There’s no light at ends of the tunnel, been there, done thatOn land & sea with or without blind Brandon & Popeye’s sails
I know what you’ve got & what that is, you have freedom too
Liberty to either elevate or subjugate your soul’s experience.
Far, far away from this Time in Space, fast asleep in my bed
Edge of the Twilight Zone between Cielo & Hades, it’s dark
Closed eyes in a lightless closet, picture of an invisible jerk
Yet such a great asset to wield when you’re hollow & naked.
Freedom to choose to keep history as fictional as it all was
Truth about what actually happened & why is a moot point
All that matters is you’re licensed & permitted to roll a joint
Met my match under an apple tree or inside a Bradley tank.
Summer school & crushes of teenagers in the park at night
Pony league, Colt league & then I was out, my bad, no fight
No influence on me due to lack of talent to be an ebb & flow
It was a question alright, alright, alright, apple tree’s a nono.
Stole my heart when my soul was preoccupied on your form
The good thing’s a bad thing, one & the same thing, a worm
Skynyrd’s spoons to help hold down the prey for knife cuts
Innards are what life’s all about, it makes drivers all putts.
Pod of killer whales hungry for a small morsel of bones go
Around in circles getting ready to execute the final sentence
Tearing you apart for the young and the old, you’ll lose sense
Of your place in the universe crunched & digested like cocoa.
Ran into the brick wall and from there on out we have no pain
Nothing but the open road ahead of us, Mack Truck’s 45’ trailer
All up and down the turnpikes and tollways, no more freeways
You and yours pay the price, all back in jive penitentiary bays.
Keeping the good and the bad away from the ugly hand I got dealt
The open society confinement to the blind faith obedient quarry
Of being the hunter of Man’s souls, nothing’s more rewarding, I see
Talking and thinking of mighty future shock, touched below the belt.
Did y’ all see the ghost inside of the machine? It’s really not a ghost!
It’s a chimera memory of what used to be, like smoke before it’s gone
Pumping more future shock into the whole world should cause atrophy
Nobody’ll have a thing left post supernova, right on dog darkness’ sea!
r j j stephan, i
c. Saturday, 6-10-2023 A.D. @ 606 PMPST
{ Jacked this out of the universe while jammin’ to @FrankZappa #WonderfulWino on youTube link @ & @GRATEFULDEAD #SHAKEDOWNstreet LIVE @CornellUniversity Ithaca, NY May 7, 1980 link @ }

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