

Thursday, May 11, 2023

#RandomSilly #FakingTheFool #YoureGonnaDieDontRemindYou #RatherGoBlind #TossYoMamaOffTheBridge #Trump2024 @Tom_SullivanRadio


Fully housed, captured a straight & a flush until I win, place & show four-ace bingo
Cringe at a ranting thought that we’re headed to reverting back to innocence, gringo
I am a son of my parents who met in random chaos & ruptured a crack in the world
Left myself no way out of a rat’s maze, I created the smoke, thin air the gods’ Gold.

It’s as clear as mud, before you get to a #Carwash, you lost your white & black tint
On both fronts, left & right are symbolic expressions of the yin & the yang of Zen It
Nothing like it on conceptual analysis, Webster dictionary & thesaurus' deep dive
Too fast to live, too young to die, like ol’ times, #JamesDean couldn’t git out, alive.

Bins overfull of recycled, organic matter funk of anthropomorphic viral infections
Bacteria in a petri dish begin with two & multiply geometrically, 2 x 2 extinctions
Of good, bad & ugly bones, nobody’s exempt, not the holy, beautiful or infirmed
Void Machine, sorry you nailed it before a final gasp of gas fusion, you swallowed.

Being a denominator below a numerator, I divide as above, so below, exit above
Planet Earth, star dirt left over from a Super Nova or Nova or Black Hole of Love
Meaning of life in symbolic intercourse as origin of life's inanimate matter, zero
Absolute, empty volume of a gasless place, Origin of Space &Time, Zen to a hero.

Felt the earthquake, shakin’, rattlin’ & rollin’ back & forth, beneath a little ol’ foots
Inanimate rock pounding sand & dirt, pretending with yo’ poor, lil ol' hearts’ toots
Bringing home pig bacon & bird eggs in a solitary confinement, illegal & the idiots
No warmer than red hot & no cooler than frozen stiff, my way, the highway's Dots.

Power running low, can’t recharge any dying form, skull & bones of the thing I am
Psychological romances from ultraviolet light to the dark, monster to bite, It's game
Occult words of any language where we live here & now, books burned, Man's mean
Desire & a need to survive, being fit & ready to pivot about, shot to shoot, unseen.

Marginal re-education was NOT my parents’ fault, Navy, Army, Marines, Air Force
Of the Navy, nobody can defend borders from traitors within, Guilty of #Nonsense
You begin somewhere, it matters that your luck sucks, you get it all on a back road
Pews to sit all in & hang onto when we're down on our knees, beg Adam & Eve too.

r j j stephan, i

c. Jeudi, 5-11-MMXXIII Anno Domini @ 1111 AMPST

{ Drained from the xylem of invisible phlegm while jammin’ to @Glenn_Frey #SmugglersBlues youTube link @ https://youtu.be/LSXKyHM133c }


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