Pinkish red to purple-blue, rainbow of a frequency hidden frequency’s tear
H2O dripping as if there was a separation of hydrogen & oxygen, outter blue
I swear, ain't getting to the end with eyes wide open, closed without a clue.

By the sides of an outback, caught in the system’s muck & mire, all true love
You couldn’t make any of this up & noone cares that you're below, as above
Trinity of Goers & Olive Oyls rulin’ the roost of One & the Many, inked pens
Commandments of the golden rules for the beasts within infants of queens.

No way on this one way street anyone can mistake the dead end, high curb
It was 50 feet of grass sod with two cottonwood monster trees 20 feet apart
You and your father may not know one another but that doesn't matter all
It's all your karma way of paying back anything you've loaned from the Ball.

Earth rolls, revolves in revolution around the son, wobbles in happiness sin
Paying back the totally unprovable violation you're responsible for, anyway...
You gotta go I know, so do I and it's not due to ennui or lost in a form, a dot
Some acid became self-conscious of that which came from nothing's shot!

Screamed by unknown voices, invisible pool of white noise and shark fins
Soon enough, although it may be much later than you’ll ever see, die in sins
You know like I know something, it’s Matter, Energy, Time & Space searching
Complexion identical in the darkness, there’s no light in a black, holy thing.

Keep an open mind, you'll need it once you discover the nature of your Id
A ruler of your Ego & SuperEgo, an imaginary thing itself, it thinks, I am it
Yoyo flippin' around the world, walkin' the dog & a plethora of tricks, I'll vet
Bang sounds loud when it echoes in a small room, the echo is asd clear as chit.

Hum vibrations stretched animals’ skin & plucked E, A, B, C, D, F or high E
We know the banjo & ukulele & mandolin search for hillbilly souls in the hills
Islands or deep in-country where wise men fear to go, welcome supper spit
You may be a main dish without you, hope & faith you’re eyes are open pit.

Poly-synchronicity with a waxing gibbous moon, Earth-bound satellite bang
Lovers underneath have hearts beating too hard to let them be climaxing
Neither more nor less than the passion of being human we're born to sting
Two hearts meeting, middle of nowhere start beating as one, gong bell ring.

Woman is all we’ve got to protect the survival of the species, they're crucial
We’re sufficient but we ain’t necessary at all, men, priests, parents of ‘em all
Bringing the loaves & fish to the idiots tryin’ to recreate Woodstock mortals
All of 'em originals, dead & gone, crippled with amnesia, too high my pals!

Think the thoughts of a good, an evil or an ugly finale end, a final deep fake
Mothers and fathers of ancestors & descendants of them, we dream awake
Look me square in the eye & tell me you’ve deep dived into Earth’s ground
Same old ways and means that can’t change, stars shine on top 40 sound!

Love, climaxing new life that bursts into many from the One sacrifice a day
As if we don’t know this is all a dream, something dropped a thin dime

Follow timeline either side of the zero-origin, positive a la right, negative left
On board before the flood, floating 'til land came back into sight, it was gone
Time is comin’ for some soul-searchin’ effort to avoid heart bridges undeaf
Change came & everything mutated like it was meant to be, right of wrong.

You thought you knew what needed to be done, you were right on the money
Shot the pistol’s rounds deep into an enemy’s body & soul, paid high, honey
Said & done before it was too late to forget about it rested, luck-charmed life
Farewells or greetings for all too human beings, innocent & at one, cut knife.

Blown horn, strummed strings pick modified frets in harmony, skin & metal
Light or heavy is just One's way of expressing subject or object predication
Tryst of modifiers like adjectives & adverbs complementing nouns to scuttle
Zombi or not, body-form of humanity's DNA/RNA, mother-in-law kin, my son.


r j j  stephan, i

c.  Lundi, 6-17-1972 Anno Domini @ 0420 hours

{ Drafted in a rage within for no reason, alter-ego kicked this instead of the dog while jammin’ to @TheBeachboys #Darlin & #HITS link @ https://youtu.be/iXhB2uETzP0?si=-7ZhL-WePg5gC5oP }
