
Tuesday, January 24, 2023

#I_N_D_E_E_D #FieldTheoryAlphaOmega

In no uncertain terms, you’ll die if you die in your dream, you won’t wake up at all my #Woke peep!
All you know and all you’ll ever be able to do about it when you find out is, fall back on hind sheep
Now and in the past, history won’t change but no Future has arrived to be changed, so I am a fan
Future being the nature of humanely inhumane evolution of the one cell God in heaven? Apeman!

Blind men and women are told the identical unseen Truth about the reason they walk the dirty Earth
Planets circling black stars, uninhabited by DNA germs, paupers in packs of red, bloody i-heart
Unemployed & immigrated from the slave cultures of six other continents, anger management gods
Pray on your knees, sacrifice all viral infections up to the powers that be, burn on funeral pyre pods.

Morphine & the ends of Time won’t bring the Origin any closer than a neutron bomb implosion to be
Or not to be, that's one of the only questions to which there’s no super response, no answer is free
Liberty & old-man chains that used to bind the mind & body to the plants & plantation gamble, Caput
All gone as if none of it was ever here at all, history delete, erased, numb hole, a mind-glue sniff cut.

Poisoned the water of the troops & they failed to conquer the kings and queens of the doomed gods
Older than the star dirt, written on dark cave walls that used to be lit by torches of freedom hotrods
Bums & junkies chuckie’s roamin’ riverbeds of a Tri-City, all their refuse left to burn up handout perks
What happened to the babies who got raised on welfare’s foodstamps, look 'round in a circle of jerks!

Jolly Roger flag flyin’ high above a pirate ship of fools, my sisters and brothers aboard the holy seas
Not all too human, the program is enhanced by repetition of the identical things, ad infinitum please
Without any option, meaning before or after life as we know it, ain't no option, Space's Time is Sins
Stretch the imagination into the alleys & streets of the city of bad smells, dead meat run the dozens.

A story ends, when it’s over, it’s all over, don’t worry and just be happy, whistle & sing in the cold rain
Bleeding the grace of the divine & invisible to the naked eyes, highlight the ebb and flow of nut pain
Born dependent, die independent as a whiff of a scent rises for all dead meat sacrifices, divine BBQ
Seditious conspiracy to eat all living to stay alive, justification is no defense for lunatics, many or few.

Beard of long hair fallen on the barber’s floor, actually a bathroom of the den’s mother, keeper Blues
Awful waffles & invisible pancakes, warmed to harden the liquid for bad tastes of bitter fruit, my clues
Out of my hands, repeating a Word for the clubs of skulls & bones, jolly roger flag flyin’ high, smoke
Wafting all over the room, floor to ceiling, four walls full of burnt trees, hot leaves of Mary & a Coke.

Mom & dad questioned me, told the Truth & lied as I promised when I crossed my heart, hope to die
Don’t appreciate the pending extinction of my mother’s fruit of her womb, me hot-blooded as pistols
Drew fast at my last fight in the dirty-dust road between the town fronts, all Hollywood sets in the sky
Bloody knot, dry as a bone, lead-dust left-over pulverized into rocks' gold dust, fake battlefield trolls.

One pointed finger at anyone else, leaves three fingers pointing right back at a dead, old fake-face
Here are the secret codes for all of the enemy’s missile fleet, locked in my failsafe’s outerpace case
Leave us now, get on your way, forget everything we’ve seen and read about a fakeTruth’s God
Created Nothing and everything else, I’m related right? Holy scat, I did die in that olden hotrod!

r j j stephan, i
c. Janvier XXIVth, MMXXIII Anno Domini, Mardi @ 711 AMPST
{Clip your own wings, drafted while jammin’ to #AncientAliens link @ https://youtu.be/8NKCiETRzJQ }


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