
Wednesday, January 25, 2023

#ThirdPartyInsideJob #FoolsFeelingFoolish

Warped my time in Space & filled the empty vacuum with notes C, D, E & F sharp
Chords moved the melody up and down the scale, a weight as heavy as water art
It all comes down to this or that, nothing more nor less than the uncertainty key
Known since the first gasp of air, a gas grab of an embryo stone wall, it’s ‘bout me.

Who will be kicked under the bus but all of us, everyone who is not an alien too
Here is a set of secrets locked up in a safe place, believe me, I wouldn’t lie to you
Or maybe I would if I got paid enough gold and silver, for treasure I will comply
Accurate as any other fool who knows nothing about existence, pro or con high.

Documents snuck out of the hidden records section, it’s all a blue secret of a liar
Worm into the game in the middle of the field of dreams, I woke up burned in fire
Purgatory or hell below, inside of the core of the planet, what’s left of the godson
All baked, fried, seared, barbequed both inside and outside, a mellow yellow one.

Infancy of finite cells in an unholy frenzy of linear trigonometry, immorality’s mortals
Lost in the calculus’ multiplication of a subtracted addition to zero, Covid19 gumballs
My children look in a mirror and saw a reflection of what their mothers allowed no say
Neither aborted nor immortal, a corner in cubes of six square plains, shot holes, today!

Five o’clock as the end of time, the workday’s finished, weekends all begun
Searched up and down, in or out of the dream’s reality room of smoked cash
Freak and the identity of the species’ mutants are all one and the same cache
It’s messed up in chaos’ order, zeroes and ones consecutive ad infinitum cliché.

Fear nothing, love everything, it’s all there is, it could always be worse, all bad
Evil leftover backwards ‘live’ just a coincidence, oh wait, maybe not, we been had
This dream’s nearly over with, seems to be losing its kick & it’s fading clear away
Brought the purple beams to light up the winner circle-sky, above & below, ahoy!

r j j stephan, i

c. Janvier XXVth, MMXXIII Ano Domini, Mercredi @ 222 PMPST

{Collected to bust up really good, fetched this while jammin’ to #Springsteen concert LIVE @ https://youtu.be/YgRC8n2zuHY }



Tuesday, January 24, 2023

#I_N_D_E_E_D #FieldTheoryAlphaOmega

In no uncertain terms, you’ll die if you die in your dream, you won’t wake up at all my #Woke peep!
All you know and all you’ll ever be able to do about it when you find out is, fall back on hind sheep
Now and in the past, history won’t change but no Future has arrived to be changed, so I am a fan
Future being the nature of humanely inhumane evolution of the one cell God in heaven? Apeman!

Blind men and women are told the identical unseen Truth about the reason they walk the dirty Earth
Planets circling black stars, uninhabited by DNA germs, paupers in packs of red, bloody i-heart
Unemployed & immigrated from the slave cultures of six other continents, anger management gods
Pray on your knees, sacrifice all viral infections up to the powers that be, burn on funeral pyre pods.

Morphine & the ends of Time won’t bring the Origin any closer than a neutron bomb implosion to be
Or not to be, that's one of the only questions to which there’s no super response, no answer is free
Liberty & old-man chains that used to bind the mind & body to the plants & plantation gamble, Caput
All gone as if none of it was ever here at all, history delete, erased, numb hole, a mind-glue sniff cut.

Poisoned the water of the troops & they failed to conquer the kings and queens of the doomed gods
Older than the star dirt, written on dark cave walls that used to be lit by torches of freedom hotrods
Bums & junkies chuckie’s roamin’ riverbeds of a Tri-City, all their refuse left to burn up handout perks
What happened to the babies who got raised on welfare’s foodstamps, look 'round in a circle of jerks!

Jolly Roger flag flyin’ high above a pirate ship of fools, my sisters and brothers aboard the holy seas
Not all too human, the program is enhanced by repetition of the identical things, ad infinitum please
Without any option, meaning before or after life as we know it, ain't no option, Space's Time is Sins
Stretch the imagination into the alleys & streets of the city of bad smells, dead meat run the dozens.

A story ends, when it’s over, it’s all over, don’t worry and just be happy, whistle & sing in the cold rain
Bleeding the grace of the divine & invisible to the naked eyes, highlight the ebb and flow of nut pain
Born dependent, die independent as a whiff of a scent rises for all dead meat sacrifices, divine BBQ
Seditious conspiracy to eat all living to stay alive, justification is no defense for lunatics, many or few.

Beard of long hair fallen on the barber’s floor, actually a bathroom of the den’s mother, keeper Blues
Awful waffles & invisible pancakes, warmed to harden the liquid for bad tastes of bitter fruit, my clues
Out of my hands, repeating a Word for the clubs of skulls & bones, jolly roger flag flyin’ high, smoke
Wafting all over the room, floor to ceiling, four walls full of burnt trees, hot leaves of Mary & a Coke.

Mom & dad questioned me, told the Truth & lied as I promised when I crossed my heart, hope to die
Don’t appreciate the pending extinction of my mother’s fruit of her womb, me hot-blooded as pistols
Drew fast at my last fight in the dirty-dust road between the town fronts, all Hollywood sets in the sky
Bloody knot, dry as a bone, lead-dust left-over pulverized into rocks' gold dust, fake battlefield trolls.

One pointed finger at anyone else, leaves three fingers pointing right back at a dead, old fake-face
Here are the secret codes for all of the enemy’s missile fleet, locked in my failsafe’s outerpace case
Leave us now, get on your way, forget everything we’ve seen and read about a fakeTruth’s God
Created Nothing and everything else, I’m related right? Holy scat, I did die in that olden hotrod!

r j j stephan, i
c. Janvier XXIVth, MMXXIII Anno Domini, Mardi @ 711 AMPST
{Clip your own wings, drafted while jammin’ to #AncientAliens link @ https://youtu.be/8NKCiETRzJQ }


Monday, January 23, 2023



Nothing to see here, moe and larry just move along without curly folk
Or was it the jelly bean joe, either way, I’m turnin’ blind in a dreamland
Inside of the revolving doors that terminate the wet dreams in the sand
Ubiquitous, sociopathetic miscreant in spun psyche, secret docs in #AJoke.

Herman the heretic came clean and died before the pivot in whip cream
Of orphans who were raised by one or another guilty innocence of a Sin
Adam or Eve or any other president or pauper or fool, all for One for All
Dreamers wake up, awaken as if life was just rowing a boat in a stream.

Boys won’t be girls & vice versa regardless of the secret Truth being told
Give and take what’s leftover and unspoiled by the dirty, filthy fool’s gold
Without it, you beg for bread, with it you pay the piper’s tax in the fighter
On my dime now, you are excused, I need no counsel of a roller-lighter.

Ran over myself with my snowplow I bought to help my neighbors’ dirt
You read and understood that long novel called #TheIdiot by The Russian
It won’t be on Prime video or MGM plus, yet the thought’s pure malarkey
With or without the epileptic antiseptic for the calm, cool, Mme Beasley.

Beards & disguises of all faces, heads & skeletons to cover up one Truth
Defend your offensive responsibility for everyone else’s failure, forsooth
Obligated to perform perfectly to any cause of motion’s misconduct, gads
More than what anyone’s looking for, that is the whole shebang, all gods.

Keeping all valuables out in the open and leaving the locked safes empty
Way of the narrow path, to the left of the right and to right of the far left
Function of calculations are to remain alive as long as bad guys allow, call
Even saints, priests, sisters & brothers will die, shoot the basketball y’all!

Bloody rivers dried up all of the muddy water left over from the civility freeze
Between the cousins and their stepfather’s children from other godmothers
Bums left like hobos who have never live near the railroad tracks full of tears
Cried about all of the spoiled, spilled milk of cows and goats, no cheese please.

Ubiquitous universe that goes wall to wall, as above, so below the holy poles
Never moving, an idea about the whirling wobble of the stones & bone holes
Buried the hatchets and the people or pulverized and dissolved them into dust
Same here and now as it’s always been, we’re all up with down with the lust.

Harm in Harlem and berserk in Berkeley, livin’ on more than a prayer, still Live
Monkeys get around our Earth, in and out of the Upwind, apes in paradise jive
Made commands to follow, to order the chaos and protect the innocent worm
Only maggot eggs can cause the effect, I see you now, just a naked ghost form.

r j j stephan, i
c. Janvier XXIIIrd, MMXXIII Anno Domini, Lundi @ 711 AMPST
{ Drafted while jammin’ to @SouthsideJohnny, @Springsteen @BonJovi, @LittleSteven link @ https://youtu.be/xOoy6e1LeYA }