
Showing posts with label #buddah. Show all posts
Showing posts with label #buddah. Show all posts

Saturday, May 11, 2024

Coppers HICCUP again and again ad infinitum UFO identified



God’s got monster humor deep within the mind’s eye of a hole-spirit
I plaid with the blocks and built what needed gravity to pull it on down
Mystery I left behind on the block in the second city from a Big Apple
Fought for dreams in heaven that dropped to the coffee grounded hill.

Points of your head and your idiot sensations of a moron, idiot or fool
Now, finally aware that your parental supervision was lacking survival
 No skill taught too young, uncool to be a square in a triangular circle
Boiling hot or rock-hard frozen ice, all nature of a fool’s cess’ pool.

Consume & defecate, once you’re free from a womb until a deathbed
You’re intellectual curiosity satisfied once rigor mortis sets you dead
Ego or personality that expressed your presence, dissolved in the air
My love, a lack of care for Life on Earth, existence as such, orphaned.

Humming like a bird’s rapid beating wings, my engine is primed to act
In a play, a game, for reality is nothing but that, it’s a phenomenal fact
Allies turn into preposterous enemies, sons & daughters of all heroes
Courtesy motors, courtesy groceries all just hand-outs for bold foes.

Complicated mess of ordering things from atom to heavenly bodies
Washed, scrubbed clean of bacteria and viral infections clinging fleas
Shame on you, shame on me, shame on the first & the last of the free
Kites flyin’ and the lead is heavier than a ton of rock and rolling glee.

Must leave on a last gasp, gone not forgotten, just way gone, far away
Mighty fog covering the Truth, a necessary & sufficient argument ploy
To be or not to be in peace between wars, fun playing good vibrations
Opportunity knocks if you arrest your attention upon mortal godsons.

Barter your days & nights without your last confession, don’t speak it
Word that sounds like O & M in a drawn-out hum until it all rattles spit
In or out of rattlesnakes’ seven holes, eyes, ears & lips, two too much
Pens and stylus incursive scribbles on paper-thin 8x12 such & such.

Colors to the colorblind are the spelling and sound of words, B&W TV
Everywhere you see, if you’re colorblind is all there is of this worldly
 Things themselves in one form or another, micro-macroscopic pixels
Apes maintaining it, grooming enhanced survival of the stinkin’ hells.

Without soap and water, without the cover-up anti-fish bobber floats
We’d all be alone in our own odorific scent that nobody can ever feel
Between sheets or in a million permutations of the screws & lug bolts
You sleep, dream & you gotta roll with the tires & a quicksilver wheel.

That being said, whatever it was I can’t recall, a moment in time heals
Who knows why Earth of the sun’s solar system revolves in orbitals
Ideals come & go with the weather which is annoying yet quite quaint
Monsters ghost you in your bed, they’re in your head, all-woke saint.

Monument tower above the babbling people who can’t get along well
Extinction of the species requires existence, and that ship has sailed
What we have here’s a failure to express the meaning of decrepit dead
At one point, all points bulletin repeats ad infinitum, rings Hell’s Bell.

Looking glass mirror shattered into a million pieces, puzzled far apart
From the original One image into a mirage of two failed sacred hearts
Then from two, a geometric progression up to a zillion bytes of charm
Subatomic free radicals open the door, here we come, we mean harm!

r j j stephan, i

c.  Samedhi, May XI, MMXXIV Anno Domini @ 411 PMPST

{ Keep your hat on, dribbled out while jammin’ to #VanillaFudge #KeepMeHanginOn link @  https://youtu.be/NCwzCQcjC0M?si=uape6ko1TpR1nbYi }



Tuesday, May 07, 2024



We had a tiny scuffle between the good & evil winged ones, we dive deep down
In your mind and body, in your soul there’s a hole twixt two doves who’ve flown
From nowhere to right here and now, this is somewhere in the middle, you’re fly
So wake up before the end of the dream, you’ve been asleep in a slick, divine lie.

Truth you’ve found before me is One I’ve rejected after your death, wisdom’s cry
Owls blink one eye at a time to focus upon subjects & predicates with black light
Fear in the darkness’ dome, bumping objects into nouns & verbal knives to fight
If and when you see your ghost inside of your bones, that’ll be the day y’all die.

Describe God’s altitude from the plane of Earth, drop angel hair pies over there
Higher than low balls droppin’ from all too human species’ idiots who fly higher
Sewers full of disgusting, refused matter that passed through the Father’s son
What’s the score? Nothing to nothing, a reflection in the mirror shows no one.

Skin walks off the 208 bones immediately upon rigor mortis, dream’s The End
Of the story that means something to everyone, it’s untold, theoretical fraud
Mothers & fathers of this genome’s generation left a mean backstreet retweet
Figures of eighty-eights & donuts formed into The Dozens, a failure of two feet.

Brief screams before turning into the food for the pretty faces, animals & crows
All died for the good of mankind, on a BBQ spit or a fired up, wood or gas’ love
Breakfast, lunch & supper snacks between all known UFO stars are saucer blows
Disease eating health & vivacious love of life, extinction ground below, so above.

Woke up the Woke ones, showed ‘em all a final moment on Earth, woke hiccup
There & then, here & now, back over there, UFO identified as the gods set us up
Idiots and morons in charge of the important things within Nothing, rollin’ 1991
Time has begun to tick, split atoms, extinction of species, God, stoppin’ the fun!

This is a put-on, an interstellar vehicle flambee without a flame or ultraviolet fire
Nimble on an orbit that gravitationally collapses eventually, history cries, “Liar!”
Creating a narrative without knowing Truth, subatomic evolution, it’s impossible
Yet, here we are, here we go again, reincarnated stardust, Unmoved Mover Hell.


r j j  stephan, i

c.  Mardi, May 7th MMXXIV Anno Domini @ 333 AMPST

{ Contents Unknown, gleaned from the Void while on the dark side of Earth listenin’ to #BeyondUFOSightings on youTube link @ https://youtu.be/s5OMu1bkems }


Saturday, May 04, 2024

#MayTheFourthBeWithYou #BlowYourTop @ZZT


Of course, Eve tempted Adam with plausible deniability, creep had total free will to choose
Hence the harbinger of Evil or Good in context of the garden of Eden, you all drink the booze
Of rats and smaller critters in the star dust you grow seeds in, restaurants of dead life food
Worms, all the way up to the all too human rattle & hum, a pleasure feeling, being so good.

Drivin’ up and down the streets my father and mother dropped in my lap, got me one PhD
In logic and pure reason from the university of experiencing #LikeItOrNot, it’s all about #Me
Where my grandchildren were conceived, in the back seat of my plausible deniability honey
Mankind won’t do it on it’s own, adjust the DNA by the ingestion of congestion, gold money.

Mating malfunctions in the species’ code require full extinction of the species, x & y deadly
Whomever is quoted as saying it’s never too late is no doubt stone cold mortified mortally
Of course the memory can’t be forgotten without constant delirium of civilization’s breath
All of the many in the Earth’s dirt enjoy the health and avoidance of dearth and ego death.

Only a fence charged with the power to annihilate your spark will keep y’all out the corral
You used too much power growing up and what you’ve got left is an out of time seashell
It ain’t your fault you were conceived in the heat of the night, free will or raped hooker Ma
She’s a mother but the orphans ain’t likely to be happy, ever, forever, happiness with no Pa.

Wave of the substance getting close to the fusion & fission of the form, reserve a holy Hole
Not bad being evil and not bad being good on a Saturday night, city or country Muscle Shoal
Substance & Form coming from Nothing is absurd foolish blather, everything is One Atom
Plenty of the many to obfuscate the function of the calculus, nevertheless, God is a bum.

Previous words come from the bottom of the cess pool just like the pleasure of beauty’s Id
You need a ride and I want to give you one too, asked me to pick you up from work, so I did
Honey, baby, your daddy wouldn’t like me thinkin’ of huggin’ & kissin’ you all over the place
I mean in public or private, too tempted to not want to, I’m jealous of me, love my fish face.

Handling maneuvers as planned, practiced every permutation of jump shots & slam dunks
Chopped down some cherry trees & fired up the dead wood, under heaven’s stars in waving
To my flesh, skin and borrowed 208 bones, some broke and others just cracked, one or two
Broke my nose without knowing why I was lying underground, seein’ daylit twinklin’ allstars.

Hugs is all I want from you baby, yeah, you know I love you for your Pink Cadillac out of sight
It’s all going to be clear after the obscurity is seen for what it is, the smokescreen of the Oz
Wizard had a hold on you and made forget you were dreaming, in a coma for the sugar Pez
Oozing and cruising up and down, in and out, in the front and the back, just don’t be Right.

It’s alright to be on the far left with the dead philosophers who laugh rollin’ in the ash urns
Graves of wisdom who knew the two bits used all your gas and left your family in the lurch
All saved & invested in Ends of Time, burnt ash of trees, broke hydrogen oxygen molecules
Atomic reference of fuel reserves, supernova happening without warning, need Hercules.

No matter how you try, not even Atlas or Hermes Trismegistus phenomena, mortal sinner
Knowing everything is rhythm & rhyme is all you need, all you’ve wanted forever, with beer
Drink it deeply, your mother was a woman, it makes you half of a man, force of love power
Prior knowledge of the following is not important in the end, Nothing matters to him or her.

Hunger for data, your hard drive’s been bleached bit vacuumed, preach the way of a monk
Silenced in the darkness, too human nature, good, bad & ugly mixed, unofficial fake facts
Evolution the appearance of all we can observe with perception and digestion production
My father said, “Money isn’t Everything, it’s the Only Thing!” but he didn’t, it is a super funk.
r j j stephan, i

c. Samedhi #May the 4th be with you! 2024 Anno Domini @ 1245 PMPST
{ Skinned listenin’ to @Davy_Crockett #WOKE link on youTube @ https://youtu.be/UzAwQUwaUYY }

Monday, April 29, 2024


Dropped a pin on a map of your 50 states of being here and now, here’s all I got to show for it
Pings and pongs goin’ back & forth without any purpose other than going to be hit, to and fro
Within the parallel lines and rectangular spaces between the empty out of bounds bull’s s#it
Apes in trees’ houses, cave mountains, chopped up pick-up sticks & rocks formed into a blow.

Punks & full-fledged genii who watch the way the balls bounce and throw ‘em down in a hole
Inches and kilometers matter as much as the space between the atoms that move unmoved
Stone cold or pistol barrel hot, I know the ends and the fools tryin’ to get them in a contract
Made to be dissolved like the sugar in your water, still sweet yet invisible to the yet undead.

Pitbulls & Collies on either side of the spectrum, to watch and protect your spirit’s high heels
Spike up another inch or two so you look taller than sweet home Alabama red, Georgia peach
Now the Daisy Dukes get to my vision’s eyesight getting’ blinded by the Tequilla clear jiggers
Alright on the left, there’s fire in the hole, duck & cover, hit the dirt, yo’ arse is grass, buggers!

Burnt to freeze dry and a shattering of atoms into electrons, neutrons & mother’s proton Man
It’s a code of acid, another miracle of evolved mud, blood & beer from the ranch & farm sand
I know, we know what nobody Is, God’s wide open vacuum of elemental magic, a phart-ch
Gas sags the empty space, warps time into infinity from you mama’s womb, bullseye, #DART.

What’s your 20? Gimme your latitude, drop a pin on a map, need your longitude attitude too
Drunk all the tequila last night, all I got left is the JD Black, well at least ¾’s not watered down
Had to hide that slack from my girl, sisters, mothers, lady friends, wives, grandmas got it blue
Living and waiting for the prince or the pauper can be so time consuming, you know it’s true.

I shook and rattled the cage until the walls came tumbling down to the higher ground below it
Temptations to rest and recuperate while sunbathing in the blown atoms millions, tons of s#it
Pumping the beginning of it all to the bitter ends that nothing can recuperate, it’s coffin or fire
Buried below the down home pretty ones so the babies don’t know where the daddies are at.

Baked the cookies in that hot oven, it’ll all come out in nine months, babies get the bad penny
From the brothers and nephews of the bums and junkies who reproduced the roaring twenty
With the maniac 2020’s from one to nine, Man broke through scant atmospheric scat to Rome
Passed the germs out into the pristine and empty, all that’s #GetGone brought it down home.

Find me fiddling around and twiddling my fingers in a circular jerk, like no-count hillbilly scat
Produced by the children of clueless girls who feared the mighty abused children they reared
Babies got older, cranked up the engines with mighty home-grown to speed through the dead
Living from first cry’s shout until the final peep & airless spit comin’ with a holy corpse’s FAT!

Dream over in a flash, Underground or Above The Law of Fish and Game departments of gods
Who never showed the facts of life to the minions created from rock dirt & hydrogen hotrods
Mud kicked off my combat boots, pulled on my cowboy boots to fetch some homegrown tea
California coast or inland up to the foothills and in between the models of the deep blue sea.

Paid that bill twice and I need that refund to be applied to my future tab, it’s comin’ soon too
Dropped a dime on your sisters & brothers, some of your mother & fathers I now pooh-pooh
Wise knowledge and foolish followers of the Word, philosophy and science of pop culture Ids
Comin’ to Budda or Confucius or Christian splinter groups, leading to the End, over & out kids!
r j j stephan, i
c. Lundi, April XXIXth MMXXIV Anno Domini @ 911 AMPST
{ Inside the Outside looking through the plexiglass while jammin’ to @TobyKeith #RIP concert link @ https://youtu.be/EHi4qAN5zeg?si=LIgtvbpQveIzUkF3 }