
Showing posts with label #Timing. Show all posts
Showing posts with label #Timing. Show all posts

Sunday, September 29, 2024

#WTH is my @MonaLisa? #LaPlaca? PRONTO! Sonny, Cher & @KORNconcert #AllJackedUp @GretchenWilson @CarlosSantana

Now & then you transfix the thing that’s broke or misguided onto reprogrammable RNA
Creating something that never existed in that specific form ‘fore that moment’s lapse
Prima Face which should frighten even the most hostile alien from any other spatial pit
Between burning and imploding stuff within solar systems’ galaxies parsecs far away.

Trash is either odiferous or in the process of being disintegrated into thin air below us
As above it’s all around like the starlit sunlight and effulgence of charity and blind faith
Put yourself in her place, in his place, in our places, raise a hand if you’re a ghost fate
Parking parallel or diagonally on all levels from sub-basement to one most hip Cait.

Optimistic pessimist wandering Earth, coast to coast, border to border, until finale fun
It will come whether you pay attention or not, if you’re alive you’re gonna die, gotta sail
From port to port, sailing away with the wind at our backs, water dried up, let’s all bail
Only a few moments allowed without knowing the gatekeeper, there’s jobs to be done.

God of old man Spinoza is invisible powers that be, man in one thing, fear an unknown
 All alive will die in bed or just nodding off while sitting in an easy chair with a jive arse
Struck 1 O’clock every ½ spin of the planet, strikes 1 twice in 24 hours of all minutes
Hair split, someone can’t be quiet to listen to the words, integrate the minds blown.

Nihilistic habits of the people who believe the faith of Jesus Christ & other heathens
Buddha would have loved and treasured your presence and innocence of ignorance
He died, his body disintegrated but could have been masticated and defecated food
There is a little trouble everywhere and if you can see it, it will come your way, fool.

Playin’ the blues on the Stratocaster or the Fender, the jacks keep up the loud notes
Carrying the tune from toe-tappin’ to head-bobbin’ and all around the roses & boats
Checkin’ the bums and junkies that we made from scratchin’ their mothers’ behinds
Then if and only if you recollect the memory that slipped out our God amiable minds.

High ground balls cause unforced errors in the field, the mind works a bit like a slave
Paid nothing but a place to lay your head to sleep without bein’ mugged by old Dave
Love moves it all, doin’ unto others who are believin’ the same about tomorrow’s hit
I knew I would know it when I saw it, I wanted & needed it, now I got it, it’s The S#it!

I could prick you in your pin cushion, I won’t because I’m no pricker & neither are you
High or low, above & below simultaneously as your mother & father played the blues
Bonfire and a ice cream frosty are the things I came for, this ain’t right for the fools
A falling down inside of a maelstrom and at the end of the day, I win all gun duels.
r j j stephan, i
c. Dimanche, IX-XXIX-MMXXIV Anno Domini @ 1212 PMPST
{ Drafted while jammin’ to @CarlosSantana #DoYouRememberMe in #LupeLoopLink on youTube @ https://youtu.be/WvA9d6n7Jzg?si=SJeC5j8yDaAYqhkV }

Saturday, September 28, 2024

CREAM shabooogie #WTF are you talkin' about you midget/dwarf? Me? Come over here, why I oughta... #RiffRaffRAVE

Never there, never here, never anywhere, that's Time & Space reality on planet Earth
You're no superhuman with powers that defy gravity and momentum, it's a con's scam
Gettying your trust & confidence to allow a stranger on Mars or Venus, even old Mars
But since your an idiot who believes that there's no bad guy in the Trojan horse hairs.

Keeping track of wisdom & knowledge that can help with surviving dreams in a dream
Butter made from peanuts or milk from cows that chewed curd that turned cheese cream
Help from nobody anywhere at anytime can be found, get a reward for her dead or alive
Wanted for murder of her mother, father, sister & brother but got away with bull jive.

We know it all like they knew it all that died before we were born, left us all the words
Behind to express the need to stay alive when death lurks behind the winds flyin' birds
Hurricanes of water spinning to bring a gravitational collapse into perspicacious sounds
Quiet or out loud as the siren that screams that you need to panic & release the hounds.

Pretenders just like the seekers of Reality who pretend they know when they don't know
Not their forte to express the facts outside of their closed minds yet the necessary is slow
Brewed to be perfect, aged to be dilectable with even the educated, uppercrust tripe dig
Only you & I know anything but that which the lords of the flies in the scat of the pig.

Distract you and I that you can't wonder about UFO's any longer, it makes God moot
Knowing that Adam & Eve weren't the first LIVING atoms IS catostrophic, UAP boot
High as the height compared to a ten foot high rim of a basketball backboard bank-in
Dunkin' the mind's eye into the lead of a game, Monopoly or Sorry that I'm mortal sin.

It had to be the way it is due to the way we've aligned our chakras, all to be or not to be
Far from here and there, places in Space we've gone & will go to are the miraculous sea
Drop kicking the puck into a goalie's net, that was impossible to replay for role reversal
As all survivors of death know, life's too short, we all agree with 208 bones 5 or 6 feet tall.

Like a real thin thing which is included in the empty set are all the zeros and ones
A rhythmic octave of notes of imaginary scales from A to G on Time & Space clones
Pine and Evergreen makin’ the oxygen from the lack of carbon dioxide ad infinitum
If we’re lucky, which we’ve been since born & raised free without slavery’s scrum.

Perennial actions, origin to annihilation of every atom of matter, a matter of Time
No space is free from implosion into the singularity, above is as below is, all mine
Gold and the lead it’s transformed from through fire and brimstone, shoot & miss it
Shots and passes, points to win and some to lose, in every case, it’s all bull’s scat.

Makin’ money lettin’ people watch you throw a ball in a hole, ten feet high, above net
Where every single shot of one, two or three points make the loser pay the other debt
Number one draft choice to make up for your missing passes and shots, never all hot
As you thought you’d be in the middle of your line, from the tip to the buzzer’s slot.

In touch, out of the touches from fingers and toes, ends of arms and legs on a plate
Lump of flesh & bone with a free will that becomes a follower who’s willing to be bait
For fish in the sea that are so hungry to believe the blind that they fall naïve prey lost
Minutes, decades to a century, if you’ve got the gumption or the intestinal, shat frost.

Not dancing to the whacked-out beats, let me check what’s in the jukebox for now
Cracked skulls and incurable diseases of the body & mind, psycho look out below
We won’t get better without medication & radiation, you can be sons of a Bi#ches
It ain’t your fault you were conceived in sin, maternal eggs all married to Butches.

Fish swimmin’ with the illegal migrants across the Rio Grande and the pretend sea blue
In a manner of double speaking, hillbilly apologies come & go in a New York minute too
Like it or not, it’s all but out of our hands, you’ve got the thing itself as the gas in the brew
Once the flick of the switch has been toggled to ON, the OFF makes it into cosmic stew.

I’ll keep it up even when the rain is pouring out of the grey-black sky, white cumulus cloud
Only one huge bulk of H2O in vapor formation, lined up to fall with gravity’s pull of the load
Wetting the dry ground and soaking the wind within the mud, the blood & spilled beer kegs
No recollection of red Comanche blood in my great grandmothers or embedded sexy legs.

Out hunting, out fishing, out being a lazy head of teepee without welfare’s food stamps
Just enough for that fruit of the vine that never allows anyone to ever be clean and sober
Reason of the deductions is to assist in the adaption to the changing nooks & crannies
Appearing out of nowhere or created by the unseen, unknown out of the Void’s sun lamps.

Literally have created a purple Maserati out of nothing more than rock metal tics & tacks
Bonding with the separate but equally merged within the occult unknown, whitey blacks
On the flip B-side, it’s the same holy #HIT played on the Marconi’s Top 40 morphing #1’s
Prepared to be ready to move out or fall on a sword for the hero who really loved the puns.

Thirty to sixty minutes lead to the end of the livers livelihoods all removed and deleted too
No kidding around, you’re a joke or you’re too ignorant to have survived the herd’s blues
Walkin’ slow down the avenue of my old neighborhood, know why I feel this good, so cool
My karma has been paid back in full, I'm done paying for my original sin & yours too fool.

Perfection has devolved into the asteroid belt and nothing can stop the orbital interjection
Diamonds spread out all over Mercury because the mighty star has compacted God's skin
Microscopic Time & Space look deep into gods blinded by the UV & infrared light's souls
On the slide, under the microscope the invisible sees right through the opaque, void holes.

Desire and need to be happy are the carrots hangin' out ahead of the jackass's donkey ears
Hair shaved to the skinline toe to crown, the corpse decomposing has eliminating all fears
Easy to animate the dead and gone, in a play on a stage, words & actions' energy matters
You loved life, loved to be happy but sadness couldn't get aborted over southern borders.

Beyond good, evil & the formulated calculations proving that the unprovable has no proof
Leftovers of subjects and the naked, superlative predicates keep it real, Time out for a goof
It's too late to order a pizza, made one in 25 minutes, ate the whole pie in about twenty five
Weaponized day dream came true, conflagration of WW 3 annhilated the fission/fusion jive.

Semper Fidelis whether it's the right thing to do or not, there's no choice in the matter a all
It's alreay set in stone, writing in tongues or whichever gibberish the minions agree to call
Upon the wicked magic spells that could make you happy or very sad, it depends on the imp
Glory be to the father and the son of the father as well as the actual ghost, on the block pimp.

At the beep or the vibration on Mach 3, the X-15 went through the black hole door, a breach
Network annhilated to show that everything on Earth is vulnerable to gravity and free speech
You need it, we all do and nobody who wants to remain healthy and alive will ever go rogue
Dissolution's solution, way gone, far out rogue, ready money maker ink on a slab at a morgue.
r j j  stephan, i
c.  Vendredi, IX-XXVII-MMXXIV Anno Domini @ 1111 PMPST
{ Co-created from cosmic dust while freefalling, jammin' to @TomPetty #HITS on youTube link @ 
 https://youtu.be/-H-9ZACQSc8?si=AbiTE_rlVkm5TyBa }

Monday, September 23, 2024

#EyesFliesAndLiesAboutPies 3.14 #HighFortuneSonny #BidenHidin' & #KamelaRidin'


Hey man, there's blood in the water gato, you know it's invisible
Knowledge and wisdom without the application is a burst bubble
Perfection and the dissolution of the thing without a flaw, it's you
Me and the rest of us are just here, amigo, you're one of many too.

Form and shape of bent Time and Space, showdown's at sundown
Free will is denied, exact regulation of the flow is heaven's blown
Jobs performed or fleed from when it all came down to brass tacks
It hurts to be denied the attention you believe you deserve, blacks.

Browns, yellows, reds, blues played from dark 'til 3 AM predawn
Ready for bed, a pillow for my head & the dream of the pretender
Hoping and thinking that hope provides the things, will do you in
Better have the will handy, without it, they'll burn you in hot fire.

Not incinerted for any small reason, it's to deter the bugs & rats
The dead meat provided by life & death is all they get too, all cats
Dogs too, humanity's best friends which eat & lie where they shat
Nothing they can do, we put the diapers on the babies, then a hat.

Send them off to strangers to learn in schools & churchs, oh my
It could have been worse if there was still a closed herd, extinct
Yet we've survived because we're accidentally too fit to be shat
In holes in the ground, in sewers underground, a divinity's sigh.

Quality and the quantity of atoms in the Void, that's Life babies
Idiots, morons and genii come out of the glass & plastic botttles
Granting as many wishes as you may choose, up to the Inifinite
Beyond Nothing, a singularity to shrink your atoms into a byte.

Cyberfunk's 1's & 0's in equations, calculus' trigonometry sign
Only you know what I know, being one and the same thing too
It's a wordless, secret code that only dead men & women know
I can't tell you why but I'm One who knows of God's low blow.

Common men got the word up, they go from Goo Goo to phuq u
Other than that, teenagers got the tickets for survival, fired souls
X used the interior of the outside whereever it was, ain't there now
I see something but it vanishes in darkness with my hippy glow.

Creeks full of the wasted days & nights of the snakes & pirranahs
Only you know the Truth is similiar to a lie only you don't know it
Figure it out once you've passed out & on to the answer of death
Without life like your dead friends & ancestors, Die to be Dead.

r j j  stephan, i
c.  Lundi, 9-23-2024 AD @ 911 PMMST
{ Created out of Nothing, left over something while listenin' to @TheRamones #HITS on youTube link @ https://x.com/i/status/1838262104132075522 }

Sunday, September 22, 2024

@Caitlin_Clark is RIPPIN' #WORDUP @KORN #DEADSCAT #BeerForMyHorses #JusticeFound #SaddleUpForTheVictoryTune #LoneRangers #GratefulDEAD


I wouldn’t have shat you if you weren’t my most favorite turd of the recycled pile
It’s complicated and simple at one and the same time in space, matter & form file
In a straight or crooked line, either way you get to the end & it’s only to begin again
Like it or not, amazing things happened after the Big Bang, God, Mankind & the Sin.

Complicated to be guilty for the nature of the being, created out of random, bay mud
Nobody gets out of the pincushion alive with the spirit they inherited from the blood
DNA all over the stage, shared with the minions who eat & shyt at will, free will too
Smelling like putrid barf & the stuff that got stuck in a hole without any air, shyt stew.

For what it’s worth, the bitter ends justify the unacceptable means, it’s extinction fun
You come and you go, it’s not only you, it’s an edifying universal idea of oneness’ sons
Who mill daughters into the mold we see, hear, touch, smell & feel in utero’s vacuum
They all come and go in a hundred years, much less or a little bit more, into the scrum.

It’s all about the billing, what you pay for what you get, it’s the whole shebang deal
Beginning with zip & zilch, accumulation of Gold is the freeborn nature of dead-meat
Innocence and the guilt is mind-implanted by the minions who run all numbers down
Millions to One ain’t a fair match but the One always ends in victory, one mind blown.

Blood and the tears come leakin’ out the pores until the point is made, transit the void
Put yourself in Beelzebub’s place for a moment in Time, the Past animates Future shock
In a squeak it all finalizes the deal, gasp because it’s incredible, when you die, it’s all over
Nothing like any heaven or hell promised to the faithful minions, buried or burned lovers.

Of this story about the beings who inhabit the Earth grounds, the origin of species’ groin
All about the orgasmic turpitude granted by the powers that be, not us, flip a dime coin
Heads or tails, it will always be either one or the other, no other possibility is the Known
All or Nothing, categorical imperative of a First Cause, “1” unmoved mover cover blown.

Think this way, Earth dissolves as salty NaCl in wet H2O, you weren’t here pre-birth at all
Some folks climaxed into the fertilization of an egg with the dynamic Cause of Life, a bawl
In the south of the States, all the dixie girls & boys call it the spice of life, cookin’ kid-oven
Hot, a hundred degrees, fed by the machine to thrive & expire when Space & Time collide.

Wait a minute or two before you decide what to do, let the idea become for real, it’s moot
A point that can’t be made with your silence, got to speak up and allow the voice to boot
It is as it is above this dirty plane, atoms dissolving into a Singularity’s collapse upon soot
Monkeys aping Koala bears all drank the Kool-Aid, now it’s then, all too human, God’s afoot.

In a tavern at the bar on a barstool chit-chatting with the tender, closed spot, system’s down
Full stop with a full house that can only be beat by 4 deuces or any foursome of a cool clown
All in the pot with my call & raise, I have nothing left but the best hand at the table’s content
Winning isn’t everything, it’s the only thing, it’s a Raiders principle that got the airmail sent.

Passing, rushing, intercepting, blocking the opponent progress into oblivion, just to win baby
It’s the only thing that matters, losers never prosper but they die like the rest, a bird & a bee
Prisoners of love and hate, stealing what others earned a la blood, sweat and crocodile tears
Hocked the stuffed animals, cupie dolls & the compartments they lease, extinction God fears.

Homers and homies get the gist of the problem, it’s all about us, we are the Ones who thrive
Or we die in pain or in surprised accidents when you aren’t paying close attention, you dive
From the top of mountains to the bottom of the sea, turns clear to unlit caves of the hu-men
Flight without wings, burrow without the digs, ho-hum, AUM, it’s the thing I am, divine ZEN.

Kites fly, all too human species ends the turmoil, it’s the dissolution of the DNA adaption
We have run the course from zygote to corpse, it is what it is, what it was & will be, a sun
A burning ball of gas, making memories of days and nights flow until a final blink’s done
You know nothing, I can guess the rest as well as you, eyes wide-open, it is me, I am One.

r j j stephan, i
c. Dimanche, September XXII, MMXXIV Anno Domini @ 666 AMPST
{ Highly unlikely to be read by anybody, the beans are the fruit & I am the toot, blew this one out of the Cosmic Dust while jammin’ to @LynyrdSkynrdsInnards on youTube link @ https://youtu.be/-qlzg5_hCXo hence, #TurnItUp }

Saturday, September 21, 2024

GUESSIN' THE FINAL RESTING #ABSOLUTEPERFECTION #TerrestrialInsultsOfUFOs & #EightHoursOfWhiskeyBlues #CacheForCASHcon

In no uncertainty principle ever imagined has there ever been an archangel
As if there ever were any winged beings without any atomic matter of Hell
Complicated simple mind you’ve acquired through the edification of Psyche
Nobody you know is inside your mental awareness, stick a finger in the dyke.

I’m artificially intelligent, intellectually dishonest on a regular basis, put-ons
Staged in every head, in every language, whether orphaned or deep fake fun
You and I will blow your families socks off, just pay them off with bitcoin cons
Which way is up and where’s the next wall to run into, dead meat’s well done.

Punks subtracted and multiplied by the great divide’s addition to the subset
It’s a quantity & range of quality from trash to diamonds & gold without debt
Beginning zygote to the corpse, give me a break, convolute the amazing spirit
It came before me & will be here once again, forever without end, this is all It.

Deduced conclusions ala rational inductions you’ll assume with no choice
It’s the lovers vs. the haters, One is all and Many is some of the girls & boys
To a Time from shadows, darkness silhouetted by blazing, fusion & fission
Void is omnipotent obliteration of all atoms into species’ hyper extinction.

As above, so below means, there’s nothing at all anywhere in eyesight’s see
Call me when you get the urge, number’s unlisted and that’s what it is to be
Crying won’t help you become nimbler at incorporating data bytes, git, Git!
You’ve got to acknowledge your vulgar hunger for It, the Truth as we know it.

Listen carefully to every word I’m going to say, it’s verbatim from a good book
Complicating the cancellation of this thing called Life on Earth, it’s annihilation
Word up, it’s foretold for the ones who emit the photons of haters & dreamers
One becomes the too Many, recede from the stars & enter Black Hole trousers.

Pumping up the power in the empty goat bladder, turn the bounce into a @Wilson
Balls of the Base, the Basket, the Course, the Court & Field & into the blazin’ sun
Mothers of the inventions which both came & went in a wisp of blown north wind
Guys turn the gals who married the mothers of grandfathers they won’t rescind.

Petting zoo, inside of a female blouse in every culture, Way to the species’ survival
All about the mammary glands man, even if you don’t blossom, pregnancy will do
Gitter done dawn until dusk, with a favorite One who needs to replicate the crew
You better shop around too, you need to eliminate the chaffe & keep it aqua blue.

Perks and the penalties are humungous but sometimes Scat happens & we pivot
From the no place you were going to go changed from the place you’ve arrived at
It may be fair or foul when you’re playin’ ball of any sort, the rules are sacrosanct
If you forget the rule & violate spirit of “Man” regulation, you will still be spanked.

Hairy Harry was hot before he turned stoned cold, a cadaver stiff upon a steel slab
It’s why you followed the dots on the page, tracing from One to one eleven on a tab
Kicking balls, throwing & slapping the sticks and stones with all my might, a put-on
For the masses of the people who never open their eyes, I offer the clear light’s gun.

Shot down in flames, as the planes and jets often do, enemies annihilate the hero
It’s the way of the world, it’s narrow & untraveled by most, to get the reward’s glow
Cash, diamonds, gold, land from the mountains to the open sea, border czar funk
Up in my grill, makin’ me blow scorched chunks, all too human, word salad bunk.

Not our fault, the mud & blood mixed with the beer, caused our DNA to bloviate
High or low, the catch phrases and non-sequiturs are my forte, #TheyreGrrrrraeatt!
Caught in the crossfire, not aiming for me but the bull’s eye behind my striped tail
Here & now, heretofore, forthwith the band, the groupies light my fire, it is my pall.

Last gasp, mouth agape, eyes seeing everything & everyone, but they think, I died
I could care less since I would be there for no more than another blink, I’d be fried
On a chemical mixture that mixes with the acid within the membrane, I get so high
Looking up and all around, all matter is all gone, I’m left without a piece of 3.14 pi.

I’ll buy Ferrari if you don’t care to keep the form & function of the Stock’s pig iron
Willing to fly over a hundred miles per hour in one hour, etcetera, etcetera, etcetera
Candy, love, sex as the trilogy keeps the DNA pure for the multiplication of the Rock
Earth’s Space, dust in the wind carries a promise, WTF is #What, the Herd’s a flock.

r j j stephan, i
c. Samedhi, 9-Twenty-One-MMXXIV A.D.
{ Drafted while jammin’ to the song by @Dave_Mason called:  #OnlyYouKnowAndIKnow on youTube link @ https://youtu.be/Cn0tnfv0KCc?si=meLelqyawygEkemI & DelaneyAndBonnie link @https://youtu.be/ecTQjNwYUss?si=0WLBC33Y6kB4nzPP }

Thursday, September 19, 2024

Truth Say Not One Word #OnenessIsThrillingClimaxToEarthLIFE #CATS here before the cavemen!


Filling station where you charge your batteries under the bridge of highs & lows
Money ain’t in the bank yet, gotta wait for the transfer of funds via my eyebrows
Rope in Texas hangin’ nooses from high trees at high noon & then whiskey shots
Time for us to settle down the kids, they’re full of energy from eating with no rest.

Don’t need the stationary place for my bones unless it’s safe to close my eyes
You never know when the bastards come stalkin’ to stab you or slice you up too
Maybe use you for the stew they make for the minions who dance around the park
Around the bonfire so hot and bright, you forget about the evil lurking in the dark.

Brought the impossible argument to it’s final conclusion, no coming right back
Letters all you’ll ever get for years and you never right back, a game I ain’t playin’
Shelter in the storm, I found my own lean-to and it’s better than being behind home
Alley dark below this Earth, lasts longer being nothing but empty Void, God’s a bum.

Taught me how to sound like everybody else who understands getting beyond all of it
As if you could have the entire time, years since the infraction of the Dogecoin chit fit
Ethereum is personal, unconscious & reactive as all other cause & effect that happens
The difference between the two is that The Truth kills The Lie, look out below, God sins.

There’s no need to spar about who is right or wrong, humanity figured out light’s speed
Following your mother into the black hole where she went down that divine rabbit hole
Where the spasms roll through the nervous system, causing the inebriation of the fool
Ready to expire the bones, it’s temporary extinction for the soul’s inner spiritual tool.

Superman & wonder woman mated to create a Dyson Sphere, Nothing like a Tabby star
Power up your energy output on each star in the Milky Way, terraform the world’s K-car
I found the middle of the Dyson Sphere, we travel like the Jetsons with super sprockets
Manipulating the very fabric of the matter & shapes of things all in temporary subsets.

Physics and astronomical reality aside, asleep in a dream now and then, happy too
Unhappiness achievement independent of the Class 3 forces, pure energy = voodoo
The cyborg revolution is accelerating upto light speed, no need to burp heaven scents
It’s comin’ chief, like it or not, you’ve got no choice, taught by native master sergeants.

Come see and you’ll invent the rest that’s missing from the present, the past recalled
If history of you yourself is all you can recall, well that’s enough to fight ‘til a bitter end
Keep mindful, a motto, Survival of Fittest, #Woke read incursive writing, enclave’s Void
Dark inside but fire enlightens the unknown, sheds light on fake facts of life destroyed.

You got your head on a swivel, command & control of ancient civilization, a Future too
Prick your head up out of the sand, your feet & everyone else’s hooves are deep in mud
Nobody’s legs can animate all things, the forms of animated Earth mud, it’s a live crew
Ghosts in the machines, call them your relatives & friends & strangers in the wild blue.

Yonder you’ll be & in retrospect you’ll never recall with brain & mind embedded in DNA
Deep and dark Outerspace, far away from our starlight Sun, the father of straight & gay
Extinction is the effect of failure to propagate the DNA matter between sex and candy
For what it’s worth, last blink, you’re blind, no gasp of breath, BAM, Nothing, y’all Free.

No judgement day, promised land or hell fire, The Way to control the herd’s shepherds
Ten commands, theorems & corollaries to guide & control the Way, virus of free birds
Nested higher than kites can fly, when the wind dies, the flight reduces the big smoke
Your mama knows she is the blame, now you know, it is all about, “Your Mama, man!”

r j j stephan, I
c.  Jeudi, 9-19-MMXXIV Anno Domini @911 AMPST

{ Crafted while listenin’ to @PitBull, @TraceAdkins  & @LukeBryan #WhereTheCountryGirlsAt on youTube link @ https://youtu.be/qBbTUw6dIpA?si=evjfo3g8A3iq_QRX }



Saturday, September 14, 2024

@KidROCK #UpJumpedTheBoogie on FRIDAY THE XIIIIth #ScaredCatsAndDogsOnceBitten #DontEatFelinesFools M.A.S.H. FELIX THE CAT 8THMANDVD.COM


There is nothing more stupid than hooking your hooks into cyberspace, be a fool
Poor kids & old ladies & old men who make the trip without the LSD or dead pool
Topless dancers in the Northern Tier down to the alligator Everglades, Love’s call
Not my call, yours or anyone’s, it’s all about one invisible God Love, evil is back.

Live spelled backward is the thing itself into the crazy fools up your hind end too
Fishin’ where the sun don’t shine hopin’ your battery fails & melts in infamy’s goo
Being nothing responsible for human behavior, random productive sea scum
Comin’ in two-by-two & sometimes skippin’ a beat doubling back for ad infinitum.

Seriously folks, you flow like the river from the mountains to the valleys of dolls
They’re young and they’re old, but they’re the species only hope to survive holes
In the atmosphere or deep in the ground, holes are deep and bottomless dead air
All in One dollop heap of matter that will burn pure energy to soot sooner or later.

Fisticuffs or wrestling with your & 208 bones keeping you up in nuclear arms
You’ve got the fusion and fission dialed in for the atoms, make them the farms
Of the men and mice evolved out of bacteria and viruses without a first cause
Last effect is supernova of a galaxy, the opposite of the Void collapse of toss.

Guns, roses, footballs, goalie nets, hockey sticks and wang dang doodles’ kids
All playing the games of life and death with the morons and idiots who overbid
For the needs & wants of little squirts & old geezers and departed old, tired lies
Born and raised on the bad side of Chicago, ma & pa didn’t know the bad guys.

Mirky milk from the mothers give the offspring notions & delusions of superiority
When they are mostly inferior examples of the species’ form and substance free
Of the Time and Space which we spend doing this & that before sleeping as dead
Every day, every night, you have no choice, fall asleep, you’ll be dead, in the bed.

It all sucked into the matrix without a lifesaver, nothing else but the shock & awe
On the left from the swords and rounds of fire from the guns, as above, below, so
Pig iron and steel to eliminate the threats coming to absolve you of belongings
Denied by idle threat of pain & suffering, termination, results of honeybee stings.

Hot pan-fried and delectable, the food is prepared as a meal for queens & kings
Everything from monk fruit, vegetables, meat, wine, beer, ale, whiskey sour things
All wasted in antibody and mind, nothing left but to exit the stage to the right end
All is empty and one and the same, in a finished game, final gasp, soul gets bent!

Worms comin’ out of the ground, out of the corpses, off of the fish trouble hooks
I read the words and pages of dead tree’s leaves full of ink spots and squiggles
Gleaned the things that past through and the things that will be coming through
Before I die, find out I’m already gone, it’s a matter of Time in Space, so, #BOO!
r j j stephan, i
c. Friday the 13th of September, 2024 Anno Domini @ 1111 PMPST
{ crafted while listening to John Cougar #CherryBomb in a loop link @ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rUdbbC3Beo4&list=RD_U1u8-78fRo&index=3 & The Eagles #WastedTime link @ https://youtu.be/rUdbbC3Beo4?si=-Gno2ATcqflVFQPs }

Wednesday, September 11, 2024


Never forget about it



You know where to go and you know you'll never forget the day on nine one one, you watched
Hijacked plane on FOX & CNN showing me what I didn't know, I thought this meant W A R
I even went so far as to call up the Air Force recruiter to see if they needed me to back up TED
I was way too old, some were way to young to recall, some not even born to Mankind's horror.

Murky water used to be liquid helium, an accident from liquid hydrogen, a few electrons off it
Yet it's always better than nothing, it could be worse, you might not have ever been born, git git
You were, you exist at the mercy of Mother Earth, nothing personal, just a fact of life, Nothing
Zero, zippity zilch, nada & for certain, Absolute Emptiness, the hole in the circle with no bling.

Height of the sky is lower than the arpeggios comin' out of my horns & struttin' twelve strings
It's complicated beyond logic, it's above metalogic and crypto metaphysics, it's a put-on things
Albeit like my father Albert, his father & grandfather before them all, it's all done by the dorks
It's that thing itself that precedes the essence, the form of cellular adhesion to gluons & quarks.

You wouldn't let your daughter, sister or mother crawl in bed with a snake, you'd skin it clean
Of course, it'd be too late unless you sucked the poison out of the puncture wound's scheme
To animate your heart and soul with the nasty & obtuse for the world to consume like a bean
Refried or uncooked, it's the source of the living forms that turn up to the sun, as a plant's kin.

Turned you loose, you found out you had no tether in the first place, it was all in your mind
Cooked up, mixed up and consumed before the poison was recognized for that thing itself
Hated the loving disease that consumes healthy cells one by one until the end of your time
Hot fun in the city, hangin' loose in the country, drinkin' & smokin' the Earth charm, Fine!

You never heard this coming, your secret service was asleep & on permanent vacation, son
9 1 1 cry about it, remember it, never forget about it, never skip the annual terror that spun
One morning it began, Gulf War from deep in Hades, we got the bin Laden monkey chump
Vaporized the ghost of the spiderman in the cave, Ala, gods & the divine sparks ate him up.

Barrels of laughs with the full Tupperware bowls, throwing them like flying saucers on air
Turned into a Frisbee and got my mind off of throwin’ down yoyos and tops to spin there
Out here and deeper than brave men fear to go, there's the thing itself, all I am is what it is
Ignorant wisdom on the wane in the wake's coffin, I'll be surfin' hangin' ten, I'm bodacious.

Harder day's night than i remember from recent memories, stayed wide awake, no sleep
Performing the acts of kindness for the ones who could care less if your mind is too deep
Cannot believe or conceive a thing but the factoid on a message in a bottle or a tea cup
Bumphuq ain't in Egypt but if it was, we in that the desert where the bums phuq it all up.

Be prepared, cub scouts webelos taught me, boy scouts just tenderfoot, bear cub, lion cub
Jellybeans and peanut butter cups for everyone, you need handouts, this is the only rub
You have to pay by going to work at the club, the house of blues places where bands rock
Minimum wage & bonus if you Bounce (on call at the venue, if needed) 1000 buck mock.

Gods will to power is much more than you think, human extinction is close to nothing at all
It’s the ends of the being that created it all in the first place, before when it was a silent dot
Exploded to get right here & right now in your face, on the gridirons, the courts & diamonds
Every day, you play & some day once your finished with the games, it’s curtains my sons!

Taxes levied and the government charges the governed to govern them and their freedom
Weird but the way it is, it's the system of the ups & downs of Life, it is what it is for some
What type of form, species or genome are we, all too human, 208 bones of ecstasy's tragedy
Only you know & I know, secret in a bottle opened at your last gasp, eyes wide open, GONE!

r j j stephan, i

c.  9 ONE ONE  9-11-MMXXIV Anno Domini @ 333 PMPST

{ Tricked this out of my Muse while listenin' to @ledZeppelin #TheLemonSong on youTube link @ https://youtu.be/8gWbKAcuzN8?si=wuoS4KIAqo-R4Aqx }
