
Wednesday, January 26, 2022

#GreatResignation #GreaterReenlistmentForTheDuration #IdiotsBornOnWelfareFoodStampCharityOfMankindBleedingHearts @SoylentGreenbums

As I pounded the ground for over 70 years, I knew that it wouldn't last forever & a day
Tried my best for a century, more or less than everybody else on the planet, I don't say
Much more than the origin and destination of my personal journey, there's philosophy
Of divinity and humanity, there's nothing more nor less than a universe of stars' gods.

Open eyes or closed mind, either way the end is inevitable, when it's over, it's all over
My wish for immortality of my invisible soul is heard by me, myself & I, nobody other
No parent or creator of everything including "us" wants abandonment, it is what it is
Perfection results in deterioration of the Oneness into multiplicity, a monkey business.

Freaks and blowhard, well bred chips off of the genome all wind up in the cosmic soup
It's a menu-do to be dealt with daily from L.A. to NYC, all the kings' & queens'  F-troop
Nuts cracked shells to annihilate the essence of seed to grow plants, extinction of fun
Sword and knife to slit & slice is all I need to get by, bullets can't fly without wings' gun.

Chinese bat flu and gold dirt from the Earth's devolution from the sun's Big Bang fight
Power up and power down, zoo appears and disappears without any ethical intention
UFOs crashing into Earth caused life on the planet which heretofore was my desolation
Now, here we go on the way to nowhere, spinning in circles, day & twilight zone night.

Ennui means you need a hobby to keep your mind occupied, to avoid that bored state
Being interested in the subject at hand, concentrating on it's essence & utilization fate
Ruby Tuesday or Ash Wednesday come and go every year, while we stay put in the flock
Can't speak or move any more, ...gotta sleep a bit, a byte... a bit...psyche it out #TicToc.

r j j  stephan, i
c.  Mercredi, Janvier XXVIth, MMXXII Anno Domini @ 911 AMPST
{  Drafted while listenin' to @Armstrong_GettyRadioShow @KSTE650AM ... #CoVid19PhiBetaCappa link @ https://www.armstrongandgetty.com/ }

Tuesday, January 25, 2022

#Posse #WhiteTrashBeautiful #HeartBelongsToYouGirl #SwearToGodItsTrue #CominHomeToYouGirl

Contents unknown but be certain, it's a temporal condition of your gunsmoke's fizzes
Beginning at the conclusion and deducing the inductions' assumptions, blind premises
Allowing the meat of dead animals to furnish energy to continue the journey is so cool
Formal or informal training to survive the good and evil comin' up country to me, fool!

Rendered silent due to the commotion & corruption of the status quo, it's a rice thong
Raise up your glasses if you're one of my men, while my horses get draft of beer water
Way back before I was born, afore even thought of, this information's a six gun heater
Ready to be found by the inquiring minds, out in the open, G's power will get no song.

Bowling, golfing, bawling, brawling & other games of the days & nights, middle of God
There ain't a thing outside of this atmosphere, ask any man or woman who came back
From Ether above & below everyone of us, this always was & will be a bad boys' good
Justice & Substance, God's Void in a philosophy of mind's holy psychotic, sugar shack.

Pulling my leg & the long arms of the law may be the same thing, we'll see what I said
Whiskey for the men, going to war soon, get them higher than kites before they go zoom
Up or down from the place on the surface of deadend, star dirt, #trolleybus spark kaboom
Only One choice you have other than oblivion, #LetUsRoll, GDMF original sin's paid!

Will of the power that is there somewhere in Space where it's invisible yet awesome
Like being the One isn't everything there is, Nothing is needed by the One, man come
Where I'm from, back at my house, invisible permeation of atomic charm, black hole
Common & complex, homo sapiens' country or city, dead, alive, play One, #LetsStroll!

r j j  stephan, i
c.  Mardi, Janvier XXVth, MMXXII Anno Domini @ 666 AMPST
{ Drafted drawin' hard lines & jammin' a lassoo loop of #BeerForMyHorses video on youTube link @ https://youtu.be/NHoGBEaCd-M @WillieNelson & @TobyKeith . . .  #WhereTheHellIsTheSheriff?  #IShotTheSherrif @Crossroads2010 Ask @EricClapton link @ https://youtu.be/APWhx97QvxE }

Monday, January 24, 2022

#Substance & the #NFLCategoricalImperative #Niners #Jimmy #WhiskeyForMyMen #BeerForMyHorses

Field goals win tied games in One way to go directly past ma's & pa's rules, life factoids
Punks & junkies who raise them all touch the head of civilization's revolution androids
Your mothers I'm talkin' about because they made an error on their virginal moon-sun
Let your father into the sacred womb of Man's species, One way to survive extinction.

Now enter the fear of Unknowns & the loathing's jealousy that round out the RNA/DNA
It's time for the reckoning, all deeds done with or without fear of the light of the day
Night and any twilight zone between life and death, beyond the holy gods' supremacy
This is all you get, blowhard words to fill in blanks on screens, dead tree paper's Pity.

Balm softens hard-arse skin on feet & hands but does nothing for low IQ minds of birds
Now is yesterday & tomorrow but it might be all over in a NYC minute with dad's Words
I'm referring to the magic spells, hidden from magicians & witches who rule demi-gods
Your career is over now, your words will not see light of days or the dark Truth bloods.

You're born in a ghetto or boxcar with mother's named Bertha, 'move in an egg' is OK
Until you are told words that you keep alive, #Section8 so GD #Woke, American bloke
To be alive after you've been forced to see the rubber meeting the rules of a backroad
I need some shine, some poke salad & I'm good 'til @Offspring's hunger carry overload.

I'm all in as if it's my choice to be or not to be, it's the good, the bad & ugly that do it all
No other choices on the board to guard your back without backup, on your own softball
For the love of money & homo sapiens' species being One, it is all that's left of nowhere
Buying what's not for sale for all you have saved & all you own, in a coffin, it ain't fair!

r j j  stephan, i
c.  Lundi, Janvier XXIVth, MMXXII Anno Domini @ 711 AMPST
{ #Cocksure and over the line drafting this monkey-shine while listenin' to @CrosbyStillsNashYoungEtAL #HITS link @ https://youtu.be/MUIEI094YUc }