
Showing posts with label #funkyFlimFlamJam. Show all posts
Showing posts with label #funkyFlimFlamJam. Show all posts

Saturday, July 08, 2023

#FateIsComplete @ElonMusk @TuckerCarlson #ConGameSecurityHoods #PutItInTheWantAds

Five will get you ten and I’m not talkin’ about a fin or a sawbuck I can tell you that one thing for certain
Nothing other than the Singularity down inside a deep black hole can stop my lips from flapping in Sin
Artificial both real & unreal as it is above this planet’s rock & dirt, took a spin around the square drapes
Intelligence is interesting in an all too human way, no zoo would exist without humanity’s grape apes.

An illusion is what you don’t know the veracity of, a perceptual conglomeration of the One & only you
Man or woman, boy or girl, every baby who ever has been lucky enough to be born since the Big Bang
All of us, each and every one of the dead and the ones who will survive our presence, hell’s bells rang
Not heard by the deaf & dumb, can’t speak because you can’t hear the sound to repeat it’s resonance.

Cream of the crop on the ground and in the air, underwater down to the hot, molten core of lava rock
Nobody on Earth, alive or already dead and gone has or had or will ever have any right to live forever
No skull and crossbones in the afterlife, no wings for the human or any other primate evolved of stars
Dust turned into solid conglomerations of dead gas, sun bursts, star explosions, female womb mortars.

Mamacitas firing those little kids off into this netherworld of caused effects to die for, blinded by whiskey
Said goodbye just in case it was time to go & Time runs out in the middle of a quick drive to become free
Space wide open from pole to pole, all around the equator, we fly in circles around the ellipse of ol’ Sol
All is said & done, last gasp of gas, One spirit spits out the soul in bytes too small to see with an eyeball.

Call that the hereafter, the great beyond, heaven or hell, Cielo or Hades, it matters that you say the word
If you don’t know anything about whatever humanity has determined is good and evil, you’re a dirty bird
Meaning uncivilized & unworthy of a humane respect for the life we exhibit by a breathing heart beating
If and only if you observe the golden rule of society, will you achieve being all too human, reflex reacting.

Will to power and the freedom to not only wield it upon the planet but also take it with you when you go
Out of this life, away from this solar system’s gravitational collapse inevitable in a far-off future tomorrow
Here & now, I exist to expose my personal ignorance of everything there is on Earth repeat, here & now
Blow by blow, here we go, eyes were closed & now slit open a bit, soul is shining in the darkness’ glow.

Reminders all over the place in Space that I walk and drive to, run only when necessary, slowly sufficient
Kind to everyone other than the evil, bad guys who mean you & others around you harm, demonic scent
Knowing the smell, it’s sulfur and it’s unpleasant as a fresh dump of recycled dead plant & animal blood
Not vampires but dead flesh hamburgers of living, it’s as humanity is, the ignorant condemned by God.

In common denominator theory, if a numerator & It are both One & the same, it’s always One, the same
Timeline of the game with the rules you were given after the fact of immaculate conception, it’s so lame
Animated by the grateful dead that came before our entry, they left the Words of Truth in the rock’s roll
Tablets of Emerald and commands of a UFO atop of a mount, tripping on poison drink & smoke of a troll.

Mirrors catchin’ the fog of war & the breath of the battlefield dying in a holocaustic explosion in paradise
Trying to speed ahead of the incoming/outgoing only brings the end on quicker, reapin’ what we sewed
Paying the price, a cost was set by some power that existed before the Big Bang onto the Great Whimper
Dream’s over pal, peg o’ my heart, lovin’ you! That’s it, I came trippin’ for One who blew me away, Her!

r j j stephan, i

c. Samedhi, July VIIIth, MMXXIII Anno Domini @ 333 AMPST
{ Faked being awake, drafted this gem while listenin’ to #MountainJam Live At The Fillmore on youTube link @ https://youtu.be/qkQ3F2jZGuQ }



Saturday, June 10, 2023

Now Its Saturday Night #OhIDontRememberAnythingTOO


There’s no light at ends of the tunnel, been there, done that
On land & sea with or without blind Brandon & Popeye’s sails
I know what you’ve got & what that is, you have freedom too
Liberty to either elevate or subjugate your soul’s experience.

Far, far away from this Time in Space, fast asleep in my bed
Edge of the Twilight Zone between Cielo & Hades, it’s dark
Closed eyes in a lightless closet, picture of an invisible jerk
Yet such a great asset to wield when you’re hollow & naked.

Freedom to choose to keep history as fictional as it all was
Truth about what actually happened & why is a moot point
All that matters is you’re licensed & permitted to roll a joint
Met my match under an apple tree or inside a Bradley tank.

Summer school & crushes of teenagers in the park at night
Pony league, Colt league & then I was out, my bad, no fight
No influence on me due to lack of talent to be an ebb & flow
It was a question alright, alright, alright, apple tree’s a nono.

Stole my heart when my soul was preoccupied on your form
The good thing’s a bad thing, one & the same thing, a worm
Skynyrd’s spoons to help hold down the prey for knife cuts
Innards are what life’s all about, it makes drivers all putts.

Pod of killer whales hungry for a small morsel of bones go
Around in circles getting ready to execute the final sentence
Tearing you apart for the young and the old, you’ll lose sense
Of your place in the universe crunched & digested like cocoa.

Ran into the brick wall and from there on out we have no pain
Nothing but the open road ahead of us, Mack Truck’s 45’ trailer
All up and down the turnpikes and tollways, no more freeways
You and yours pay the price, all back in jive penitentiary bays.

Keeping the good and the bad away from the ugly hand I got dealt
The open society confinement to the blind faith obedient quarry
Of being the hunter of Man’s souls, nothing’s more rewarding, I see
Talking and thinking of mighty future shock, touched below the belt.

Did y’ all see the ghost inside of the machine? It’s really not a ghost!
It’s a chimera memory of what used to be, like smoke before it’s gone
Pumping more future shock into the whole world should cause atrophy
Nobody’ll have a thing left post supernova, right on dog darkness’ sea!

r j j stephan, i
c. Saturday, 6-10-2023 A.D. @ 606 PMPST

{ Jacked this out of the universe while jammin’ to @FrankZappa #WonderfulWino on youTube link @ https://youtu.be/D3z2cDKCdkY & @GRATEFULDEAD #SHAKEDOWNstreet LIVE @CornellUniversity Ithaca, NY May 7, 1980 link @ https://youtu.be/G2U2v_KjzhQ }


Thursday, June 08, 2023

#SkipARopeADope #FoolFoolsYou #FooFighters #PurpleRain #Prince #EddieVedder #ACDC #TheUnitedStatesAirForceThunderbirdDemo #RichieStephens



You’ll never, e’er hear me saying anything out louder than this, it’s NOYB & I’m being quite highly polite
You and I have burned the final bridge over the canyon’s void, there is no longer any reason for a church
To say one word or read a sentence or a book is without a value, in the end, essentially you soul search
For the other one you’ve been missin’ since you got laid as every teen should prior to being pure light.

Philosophy 101 or a 400 series graduate course of the living & dying monkey devolution survival groove
Every word expresses the nature of Thought, thinking of ideas using linguistic certainty, Nothing to prove
Money in computer digits or gold, silver or certificated paper back-up to the US currency, One holy ingot
Nobody will know since no crime can be surmised, although the evidence is circumstantial, to be or not.

Water drying up fast, looking for water on another planet, any vapor of oxygen and hydrogen & a wife
No underground water on other planets yet there’s ICE just like there’s spent star dirt from a big bang
Somebody found out that the souls have slowed down comin’ down here to Earth, a population bong
Smoked it up in the persuasive program of DNA to avoid child rearing from teenage years to half a life.

Mirrors are for the reflection, but the light is required, it’s insufficient to have a little, it’s a shame sin
You & I won’t even want to cease to be when it’s our time to blow, we’ll wanna survive the tribal scree
My green lantern was bright even though I picked it a day earlier than I intended, lightening got to me
There’s a taxicab that’s rollin’ up and down the streets of the city, all law enforcement are my own kin.

It will take you from the dregs at the bottom of the foundation to the upper stratosphere of our Fear
In no ridiculous way, the only way to go is down or up, not forward or backward, none of it is my fault
Maybe it was my greatest grandmother & greatest grandfather who I will never know even existed at all
Out of my control to behave as if under a drug induced coma, experts say I’m their signal to make it fall.

Civilization of eagles written on holy, dark cave walls when they got lit with sparks of fire, devil’s afraid
That Truth will be known by the ignorant & the wise, descended from the Big Bang of God’s cosmic fade
Guitars four, six and twelve string in one form or another, got picked or just plucked a whole idiot psyche
Practice the same buzz licks over again until you don’t need to think about Scat I’m croonin’ at the mic.

Shields diverted the rounds of lead balls & silver bullets, through my heart and soul, I disappeared, ghost
All that I was didn’t matter a lick, understood or not, rigor mortis wins & ends the finale, all about a host
Froze ice-H2O mutation of the starfire closest to our fingers, toes & God’s psychic effect, singularity afoot
Conception from gametes, love or the natural thrust of species’ Will to Survive at all costs, drunk on loot.

Why you dropped your holy thing into my casket where nobody ever lied within but the shell of my ball
Of course, I was that unidentified flying object, under the radar from seven to seventy, then it’s all hush
Buzzin’ & swiggin’ cold ones, a wreckin’ ball crew getting’ blown away into a safe corner, needed a push
Golden geese from games of the princess’ paupers, unloaded lead weight, obedient angels, lied to y’all.

Hooked betwen the fish and the mud in the swamp, my lure isn’t attracting poor hookers suckin’ on head
Pushed around from dusk until dawn, in a dream state that cannot be moved from the dribbling of idiots
Balls thrown, snowballs right through picture windows, quarter inch thick of shattered, glass blood clots
Pink or ultra-violet blue, infrared or deep purple, between the yellow, orange, green & sour graffiti dead.

Nobody that’s a male will take it like a man, all men conceived half woman, it’s an XX & an XY equal
From nothing at all to giving a hoot about, everything you can imagine, breathing in & out, until y’all fall
Downloaded the immaculate conceptions, it’s all water under the bridge, there’s nothing more to say, so
It’s all about hell above the center, middle of nowhere without anything subatomic, throw a naked blow.

Harder than a soft cushion I need on hand & foot as you drift into the dream realm of sleep, woke deep
State of being or not being, dead or alive, multiplication of the acid divide, nuclear TNT Einstein to keep
Watch & see, light moves fast as supersonic sound, mystic invitation to trip a nervous, bad, psychic break
Down so far, there’s nowhere else to go, for an inappropriate giggle, hind teat to rattle, I roll & you shake.

Jelly beans, jelly donuts, jelly & peanut butter, I want it all, chocolate milk in a wax carton, #Kills us all
On this frequency’s wavelength, to cause the causes that caused the very First Cause that couldn’t be
Light is out, Time ends it all over Space, compared to zero on a time line, Nothing is nugatory rhythms
Pencil-necks or egg-heads, all bumps on a log near leaping frogs that taste like chicken winged spasms.

Mom & dad were absolutely right, if you’re alive at any point between the dawn & dusk, then it’s a door
Up into the doors and shutters of perception, senses heard, seen, smelled & tasted of the pimpled whore
In darkness everything’s OK but when you shed light upon the scenic physical world, boom there it is, sir
Bums ne’er do well junkies who want & get the life and death everyone gets on Earth, Liberty ain’t free.

What freedom is cannot be expressed in mere words but you will know what it is if you lose it, even a bit
Restriction of your Will to be or not to be is affected by the cause and effects of your ecstatic misery skit
Play off stage, playin’ the fool, gorging midnight snacks, gold rings' man-woman, Ding-Dong, y’all rang
Skin-So-Soft aware of the sweet/sour, hard candy swing of delight, Yin Yang of the whole G.D. shebang.

Confused subjects and objects predicated upon the facts of life that cannot be written nor said by word
It’s the nature of beasts in the field of foul and fair balls between the lines from home to bleacher wood
Cheering or booing for the home team’s prowess or failure to compete with the good sport, evil #Oppo
Game’s got rules, start to finish, win, lose or draw, play ball in a field of dreams & now, we all woke, Bro!

--------------this NEVER ends--------------
r j j stephan, i
c. Jeudi, June 8th, 2023 MMXXIII Anno Domini @ 111 PMPST

{Produced out of my muse’s invisible form while jammin’ to @ACDC #Thunderstruck link @ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v2AC41dglnM & @VanMorrison #Wavelength link @ https://youtu.be/SThHPgmRsi0 & @KORN #WordUP link @ https://youtu.be/kyOcIbRRkiw & @BruceSpringsteen #HighHopes link @ https://youtu.be/rOPDhoZH91g )
MY MUSE, HER NAME IS . . . #MergatroID

Sunday, March 05, 2023

#UtilizingMusicToProgramTheSubstanceDNA #WORDup @CAMEO #WashYoMouthOutWitSoap

This wonderful diatribe will hurt you more than it will ever hurt me unless I must repeat it ad infinitum
Meanwhile, during the most important day and night of your life on Earth, you become as unconscious
As the ancestors of our own vast origin of a hundred grandmothers who coupled reproductively in sins
From the Original Sin, disobedience to the creator of the universe and our own conscious minds’ kins.

Blinded faith in the unknown and unsensed by the five or six senses we acknowledge to be or not to be
Imagined a whole shebang just for the sake of hell I don’t know, you never can tell what it means to me
Been the sweet, sugar-Candyman met that girl on a Friday or Saturday night, made her panty’s drop-in
Get go and never gonna be sorry for the chaos, the mess leftover by the ones who are all has-been Kin.

If it don’t get hotter than a gas-lit fryin’ pan on a burnin’ stove, then it ain’t what’s happening to us all
None of us are in a different boat, all on one of the seven continents speakin’ Tongues of incongruence
Mathematical uncertainty principles see to function as the ultimate meaning behind the shadow’s lens
Microscopic blood cells in vein/artery flow defying gravity up to the skull’s skullduggery and nonsense.

Government's the devil spelled backward, l I v e d backward to the Origin of the Species, a pass of Time
Space between your ears & between planets, between galaxies of solar systems, shit don’t even rhyme
Romance and dance, that’s really all there is to it, you know how then your gonna do-si-so, like it or not
Your remains & the remains of everything that ever multiplied from the One, dreamin’ I ain’t dreamin’.

Temptations to talk trash’s cause as a master of no trade, I know nothing about back-stabbin’ minds
Magic that the Unmoved can remain at rest while absolutely everything else blows the stop signs
Only the One can remain at One, living thing can’t be seen, it’s the gnosis of the chips being dead
In prime, I’m justified to opine on the nature of idiotic morons who enculturated my innocent head.

Systemic DNA programmed to self-destruct in near a hundred years, trippin’ on star-moonshine
All of it comes and goes without our Will to Power, cryin’ for your mama who ain’t gonna boogie
She’s long gone and left you to fend for yourself, turn your ticket in and get aboard the slow train
You will whether you like it or not, dance on the floor with the rest of the boogie-woogie in pain.

Used to be the jazz and the blues and fused the whole shebang into a Jetson space sprocket spin
In your face or above you when you’re the ash and bone leftover from the BBQ of stanchion Sin
It stinks worse than the meat that you’ve BBQed on the spit and rubbed with the stink-coverage
Sauce from the tomatoes & spices of the East and West, to die for, no leftovers ever, same page.

Hidden’ in the backwoods ain’t gonna help you hide from the bloodhounds on your tail stinker
Bills and invoices all left unpaid for you to cuddle up to as soon as you get out of a prison tanker
Billy in the hills and that’s the way it’s always been, hide out for the illegitimates & outcast false
Some good, some bad & some just plum ugly as the worst sight ever seen by humanity eyeballs.

Disfunction of the calculus upon the stage where the herd come to see you successfully fail too
Booing your mistakes and playing the wrong notes at the wrong time, singing you’ve lost nerves
To be alone in the middle of nowhere, needing the company of hooks and their stones of blue
Mountains and hills cannot get above the fray, it’s atmospheric pressure & I am the shitz-screw.

rjj stephan, i
c. Dimanche, 3-5-2023 Anno Domini @ 888 AMPST
{ #ThrewDown & #KickedOut this jam while jammin’ to @Santana & @Everlast #HeyNow #PutYoLightsOn link @ https://youtu.be/KCBS5EtszYI?list=RDMM }

Kiss This!  Jersey Girls! #1

“Five will get you ten, in double speak, just a few brief momentz of Time gets you locked up doin’ Time
For you or the herd-society you’ve been blessed to become a member of, by birth-adoption on a dime
Monks can’t pray long enough in dark caves without the light from eternally burnt atomic hot Za Zens
Spooks can’t give up misunderstood, holy ghosts scared of leaving in mud, blood & beer of lion dens.”
 - me

Wednesday, February 01, 2023

#TuesdaysGone @AlreadyGone #HowLongGoneYouGonnaBe #MakinLoveInSlowMoShunBaby #DIG #OneHeartbeatAtATime #MASH


In no uncertain terms, the conclusions are indubitable without a reasonable doubt
Of course, inferences regarding the truth or falsity of any statement are inevitable
There is nothing else to do other than pass judgement on the innocent who shuffle
Uptown or downtown gone to the high end of the court, rose up from the ash trifle.

Performing the art’s work is secondary to becoming an immortal name after death
Looking in through the out door probably won’t escalate temptations of Eve’s Stith
With your permission I’d appreciate the cooperation of your friends & family to be
One with Many, either many for The One & only one for me or salute a finite scree.

All of It is all one way or another, seriously a comedy and a tragedy simultaneously
Blond or brunette, shades of black and blue haired elder folk, can a babushka sing
It’s OK even if you’re baldly sour on shaved skin without the follicular immortality
Freedom intuition of slaves in a Time Machine, 3D chess mate queen, mate a king.

Now then, getting’ down to the eleven year young brass tacks, you’re old enough so
Here it is in a nutshell, the hull is cracked & the center’s exposed, eggs are fish roe
Boats and ships, floating, diving, flying into space, warping the zone into a matrix
Of vermin and human kinds that keep the secrets of 1 unknown in darkness’ kicks.

You’ll get yours eventually, karma will take care of that, you have no say in the Sin
It’s original, before you’re ever conceived or able to disobey laws & rules of my kin
By the products produced from the natural resources of a twirling particle of dust
Hair of the dog sheds and the soul’s canine can be found, God dog, backward rust.

Simply all too human for hominids, gorillas to the chimps, monks, men devolved
Or maybe it was always exactly like this and Charles Darwin had imagination hid
All in the fossilized history of the buried stone & bone, scratched cave wall slated
Wondering what in the world was going on then, which was their now, ape hated.

Funk enough for all of the freaks and finks who grew out of the petri dish of a god
Left the ignorant fools to rule the roost, like a vision fading into black, silly hotrod
Ugly as I turned into the Beautiful without any labor pains, a slip-sliding away too
Chance for change on the horizon, bustin’ open the casket & the urn, I ain’t no fool.

Thunder and lightning on the road or back home inside the inner sanctum’s cave
Backstreets ridin’ in my backseat and sippin’ Margaritas, slow-motion cruise Save
They got us home & tucked us in, warned us for the first & last time, obey a moose
Chief of Bull Winkle, me, myself or I, a #Goofy bum rush for the cryin’ royal blues.

r j j stephan, i

c. Mercredi, February 1st, 2022 Anno Domini @ 1111 AMPST

{ Jammed in a strait jacket to take me away, I ain’t gonna fake it, jammed to @VanMorrison #SometimesWeCry in a loop @ https://youtu.be/LqkrGPEdt34 }



Saturday, January 28, 2023



Minimum of the wages, to war without a battle, to be or not to be extinct in bee hive's honey
On the points there are stabbings of the things that bleed out in five minutes of moon-sun tea
Asked me if I wanted the belt to teach me to be obedient to the direct orders of the superior dog
In the hunt where the cats all go for the scraps left over by the hunters of prey, pure gogmagog.

In a whirlwind, a maelstrom of atomic electrons, neutrons and protons pretend to be the gods' ilk
All they ever wanted was to be alive on Earth, to pay restitution for the myriad of invalidated milk
From the teats of mothers who didn't even know their fathers or brothers, nor their own egg-semen
Nobody saw it coming right out of the blue, actually pitch black, lookin' like a trap for evil, live men.

Interest over a hundred percent in the ways and means of the committees that come down hard
On the babies abused and their offspring idiots who toe the line, follow the rules of the holy bard
Wrote the bible and the encyclopedias of the wisdom and knowledge of terrestrial animation's kill
For the food and drink at the party, all you get is what you bring and share, take an LSD acid pill.

Theree's a disconnect from the engine that drives the motion of the ocean's sand forward & back
Gods above or below are a #NoShow for the end of the dream when eyes bleed consciousness' sack
Who you were and always will have been is the bag of bones' in body, in soul, for you to get to know
Leaving it behind once you immerse your modem into the time and space of a pointed, cupid arrow.

It is done, all at once or little by little where nobody notices anything, as a blinded third eye does
No black lights or neon mutations of photons are left over as the Void becomes everything's fuzz
Dreamland in your & my heads, ends in a fade away shot at the end of the game, no harm or foul
Green, red & orange between the black and blue of the Void, the One, inside your mind, I'm a doll!

r j j  stephan, i
c.  Samedhi, Janvier XXVIIIth, MMXXIII Anno Domini @ 666 AMPST
