
Saturday, January 09, 2021

@MysticalKabala #SubteranneanTransubstantiation #There #Mama

Beepin' horns in the middle of the evening, rollin' up and down the boulevard, window down
Mothers and fathers wouldn't have anything of it on Sunday morning at church with the herd
All of orphans & disobedient to the morality code of humanity, the good & bad's ugly frown
Muskets empty and all that's left is the echo of screams for help that only the bombers heard.

Over Time, this Earth planet revolves around a dying, burning out star in Space, spins the hosts
So far out, me & you, the living and the dead, nearly a hundred million, infinitely round trippin'
Space's eminent domain of ghosts, staged UFO's imaginary dark shadows, Platonic cave scenes
 Perfection as an abstraction from the imperfection of being smaller to boot, a star's smithereens.

Then you add the struggle to survive with the good, bad and ugly rockin' everywhere, lovin' stone
At church on Sunday or synagogue on Saturday, makes little difference to the rigor-less uni-form
An atrophy event hidden from the innocent and the deterioration of flesh & blood DNA T-bone
Mothers, fathers, sisters, brothers, sons, daughters, friends and enemies all will feed a silk worm.

Drove my cars with one hand on the wheel, one hand on my girlfriends hopin' to make 'em love
Never worked more than a hundred times but if nothing works every time, I loved them all above
Easy for me to say, they're all probably alive and lookin' like they're in their thirties just like me
Now, that's hilarious, the part about me although it's always all about me, still a joker, ya see?

Open to the making fun, mocking ones who take this animation so seriously, as if it all matters
When it does not, they know it deep down inside from popes to the priests, monks & preachers
Pain and suffering of Blind Faith will end at the last breath of gas, puffed in and out at the finale
Eyes wide open above or below the ground, mouth agape as if the ghost escaped it's own #Hehl.
r j j  stephan, i
c.  Samedhi, January 9th, 2021 Anno Domini @ 11:11 AMPST
{ #TorchYourBellyFat drafted this while listenin' to @GeorgeThorogoodAndTheDestroyers #OneBourbonOneScotchAndOneBeer link @ https://youtu.be/--AvCsh48bk }


Friday, January 08, 2021

#YouLooseOnNewJerseyJuice #ILoveMyBaby #SheBoogiesBadAsAMuthu #BadGirls @DonnaSummer

I've some old news for you that you'll never, ever hear of again, now or then
Come in for the dream's myth of monsters, you'll see what you get, my friend
Rush to glean a conclusion from the bogus premises of fabricated mortal sin
The water and the matter are mixtures of wasted gas, asteroid of Geena's jin.

Swimming or rowing your boat up or down stream, to and from the salty sea
Broad brushes painting your mirage of a mural being on canvas' blank plane
Passing because you're bluffing or that your hand is a bust or losers tables
I know and you know it all, Bullwinkle and Rocky projecting fractured fables.

Demons moving into your foul cranium, fake news vacuum to amass divine sins
None of those violations are your fault and not your obligation to repay the karma
Damage to your psyche and your loved ones is necessary to reach cooler Nirvana
It's now what you desire or need but it's what you'll get, just to get by the omens.

No and yes are the only to answers, I don't know is not an option, it's on or it's off
Breathing in and out, being awake and knowing how the others become so woken
Awake yet sleeping in a dreamworld of risky business and lucky breaks & a scoff
Liars, cheaters & the boys & girls in the quicksand of the muck & mire, all broken.

Dogs and stray cats on the LIVE air broadcast to the minions who buy bulls' scat
It's not their fault but you and I won't be here or there, nor will we be there or then
It's an end to the peace & love generation, it's now just war & hate of a bloody bat
Viral and bacterial infections of the DNA genome require terps & hehla fire, so hot!

Monkeys felt nothing at rock's concerts, jumped up & down without cages in aisles
Punks fooled me & got you into the bonus time of Space, behind in the future, OM
Dream genii of the evil spelled backward of live, weeded in a blue dream's sea-foam
With the coughin' to get off, food, smoke, suppositorially if five holes are closed.

Silk stockings with the black, perpendicular line from back to ankles, drop a dime
Visions of past moments frozen in an imaginary, fool's pool, in the deep, Rapunzel
Miracles of violating laws of gravitational collapse, with or without your paradigm
Everyman & everywoman will see what sights are left without eyes, blue or hazel.

Dying LaSorda, play baseball with the angels in the outfield, Brooklyn dodged a fly
L.A. divided the continent, Miami, Chicago, Monkeyville Antarcica's computer guy
Livin' the good life in surreal dreamscapes that began 'fore I existed, Ends of today
Or tomorrow in the AM, ad infinitum, food-feed of gods' & goddess' mutated DNA.

In the name of nobody's father and nobody's son, there are no holy, ghostly spirit
Truth of subjects and predicates in the mouths of idiots barfing garbage of chichit
A wise man once said, #KeepYourMouthShut, the idiots keep flappin' gums silly
You are lying, you are telling the truth, same words mean different things you see.

Figured numbers counting gold, yet I'm a trillionaire above & below the ashes
Where I'll be buried without being able to take the banks cash with me to Hades
Even if my destination were the other place where saints guard the pearl gates
Nevermore, unlock for any raven, nothing's True, Earth love's a drug, a fatal fate.

Desire from the infant crying out of the darkest womb, conforming souls to the sea
Stretching to show the growth of mass & wavelengths of lowered, high frequency
Strangers in deja vous all around me, everywhere, I'm here by which god's spell?
A star war rockin' with divinity's breath, in & out until it's all gone, ala #Godspell.

r j j  stephan, i
c.  Friday, January 8th, 2021 Anno Domini @ 11:11 AMPST
{ Drafted while listenin' to @MarshallTuckerBand #CantYouSee in a loop on youTube link @ https://youtu.be/GZZ7cogovrY }


Wednesday, January 06, 2021

#CornucopiaOfAudioVisualCandy #YallKnowIt #CantYouSee?


I remember why I came here now, it took about 70 years to become wiser than the last time
I was here before, I recollect the nature of my being alive with a thought of my father's dime
I am what it is all about because without me, none of what I see and hear exists, for you or me
I know you will disagree believing that you are not just in my head only, it's hard to breathe, see?

Pain and suffering came and went in and out of the wet and dry dreams sent into mindful brains
I had one, it worked it's magic as long as it could and then just like any machine, it ends the pains
Coming through the pressure of the planet's atmospheric fluctuations, you're happy, good or evil
In books and in the ethersphere all over the universe, it's an infinite tap of wisdom's LSD trip pill.

Changing your love into the cache flow of gold, silver, diamonds and gasoline fuel for the minions
Flying, driving, riding, walking, crawling, digging every second from heaven to hades, all my sons
Fathered the mothers to become the harbinger of supernatural matter, melting energy burning
Atoms bursting with the gods' spells of magic, creating some things from Nothing, a Void sting!

Alright to be alone, fine to be all together in the clutch, in the nest of the birds of prey, hungry Id
Feeding the superego's and their baby brothers, the Egos of the Pathos under the moon's CoVid
Planned to exterminate the species DNA as scientists often do, performing a clean slate, no code
Invested in nothing, accumulating nothing, losing nothing, that's all it's all 'bout, ice a la mode!

Slumber when the star turns off the heat, to conserve your own and discover the meaning, froze
What happens right outside of this Earth's atmosphere down here on the ground of painted toes
To walk and run, to creep and crawl from place in space to another, eating, defacating, recycled
DNA of life's gods will always be, Word, Book, a Woke trip doin' a two step in Space, bein' dead.

It's the treble and the bass puttin' the beat down to the ear drums, givin' the bones their blues
Trouble being upright with all of the gravity pullin' you down to the grounds' bottom, holy cues
Reminding that you're a finite, mortal little baby grown up to be an old and innocent skull bone
Holy just because of it's holes to make room for the sights and sounds to put on an apple tone.

Whiskey is all I need to help the song get along, alcoholic boy roaming the big parties for glasses
Not what anyone thought a kid would do, take sips from everyone's glass, got stoned as molasses
All of 'em thought I was a crazy kid but I was on a drunken rampage, turning alcoholic with DTs
Poor baby, now older than some of the others who've died before we got ready to go, say please?

It is in the meaning of everything that you find your soul in the 1spirit not on exhibit to outsiders
I can put it all together in a poem or a song, I can play it, I can sing it, you can dance to it, talkers
Say what you will, do what thou wilt and forever hold your peace, it's a drummer's funk beatin' It
Until the final episode-show, I picked & grinned, you loaned me a dime, God's in a hole of shyte!

r j j  stephan, i
c.  Mercredi, Janvier 6th, 2021 Anno Domini @ 4:20 AMPST
{ Time is ALWAYS #420, drafted this humdinger while listenin' to @BozScaggs #LoanMeADime on youTube link @ https://youtu.be/-RTh5t8yEqI #CriedJustLikeABaby #AllNightLong }
