If the final end is as it appears to be when your friends & strangers faithfully departSystems are GO & there’s no free choice at the point of no return, you got a heart
But it won’t matter in the long run, requiring blood to continue to beat, let it bleed
First you’ve no idea what’s goin’ on here on Earth, then we get facts of life to heed.
Shown pictures flashing before the mind’s eye from toddler to teen-hero, or villain
Either way the need to bleed has something to do with being descended from seed
Deep within the inner soul of RNA/DNA in organic cells of all fruits, nuts & animals
A code repeater makes it look as if a shape, a size & mental acuity are magic spells.
But there ain’t no magic likely to be the cause of the things themselves, all deja vous
High chaparral along the middle path to keep between safe places in ultraviolet hue
Into the Unknown which is everywhere else than the place you exhibit full attention
We all go, all of us, everyone, everywhere here & now, it’s dead, preconceived Zen.
Marching ahead or walking back and forth behind enemy lines, invisible as the wind
Home was always a far cry from the hole in the wall, the war seemed hell-bent on sin
From first to the last day of every soul’s journey on this holy trip, Nothing’s personal
You don’t have to believe me, faith isn’t required, hope & charity for Angie’s hellbell.
Nobody gets to disappear without a trace, you have bones, blood & your hot spirit
Matter can neither be created nor destroyed since it’s The Law, first or second rule
Nothingness as a concept of an absence of everything, molecular atoms in oblivion
Neutrons, protons & electrons like Harvey @Wallbanger sketches of one man’s Id.
Coming into the very best of the @RollingStones on the @RedSkeltonShow, the abyss
Loud or soft, stones roll uphill on rare occasions but only when your mother’s high
She gets that way when her love for you gets in the way of reality that’s like showbiz
It ain’t but it feels like it, we’re getting older than our skin & bones can handle, I’ll fly.
When it’s the Time I’m given without my agreement and the Time is up, I am Gone
Up or down, inside or outside of Space, emptiness and nothingness, dead men come
Hard or soft for redistribution of national debtor wealth into personal bills of a citizen
Expect that you’ll revolt against this tax on freedom, get ready without getting’ it in.
So hot that the sun is cool compared to the temperature inside my form & matter
It’s all about Substance, the whatever conglomerate of everything on up the ladder
Pawns began, bishops, knights & rooks on boards of 64 squares, 8 squared on Jacob
Now & then it comes right down to this, what we all know is true, corn’s on the cob.
Peace of mind in the piece under your arm, on your back or in your pocketbook hole
Holstered and safety is on, killing for your country or for your revenge, your pride doll
Sagas told, memorized, passed down man to boy, to girl, woman grows fear in a soul
No good reason, just because & it’s for certain we can work it out, y’all gonna drool.
Kid ‘Ice’ worked out the nature the beast, shut up in the closet for an upper 90 degrees
Forced the fear to leave my consciousness, it left but the shadow of smoothness seized
Loosened up the pistons in the cylinders drivin’ the bit of sanity I inherited in ESP boogie
Here we go now, Cadillac Boogie in by the Cadillac of the White Holes, drunk & moody.
Folks dream until they die of fright or happiness, hope you get what you deserve all day
When the sun ain’t shinin’ anymore, how there could be something we’d like, it’ll be OK
Fine or not with me, it’ll come down like it or not, ponies, horses or racin’ cars, trackin’
Around in circles, counter-revolutionary we do the do, pickin’ it all to the beat, grinnin’.
r j j stephan, i
c. Lundi, #Rocktober 2nd 2023 @ 555 PMPST
{ Drama ensued with this piece created while jammin’ to @Keb’Mo’ #SlowDown link @ https://youtu.be/bPI7qXVSw5g & #SoonAsIGetPaid link @ https://youtu.be/1va98eMftQ0?si=T2siz2TsX4M6Ob4p }
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