
Friday, May 27, 2022

#BeerFourMyHorseEZ #WhiskeyForMyBoyz @Springsteen @MichaelJackson @CHICAGOtheBAND @GwenStefani @SANTANA & #GIRLSinATrio



This is no game because I make all the rules and that's not fair for the prey, on your knees
It's not going to get any easier when you've got to survive in this world, on this Earth alone
You are never going to see the light through a pinhole unless you cover it all up by demise
Living and walking and talking is a danger to the power at odds with the curious bandit ice.

One can't force a tough guy without a weapon, A Law of enforcement allow that engagement
Do unto others as they'd do unto you, if others attempt an attack on yourself, engage the end
Of their power to hurt and maim that nobody before you could cancel, power neutral insight
Brushed off of the shoulder of the babies in swarthing cotton blankets of starlight, star bright.

Policy of politics to preserve law and order, right now or forever to hold all of our dead peace
Grateful for the freedom and the days and nights that extinguished explosions order to cease
By the czar or a commander in chief of weapons of the masses' destruction, one foot in stirrup
It's the #OldBallGame, know what I mean, here's a #MeanTweet, #WholeWorldOfSuck it up...

You can skip what I've laid down here with the words that mean nothing to anyone but me
Or maybe myself and the I that I refer to as me, all three of us, we all play to be One, Free
All the brave and the yellow bellied who know who they are, backs to the wall, I'm on a roll
It's #AMEN, as being all too human, as mice & men do LIVE-EVIL words in a blow hole.

r j j  stephan, i
c.  Vendredi, May XXVIIth, MMXXII Anno Domini at 711 AMPST

{ Drafted as the world dripped off of the mighty @Armstrong_GettyRadio on @kste650AM & jammin' in the end to #DoYouRememberMe by @SANTANA in an infinite loop @ https://youtu.be/CHsYe4P0JqM }

Thursday, May 26, 2022

#CockSure #PussyCats & The #M.O.A.B.


Gravity's darling centrifugal force lovin' you longtime, out of control, a harbinger, holy hole
Just because you think you're so pretty and smart, it doesn't mean you're an immortal soul
What it does signify is you're on the top of the world, that's anywhere upon the surface dirt
Rocks nor concrete or even steel can block the ground of burnt-out stardust's 7-Up squirt.

No way of knowing the past with this amnesia, it's like not knowing the future to pound it
Being present at every moment and beware of surprise attacks from unknown Rando chit
Out of the blue, it'll come around the corner when you're close to being in Earth's circle jerk
It pays to both know how to philosophize and better yet how to rock and roll, play not work.

Illusion of Reason & Treason in songs of rhyme, a thing, an all too human terrestrial roundtrip
Fried or pristine cerebral cortex may not function for optimum value, ring a bellfry ding dong
Wonder why you die, don't wonder too long, here's a hot tip for the stupid or the dead wrong
Liberty and indentured from the alpha males to the beta females, death will end God's Slip!

Death is consumed in order for animation of matter to remain viable and avoid extinction
Split the atom, split the planet's rocky and hollow remnant of the Big Bang or sinning spin
Broken laws all over the place, every continent has them, all to keep control of the disgust
It comes, like a hounddog just trying to survive on a hostile ground of being, sudden dust.

High class people know that nobody wants to die, most friends of mine ain't ever that high
Blessed soul from the age of reason to the place in Space that you wind up gettin' in to die
Recalling the things you & I have done means nothing the day after your last breath, zippity
Do Da, Do Da, if you're lonesome tonight, you drifted away a long time ago, 50 kisses at sea.

My heart and soul merged with the concrete and steel, all was lost that day in the city park
I lied when I said I loved you but it was only 'cause I wanted to taste all y'all sweet red fools
Wanted to fill the empty hole in my place inside that makes you laugh or cry, fight in the dark
Prisoners all broke out of the cells and climbed the walls after they wasted the dogs & bulls.

Block of stone to sit on, smoked good too, all fired up, forced me get off God's dead, split hair
Imagine the Earth shaking and everything burning all 360 degrees around your drama attitude
Your prayers go into one divine ear and move the plane of existence into the Void of dead air
Scenes enlighten the precious moment of being here, not going away except for a kid brood.

You went and played for keeps when there was nothing that would last forever, it's all gone
Before you knew it was even there beside you, so far away from my gaze, y'all went to Rome
No capece Italian, hardly a word comes from lips of my grandparents' native tongue in cheek
What I can tell you about now & then, you may not like it but just recall I ain't a godam sheik.

Save now until I refer to what's happened before we all got here & what's gonna happen, so
Get ready, get set & go before the starting gun pops it's cap, all I know, all you know, it's a go
No parking necessary and the madness goes on as long as all pain is sufficient for fun & games
Ain't no shame playin' mind games, gettin' the feelin', the lucky charm of passin', it's a shame!

On top of the dirty, solar junk we call home, you breathe in and out, a million times, what I did
It's a gift from somewhere that may or may not be important to the minions, you, me & the bird
In flight or extinct from a DNA gene pool, either way, dream, real, imaginary, Truth's Depp turd
You ain't jumpin' or skippin' any more than 8 miles high, last time the sun sets for you! = The Kid.

r j j  stephan, i
c.  Jeudi, May XXVIth, MMXXII @ 111 PMPST
{ You're either the solution or the problem, ad infinitum, drafted this piece while jammin' to the sound of living and dying, a constant buzz in my head 24/7 & the #SoulIntervention link @ https://youtu.be/sshWunbkAJ0 by @Fabrizio_Grossi & @SoulGarageExperience  & @TheKinks #PyeAlbumCollection @ https://youtu.be/e5umDD7xHMg }

Wednesday, May 25, 2022


Y'ALL ARE BUGGIN' me & neither of us can come to the end of Time without dying dead
On a good day there will be a night and it will be the same way it's always been, overhead
Nothing below you because you ain't here or there, It's All Done without a doubt, complete
In chaos you will believe without a doubt, chaos is all the One inside or outside, hot heat.

Star shines, you live & die, so what?  Historical record contrived by the ignoramous' ego
Wonderwomen & supermen cannot make the creation better or worse, it is what it is, Bro
Oversimplifying the complex cabal of secret and occult wisdom, handed down from caves
Written on the walls when the fire was burning the wood within, without my fans & raves.

Hero or cartoon character, in the mood for The Truth or never to be It at all, never a blow
A piece of work with opposing thumbs & an ability to copy what's seen & heard, a Rando
Or a GI Jane who searched high & low for the sargeants of the troops, the ants go march
Trucks driven up and over the mountain pass where the rubber meets the roadkill's farce.

A coward and a hero are one and the same, fear and loathing for reality's presence, punks
One of the many and one of which I am, people ahve always told me so, y'all gotta shout
They're all punks too, it took one to know one, one of the millions, breathe in, breathe out
Percentage of the morons and idiots is one hundred percent, they're all gonna die of Gout!

What is that?  This thing itself, this form of matter and it's dissipation into invisible smack
Memory cannot be recalled, it's all new every moment you move ahead, you can't go back
Behind the Past, a dream began, middle of a Void, Space inside or out of a dream's dream
Eyes blind, ears deaf, no light or noise, only vibrations, tastes & smells of the microcosm.

Addicted to whims of the feelings leading to pleasure and avoidance of pain, a 6th sensor
All Many Ones, divided and conquered by the Self that needed drama & intrigue to be sore
Hurt feelings like a baby, an infant's reaction to the thrust into a huge universe, Earth's sin
Mortal or venial or original with the grace from above, indulgences aside, so below, AMEN!

Thrive while we're alive, you'll be already gone before you know it, don't blink twice, alright
Boys & girls need to be drafted into the military for discipline and positive hits on the fight
Theoretical theorems and the corrolaries to the rules of The Law, Live, Die, simple as that
Cry about it now, it won't change, it's just been hidden to save you the pain, it's bull's scat!

r j j  stephan, I
c.  Mercredi, 5-25-2022 Anno Domini 911 AMPST
{ Drafted  jammin' to choice, @LosLonelyBoys link @ https://youtu.be/S9s4v6LytXw }

"You can't really come to the end of Time without dying dead
On a good day there will be a night and it will be all overhead
Nothing below you because you ain't here or there, It's All Done
In chaos you will believe without a doubt, chaos is all the One."