
Friday, May 12, 2023

TITLES OF THIS TITLE ARE NOT TITLEISTS #CiscoKid & #Poncho #MrBean #Popeye @Xteena @ZZTop

Are you scattin’?
I’m just trippin’ a roll, on target for the bull’s eye, freakin’ yo-yo comeback to me, darlin’ baby
For me & for you this here & that there makin’ straight, invisible lines between the lit-up dots
Sweeter than dry dreams you got woke from, happiness is everywhere in sight, never give it up
Never, ever even say the words, truth is that you can’t handle the Truth, it’s a songbird, a pup.

For the sake of the wife, the kids, the husband, mother, father, sisters, brothers, all friends of mine
For Poncho & Cisco, I traveled below the Rio Grande with a backpack of salty peanuts tin-can & pine
Outlaws are what we were, now or never we’d escape all bullets blasting, swam across God’s dams
Trivial pursuit of the dream within a dream, mothers didn’t have birth control, Catholics, so here I am.

Pouring the craze of going to a brand new world, no better than the last, poured from relief pitcher
Young or old gypsy man, my father told me I was, he was a sailor like Popeye, an Albert the greater
I flew the coup fully armed and out of mankind’s control, on the way to the end of the systemic races
Underneath skin, deep within the DNA of bones’ cells’ mitochondria & disembodied consciousness.

Boredom coming, like it or not, in the urn or the casket you & I, no fools’ for the city or old country
Bottom line when the bottoms are up, the species survives, closed down libido, extinction’s The High
Out on the corner, in the gangways between the brick piles of empty & vacuumed dust bins of Soul
Either rubber or an invisible conglomerate of ancestral jizz & folk jazz, got a beat’s rhythm of shoals.

Stones piled as if that’s the way it’s always been but there’s still the truth about your mama, oh man
Sad but true, you nearly forgot where you were before your mother conceived you in love or in sin
Either way, you got here & you’re safe & sound form the boogie man but not Old Man Time’s clock
It’s no dream come true, it’s conceptual analysis of realty in reality, not a place in Space to tick-tock.

Brothers did what they did under the skin of the bald men with glasses and mommy issues of dads
Generating the species you see and hear in front of your eyes & in the historical records of the fads
From naked apes, ashamed of their skin & 208 bones walking upright and running from ape history
Wars full of battles between neglected progeny & idiot elders, Foo-fighter food for the next century.

Critic?  Iam, analytical in anal territory, sure to leave no stone unturned, gotta get more rocks
Rollin’ to be perfectly in synch with zero gravity & centrifugal force of imaginary, atomic socks
Pumped up near bursting point, full,  unexploded gas which is ready to blow to kingdoms to come
Some girls can’t go, like yo' sister & yo' mama, wife & girlfriend but some girls, y’all go git some.

Of your own matter and energy inherited from your own heritage of survival as the most fit
Any time long ago or recently, you inherited the ability to conclude & move on with life’s chit
Could be the good, bad or the ugly, it’s all beautiful in it’s own way, if I’m alive, that’s all folks
On a line there’s no point or any angle of One or Two when you need Three to suck a triangle.

To surround empty space with four lines of imaginary scratches on the matrix, be a high square
Beyond home & far, far away from anything similar to causes & effects of terrestrial haiku hair
Fussing about Nature & Being, alive as a human being ain’t worth Time, to be or not to be high
No mercy on you, me or anyone alive, nobody gets the break, Godam Adam killed Yogi the bear.

I grinned & bearded it when I learned the news, no more shaving for a half century, I had to see
I shaved the fur from my noggin, baled all hair from my whole head, old man appeared shocked
Now then, from here on out, what is Past is forgotten except lessons learned, all on the up & up
Following the long line of come & gone is an awkward, infinite & invisible vector or immortal tea.

I drank some, read the leaves on the bottom of the cup, they said nothing more than an #UP Word
Up! That was all, just ‘Up!’, idea has become it’s infant, empty skies above, flipped with God’s bird
Horns severed down to the skull and bone of the brain & mindful content, now it’s all this smooth
Silk as slick as ice or a hot lick or two off of the top & a hot lathered, close shave & dry vermouth.

No slaves of Cleopatra here and now, she is on her own, aliens of the Past & Future’s killin’ ya bro
Only in effigy though, since the soul’s animated smoke-body is not only invisible but immortal, yo
Nothing more or less than the Truth suffices to relinquish the fear & loathing of parents & prison
Bring In the masses of idiots raised by morons and imbeciles, let them cross the DNA, extinction!

Interruption of the corruption which causes the dissolution of the planet Earth’s inner core, Lava
No blood, sweat or tears will survive the catastrophic cataclysm comin’ your way after you die, Ma
I can’t protect you after you’re all gone, out of this world you brought me to without sheer doubt
To be or not to be isn’t the question, it’s a conundrum for the idiot savants, as I twist the gods shout.

r j j stephan, i

c. Vendredi, May XII, MMXXIII Anno Domini @Five OPMPST
{ Drafted jammin’ to Freedom Fighters & Merkaba – Moonlight Purpose Trippin’ link @ https://youtu.be/4a89rc-AulU }



Thursday, May 11, 2023

#RandomSilly #FakingTheFool #YoureGonnaDieDontRemindYou #RatherGoBlind #TossYoMamaOffTheBridge #Trump2024 @Tom_SullivanRadio


Fully housed, captured a straight & a flush until I win, place & show four-ace bingo
Cringe at a ranting thought that we’re headed to reverting back to innocence, gringo
I am a son of my parents who met in random chaos & ruptured a crack in the world
Left myself no way out of a rat’s maze, I created the smoke, thin air the gods’ Gold.

It’s as clear as mud, before you get to a #Carwash, you lost your white & black tint
On both fronts, left & right are symbolic expressions of the yin & the yang of Zen It
Nothing like it on conceptual analysis, Webster dictionary & thesaurus' deep dive
Too fast to live, too young to die, like ol’ times, #JamesDean couldn’t git out, alive.

Bins overfull of recycled, organic matter funk of anthropomorphic viral infections
Bacteria in a petri dish begin with two & multiply geometrically, 2 x 2 extinctions
Of good, bad & ugly bones, nobody’s exempt, not the holy, beautiful or infirmed
Void Machine, sorry you nailed it before a final gasp of gas fusion, you swallowed.

Being a denominator below a numerator, I divide as above, so below, exit above
Planet Earth, star dirt left over from a Super Nova or Nova or Black Hole of Love
Meaning of life in symbolic intercourse as origin of life's inanimate matter, zero
Absolute, empty volume of a gasless place, Origin of Space &Time, Zen to a hero.

Felt the earthquake, shakin’, rattlin’ & rollin’ back & forth, beneath a little ol’ foots
Inanimate rock pounding sand & dirt, pretending with yo’ poor, lil ol' hearts’ toots
Bringing home pig bacon & bird eggs in a solitary confinement, illegal & the idiots
No warmer than red hot & no cooler than frozen stiff, my way, the highway's Dots.

Power running low, can’t recharge any dying form, skull & bones of the thing I am
Psychological romances from ultraviolet light to the dark, monster to bite, It's game
Occult words of any language where we live here & now, books burned, Man's mean
Desire & a need to survive, being fit & ready to pivot about, shot to shoot, unseen.

Marginal re-education was NOT my parents’ fault, Navy, Army, Marines, Air Force
Of the Navy, nobody can defend borders from traitors within, Guilty of #Nonsense
You begin somewhere, it matters that your luck sucks, you get it all on a back road
Pews to sit all in & hang onto when we're down on our knees, beg Adam & Eve too.

r j j stephan, i

c. Jeudi, 5-11-MMXXIII Anno Domini @ 1111 AMPST

{ Drained from the xylem of invisible phlegm while jammin’ to @Glenn_Frey #SmugglersBlues youTube link @ https://youtu.be/LSXKyHM133c }


Wednesday, May 10, 2023


Proelia ad bellum ducunt!  #DM moment
Time's now & then it passes away into historical nihilism of souls straining underwater
Broken down in the mud, blood and beer your mother left in her hind teat’s wet tear
Crying out loud about dead meat & burnt offerings from a deep, blue sea & a dirty lie
About how Twilight began & how the Darkness will be a final Zone of the end, sigh!

Your responsibility is to celebrate One's fortune & perfect timing-initiation lost cause
Of breathing & heart beating, blood flow for vampires who suck high girls & low boys
They don’t even know, they've no idea they’re here for a NYC minute in the dark pools
Of conscious interruption of ebb & flow, blown stardirt H2O-wobble, God-slam fools.

I'm not sweating small stuff, just the big stuff, I’ve got a urgent concerns, smell Rain
It’s comin’ down before you knew it was droppin’ from the heavens' suffering & pain
Out of nowhere, it’s sudden impact is felt in delayed sequence, Time ticks on thin skin
We know cool feelings of everything, less Death, once you feel that, you're a has-been.

Park the cars & trucks & bikes, your locomotion will begin to stop as your heart stops
Sights and sounds inside a cerbral cortex memory to recollect life passing & cow plops 
Mothers, fathers, sisters, brothers, test tube of artistic insemination spunk, eve & atom
Seatbelt harnesses can’t keep it all in, crooked straight-jackets will all numb the dumb.

Mind’s in the brain, in a head & can’t move limbs, can’t walk or shake with a devil dog
Melody & rhythm’s rhyme at the perfect volume for a deaf & dumb rock & roll a blog.
Closer to me as you wanna be, down my backbone, rib cage, amputated limbs crashin’
Cars, boats, planes, trains & a bus crashing, imploding uptown to look as if I'm dyin’.

Slaves of the gods made everything on Earth, every king, queen & subject of change
Only you know like I know, it's a solitary life, a dreamer dreaming home on the range
As if we were getting closer to a last breath, holding air in as long as you can, CO2 fits
For me & you, all we have is what you think we have of the thing itself, online to pits.
On the weather of Earth, twirling cold or hot, whirling, wobbling, swirling all about
Not me or anyone else, all ego, that’s all counted in the Biblical books, twist & shout
Couldn’t stomach the taste nor subsequent flatulenct biproduct, stench of ferment
Out of the house or in a hole inside of the foundation’s ground, exhausted cement.

For noone else but me, I breathed 70+ years above tales of star dirt-loaned from God
On weather of Earth, cold or hot, artificial intelligence is a cashed, human redhot rod
Putting pedals to metal goin’, ‘round Dead Man’s Curve, see cemetery entrance gate?
Don’t enter a swamp for vibrations, immerse into deep ends & means, deep dive Fate.

Tiny conflict of interests 'tween brothers & sisters, clone dead-egg lingo, It is all done
Invoiced & paid in advance of your exit from racing human-gods, here to Hades funk
Bought the farm that daddy wouldn't sell, Excellence needed to be extinct, love stunk
All you have, all you are & always will be, a piece of stone, dirty rocks all rollin', son.

You may or may not recollect everything you’re responsible for, afore conception's trip
Stillborn Karma will rise, Beauty’s head returns as Evil, throwback to a plethora ship
Nouns, subjects & objects, verbs' predicaion activity I can’t recall, it’s over, it is done
Dreaming Egotist, about my Id, expressing recollection scat, bite my cranberry scone!

News or ancient history forgotten because language was oral, unwritten future shocks
Of the men & mice who wrote on cave walls' they showed history that's all to roll rocks
Data dump of garbage, refused products of processed tree-plant miracles, Oma Nature
Pumped dreams confused in a vortex of bums & junkies, addicted to fecal-nests allure.

Without order It’s random chaos you see behind closed eyelids, word-up, cog machine
Gears grinding, peeling rubber on asphalt, forward, counter-clockwise around a sinsin
Betting I Win, Lose or Draw even if I win, I lose, earn cold cash, winning shoot to thrill
Absolute & relative Truth-be-Told, to all our babies, our folks forced Jack & Jill uphill.

Whistlin' Dixie or any melody while working in vacuum, scribblin' on empty paper
This is a fight for freedom, get back home where you belong but it’s changed now too
As it was as it were, won't return to a state being in full armor, loaded potato's butter
Agnostic soul, actor running low on a border with free food & water, @Twitter Blues!

r j j stephan, i
c. Mercredi, 5-10-MMXXIII Anno Domini
{ Jammed as I rode dirty with my brothers from mothers, @BigSMO #AintNothinFree link @ https://youtu.be/Lpink7LcufY }