
Saturday, April 25, 2020

@LosLonelyBoys @JohnLennon #WatchingWheelsRollAroundInCircles #InfinityGravitationallyCollapsing #LetItGo #AcidMathmatics

Richard Joseph Stephan · Saturday, April 25, 2020 
--  #DaysLikeTheseMostPeculiarOnes #LetsRoll --
Middle of the deal, dead man’s hand smacks you down & you can’t get up, a broke nose blow
Homeless on the streets but not here anymore, all deep swept up into a holy, amorphous flow
Yeah, nobody could help them when we had it all and now that nobody has anything but you
Rich and poor are One and the same, serving somebody, the sewer and bus company bird flu.

Spreadin’ virus and bacteria far and wide, carnivorous herbivore that eats plants & gymnasts
All for the sake of getting to the end without being hurt, no battles dying of liquidity’s thirst
Beer and Blackjack for everyone, wine, caviar and Tequila, Gin & Tonic, Vodka, YO, #Salute!
Oh the humanity, oh the women and the men, the boys and the girls, monsters play the flute!

I don’t care if the entire planet gets swept up onto a SuperNova dream of a divine askew mind
Love and the alternative, all wrapped up into a Volleyball of Charmin’s & Scotties’ white rind
A mess in the ocean where it all goes and conglomerates into lumps of soft chemical love foal
Dragons have come and gone, Godzilla or King Kong IS ALIVE, in your soul, your black hole.

The light comes when it comes, it appears every day without end except for the One we skip
We get over the facts of life that mommy and daddy never told us anyways, they didn’t know
Nobody told them about the things themselves and how they came and why they’re gonna go
Far out and so far away from the Truth is where I am, passion and the darkness in a hot tip!

Remember the day you die won’t last forever, here, now, bow before George’s Freedom ghost
They died and even their own family, their blood and kin don’t remember a thing about Ga
Their names nearly forgotten except for some on dead tree leaves and rock formations of Ra
When the Big Bang happens again and again, ad infinitum, you will be what will be, the Host!

You got here for a moment, it will be over in another 40 winks, tomorrow or the day after it
Leaving the confusion behind for it to be worked out by the nature of wild beasts & hobbits
Misery an illusion of being granted a reprieve from the fleeting happiness only the gods get
No chosen single One anywhere in sight in time or space, all idiots, all of us you little shitz!

Unmoved mover without teeth or any body at all, no form or shape, a divine, amorphous Id
Soldiers of children, grown to absolve the Earth from their recycled fermentation or dry-rot
Wheels roll, blocks get stacked but you can’t run away and nobody gets out alive, up or down
Contracting the agreement and being the parties of both sides, I Am One ghost, I am a clown!

r j j stephan, i *DO NOT JUDGE, MELANCHOLIA!
c. Saturday, April 25th, 2020 A.D. @ 8:08 AM PST
{ Drafted in utero, but really folks, while listenin’ to Van Morrison Soul Healing VanMorrison #MyMamaToldMe #TheredBeDaysLikeThis & HITS on youTube link @ https://youtu.be/3UUWkr4FUlo }
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H O M E R #BigTime

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