
Monday, April 11, 2022

#TestYourChestLoveless #SweetSourSheet

Roughridin' in the #hood, not my neighborhood, spell the silent 'G' in the 'H" gangster bounce
Now the ground's as hot as the hella Hades where nothing can be done without a short ounce
Partners right here rollin' through the heat of an asphalt dream of cocked-hammer sure flocks
Of men and mice in nothin' but a duck's blind of honkers keepin' the bums warm as the darks.

The slickest outlaw there is don't have no six gun, it's just a slicin' sharp blade, a stroke away
Death pumpin' those swipes and nobody but God can stop the river flow, red, purple & blues
Monkeys, all the white apes and every crawling, burrowing and flying thing, all of a cool Frey
It's all in the picture of the Wild West and the Beasts of the East, North & South on a cruise.

Pounding my chest on the border of my ranch where I live until I'll die, that's the way it is man
I'm goin' where y'all are strollin' on to, the precipice that goes straight home, Mama Earth dirt
My cinders of the honky, dead freaks of the prehistory I'll never know, in geese formation, son
Get in line, keep movin' & know you're gonna do it, so jump the barb wire, a sin infinitum con.

Pink dummies puttin' the chartreuse-haired Hulks and Barbie Dolls through the pain of Gold
You get it & you gotta let it go, you never get it & you never miss it at all, silent facts of life
What you knew since your conception you know now, it's matter, form, time, space & AHA
Now you get it, what it was and always will be is that you see, it's what you get, bla, bla, bla!

Come on down to the where the fair game is wingin' it from the hip, quivering, a drug push
When the thing itself leaves the picture, appears to be the  finale of the dream, a Bum Rush
Nobody's left then the dream ends, God does it, guns a recollection to end humanity's grind
Wild, Wild West sundowns that originate the final curtain's predictable causation of cosigns.

Testing me in dark shadows without starlight makes no difference, I'm cool, hey yo, y'all rang?
Seeing nothing clearly is all I can do without doubt, without fear, without a fool's golden rule
Creek turned into a stream and then to a raging river flowin' to the leftover gas, H2O ain't cool
Wild, wild west SIXGUN tide from beasts too high in the smoke of #CompanyG, MAD's Gang!

r j j  stephan, i  *DRAW
c.  Lundi, April 11, 2022 @ 911 AMPST
{ Drafted ready for battle during the exchange of weapons of Mutually Assured Destruction & listenin' to #WildWildWest by @ @Will_Smith in an infinite loop, the video is here too @ https://youtu.be/_zXKtfKnfT8 }

Saturday, April 09, 2022

#ServingInvisibleInvincibles #MassCommunionConfessionalExtremeUnction #ChiefChum #ServeMass #ServeAtoms #ServeSOMEBODY #AmbassadorToEnglandFrance

Before you go off of the deep end and try to swim alone amongst the shark & barracuda
Look before you leap and try to see below the surface where the hungry lurk for the food
Any skin is in the game, all bones, blood & innards will be metabolized into #sick power too
In the same way you locate your mate, you locate your food, it's to eat, like a spider's brew.

Can't hold the feeling back, nothing has that power, nobody, nowhere, nohow, it's a factoid
When you're movin' animated truckin' up and down the lanes of the alley, don't be paranoid
It's a matter of Time in One Form of Space that is the thing itself, all there is to It, U.F.U. cup
You are on your own just like me, ask for help & you've got it, let me know, gotta keep it UP.

Burnin' the bridges of feelings across the Space that connects the aliens to their spirit souls
Eventually Fire burns everything that can be consumed, atomic flame back into shine holes
Between the ignorance and the emptiness of Space, you've got it made in the night's w#ores
Just remember to duck, you phuq, when the scat hits the fan, it's like top shelves' out doors.

Bring it on in, looky here now, I ain't playin' anymore, it's all a matter of Life-Megadeath boom
Where you go inside caves under roofs' basements, cellars, rubber soul trippin' on a Time line
Never enough of that, it's the space between conception and total annhilation, in a peace sign
No memory, nobody to remember Catholic guilt & Zen karma inherited, gods, brides, I groom.

Felt good for a minute, then the feeling disappeared as if it was never there, gave up the host
Floated around since there was no time left to live & die anymore, like casper, a friendly ghost
Moved the animation into the closing credits and the finale where it's always, #ThatsAllFolkes
Guys, gals, girls, boys, infants and the Many who came in orgasmic display of screamin' yolks.

DNA & RNA has been tempted into this creature's features, in the mirror or reflected in mud
One and the many change into Nothing soon enough, rotate the revolution's wobble, Stud
With or without you the show will go on, you won't know a thing just like right this moment
Nothing is known, you cannot know It, dream will end, you'll be gone, enjoy the rides I sent.

rjjstephan, i
my GOD, my DEVIL
c.  Samedhi, 4-9-2022 Anno Domini @ 456 AMPST

{ Drafted while jammin' to #MatriarchOfTheBlues by @EttaJames link loop @ https://youtu.be/WPYzvvaLhjw?t=1 #YouGottaServeSOMEBODY }

Friday, April 08, 2022

#Brooks #Dunne & #MaryWells #UncleKracker #PoynterSisters @GlennFrey #LastLookAround #NoTurningBackNow

All that matters is the right and wrong things we all do, kissin' babies 'til all enculturated
Like their mothers & fathers who run the line back to the origin of the heavenly Earth sin
All planets in microcosm are in the universal essence of atomic energy, a bomb imploded
Finks graduated from and professing the wisdom of the planet's wisemen & wisewomen.

Junk in the trunk with your mother's and father's hand-me-downs, they meant well too
Fine dreams in your small skull of 1100 cc's of idiocy and the sand of Time's OuterSpace
Among the sour cherries and putrid grape fruit wine, alcohol from the vine's slow juice
With the spins of the Earth, in a cask of oakwood, the last supper's toasts won't be blue.

Marry me and we'll see what there is behind the submission of dominant wills to be me
As the Way down the middle dictates without recollecting a Reason why, just do it, I'm out
Don't do what is impossible and you're in a perfect position to live long and prosper free
I'm in the middle of the sea of unknowing this, that & the other things y'all know about.

In a whim between your ears, a wisp of wind calls for beginnings of the Truth's exposure
Chicago's West Side to the California Sacapitol's Oak Park, I'm silent to let the meaning go
In and out of my ears, stuck in my mind with the feelings' chills, since birth, death's sure
Nobody's 208 bones get out of here alive, fortune & karma's will to be, I'll get down low.

Begun and ended the same way although I know more now that I've breathed the Earth gas
Die or live with or without knowing the reason why you're happy & why it's just one & done
Recollection beginning, the first howl from your lips & toothless tongue, you get a trip bypass
It's a white-chocolate strawberry flavor cover-up to kiss you, a pile of gold, lead served up fun.

r j j  stephan, i
c.  Vendredi, Aprile VIIIth, MMXXII Anno Domini @ 1111 AMPST

{ Jacked up out the bed late but frisked this out the soul by NOON while listen' to @EttaJames #GottaServeSomebody & HITS link @ https://youtu.be/WPYzvvaLhjw?list=RDMM & @UncleKracker & @KennyChesney #WhenTheSunGoesDown link @ https://youtu.be/eGLdbpmXrbQ }
