
Showing posts with label #freaky. Show all posts
Showing posts with label #freaky. Show all posts

Sunday, December 10, 2023


Phonies behind the curtain of your world way back when the world was a nut, Big Bang time
Deepest space of dark clouds empty of the water to make it all come alive on my holy dime
Ain’t got no preference for UFO saucers of three meals, quickening, fascinating movers on a fly
I am not exaggerating the Truth, it’s never false since Truth itself is down below the empty sky.

Prophetic saga of mercy on the poor, faithless and rich, faithful, rainin’ down on me, my bread
At Mary’s place or Michael’s gates up there in Cielo, it got started & I’m gonna end it, bang bang
No gunpowder, no triggers, no hammers, no rounds of lead or shining yellow gold, I am the lead
Heart aches then it breaks, leaks all of the blood out of the 5 holes left in the toes to the head.

No turning back from the blind space between your mama’s legs, that’s not being kind to papa
Getting off with citation promises, care-taking the momentary lapse of reason’s climax of Mary
She was a virgin, she said & there’s no reason to believe that she conceived the son of the God
I called up & down the road, waiting for the Truth down in the ditch on the upside down hotrod.

The smoke from the gun was the engine smoking & on fire, ready to blow the fuel’s smithereens
I got out and got her out, everything was everything, I called nobody since middle of nowhere
Got no service or cellphone, no way to get the help from the fire department, vacation scenes
You’re missing, I’m missing, the children and parents are missing, everything’s all gone to beans.

Holler louder until you lose your only voice, all that’s left is the whisper even you can’t hear it
Drifting devils and the dust the they left in the wake of their slop & slobber, idiot savant’s chit
Dreaming just to awaken, ad infinitum, as if that’s all there is to life, kick the pony to giddy-up
What it is, this #Rising is Substance, substratum of a Void, exception to a rule, which way is up?

Escape the bone marrow because you’ve got no choice, it’s the way it is, song remains the same
For you and your foster parents, siblings, your ancestral descendants if any, all a somnambulism
Cactus in the desert has the kick protected by the pricks & prongs who bottle worms in my fame
Blasted drunk with a compass, drifted as photons and quarks fear to go, unprotected catechism.

Certainly, waiting for paradise when there’s only Hehl below is the preferred idiocy of it all
Bowling in alleys, pitching balls in the middle of diamonds, touchdowns without the Touch
Pine-cones, big seeds of the oxygen factory, here before the origin of the species, poor Rich
Is what I am, what we all are, a con’s red blood always was and will be a toxic spill of a bitch.

Dreams opened the scenes, from the ruins rose the built forms of the Rising rocks & sand
Planetary leftovers from the Origin’s Big Bang, we can’t make this up, Truth can’t be found
High or low, out or in of the thing you & I are, lumps of the matter movin’ the recycled chit
Forms dissolved and regenerated into the microscopic giants, so, this is the End, That’s It!
r j j  stephan, i

c.  Dimanche 12-10-MMXXIIIk Anno Domini @ 911 AMPST  #TheRising #CitysInRuins #NYC

{ Flipped this off of God’s hand’s center finger between thumb & pinky, while listenin’ to #IllSeeYouInMyDreams link @ https://youtu.be/xJum7B1KnkA?si=BbJuSJktj4ycX4na }



Thursday, November 16, 2023

#TooManyCatFishToFry #SuckScuzOutROCKLobsters #Rockplast #BlueCheer #SummertimeBLUES #FamilyGuyROCKlobsters


Silver bells and golden chains ringing and banging at the dawn of heaven and Earth, for me & for you
What I know is nothing more than I’m alive & I’m gonna die but I don’t know why, I rejected saviors too
Nobody dead is gonna save me from my death, I don’t know about you, maybe you’re specially created
By the power that is Oneness in the middle of multiplicity, dreaming that you’re awake in the shebang.

Height and weight matters to the skull and bones that carry your load from here to there, whatever it is
It can’t be something that will ever happen again in my lifetime, not for me to know or to see all of this
Hate and love are the result of this Big Bang, the original G wandering in the middle of the Void’s nucleus
Right there in the middle of the bullseye, it’s all happening for the good of being an all too human fuss.

My oh my, the black swans are flyin’ in for the mating season, there’s a conflict with the comprehension
On the one hand there’s absolutely Nothing at all in the universe other than human beings, sons of gods
We’re let off here for a timely stop that pretends eternity is temporary yet it’s the final mark of the beast
Beast being what I am, what you are, what we all are, beasts of burden, carrying the dancing dream fest.

Only you know & I know, everyone else is out of the loop, downtown to the westside, angels fear to go
On an ‘L’ train or a subway, the CTA, the taxicabs, te rentals & the POVs all roll the people in a big show
All it is to be or not to be at One with the invisible, ignorant light burning our sun-star’s atoms, I’m a fan
Up unto and including the Black Hole & Singularity which theoretically exist in the minds of the human.

Walk after you scoot & crawl, getting up on two feet for a stumble upon two, four, six or eight leg whacks
On the perfect cement sidewalks, asphalt streets, boulevards & avenues lining the brick houses of Wax
Here’s the trick, four eyes wide open, scan a wavelength’s spectrum for frequencies, aliens of tricky Dicks
Now, over there & then, past or future, time ain’t on my side, it’s got no side, Time is tight, all 24/7 ticks.

Finale just like the moody blues’ leftovers, I will to be & boom, I am, I will not to be, can’t be plural, uno
Where I’ll be is wherever I may have been during my mom’s labor conception, time for a wet coitus, son
Pedal to the metal & two balls to the wall, I’ll win the race I didn’t know I was in Hell, down with the fool
Finale begone, keep it up for infinity, you’ve got Nothing better to do, Nothing, you will know what to do.

Support the weak with strength, let the good times roll, all night long up & down the bowling strikes 12
Ending a malfunction, no blind faith to share with natives of islands, or stuck on shore for this Shelf
It is the spirit of spinning Earth’s sand shelf puts us in the third eye blind controversy below & above
Yet it’s not unusual to recollect the last time in olden dazed showers, heyday’s pseudo-science ala love.

Hot and cold flashes to fill your waking life with the focus on pain, suffering, the end of the nine lives
That is the craziest thing about it all, you don’t know what you think you know, I believe in bar dives
To be there in a hurry with a dollar in my wallet and pure gold in the kit-n-caboodle, then I die in sleep
Darkness in caves that ran out of star light from the day’s & night’s respective climax, pretty girls’ faces.

She’s got no money, but she is so cute, I think I got lucky with my early life’s sacrifice and holy scat
Down with the speech, the Georgia peaches are the only ones my buddy in Florida can be in that
Full fools, working out with the cheap wine and knock-off brews, highlights are in my deep sleep
On my pillow’s satin casing, moving when I’m at rest, you will get what you get if it’s in the sheep.

They won’t let you die but you will regardless of your wish for a long, healthy life without a tide
Of waves movin’ in for a surf of waves unseen in SoCal, off of Malibu all the way to Big Sur’s slide
Of rocks and sand rollin’ off of the coast property, conquering the soil and innocent fauna to eat
Nimble and pivoting is easier than once thought, maybe twice or three times twelve, mega feat.

Terror & horror in a thimble, smoke screen out in front or in back, scream in a microphone’s fur
It’s hilarious and hella good, it’s hilafarious or something like that there, this here ain’t no disco
Time is moving second by second, minute by doobie brothers minute, super fine in spunk utero
Sixty times six equals the product, the force of one mind’s intent to materialize the will to power.

Military soldiers, marines, sailors & flyboyz will end the beginning of the inferior force rising up
Whipsaw the things in front of your eyes and drop in for a spell, sip the witch’s brew in a big cup
Deterrence works, you think you got magic but you don’t, yet you think you do, lies inside of chit
Your blind faith in leaders will get you killed; you know that right? Oh, you forget easily about it.

Here is the scourge, terror is a part of species extinction, scare the eggs out of being conceived
Then the panspermia doesn’t have an effect, scare the scat out of the young & continue the dead
Every byte of data within this Cosmos will be destroyed and deleted without retrieval possibility
In & out of the hamburger joint, animal style double-double & A.S. fries, chocolate shake for me.

Blown jobs between us all, there is a Will, then there’s a Way, Force of intent moves the male son
It builds DNA from within the invisible matrix, the exact code is not too human but a bit apelike too
To know you have to be first or last, but you must immerse your psychoanalysis notwithstanding It
Family is forever through this form of quality comm, understanding incomprehensible Revolution.

Civilian or military in a cultured society all put their shoes on the same way, every day one at a time
Weapon of choice is my Word, although you’re intelligent, won’t see it comin’ in stealth on a dime
Her needs are my desire, I have no other reason to be present here and now, it’s been fun, that’s all
Keepin’ it lit, the blunts burn, the mind blows, you’re in and you’re out, Magic of Adam & Eve, Fall!  


r j j stephan, i

c. Vendredi, BLOWVEMBER Xth MMXXIII Anno Domini @ 911 AMPST

{ Jack’d this up while listenin’ to @Armstrong_GettyRadio on @650kste link @ https://kste.iheart.com/ }



Friday, November 03, 2023

. . . of @Foghat & @RollingStones @RicoSuave @BoysRoundHere @BlakeShelton #Redecker #Maleguena @ConnieFrancis



We find nothing at the bottom of the argument for the holes in your premises and invalid inductions
Finish the infinite line on either side of the zero, cloud of the Heaven’s earthly, asymptomatic racisms
Hardy Har Har, for the almost adults, the adolescent boys & girls who will be extinct by two or twenty
Forts built in the middle of a fight’s turf, a territory of stripped, dirty sand above crude, off black oozy.

Who has the nuclear bombs, the nuclear warhead missiles, on ships or underground, ready to come up
From the bottom of humanity’s heart, it’s all ‘bout the species extinction, we can help divinity’s hiccup
How now is the brown cow when it’s a Jersey and not a Holstein, come on man, what’s a Jewish state
Camels and the sheepherders fighting for their sand, Earth’s burnt out solar, black & white trash fate.

Surrender or fight until your last gasp of wind from the maze of miracles, causes & effects of Sunny life
Gamete to mitotic divide of you & I, the twins, triplets, the quads, the quins, all out coitus interruptus
She had no idea it was a once & done, the world changed in a day, it’s on the straight and narrow dicks
Rolled for the snake eyes or the craps, whichever comes first to let me all in and you all out of the mix.

Breathing in and out of the sacs of miraculous secular, sexual feelings deep within the human genome
It’s nothing like a mortal sin to reproduce the species one by one, two by two or in a lab test tube bum
Yes we can conceive without the thing itself but the feeling of the thing conceived is not like the come
From the father, the son an the holy ghosts who rise and shine until they fall and run so quickly home.,

Played the game from the beginning with all of the rules I gleaned from the training of the nested ones
Papa and mama flew up high but got buried six feet down, rewarded infinite bodies without the bones
208 of them missing from head to toes but the consciousness of being able to see cool fictional events
No historical record is true, nobody now alive knows it, sceptics got blind faith, odds are heaven sent.

Jumpin’ jacks, playin’ ball & jacks, what’s up with jack, runnin’ the dozens for minions of the drunks
Hell to pay although there is no Hell, it’s a mythological punishment to keep your ego in a deep dive
Mainline from minus how much money you have in the bank, minus your outstanding debt to skunks
Farming, growing the flowers for the peasants and azure blooded, it’s a pleasure to serve & stay alive.

Blood blue when the sun don’t shine on its flow, on red, deep crimson slit the way to bleed it all out
Meant what I said, mean what I say I’ll say what I mean, that’s a promise, I won’t waver on any doubt
Certainty of the absolute is the only target I see, I am aimed in the center of it’s location, ready to fire
Hammer is cocked, trigger a micrometer from my index phalanges as ready as the Truth told by a liar.

Kind of the fourth one to come in third sliding into second after walking on four balls, tiny 13 strides
In the beginning it’s new and the inexperience of your mothers cause your life to come on free rides
Highest tides rollin in and out with lowest tides which are the liquid of the Earth’s fake rubber souls
All hot to trot, Hoity-Toity has gone Topsy-Turvy & now, Humpty Dumpty is cracked up in deep holes.

Boys round here write words & sing songs, call ‘em bards, females ala males, #Ai genetic mutations
Just random DNA recombinants turning out to be the antithesis of the prolegomena, all mortal sins
In a ruptured yet holy womb, an invader scoffs at legitimate obligation for impregnation, extinction
Just as each living thing must die, each species becomes extinct, one by one, two by two, march on!

Follow me on Twitter at your peril, my father, God rest his soul, my original maker with his ol’ lady
Roads he drove on, backroads and freeways paved with the people’s gold, taxes to block the sea
From spilling over the land’s coasts, eroding the continental shelf back into the bottom of the core
Middle of God, our Earth is our God, the sun is a Star of the Galaxy, just a lucky One off the shore.

Fire burns to keep us warm, stop us from freezing the nervous system & brain, halts a shutdown
Only a hop, a skip & a jump from here to over there where nobody but you can go, your own fate
Without you, there’s no hope of your fate being a fait au complet, complicit with the king’s crown
Chess on boards of 32 squares is just a game, a duel of trickery & hoarding rhetoric’s blinded faith.

Protect the freedom, the jewels of the crown, the thrown & the minions who are cousins of the gods
Never here down on the planet’s dirt with the creation, just commands & theorems for the guidance
Pie in the sky & a 3.14 measurement of that symbolic value, angle of the dangle, angelic fishing rods
Delusional or blind faith in the incredible, unnatural First Cause of our solar system’s planetary rants.

You still with me? Nice follow and there’s gonna be a payoff comin’ up, don’t expect the unexpected
Know this world you see & act as if it is Reality, per se, is indeed the End of Times, we’re already dead
Legally blind illegals are the friends of the Christian Jesus’ followers, paupers, bums who die in homes
Not their own home, a final rest home before the urn or casket, or worse yet, our freedom is Rome’s.

Lunch, dinner, supper or breakfast after 8-12 hours of pretending to be brain-dead, dreaming this here
Every moment created out of nothing at all, a series of sensational stimuli impinging on holy, fake fear
Babies come and grow the whole game of life for their ignorant descendants, now & then, it’s Eureka
Finding the mystery unprotected from evil lives, third eyes morph into an accordion squeeze box bra.

Here’s the payout, the payoff & the whole shebang that will set you free from your imaginary chains
It doesn’t make a prison, you’ve got one chain holding the will to power hostage, spank mortal pains
Here & now, you believe the unproven is unprovable, we have blind faith, that’s the Truth, same thing
Say it loud, respect is earned & easily lost, I respect Self, I’m the gods, I rock & I roll, the gods do sing.

Holy holidays celebrating the past memories, both good & evil, it’s all in the eyes of the beholders
No conclusions which haven’t already been deduced or induced, zero Truth and Knowledge folders
Mark the pencil necks with 208 bones as the minions who follow the leader to the cliff’s edge Ends
Falling off or jumping off, either way you can’t repay the loans or the betting losses, it’s no offense.

Pilots steering in the direction of the destination, north by northwest to east by southwest of It
Core of Earth, imaginary planet roaming in an elliptical orbit about the flaming ball of gas, it’s lit
Until the gas stops fizzing & begins fusing into a black hole’s singularity, what you say? It is done
Bet it sucks to be you but you don’t have any idea that you’re doomed soon, later, God’s drone.

Particular and general compare me to the rest of the perceivable reality I choose to acknowledge
If we don’t honor our eyesight, hearing, olfactory & taste functions, nobody will, in any case at all
Punks delivering your mail, your food, your laws, your requirement to be buried or burned to hell
So, get yo’ mojo together, set & go to the rhythm and rhyme if you can, yo-yo is on a razor’s edge.
r j j stephan, i

c. Vendredi, Blowvember 3rd MMXXIII Anno Domini @ 711 AMPST
{ Hysterical @RicoSuave by @Gerardo in a loop link on youTube @ https://youtu.be/o8_f3kJOX_8 } 



(beatin’ knees!)

Monday, October 02, 2023

#SoulSucker #SoulSurvivor #SoulSearchin'


If the final end is as it appears to be when your friends & strangers faithfully depart
Systems are GO & there’s no free choice at the point of no return, you got a heart
But it won’t matter in the long run, requiring blood to continue to beat, let it bleed
First you’ve no idea what’s goin’ on here on Earth, then we get facts of life to heed.

Shown pictures flashing before the mind’s eye from toddler to teen-hero, or villain
Either way the need to bleed has something to do with being descended from seed
Deep within the inner soul of RNA/DNA in organic cells of all fruits, nuts & animals
A code repeater makes it look as if a shape, a size & mental acuity are magic spells.

But there ain’t no magic likely to be the cause of the things themselves, all deja vous
High chaparral along the middle path to keep between safe places in ultraviolet hue
Into the Unknown which is everywhere else than the place you exhibit full attention
We all go, all of us, everyone, everywhere here & now, it’s dead, preconceived Zen.

Marching ahead or walking back and forth behind enemy lines, invisible as the wind
Home was always a far cry from the hole in the wall, the war seemed hell-bent on sin
From first to the last day of every soul’s journey on this holy trip, Nothing’s personal
You don’t have to believe me, faith isn’t required, hope & charity for Angie’s hellbell.

Nobody gets to disappear without a trace, you have bones, blood & your hot spirit
Matter can neither be created nor destroyed since it’s The Law, first or second rule
Nothingness as a concept of an absence of everything, molecular atoms in oblivion
Neutrons, protons & electrons like Harvey @Wallbanger sketches of one man’s Id.

Coming into the very best of the @RollingStones on the @RedSkeltonShow, the abyss
Loud or soft, stones roll uphill on rare occasions but only when your mother’s high
She gets that way when her love for you gets in the way of reality that’s like showbiz
It ain’t but it feels like it, we’re getting older than our skin & bones can handle, I’ll fly.

When it’s the Time I’m given without my agreement and the Time is up, I am Gone
Up or down, inside or outside of Space, emptiness and nothingness, dead men come
Hard or soft for redistribution of national debtor wealth into personal bills of a citizen
Expect that you’ll revolt against this tax on freedom, get ready without getting’ it in.

So hot that the sun is cool compared to the temperature inside my form & matter
It’s all about Substance, the whatever conglomerate of everything on up the ladder
Pawns began, bishops, knights & rooks on boards of 64 squares, 8 squared on Jacob
Now & then it comes right down to this, what we all know is true, corn’s on the cob.

Peace of mind in the piece under your arm, on your back or in your pocketbook hole
Holstered and safety is on, killing for your country or for your revenge, your pride doll
Sagas told, memorized, passed down man to boy, to girl, woman grows fear in a soul
No good reason, just because & it’s for certain we can work it out, y’all gonna drool.

Kid ‘Ice’ worked out the nature the beast, shut up in the closet for an upper 90 degrees
Forced the fear to leave my consciousness, it left but the shadow of smoothness seized
Loosened up the pistons in the cylinders drivin’ the bit of sanity I inherited in ESP boogie
Here we go now, Cadillac Boogie in by the Cadillac of the White Holes, drunk & moody.

Folks dream until they die of fright or happiness, hope you get what you deserve all day
When the sun ain’t shinin’ anymore, how there could be something we’d like, it’ll be OK
Fine or not with me, it’ll come down like it or not, ponies, horses or racin’ cars, trackin’
Around in circles, counter-revolutionary we do the do, pickin’ it all to the beat, grinnin’.


r j j  stephan, i

c.  Lundi, #Rocktober 2nd 2023  @ 555 PMPST

{ Drama ensued with this piece created while jammin’ to @Keb’Mo’ #SlowDown link @ https://youtu.be/bPI7qXVSw5g & #SoonAsIGetPaid link @ https://youtu.be/1va98eMftQ0?si=T2siz2TsX4M6Ob4p }



Friday, September 15, 2023

#FreeFunkForFools #FortyAcres #Cowgirls #MorganWallen


Daylights found on the floor in the corner of the sixth floor in the four cornered room of boom
Space stolen from north americans who couldn’t fight against the 1700’s & now we wax poetic
Up to the 2000’s when the idiots got loose enough to control the tools of destruction, of doom
A.D. equalizing the B.C., don’t ask when that appellation was applied to the nature of the Dick.

Hey, divine chance in hell this could happen by accident, this is all done on purpose by a demon
Evil genius type of mindless virus, with RNA but no DNA of it’s own, lookin’ for the holy seamen
Who float about the seas upon a piece of wood or metal or plastic, weighing zero gravity so well
All bumps into icebergs, rocks & projectiles cause the meeting with Davy Jones in a locker below.

Rolling up & down alleys making strikes, spares & blows for the score less than 300 in 10 frames
Programmer of the 1’s & 0’s entered as infinite configurations of a finite set of dots and dashes
Hot or cold, it’s nailing the Truth in a nutshell for easy consumption by the powers that be you, I
Ego the one & only one without duplicity programmed in by the 3rd Rail, Karl Marx’ & an evil eye.

Bunnies hopping around the club in the yard, up in a skyscraper above rush hours & white trash
Games controlled by sacrosanct rules and regulators-in-house, conscience of the nation’s stash
Grace & holiness just because you think you’re so pretty and smart, that’s the program to delete
Check your mirror fog after you reach 50 years thrown down, 600 months of mud, blood & beer.

You & your loved ones are extinct, no future archeologists can locate your soul’s clear skin & bones
You can dig it, they can’t dig us all up out of the ground of being leftovers, wet ice melted iPhones
Bouncing balls, following the words, phraseology & deduced conclusions to the bitter, bi-polar Fate
Fine idiots, fine morons, fine intellectuals, fine innocents, all doomed in the incubator’s master bait.

Gods involved deep within the matrix & on out to the out spaces between stars, we’re all gonna die
Don’t shoot the messenger if you didn’t know already, didn’t want the kids to know the Truth of Life
They would find out & wouldn’t hold you accountable for withholding the Unknown from the lights
Circus or congame of Being inside of you & yours causing all special effects in white folks’ fist fights.

Talking blood & cold sweat leaving nothin’ else but crocodile tears and sorrow for your pain
All that counts is your respect or lack thereof for the one responsible for your entry, not papa
Middle way set, a path through cool winds, coast to coast, sea to open sea, a whole enchilada
Producing your artwork for the poor people who haven’t been born yet, that’s one divine Gala.

You get what you pay for, whatever is free is likely to be what is less valuable than a golden calf
We all must work and not steal from those who have the job and earn the gold for a better half
On timeline, positive to the right and negative to the left, a trigonometric trick, sleight of hand
Now you see it & suddenly you don’t, you blinked your eyes downlow, you created a dead man.

Extinction of all sub-species is the cause of the demand to fail reproducing the species’ genome
DNA & RNA to be reduced to the conglomeration of cosmic goo to be the Divine, under a dome
Magic pretending to be the value of worship to unseen legends from Big Bang on an office desk
Take Self-identity personally, since y’all were anointed and confirmed to be all too humoresque.

Picked the fruit from the trees and bushes, caught & killed the animals, dried the food for meals
Breakfast, snacks, dinner & supper all on my mind during this best of times, the only ones I get
To last long, from my first gasp of air to the final spirit-spit, as the lips slack, eyes & mouth open
Stuck like that until the burial, to avoid the stench of death, turning the cells’ meat putrid Zen.

It’s part of the deal, a song remains the same for everyone, rich or poor, good or evil, It’s Life
Young without wisdom and elder long in the tooth remain the same, the song is husband wife
Morality and ethics learned as early as seven years old, the age of reason, that saves culture
The alternative is extinction, not only will you expire but also, humanity itself is the hot cure.

Petty ideas coming out the uneducated fools’ mouths, they know who they are in a big bubble
Without reason or any form of rational thought between all too human skirts & their mortal sins
Low balls below the sewer where no taxes are paid, no income, nothing in any form of valuable
Schism between the north, south, east & west leaving an empty center with zero gravity redskins.

Fear nothing but the fear itself, be ready for assault & retaliation consequences for being at One
Bad kids born to run with evil, nasty fools ready for max security prisons built in the woods, you in
On top of all gangs to fight amongst themselves, there’s a sweep to keep the dead & goner’s pyre
Fired-up open wound, heart’s gashed Towers won’t heal, bend over & kiss IT goodbye, ph’qqn liar!

r j j stephan, I

c. Vendredi, September XVth 2023 Anno Domini @ 222 PMPST
{ Jammed while listenin’ to #TheRockefellerFile by @GaryAllen link @ https://youtu.be/bnY3nBzkG0o?si=43dKP3SMIFPwhfte }