
Monday, April 11, 2022

#TestYourChestLoveless #SweetSourSheet

Roughridin' in the #hood, not my neighborhood, spell the silent 'G' in the 'H" gangster bounce
Now the ground's as hot as the hella Hades where nothing can be done without a short ounce
Partners right here rollin' through the heat of an asphalt dream of cocked-hammer sure flocks
Of men and mice in nothin' but a duck's blind of honkers keepin' the bums warm as the darks.

The slickest outlaw there is don't have no six gun, it's just a slicin' sharp blade, a stroke away
Death pumpin' those swipes and nobody but God can stop the river flow, red, purple & blues
Monkeys, all the white apes and every crawling, burrowing and flying thing, all of a cool Frey
It's all in the picture of the Wild West and the Beasts of the East, North & South on a cruise.

Pounding my chest on the border of my ranch where I live until I'll die, that's the way it is man
I'm goin' where y'all are strollin' on to, the precipice that goes straight home, Mama Earth dirt
My cinders of the honky, dead freaks of the prehistory I'll never know, in geese formation, son
Get in line, keep movin' & know you're gonna do it, so jump the barb wire, a sin infinitum con.

Pink dummies puttin' the chartreuse-haired Hulks and Barbie Dolls through the pain of Gold
You get it & you gotta let it go, you never get it & you never miss it at all, silent facts of life
What you knew since your conception you know now, it's matter, form, time, space & AHA
Now you get it, what it was and always will be is that you see, it's what you get, bla, bla, bla!

Come on down to the where the fair game is wingin' it from the hip, quivering, a drug push
When the thing itself leaves the picture, appears to be the  finale of the dream, a Bum Rush
Nobody's left then the dream ends, God does it, guns a recollection to end humanity's grind
Wild, Wild West sundowns that originate the final curtain's predictable causation of cosigns.

Testing me in dark shadows without starlight makes no difference, I'm cool, hey yo, y'all rang?
Seeing nothing clearly is all I can do without doubt, without fear, without a fool's golden rule
Creek turned into a stream and then to a raging river flowin' to the leftover gas, H2O ain't cool
Wild, wild west SIXGUN tide from beasts too high in the smoke of #CompanyG, MAD's Gang!

r j j  stephan, i  *DRAW
c.  Lundi, April 11, 2022 @ 911 AMPST
{ Drafted ready for battle during the exchange of weapons of Mutually Assured Destruction & listenin' to #WildWildWest by @ @Will_Smith in an infinite loop, the video is here too @ https://youtu.be/_zXKtfKnfT8 }

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