
Wednesday, November 24, 2021

#TheLifeAcoustic #SurfinWithTheAlien #WokeWakeDeadLife #InAMasonJar #TheGrimPerfection #MurderIncorporated #BigSmo #Satch #Boss #Everlast

Cancelled lies of culture like the lettuce up in smoke, some gods bled my step mothers
Even the orphans & the simple minds who govern terminal population of critical races
Blindman's bluff by bat caves full of CoVid19 Brandon's trophy wife of tiny CoVid traces
I ain't lyin' but repeatin' Words from anonymous men, extinction's comin' soul sisters.

You may not know what I'm referring to in the word salad given as a corollary a sound
Meaning is everything, misunderstanding causes war and peace in an equal epiphany
Imagine people not the top of the evolutionary or immortality ladder but underground
Hearts and souls directed to blow and strike the notes of ultrasound & vibration finale.

Last gasp of breath for you, monkey men DNA of monkey women, progeny of a 1st son
As if there was only A1 germ/son preceding all germs' sons, follow me natural selection
Accidental pollination and insemination, a mitotic myosis of myopic fossils, call 'em kin
Me, you & everybody else's #BatFever, live Corona virus stillborn in one immortal's sin.

Thing itself inside of my brain bucket calling without sound, vibrating good, bad & ugly
Just because I thought I was so pretty and smart, I believed that the whole world'd see
I am different than anyone who has ever existed in the galaxy, not Donald's cup of Joe
Ground underground, in the menudo of gas, liquid & solid wasted time, flushed a blow.

Middle of roads brings you back to the Origin, all there ever was to find, come on mans
Ahead & behind yields a One, holy, woke death of plants, animals et al, all two humans
Established in Time, Present caused by the Past & generating the Future, Singularity tie
No joke, apes don't think in Funk, seriously folks, we're the chaos, all smoke will all fly.

r j j  stephan, i
c.  BLOVEMBER XXIVth, MMXXI Anno Domini @ 7:11 AMPST Mercredi
{ Generated while riding by seat of my pants & listenin' to @EVERLAST link @ https://youtu.be/AuZQRvD8RBM?t=2 }

Tuesday, November 23, 2021

#AmazingThatYouGotHereWithoutAScratch #Scratch @Scratch #ITCH #DoNotShootTheMessenger #EarthWeedStrong @OsborneBrothers

You have no idea what pigs are snorting about because you're just a parrot of the dreary
If you had any idea exactly what the words you repeat as a mantra, an ad infinitum fairy
Magical dreams manifest & while wide awake get dragged into the mix, kissin' the boot
Of mice and men and the other vermin who feed the seven seas' fauna, a loom of fruit.

What I am is weary of listening to the woes of you all, the unfortunate and terminally ill
Here's a hot tip for the beggars and bums who are in doubt of their own being imbecilic
From Jersey to California, things move until they fix in a place's hole, Being's holy picture
Opining on this natural selection of the beast within, noise from a Big Bang's all for sure.

No way for the flies to get away, even if they landed on the wall, they were flyswattered
Watched so many flies die I decided to examine their origin & found maggots in a shed
Some alive and moving, others transforming into the buzzing, winged ones, eyes seeing the lights
Reality isn't just what humanity believes is true or false, It Is What It Is, all too human terrabytes.

Function of Dolores is to analyze and evaluate the data, it is done, it's over now, sum of all Fears
Everything to be afraid of will, it's all to die for in the end, species' extinction in immanent tears
Boring and in denial of nullification of the water turning into the whine of mothers & old sisters
All of that alpha & omega yin & yang comin' out of nowhere, hidden in caves' dark, holy clusters.

Noise is clearing the way for you to shred your axe's steel strings, like they were boiled noodles
In a bowl or a plate, when you're hungry you'll eat a pig, a goat or a snake, a cow or toy poodle
Please and thank you, sit around on the green circle and I'll teach you from the center of no time
Space from ceiling to floor, inside of the four walls, white room or black cave, It stops on a dime.

You grew up and smoked the weeds and grass of home and away games, cheater philosophy too
Of the reason that allows a beast to regard death as more than food, an end of you, bein' a fool
Freedom and Liberty just like Slavery, illusions of the poor babies who got programmed by an Id
Older than the eldest human alive, why we can't be friends while in The Void, it's Superego shyte.

This random arrangement of your origin and destination will haunt you until you commit yourself
To the flashing lights you saw the day you were born, day or night, out of the womb's room, mate
From the first inkling of a self's realization of what's goin' on here & now to the end's moot point
Monkeys spoke & reasoned like Plato & Aristotle, popes & presidents agreed, roll a nice big joint.

Desert honey and lotus blossoms are all there is left of the Utopia the gods used to love so much
Abandoned the human race for stone-blind matter of Mars, Venus & Saturn, Space of my lit push
Knowledge and Wisdom's power to achieve immortality is full of the funk of UFO's & their aliens
Left over some unnatural forms of things that only non-random thought could create mortal sins.

Therefore, if there's a creator of the Earth & the fauna of you & I, it's the creator's obligational
Broken promise to make it perfect to achieve perpetual happiness, above, so below paradoxical
Or was it all a load of wasted days & wasted nights, makin' it simple, life's but a load of manure
We're all comin' & goin' punchin' dead fruit fly shyte, smokin' pile of wasted time, fiesta's cure!

r j j  stephan, i
c.  BLOVEMBER XXIIIrd, MMXXI Anno Domini @ 06:00 AMPST, Happy Mardi Gras every day!
{ Blitzed out of my cabasa this AM while listenin' to @WARtheBand #WhyCantWeBeFriends CD on youTube link @ https://youtu.be/5jnZMW8C6wA }

Monday, November 22, 2021

#ShitzFerBrains #HoleLottaNuthin' #HoldinOnWithAllIGot #UngratefulLiving #AllsBeenSaidAllsBeenDone

Some brothers said that hatin' somebody ain't never got nobody nowhere, punchin' a nose in
In the end you may not deserve it takin' the middle path on the only road ahead, it's all behind
Common denominator below your numerator gives you a fraction of a decimal's date with hate
Got the money and the time to move the 208 bones to and fro, cuppin' the rock in one hand.

Some forms come & go in puffs or huffs, lookin' back no regret you left, t'was alright all night
I'm not putting you on, be careful when you come around that last turn by the cemetery light'
Wrapped around that tree but you made it out as a ghost in the Maple Valley, Home of Jimi
No deadman's curve but it was a right angle turn around needing no slam on the brakes, see?

So, that was what the ambulances coming & going was all about, sirens in caves of fool's Gold
In or out of The Way right down the center of the infinite branches off of someone's wild root
From Maria and Mary down to the end of my road to benefits of Love, a sweeter Carol of mine
What's Xmas got to do with it?  Let me tell you, I'd give it all up for tha present, my queen, fine.

My friends' mothers and fathers envied my own mom & dad because they loved me so much
Always wanting to feed me their home cookin' & bakin' goods, had to join the Air Force to lose
Heavy weight to carry around the basic training of your bones, blood and mind training touch
Got the water I needed down by that Mexican border down in San Anton, Davy Crockett's itch.

Wore my coonskin cap until the tail fell off while I climbed a Montana mountain peak, an OMG
Killed all of my confidence that I was so very important to the nature of mankind, snapped free
Less than or equal to the mud & sand left over from salty water, swam with fish, flew to the sea
Monsters animated it all, complicated the calculus & the equations of algebra, angled geometry.

It's all gonna come back around back inthe groove, movin' in circles at 33 RPM's so come on man
Should have gone slower, startin' to go faster, now it's a 45 RPM on the way to 78 RPM in a can
Bringin' your best to the scuffle of your family's lives, to preserve the DNA inside your bone head
Marvelous orchestral rhapsody, gods' time to rumble, therefore, keep lyin' to me & y'all 're dead!
r j j  stephan, i
c.  BLOVEMBER XXIInd, MMXXI Anno Domini @ 6:35 AMPST
{ Drafted to #LieToMe @JonnyLang in a loop @ https://youtu.be/3tigVYfHVmQ?list=RDMM }