
Thursday, May 23, 2019

#FakeNewzAintHereAndNow @ricoSacto #ricoSacto

 Richard Joseph Stephan · Thursday, May 23, 2019
Interesting and formed with God in mind, nothing is more abundant than the Void’s nature
Zero matter, no atoms, no Eves, Nothing is the Matter, Nothing is the Energy of the System
It runs on empty and it stops cold when full of the used, excretion content, the valued datum
From the bowels of the universal, holy oneness of pretending pretenders, blind faith eats ‘em.

Compared to the winners, the losers have it all, they’ve got nothing and that is all there is left
Up and downward to the dogs and the moles underground, I dig it all down to the core, I’m It
What it is and what it will be, creeping along on a continuum from the origin to the final stop
No riders allowed with you, all alone and goin’ solo for the rest of the trip, not an LSD’s cop!

Alieving pain and suffering with the modus operandi of Void’s excreted sin’s, fake cinnamon
What this is and who you are seem to be the furthest questions from the minds of the minion
Striving, struggling in emptiness for survival above eaters of flesh & bone, Earth’s violin high
Oh whoa is me, whoa is you, what will we do now, all thirsty and hungry, we’re all gonna die!

I will not go quietly, whoever I am, your guess is off of the mark if you thought I was insane
I am, like a genius without a compass, I await within Time & Space for a universal soul train
I hear the whistle blowing but it’s going away from me, not comin’ over here, by our Fathers
Sons & daughters, seventy years ago or today in a millennia of drunken tears & a tail feathers.

Utter terror before the end, fear and loathing of the facts of life, papa could not divulge past
Hurts so bad, to be aware that you live and breathe for no reason at all, y’all too human cast
From Hydrogen, Oxygen, Nitrogen, Helium and the farts of stardom in Hollywood, you come
In ecstatic embrace or isolated showers of gas in liquid sunshine, orange LSD brings the Sun.

You are not the creep but it is inside of you and I, we are the creeps who are more creepy, see
Eyes and ears, head and hands to enter the fray of the survival for the fit’s mercy for tragedy
Compassionate sacrifice of the gods’ oneness, death to the God, the gods, immortality myth
All of it cannot be avoided, here and now, Past, Present and Future, eyes wide open now, cry!

r j j stephan, i
c. May 23, 2019 A.D. { my lover’s 70th birthdate anniversary of comin’ to find me, got me! }
{ drafted while listenin’ to the #SoundsOfSilence by Armstrong & Getty on Talk 650 KSTE from 0600-1000 AM PST now, go git, git you some! #FWAAAAT }

Wednesday, May 22, 2019

@ricoSacto #ricoSacto #PayTheMortgage

Richard Joseph Stephan · Wednesday, May 22, 2019
I will never know more than I know right now because all I know is, we’re the tarnished scum
There and then it happens every night and every day I tread the planet’s encrusted aquarium
Full of the food that eats itself to stay alive, becomes the things and forms that die, fake love
All the dead ever wanted to do was to live and just avoid the pain and suffering of a struggle.

This hysterical historical record of the Past of humanity is ridiculous, trust nobody’s record
If you were not there you do not know, even if you were there you may be deceived by Word
I’d rather not get in the middle of the conflict of your interest but since you’re on the hook
I may as well let you in on the occult’s secret, there is a Void outside this planet atmosphere.

The blackness outside the Earth will make you faint and feel like you are middle of nowhere
Floating without any reason for being alive at all, just to see the blackness’ white dots of gas
Snow covered hills and volcanic eruptions of the purple, majestic mountains all mingle here
Death of the bones, The Struggle to survive beyond the stage of infancy, that’s my old harass.

In between the battles, friends and enemies fall down to the lead and the flashing fire bombs
Naked in the silence, the children roam without speaking about this and that, filling tombs
I give you what I have so that you may use it and enhance the meaning of the will of powers
To see, to be the symbolic prophet, requires innocence and silence, it is with you, the Force.

Hard to be innocent when you’re guilty of the crimes, still resist the plea, that is not guilty
Innocent I am, like it or not, I’m the coming attraction to the heavenly group, you are silly
Fast lanes and diamond lanes full of the speeders, crushin’ the limit, no more traps to hide
Blinded by children of the gods, it’s all over, I arrested fake attention of the minions’ pride.

r j j stephan, i
c. May 22, 2019 A.D. @ 5:49 pM
{ drafted while listenin’ to Thebeachboyy #ICanHearMusic & HITS on youTube link @ https://youtu.be/Qqyx4TW4Ptw }

#OnALongWalkHomeToIllinois #JerseyGirlsRock #BraveryandVapors #USVETERANSrock

Up down, up down, like a bobber in the pond near the H0tel California, I snagged, I broke
New leader for the line, thrown in the pools of H2O without regrets, just to eat to survive
Nothing new and nothing old, just a swingin’ round piece of wood or plastic, no fake bloke
For the millionth time I have thrown it away and watched it roll back in a second or five.

Just like the life of fishin’ in the pond, the bait goes up and down waiting for a bite from you
We got what we got last week and we ain’t givin’ it back now or ever, yeah, it’s our to keep
There is a spot when it’s hot that you hit in the middle and you get the trophy of the pond
She don’t wanna come in easy now, hold tight and don’t let the line snap, come on now son!

Finally, landed and on the way to the docks, rolled out the woods back to Charly’s Crab Shed
Where the beers cold and the women pretty and bold, from first to last shot, straight shoot
Down the hatch where the alcohol belongs, inside the blood’s highfalutin way to your bread
When it’s all over and the spirits run out, we still got party, we got up and down, a deep head.

Girls I’ve thrown the yoyo to have thrown it on back at my face, just like a yoyo made of bone
Now it’s more difficult than when you were all alone in the world, it’s all about dark shadows
Now that you have become one of the shadows, now worried about the others, just my own
Mental and physical and psychic are processes, occurring fetal aborted, mama’s crying frown.

Here’s a matter of form, an existence in the twilight zone between the moon and the hot sun
Where we are now and then, sometimes we’re not but we’re mostly the three musketeer fun
Third planet from a burning White Dwarf, I assume the end won’t occur while I exist on dirt
Underground or airborne, One form or another, dead skin and bones spread matter, yo-yo
r j j stephan, i
c. May 21st, 2019 A.D.
{ drafted while listenin’ to Morganwallen’s #UpDown on youTube rock on the link @ https://youtu.be/77qc4ZtufzM }