
Thursday, February 25, 2021

#AgainThisMeansWARtheBand @WARtheBand


Just a side salad for one main course, bananas & broccoli, mincemeat of a man-god-monkey
Slices of the cherry pie for dessert where' souls are on ice, Harvey Wallbangers, cool & Funky
Cool drunk every drink at the end of the weddings, got drunk at nine or was it ten to ten-ten?
Elder of the six in the clutch, always in mischief to salute the millennials, fire in the Void's den.

Miracles won't happen in the cold and dark space you drank since conceived in mortal sin
Wonder and amazement put you right where you have to be, in the shots of cool, sloe gin
They fizzed and then moved on down through the canals into the exit strategy of all of It
Graves won't hold the stench so we bury the residuals sixty feet down & under holy schit.

With due respect, the living leave the dead, forsake the dying as a recollected, dull point
That there's only one way up and one way down, no miracle involved, smoke a pin joint
In the buds or in the shake, hit that chit & hold it into the innocence of ignorant & gone
You, me & every other thinking thing animate the sticks and stones to break holy Tbone.

Hopeless in the black hole, no free will in there with just a sound like sucking out a womb
HOly place, deeper than the bottomless pit that has me at the center, an idea in a tomb
Speaking easy but it's gibberish to the academic intellectuals, the bullwinkles of the pope
Knowing it all because somebody told them to believe that It's true, fake news I do grope.

History is forgotten to cement the New Deals and the New Places in outerspace, as we fly
From nest to the hunting for your mother's father's incubation reason, alive in a great Lie
Truth is foreign to the chiefs and the indians, bacterial and viral infections cause extinction
Of you and I, the mice and the men who button down our collars, blab and yap origin's sin.

Common men & extraordinary women from proverbial Adam's & Eve's Void, purple microDot
In the middle of outerspace, lookin' back in the rear view mirror, it's golden, nobody got shot
Bottoms are up and the systems are all gone, everything's broken into a pile of dirty, old dicks
Where the egos and the ids merge, on the edge of the twilight zone, 88's play divine chopsticks.

It's what she said when he said nothing about anything, leave her alone, all alone, as it is, today
Before you arrived from the inside to the outside, cosmic comedy of the playing a neutron way
It's so white we call it milky, like a candy bar of sugar, chocolate and nuts to die for, it's so cruel
Stuff it down Herman's & Thurman's throats before they know it's in their formula of baby gruel.

r j j  stephan, i
c.  Jeudi, February 25th, 2021 Anno Domini @ 6:66 AMPST
{  Created from the Void of Matter, no Words express Nothing except these!  Inspiration of the @TowerOfPower #SoVeryHardToGo link on youTube @ https://youtu.be/t9BRqGpppJw }

Wednesday, February 24, 2021

#WhereIAmFrom #PogoSticks & #YoMama #RaceIsOn

WEDNESDAY FEBRUARY 24th, 2021 Anno Domini
   <3 <3 <3

Wells full of the H2O gas that will keep the Marxists and Stalinists extinct, as bad wolves eat pigs
Not only are you the pork for the BBQ but you also pay for the party, you & a morons cash purse
Every idiot other than us 'morons cannot fathom the depth of the shallow water, dive in for free
Time is when you recover your memory and recollect your final end, dead and gone without me.

Monkeys haven't evolved, same apes have been here since day One, it's so complicated after that
You and I just guess after we've read the words of foreign monks & nuns, never procreated life's It
Just you and I walk the walk and talk the talk, on a middle path to the Ends of an archangels' den
Or maybe they're not there, they never were there, it was all a way to calm down the crazy men.

I had a philosophy professor Ed Freeman of Wharton College, a practice of Karl Marx, Void fixing
Social structures need to be ripped apart and re-woke, marks my higher education of the woken
Hateful reasons to kill the genome, because it has evolved as a destroyer of the whole shebang
Plato and Aristotle and up to the Ouspensky and Einstein mental rise from ignorance to wisdom.

Eat the animals and plants, it's what these humans do, be just like them, improve your experience
Find the love in the emptiness where Nothing is Everything on and off of this planet, you are gods
All you'll ever get & all you'll ever know is Nothing, at One, as you feared, there are no immortals
Punks and wisemen mate and cause this, what you see is what they begot, at the feet of turtles.

Slow and a drag for the speed, sail away slowly but surely and ahead of the stern, you'll see It too
All of the light outside and inside of your and my heads, reproduced for the Black Star to explode
Moments away from the annihilation of the pre-existing order of things, the #Woke see their role
Economic philosophy, annihilation of Gold & God's wealth that is #LifeOnEarth, All there Is, Hole.

I will to be awake & suddenly, here I am, writing, typing the pretentious remarks of a cool widget
All Words to manage the Way to the final goal of this living and dying, running out of breath now
Gasping heroes groping for sounds that mean more than give me sex, food, sleep, drugs & water
Order of the planet's categories of Substance, a Matter of Energy, the Light I am, I got from Her.

r j j  stephan, i
c.  Mercredi, February 24th, 2021 Anno Domini @ 04:44 hours PST
{ #DemoncraticWays of the #UnMovedMover & the #AppleOfEve #BiteMeHard  drafted while listenin' to the mighty @TowerOfPower #Green #CarbonNeutral #NoFossilFuels #DinosaursKilled youTube link @ https://youtu.be/t9BRqGpppJw }

Tuesday, February 23, 2021

#LoveAndHappiness @AristotleSubstance #Essence #Accidents & #Ends #PhilosophicRhetoric

Robbed stagecoaches while I was all jacked up on the #FireWater, had to hide out with brothers
Looted towns after we scouted out the #LE, deputies full of Barney Fife juice, locked and loaded
Ready to stop the disobedient with the use of psychic force, maybe more deadly shocks to scatter
From the beginning of life in the womb, a mother matters, the father could die & it don't matter.

It's an absolute position, an argument of propositional logic, as my mentors were a herd of 'hers'
I'd never reveal her influence upon my young twenty something psyche but suffice it to say this
Utter annihilation of everything I'd ever been programmed through parochial teaching, 12 years
Seen plainly without the fog of being born to carry on for a mortal reason, to survive cross-criss.

I'm not older than I look, about 70 years flippin' birds around the sun, feedin' the flying dinosaurs
Evolved pterodactyls, some adapted to the carbon monoxide of humane evolution to extinction
Dead and gone animated bones of every plant and animal species by aliens from another world
All in my mind?  Maybe you're got a point, I might be wrong but I'm not, it's a pity, L.A. shootout.

Just because you & I know we're gonna die someday and we care about that, divinity's bodyslam
Death makes no difference to the bugs who dig the holes for the queens to hatch, it's a bad thing
A genetic RNA mutation causing a failure of the genome, a First Cause failure at creation, Adam
Or an apeman from the jungle, an amoeba, a paramecium, a piece of charm movin' in and outing.

I am playing along with the song, I'm singin' the solo, holy duo, the trio, a quartet in pond scum
No doubt ever, what's sittin' in hot blue jeans, Time flies 'round black Space & white stars above
But stars have to go back, from below to above where they came from, anti-matter ad infinitum
Neither nuns nor priests have the absolution, drinkin', smokin', fish hookin', honeybee comb Love.

r j j  stephan, i   *Hold on, I ain't done!
c.  Mardi, February 23rd, 2021 Anno Domini @0625 hours
{ Ditty inspired by @Al_Green #LoveAndHappiness on youTube https://youtu.be/rqqAnjY2Rmo }