
Saturday, April 25, 2020

@LosLonelyBoys @JohnLennon #WatchingWheelsRollAroundInCircles #InfinityGravitationallyCollapsing #LetItGo #AcidMathmatics

Richard Joseph Stephan · Saturday, April 25, 2020 
--  #DaysLikeTheseMostPeculiarOnes #LetsRoll --
Middle of the deal, dead man’s hand smacks you down & you can’t get up, a broke nose blow
Homeless on the streets but not here anymore, all deep swept up into a holy, amorphous flow
Yeah, nobody could help them when we had it all and now that nobody has anything but you
Rich and poor are One and the same, serving somebody, the sewer and bus company bird flu.

Spreadin’ virus and bacteria far and wide, carnivorous herbivore that eats plants & gymnasts
All for the sake of getting to the end without being hurt, no battles dying of liquidity’s thirst
Beer and Blackjack for everyone, wine, caviar and Tequila, Gin & Tonic, Vodka, YO, #Salute!
Oh the humanity, oh the women and the men, the boys and the girls, monsters play the flute!

I don’t care if the entire planet gets swept up onto a SuperNova dream of a divine askew mind
Love and the alternative, all wrapped up into a Volleyball of Charmin’s & Scotties’ white rind
A mess in the ocean where it all goes and conglomerates into lumps of soft chemical love foal
Dragons have come and gone, Godzilla or King Kong IS ALIVE, in your soul, your black hole.

The light comes when it comes, it appears every day without end except for the One we skip
We get over the facts of life that mommy and daddy never told us anyways, they didn’t know
Nobody told them about the things themselves and how they came and why they’re gonna go
Far out and so far away from the Truth is where I am, passion and the darkness in a hot tip!

Remember the day you die won’t last forever, here, now, bow before George’s Freedom ghost
They died and even their own family, their blood and kin don’t remember a thing about Ga
Their names nearly forgotten except for some on dead tree leaves and rock formations of Ra
When the Big Bang happens again and again, ad infinitum, you will be what will be, the Host!

You got here for a moment, it will be over in another 40 winks, tomorrow or the day after it
Leaving the confusion behind for it to be worked out by the nature of wild beasts & hobbits
Misery an illusion of being granted a reprieve from the fleeting happiness only the gods get
No chosen single One anywhere in sight in time or space, all idiots, all of us you little shitz!

Unmoved mover without teeth or any body at all, no form or shape, a divine, amorphous Id
Soldiers of children, grown to absolve the Earth from their recycled fermentation or dry-rot
Wheels roll, blocks get stacked but you can’t run away and nobody gets out alive, up or down
Contracting the agreement and being the parties of both sides, I Am One ghost, I am a clown!

r j j stephan, i *DO NOT JUDGE, MELANCHOLIA!
c. Saturday, April 25th, 2020 A.D. @ 8:08 AM PST
{ Drafted in utero, but really folks, while listenin’ to Van Morrison Soul Healing VanMorrison #MyMamaToldMe #TheredBeDaysLikeThis & HITS on youTube link @ https://youtu.be/3UUWkr4FUlo }
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H O M E R #BigTime

Friday, April 24, 2020

#LockedInTight #LikeARollingStone @BettyeLavette @BobDylan @TheRollingStones @PaulRevereAndTheRaiders # #NotADrag #Kicks #LivingInAGhostTown #SACTO

Richard Joseph Stephan · Friday, April 24, 2020
------ #YouGonnaHaveToServeSomeBody -----
Inside the empty mind, there’s nothing more than neurons on fire, passing along the hot heat
From out of nowhere, literally the Space and Time of our enculturation in platinum and gold
From a tiny, nearly invisible thing itself, things are duplicated and sheltered in placed sheet
Where the invisible angels never go, here and now to the presence of our experience, my feet.

Shame on you & me, even after you’re long gone from Earth’s wet market, naked monkey sky
Neither your bones nor soul exist in any reality you’re in, it’s not your business to know why
Or if anything ever mattered at all, ever and the trick is to get the idiot savants, pigs in a Bay
For the answer to the perrenial question, who am I (or you) and why am I here (or there) eh?

Your fortune is tied to the air of this spinning, wobbling occult ball of the First Cause, what is
It can’t be all there is, just one and done or a reincarnated stew of pooh bear’s ilk, a sweet kiss
French or Italian styles matter very little to the invisible king and queen of Nothing at all, OG
Gangsters who force the issue on the innocents sleepin’ on ‘J’ street for the frozen tundra pee.

An innocuous dream for an idiot savant but for the kid on the block, son or daughter of gangs
A maze to get from being awake in the morning to finding a place in space to hide from thugs
Underneath the starry skies, there’s a park by the river with a restroom for deposits of dung
It’s never enough for the Way to just Be there, it must pull the verve from the family of Fung.

It’s ancient, it’s hidden in plain sight, it’s on the #Marconi & it’s on the #RCA radio-TV corps
There was a crash of ‘29 and a broadcast from a voice out of nowhere, now here on blue tarps
We’ve blown the ground of being into smithereens and caused an asteroid belt by Mars’ lick
An idiot, a moron and a clown walk into a bar called, Terra Ferma, a pandemic is academic.

Not eye said the blind man to his deaf brother on the telephone, it’s no joke, it’s a hole Truth
Black one, empty of light and atoms that explode from helium to argon, electronics forsoothe
Compared to Nothing, this life of the minions is better because the absence of me is not Good
I’m here to see, hear and touch the Thing itself, It is what I am, It’s all there is, I’m starfood!

Gods know it, one or many, incumbent upon the gallows, it’s doom, a Singularity malfunction
Snappin’ necks off the chickens who can’t hang with the swing of delight, sin to be unmanned
You’re hurt but don’t show it, due to accidental lies of a King, space tools to survive extinction
Heads are in a noose, locked inside Infinity, a King’s Queen exploded it, BlackStar quicksand.

r j j stephan, i
c. Friday, April 24th, 2020 A.D. @ 7:11 AM PST
{ Drafted while listenin’ to #ThingsHaveChanged by Bettye LaVette on youTube in an infinite loop #LockedInTight on link @ https://youtu.be/AUK8ZQD5GYo }
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Thursday, April 23, 2020

#BustedInAlCaponeTown1971 #OutOfControlSince1969AD #Dylan #Springsteen ##ZZTop

Richard Joseph Stephan  ·  Thursday, April 23, 2020
---- #MagicJokerMan #GonnaHaveToServeSomebody ----
Want Zimmerman to give me back my bullets, I’m out of range now, my spoiler flapper down
It is as incredible as the notion that somebody was smart enough to build this machine clown
If you go fast enough, you’ll exceed 200 MPH on a Jersey turnpike or on a German Autobahn
My eyes were on the prize as the velocity increased with my will to power then I took off, son.

Nothing to follow ‘cause you can’t catch a UFO you can’t even see, where’s the house of flop?
Did you see that? Optics outside are not the same like inside the hatch, Time slows to a stop
Wicked witches couldn’t hold a candle to the power of a Black Mama who got the upper hand
It’s not my choice it just happened the way it went, I willed it and coincidentally, it happened.

Shook a tree until all the unripened fruit fell to the ground, where I stood trying to be, a fool
I was bombed by the coconuts and pineapples, it hurt but it didn’t matter to priests & nuns
I ate more than I should have out of gluttony and I paid a very high price, espresso #TheRuns
High crimes and misdemeanors can be deceptive, things have changed from Honesty’s rule.

Flushed the wasted refuse away from you, underground or underwater, through my sewer pipe
Where the rats and roaches fear to go, stench of the carnivores and herbivores and omnivores
Only the monks who fast until they starve know the feeling of an act of Free Will, extinct type
I’ll take the blame and say that I don’t care what you think or who you are, broken #whores.

For the love of money for the love of survival in a hostile environment, requiring your will
To comply with the society, the civilization to which you’ve been immersed within, just chill
To pass through and don’t look back for long is all you need to do, that’s the narrow way, it is
There’s nothing more important than egg-ego realization, all roads are good, like a slogin fizz.

In love or just infatuated with the form of beauty and kind repartee, smiling and happy faced
Until the disappointment infiltrates the inter-coastal relationship, seven continents of fleece
All of the sheep don’t even know that they’re not the naked ape they thought was the big bone
Don’t shoot the messenger, just let all hell break loose on my symbiotic face, together, alone!

r j j stephan, i
c. Thursday, April 23rd, 2020 A.D. @ 5:55 PM PST
{ Drafted to the #JitterbugRag with Bob_Dylan drinkin’ champagne, “ water under the bridge...on the gallows, head in a noose, listenin’ to his #1 HIT #LockedInTight #OutOfRange #ThingsHaveChanged on youTube link @ https://youtu.be/L9EKqQWPjyo }