
Friday, May 17, 2019

A CAPELLA BATTLEAX NAMED #Mjolnir #ItIsHammeringTime #HolyScat

Richard Joseph Stephan  ·  Friday, May 17, 2019
It’s not ‘just’ a hammer, it’s a piece of an imploded dark star, a black, unholy, my singularity
Fixed in an infinite menudo of atoms and quarks excited to be here and now, full of fool glee
Interested in mountains and valleys, rivers, seas and the stratosphere down to the One core
Merged into a banquet phantasmagoria where the whole thing is but Thor’s hammer score.

Mjolnir thrown out at home, sliding into 1st fear of loathing, spikes high up Alexander’s thigh
Conclusion from deductions of highly probable observations’ premises and the monster mash
Seasons come and go, the life you had this AM will certainly in a Manhattan’s minute, will die
To the point of being or not, bullseye representing against the prison’s wall, it’s a six by nine.

Lacking perfection is the means to the end of times, the end of the games, played by the Force
Of the air, the land and sea, this Earth’s spin and wobble shoots the revolution, sun Evolution
It always was and always will be what it is, the rock and roll from seven continents to the seas
I know this is not the Time, I know this is not the place in Space, a slippery slope with no skis.

But that is all I know, that this is not the Time in Space, The Time, that is, in The Space above
We know what’s below with dead bones of our ancestors, the ashes of our spirits’ turtle Dove
No reason and no rhyme to the nature of the beast at hand, lookin’ in the out door’s window
Off to battle I go, fool-me ending, a war I knew from scratch, an angel I am, way down below.

Inner secrets of the black house nobody gets to rent or buy, it’s the last home of the boneless
Rubber or plastic entities annihilated when outside of the gases of the Earth, aliens are gods
Nobody comes in saucers or ships and visits the weird parts of universal Milky Way humans
From Thor’s Big Bang until shock and awe #BattleAxin’ your head, I Am Mjolnir, old friend!

r j j stephan, i
c. FRIDAY! May 17, 2019 A.D. @ 9:11 AM PST
{ GENERATED by random recombination of DNA in a petri dish of viral RNA from nowhere & listenin’ to the replay of another Golden State Warriors romp to the #Repeat link @ http://www.espn.com/video/clip?id=26720261 }

Thursday, May 16, 2019

#FerociousPrevarication #MeanLies #NoMercy #NeverEverForget

It could never be worse than it is when I find nothing at the bottom of Earth’s rabbit hole city
Nothing to see or hear or feel down here, no water or radioactive light’s invisible superfluity
Pertaining to the health of the body and the soul and whatever else you call it, God in a dam.
Perfectly grim and in the pedantic mode of being holier than thou, it’s true, I am what I am.

Not holier than you but perfectly grim I am and that seems to make me holier, sublime stuff
I am on my own in the darkness and although I sing and cry out loud, it’s silence is quite def
In a million years or in just a few centuries, the world’s living, being plans and animal sins
Will all be dead, probably the species will be extinct for the rookie seasons’ mass extinctions.

End of days, world remains in revolutionary mode, church, mosque, synagogue weekends
Never mine or yours, all of this here in front of your eyes and under your feet are loose ends
What you and I may get fortunate enough to do, filing our last wills and testaments to Life
Giving our possessions away, today because these dreams were never ours in the first place.

Off the road and into a marsh area where the evil lives fear to go because they’ll dye it there
Evil fears death just like the Good and the Beautiful, there is a reason for that, no biggy scare
Nothing left after the last breath, no scars or debts to repay without the bodiless, low prices
What that was when you called it the soul, was the activity of the body, a neurosis psychosis.

c. May 15, 2019 A.D. @ 8:11 PM PST
{ drafted while listenin’ to Daryl's House Club Diane Birch & Daryl Hall jammin’ with the house band on youTube link @ https://youtu.be/1XORRk8rGes }

Wednesday, May 15, 2019

#SmackUp #ItIsNotWhatItIs #SuperNovaAbortion

Richard Joseph Stephan · Wednesday, May 15, 2019
Way out of the limelight and spotlight deep in the dark alley, it’s a pitch blackness hum
Difficult to comprehend the here and now, whatever it may be, yet, the band played on
Nothing to recollect in a dream come true, when it’s over, it’s over, POTUS to the bum
Fool me once, shame on you and if you fool me twice, load of shame on me, myself & I.

Conquered the fear of Fear itself only for the survival amongst the all too human-germ pods
Americans, Chinese, Sunni, Shiite , Muslim, Christian, atheistic fortune of the extinct hoods
Walkin’ on the water and the air, cosmic menudo of what’s on the table in front of my eyes
Weakness coming a moment prior to personal extinction, shield of the invisible One’s skies.

Insulting and injuring the Good, the Bad and especially the Beautiful, my nature, I am a beast
What it’s always been since before the enculturation, the potty-trained higher education feast
Mysterious revolutionary orbit, incorporated conglomeration of frozen, hot atoms of the Fifes
Peaceful ending to the story of the idiots and morons who cause and effect historical psyches.

Fortitude required to survive what phenomena are presented, at random, anyplace that I sing
Being prepared for unexpected and expected effects of excited matter from a First Cause’s ice
Banned my abortion, therefore I am, the Earth has conceived my essence, my nature’s being
Imaginary Earth ‘fore humanity’s sharks and snakes waygone out of sight, goddess damned!

Pagans, Christians and the rest of the minions who may not be offended by the faked honesty
Found a reason for Justice here and now, before the day I was gonna die, all alone on my own
It’s been a pleasure to be there when you’re eyes were opened wide for the justice pity-party
Dream in a dream ad infinitum, nightmare or day-mare, snakeskin, sharkskin bonified bone.

Utter chaos at both the Origin and at the final atomic fission or fusion, at the whim of Space
The #WhereWithAll to generate supernovae of a Third Kind and Cause a Black Hole’s face
No escape for the philosophers and economists, neither for politicians nor the minion herd
For your eyes only since you were drawn to this Space and Time, to First Cause a Last Word.

Now, here’s the ticket, it’s a joke, you will die, you cannot deny that Truth, that’s all I can see
Other than that fact, the rest is a matter of super blind faith in a superman’s screamin’ shout
Empty space outside of this atmosphere brought back the facts from astronautics, oh infinity
Songs sung of lives lived, Time in Space addiction to Air, a Goddess’s injustice so #GTF out!

r j j stephan, i
c. May 15, 2019 A.D. @ 5:55 AM PST
{ drafted while listenin’ to #BiggestBlackHolesAndCosmicMonsters on youTube link @ https://youtu.be/nPyTMw--rvY }