
Showing posts with label #Norwegian. Show all posts
Showing posts with label #Norwegian. Show all posts

Tuesday, January 21, 2020

#ThereIsNoFirstTimeForOneThing #OneMoreThing #ThisIsAHoldUp #DropYourWeapons #AstonishMeOrElse #HundredBillionTrillionTimesOurSize #ProductOfTheVoidness @HEART #EvenItUp

Richard Joseph Stephan · Tuesday, January 21, 2020
------------------ #375Yatowatts -----------------
Not Zorro but a zero, I got the memo, notes from the hinterland have landed in my purview
To see what you get before you get it, is the peace de la resistance, a rested-up shebang glow
Where your mama and daddy left you out in the cold, revelation ‘bout divine orgasmical US
We don’t care much anymore, disgust has overtaken the laundered money train’s magic bus.

It ain’t a metro or a greyhound, no cosmic medicine for an invisible, empty set of nihilism
Once you flip the switch and turn on the movement of the First Cause, it rolls on the chism
Nothing but the Chicago isms left over, I call them my inner chism, a word, a name for bliss
Always the other when it’s all OFF, I’m always ON at that Time in my personal Space’s fizz.

Was a punk because if I wasn’t the bullies would have punked me, city of sins and holy smells
Odor scents of blood from stockyards covered up the murder One, streets’ reverse flow swells
Where the garbage is refused to the rear of the housing, dumpsters ready for windy city wires
Molecular and atomic structures in forms ready to be dissolved into the muck, mire and fires.

Organizational maintenance be damned, chaos is the only way to be a fool for your stockings
Black netted, from the floor up to #here, my hand waves over my head, legs from rock-kings
Can’t wait to see eternity and the things themselves presented to naked eyes to see a holy sun
Married, engaged, betrothed, goin’ steady with One and only one, now until...I shot a 6 gun.

Hold it right there, looky here now, wrap your head around this, let it sink into empty minds
Where the darkness controls the entity that moves on points, lines, shapes, sizes I can’t find
In the emptiness beside and between the things that exist, things I can see and feel, I can eat
Consummation of the feast of life, a celebration of the marriage between the body-soul meat.

On a T-bone or some dead skin cells with the DNA to be as it’s always been, grounded, caput
Where’d your brothers, sisters and friends go the day they died? Into the Void’s ethereal cup
Are you ready to go? Are you prepared for the Unknown to show you the Way, mid-finger up
Counted your assets and debits, married to the mob’s nuclear family, godfather’s Will’s afoot.

Up, up and away from the stoned ground you know, like a spaceman goin’ crazy, as unknown
Outerspace nothing but innerspaced everything else, jewels from mothers and fathers blown
Fool for your stockings, if you’re listenin’ or not, yours not your girlfriends, I ain’t your Mama
Awaitin’ a return to sender, dreams all end in a moment, got #Wokeboned, Holy See, a Papa!

r j j stephan, i { *HEADER is Carol Ann & I in a embrace. Status - Main Squeeze! }
c. Mardi, Janvier 21st, 2020 A.D. @ 4:44 AM PST
{ Drafted listenin’ to the #FlipTheSwitch TheStones The Rolling Stones on the homemade video I made many years ago when the internet 1st began, back in the olden days, early 21st century, here’s a link to MY SELF-PRODUCED NONSENSE (last century), entitled, “EXTINCTION of SPECIES” on the youTube link @ https://t.co/VE5StxY2lU?amp=1 }
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Monday, January 20, 2020

#OrElseJustForgetAboutIt #MakeItRealNow @CarlosSantana @JoeBonnamassa

Richard Joseph Stephan · Monday, January 20, 2020
It may be a bet in your mind only or at a track or on a book, where angels hook drop C Notes
System of the cats with nine lives as witnessed by the queens who revered the felines’ coats
Calm as a lion or a tiger or a panther, even a cougar or mountain lion or ocelot, they eat us
What do you think they can do when they’re hungry and need to feed themselves or the puss.

It won’t be long before the end that’s near turns into the happening of the thing itself & how
Only the powers that outlast your and my occupation of inherited luck of the proverbial draw
If I might go out on a limb and suggest my opinion, we are neither Stalin’s nor Hitler’s sins
We the people here and now are responsible for the words we sing and shout, above the din.

Amazing that you got here to hear and sing even one short song or a cavalcade of a noted beat
Around the corner or just standing right there on it and waiting for the girls to go by, two feet
Legs up to here or there, depending on your point of view, it’s all good, up or down pleasure
To be the sight or the seer of the mirror image of God’s best formed angel from stardust pure.

Nothing to dance for other than just because you think you’re so pretty, you made the grade
Mrs. O’leary’s cow never kicked over the bucket to start the Chicago Fire, it was a band aid
On the heated end of spontaneous combustion, the cow pies filled the barn with gas to blow
Since the Mrs. did smoke a pipe, out behind the barn where it appeared safe, trick of a crow.

Bibles or catechism skrees in pamphlets to show the innocent and the enlightened mind’s eye
Down the center of the forward direction, never sideways or backward, respected I, every day
Penchant for appearing connected when it’s really the way to be aloof, disconnected hot wire
Coming into a laser fight for freedom and power we appropriated, 9ers win, cats are onfire!

r j j stephan, i
c. Monday, January 20th, 2020 A.D. @ 11:11 AM PST
{ Drafted listenin’ to #Supernatural HITS @Santana #miAmigo Carlos_Santana https://youtu.be/XxJDpyETDjE 

Sunday, January 19, 2020

#NuclearMissiles @ApocolypseLater #DustThisBroom @ZZTop @MilesDavis & MOI

Richard Joseph Stephan·Sunday, January 19, 2020
----------------  #KindaBlueOrPurple -----------------
I’ve got a bone to pick with you and this ain’t no party, it ain’t no barbecue picnic, it’s blown
You have been allowed to run rampant through the concrete jungle and the donut holy hehl
Ladies and men don’t count in this levy of taxes for the things that breathe, ring a cowbell?
What comes before, what comes after the being you and I are, Man, disrespected Unknown!

Free and easy or in chain gangs of men and women who carry the burden, the mother’s lode
Of Gold, Silver, of Platinum, Iron and Steel, the ponies run around in circles, all my eyes’ face
For no reason at all, spontaneous combustion happens to the best of atoms and cells of bones
Prick balloons full of hot air, sit back in rockin’ chairs, wait for the final doze daze, into Space.

Rocked the face of the gods and demons for what it was worth, here to overturn the apple cart
Rotten apples make great apple pies for the diners on the side of the freeways and interstates
Angels fear to drive there on I-5 and the 405 where demons thrive on wasted, whiskey spirits
Gold dust within a charade of atomic events, quark of a God, a perfect punk, #CornPop phart.

Generals talk and a men emerge into One, dignity and respect mean nothing without the toys
Survive and be the best human, grandparents thought you could be, king or queen love blow
From an ovum and the intent of random collisions with the DNA left over by Big Banger Boys
If and only if you comprehend Nature, Beasts and the creator, THEN you’re incommunicado.

Baby girls dreaming of big boys, big daddies to bring home the bacon or not, just being alone
Without the baby boys who don’t know where they are or what they want, rolling a baby bone
All 208 of them from the first breath under the sun, out of the darkness’ holy, hot explosions
Ends of dreams comes before you even knew it was subliminal, who #Googled the life I’m in?

Search engine manipulation of cyber-libraries of the world, empty, uncracked books I loose
Lions ate my homework teacher! I did the work, I showed my work, got loose from the noose
Pricks of the pins and holes of the emptiness where beards are shaved and hair is overgrown
I’m not who you think I am or was, unidentified and behind my mind’s eyeshades, my 6 gun.

It covers my 6, it covers your 6 and if not for the bravery of lookin’ death in the eye, we’d die
Circumstances being given to you and I as a matter of accidental coincidence, death gets high
Way up there over the clouds into the deep, dark black, empty space between blown asteroids
Utter nonsense in philosophical jargon, Life is a flow of bloody water, we’re the hemorrhoids!

r j j stephan, i
c. Dimanche, Janvier 19th, 2020 A.D. @ 2:22 AM PST
{ Drafted in defiance of a divine comedy inherited from your mama AND jammin’ to the holy, silence of MilesDavis & John Coltrane @https://youtu.be/k7zBmDSSwZk }

Thursday, January 16, 2020

#BlackHouse #WhiteUnderpriveleged #WelfareForNobody @JoeSatriani shreddin' the frets for the minions!

Richard Joseph Stephan · Thursday, January 16, 2020
-------------------   #MinionsWelcome  -------------------
From the streets and alleys, side and backroads, boulevards and avenues of the 7 continents
Seven of them in the midst of random variation of the human DNA and its tiny constituents
Full Monty or just a naked beast of burden to clothe and keep clear of offensive odor scents
Everybody who has missed a shower for a day, two, three or four, the cats eat your corpses.

Navigator on the cruise or the battleship remains on 24/7 watch of the old men and the sea
Proprietor of the seven seas and seven continents, essence of being a stardusted, rocky scree
A complete three act saga of dramatic experience of violated innocence of orphans of a Zeus
Every living man and woman who were boys and girls, boom, was a fertilized ovum, a ruse.

Back off of the attitude that the minions find distasteful, bombshell to be seen but not heard
Inside of the armory with the artillery and munitions, it’s a strategic air command, los lobos
They lay on the pavement in the cities and the authorities allow the new sewers of the absurd
Who hangs around drunk, evil hobos on or off of the streets of America? Other junky hobos.

Certainly, there’s an uncertainty principle, a thought expression that’s the ‘x’ of the equation
The Unknown is everything that we don’t know, that’s an indubitable fact of life, a mortal sin
Meaning that from innocence there’s an infection of guilt passed on by the infected unworthy
Leeches who spell ‘live’ backwards, RNA viral microscopic infections, ‘evil’ with blinded faith.

Homeless men gathered up yesterday, streets and sidewalks cleared by all of the king’s men
Humpty Dumpty dudes and chicks who sat on walls, had a great falls, broke into my lion den
I am armed and dangerous but the bums and junkies don’t care, they will steal & leave dung
Who raised these adult human beings? Where did their holy mamas and papas come from?

Take a moment right now, since your attention has been arrested by the sheriff who I’d shot
I am the deputy who caught a ricochet shot off of the chrome-walled cylinder full of roof rats
There is a probability of being unconscious while being awake and faking the role of a robot
Junk sinks to the sand undersea, wisdom of dead sea scrolls of rolled bones, y’all overshot?

Thought you’d believe in blind faith that your personality/spirit lives after/before a body dies
You won’t care that you’re not immortal until the Time in Space turns into a body of superflys
It’s no butcher shop where you give your number up to someone else, kick the horse, giddyup
You gotta give up the junk you’ve got because you’re a rube and the upper crust of a solo cup.

r j j stephan, i
c. Thursday, January 16, Twenty Twenty Anno Domini
{ Drafted in a box of cubic inches and millimeters while listening to HITS of @CannedHeat on youTube link @ https://youtu.be/fntMNNW0nYE }

Wednesday, December 25, 2019


----------------  #GreatZeusGhosts -----------------

Right here and now, to the left, to the right leaning due to paternal force of One, goddess dam
Full H2O where a pond once was, drops dead on Saturn, Mars, Venus & Jupiter's sidereal flip
Old and washed up stars of the red giants and white dwarves that inhabit a ghetto’s Void trip
Where tabernacles full of blind faith hold grim forms of God-made Man’s forceless flimflam.

Kisses away from the last One to make it through eternal night, ego-divested nature of Three
Old man but never a woman in charge of the humanity we grant full responsibility for Being
As if any human on Earth could actually fill the empty shoes of Nothing, a Void of peril to me
A One, a Father and the Second in charge, the Many, a Mother without Me, I am 1, perishing.

As if the day’s dreams and night’s mares weren’t enough for the top to get down to my diction
To kiss It or the little Lucy up in the sky with rubies, diamonds, emeralds, sapphires & topaz
All of this and everything else is the whole shebang, it’s a matter of fact, the energy of fiction
Buffalo roamed all over this animal skinned culture, rawhide to the hair of sheep, all pizazz!

Coming from where I am taught, where I am told the winter is, spinnin’ balls in circles’ TV set
Sights for sore blinded eyes open the vista from a blacktop road in darkness into a plethora fit
For kings and queens who never knew they had it all when they had it, so lost in a Space force
It all comes down to this, you’ll be either #Woke or #Dreaming, soul-dead, it could be worse!

Fighting with Zeus or Zarathustra just because the Word was spoken and I desired the light
A supernova of hydrogen and carbon gets too excited to contain the excitement, all orgasmic
In spurts of pulsar energy, in every direction from the center of an inverted point of my Right
To the Left, to the left we go with the little children runnin’ wild around the totem pole dick!

Out in the cotton fields, we picked the fuzz until our fingers bled, then we got the gin, we win!
Makin’ slick duds for the Many, baby bones being born in geometric progression, dirty dozen
Runnin’ the blocks to the corners and through the back doors, bein’ Mr & Mrs Jones holy Sin
For real, the mortality and the venality of the original eventuality is the doom of my own Zen.

Having a thing for Mrs. Jones or any mother of my teenage girlfriends of the 1960’s, Oh man!
I went directly from being OK with life as we know it, to suddenly, eyes wide opened, I’s a fan
Out the door, down the block, Iran for it, a getaway to die for, killin’ it, a military unit of SOBs
We’d be DOA to the ones who gave Some and All of it, just the two of us, happy NY 2020AD!

r j j stephan, i
c. Mercredi, FREEZEMBER 25th, 2019 A.D. @ 7:77 AM PHT

Tuesday, December 17, 2019

@AnnPeebles #EyesLoveYouTooBaby #INNAGODADAVIDA #Presence @IronButterfly #LedZeppelin & @FrankieValle @MorganWallen #HammerThisThor #HammerComesDown

Richard Joseph Stephan · Tuesday, December 17, 2019
************* a fortnight in presence **************
Took me away from home to the joy and celebration of warriors, reinforcements! Ship ahoy!
Asleep in the trenches, freezing in the hope of being saved by gods’ holy supermen, Yoyo Boy
As if that was the only way to be, all too human, pretending to be a creation of an artist’s Dam
A hird or fourth time of reincarnating the force from Everywhere into a small atom of Adam.

What are YOU, a WISEACRES child or an older than dirt philosopher who says nothing at all
To anyone ever, not a word or a breath breathed out loud, total silence of lambs, too humane
For the aliens or the gods above this planet’s surface, in the middle of Void Space or a dream
A land’s mine of thoughts flow ‘like a river do,’ my man-mind synapses fires, naughty cream.

Ship sailed too long ago to see the wake left behind, it was here and now back then too, OMG
Now schooled in the finer arts of mind control and fishing for fish #underwater, invisible sea
Microscopic and macroscopic appearance of the shapes/forms of light and dark memes of me
I wanted this, needed this, I’m the thing itself that always was and will be here and now, aye!

If you believe it’s a game of mighty power lifting strong MEN, you’ve been deceived by birth
Inside of the egg you began as the FATHER above the VOID invaded, inseminated A WORD
A sound of a UFO hovering above your head, humming and vibrating your all too human Id
Ego was not super enough, it was vulnerable to attack from the denizens of the absolute It.

Being as it may, thus we move as the unmoved do once excited by dirty balls of cosmic fugue
Broken apart yet still One and the same Thing, part of Nothing is the whole of Nothing vogue
Coming to high heaven in the vestibule of the sacristy with the habits, hosts and hotty nuns
Who know more than the boys to priests who get no sex after their own Ma and Pa’s guns.

Last gasp of air before it’s too late to comprehend the gist of the trip, satisfaction is so fine
But you will never know the feeling after you feel it, the mind dims, the brain’s electric out
And when it’s over, you won’t know it but Nothing ever mattered, a moral code X of ethics
Unknown because it’s where we stand, sit and fly, in an ultraviolet beam, OMG, BUT WHY?

r j j stephan, i
c. Mardi, FREEZEMBER 17th, 2019 A.D.
{ #ThoughtsINeededToGitOut Dedicated to #TheTwins, #HBD #60, my eyes adore you! Deborah Stephan & David Stephan without whom our Mother Theresa #TMA, the Josie & Joe daughter variety, RIP Mommy! At-ONE & done! & loop of Morganwallen #RedneckLoveSong link @ https://youtu.be/Dhmvh_cZRS0 }

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

#SomebodyHelpMe #DontYouWantSomebodyToLove #Wait #What? #'Mo #Fagen #RUNDMC ##MusicFactory

Richard Joseph Stephan · Wednesday, December 11, 2019
----------------  #ETERNITYinMyEyes -----------------
Gotta jump to it when it’s time, everybody has no choice, when the world moves, so do you
I may be out of line but I’m always in control either ahead of the game or scoopin’ up behind
Followed both fools and wisemen from the poorhouse to the banks, all of them died, left it all
Nothing they could do but sweat & burn out their Time on the throne, pitched curve fastballs.

Down the center line over the base of home, on the corner, high or low undercover or outed
Put and take once the chess game begins, knight to bishop three, like it or not, it’s an opening
On the way to a fortunate trip to the checks of the mates of kings, rappin’ smack and dancing
Twist, twirl, head bob, shoulders shift, hips shake, legs bend and feet shuffle, beats shouted.

You don’t have to feel the music but you do, then you feel some chills up and down your spine
It makes your spine wiggle & bend back and forth, makes your voice blow out, lips smackin’
Squirrels get nuts and if we don’t, a bit frustrating, we movin’ again, lucky partner kinsman
It’s been fabulous, a proverbial, perpetual treat from the top shelf of the stash, scored in sin!

Who needs that music to play up and down the scales, the do, re, mi of the concerto or solo
Me, me, me and everybody else I ever play the beats to, dance like there’s no bass or tremolo
Awakened, conscious, everybody’s the Cause and Effect, an Unmoved Mover of things, Aha
Buttercup blue sky, booty fussin’ as if it’s out of control, in a nice deep state groove, Angelina!

I’m puttin’ on the Ritz for my inner audience of One, just because I can, just because I think
Therefore, I am and whatever that is, I’ll remain in that statue until the final re-exhaled stink
From the bowels of a haven for jockey gods, a broadcast command goes invisible, kinda blue
Points are connected but the form and shape are obscured and nobody knows what Ala knew.

All she wrote and sang with the muses who rhyme or don’t, depending on takin’ a chance cut
On the she-It cd, I worked so hard my fingers bled, bang-a-gong cymbal to some of the few
U2 have had the wonderful clear and present danger of being a star, took a chance, like New
There it is again, the music is beatin up the movement, GOT you, fool’s mate, check out a but!

r j j stephan, i
c. Mercredi, FREEZEMBER 11TH, 2019 A.D. @ 1717 hours PST
{ JAMMED OUT OF THE MUSE and she into my conscious mitochondria immersed in the cytoplasm of divine love, surrounding the nucleus of every atom in my soul, makin #EverybodyDanceNow jammin’ to CCMusicFactory @ https://youtu.be/LaTGrV58wec }

Tuesday, December 03, 2019

#DistortingTime #64Squares #YourMove #Christmas #Christ #Savior #OriginalSin #ThanksAdamAndEve

Richard Joseph Stephan · Tuesday, December 3, 2019
---------- #HOMEforChristmas ----------
With or without power’s knowledge, wisdom dictates to enjoy the moment, it maybe the last
It is an unknown fact about the nature of existence once personal identity ends, death is fast
No sooner do you know that something unusual is happening, heart attack, brain seized styth
It’s only a surprise to the faithfully departed when they’ve been introduced to eternity’s myth.

You have no idea where the answers are but where that is is where you want to be, for sure
Substantial plasma craft manufacturing in an underwater factory, resistance immunity gear
Speed of light interplanetary projects are not for your eyes, creation theory is under hot fire
There’s no man-god savior or holy men or holy women, there’s no angels, just time travel sir.

Eventually everything will be as clear as looking through glass panes, literally eyes wide open
To see and comprehend that nature in front of our eyes and what it means to us, inside Zen
Nothing to lose if you allow intelligence of hairy apes to be the best creation of the gods-play
But it will never remain in stasis, never remain at rest in the sea of queers and snake DNA.

Fate of the merciful is the same as the fate of the morons, idiots and thieves, mouth agape
Soul all gone and just the rotting flesh without the verve to Move it in a circle, it’s all on tape
Recorded for your edification when being judged by a benign criticism of imaginary goldust
Millions of dollars spent and never earned, just stolen from the labor of the workers’ Lust!

Retired to the back room to anoint the scam, a coup de ta and a scream of ooh la la, ecstatic
Orgasmic phantasm of acid for the animation of dead dirt and rock, God’s occult analgesic
In a dance with the death of my own 208 bones, muscles and organs in tact, still thriving Id
Host of the One, no discriminating against me just because I died tonight, I’m still here, kid!

Plain as the monkeys eating dogs colored to appear like a tiger with stripes, hungry ape sheet
Existentially yours and mine just because we got lucky and entered an egg/sperm DNA feet
Suicide, patricide, matricide, either way, mortality seems to be a waste unless it’s a nightmare
Upon awakening, the dream’s exposed to our Self as just a joke, #FakeNews, we be #Woke!

r j j stephan, i
c. MARDI, FREEZEMBER 3RD, 2019 A.D. @ 2:22 AM PST

Thursday, November 14, 2019

#HashtaggedMyAttitude #StepAside #WrapAPipeAroundYourHead #BIDEN2020 #WAIT #WHAT?

Richard Joseph Stephan · Thursday, November 14, 2019
You really didn’t want to go there but you did, nobody forced you nor me, it’s a free willy gig
Obfuscation is clearly the modus operandi of the laws of gravity and centrifugal force’s wig
Not for any small reason, this is the stuff that dreams are made of, the very thing you got
Breathing, animated bodies and souls of civilized colonies of a homo sapiens genome dot.

A nucleus of an atom and a conglomeration of them do what they do, fusion or fission too
Explode or implode the perfect circles, triangles and polygons from above as below the blue
Skies around the dirty water, I love that dirty water though, without H2O, it’s a quid pro quo
Perfectly one and the same, from a rogue DNA egg we extrapolate it all, a Biden 2020 blow.

In my jet of an SUV, me and my hot co-pilot track the highways and rural routes, shields high
Bugs can’t stay on the grill, they disintegrate, windshield coated with UFO skin, chips’ shield
There’s a disagreement and a dispute and a threat and a battle, a war and an end to the Sky
In other words, rogues attempt a coup d’etat and fail, get captured and executed on the field.

Inside the house or outside of the atmosphere where angels fear to go, corruption bloodbath
Hoaxes are exposed by the liars who use their precious air with a collusion illusionary dossier
Pretend to be your friend when really you’re the object of a philosophical opponent’s Id wrath
Need a getaway sled for a trek up the hill to the Sierra Nevadas, I got a key, you can rock me!

For the sake of the planet’s substance application to this existence found here and now, I bow
Knuckleheads and worthy saints putting one wing in front of the other, on the runway to Tao
Where nothing is, everything is and has always been, how it all got here in the first place, yes
Winks and nods from superman with neither body nor extra-sense, sleazy bribe God to bless.

Every minute of every day you remind me of the story I’ve been reading, telling it at the rack
Every breath and every swallow I am privileged to steal from the bottom of the bottles’ Jack
Happy to pass out or fight about the flight from here to eternity, you know where it’s goin’ ta
Hot rods runnin’ on the strip and over to the malt shop drive-thru for Betty Sue & Veronica.

r j j stephan, i *Header is our #Sled, now I spilled the beans on the wicked witch of the west!
c. Saturday, BLOVEMBER 14th, 2019 A.D. @ 5:55 PM PST
{ drafted this little gem while jammin’ to Nickelblack - Nickelback Tribute Band #ShakinHands & HITS on youTube link @ https://youtu.be/Dxi28-abUpw }

Sunday, November 03, 2019

#MyMama? Nope, #YoMama! #LifeIsInAJarAfterall

Lookin’ deep into the lookin’ glass and see what’s left of your self, what nobody taught USians
Freedom is NEVER free, the Evil alive wants it and you to be immersed in a mire, mud flood
From their ancestors and the minions who followed them on the road to extinction of Sapiens
Shreds of the words, meanings of grunts of cavemen, on cave walls writ with sticks and blood.

Of the hunting for the animals to BBQ on the #Fire and eat with your clan, a family of drones
This is really #FarOut man, this can’t be true or we’d already know about it, we’d all be bones
208 of them from head to toes, bound by muscles and an elastic skin bag, hold guts real tight
You only have a hundred years more or less to drift through space with a Black Hole in sight.

Start here and now and get there and then eventually, you don’t have to fret about it, chillax
When you find your imagination wandering outside the realm of your family’s caring tracks
Y’all on your own, you’ve got no backup and you’ve got no factor of ten, you can’t drop a dime
Workin’, movin’ 208 bones to cooperate and not demolish the #Cell before it’s #Tweet Time.

Drifting starstuff moving at times and at rest at times, the Way is down the middle road of Id
Between the ego and superego the homies and the blood, they ain’t stoppin’ until a bitter end
We’ll communicate what’s goin’ on right in front of their eyes, our eyes, my eyes, your eyes
No heroes on the battlefield of a super Nova black hole of Mother Nature, #GitReady, IT dies!

r j j stephan, i #CatchAndRelease
c. Dimanche, BLOVEMBER 3RD, 2019 A.D. @ 6:66 AM PST
{ freaked my mama’s ghost out this AM when this came out of the #MuseOMine; drafted listenin’ to Alexander King Chillout on youTube link @ https://youtu.be/JUxaYO1lSHk }


Saturday, November 02, 2019

#Relativity and #Immortality #Comedy #Tragedy #ColdWorld #EventHorizon & the #Singularity #Phenomenology #Mass #Matter #Friction #Momentum & @MotherGoose

Richard Joseph Stephan · Saturday, November 2, 2019
-------------- #BlackOnBlack ------------
Sometime, well I guess it was once upon a time there lived a herd of people, band of gypsies
They came from somewhere but they can’t recollect where that was, they all have amnesia
They are all asleep, walkin’ around in the dream that they refer to as life, Earth living thing
What we were before the ancestors got here? Nothing at all, the Big Bang caused us to sing!

From the top of our lungs or in the underground railroads where even bad men fear to go
Screams of silence, just gasps and quiet empty, dead air exhaled, just like a holy roller pro
One who claims to know the God, the creator of the universe through blind faith, like a baby
Believing what your faith leaps to is an Unknown entity evolved from a black hole singularity.

Time and Space as the matrix of the living and dead, move things themselves in perpetuity
They are not gods, they were not even created by any God at all, now the joke is on me, see?
It’s Relativity that we need to explore, the nature of Nothing, that’s life’s massive extinction
Stage of the continental hosts, species of beasts prowl for salad and burgers, raw or BBQ’n.

Not so fast, somebody is right about the nature of being and somebody must be wrong I see
Fractions of equations breakdown the load of feeling all alone, not lonely but alone, I’m free
In a nanosecond, your own consciousness has come and gone, no memory of your prehistory
Meaning more or less that random collisions of matter, gravitationally collapse, blood gory.

What’s important to your caretakers may be what’s important to all, the insight of a 3rd eye
Blinded by light, deafened by radio waves, suffered the taste and smell loss due to raging sin
All there was left to experience this world was feeling, sensing the surroundings, alive to die
Spinning, rotating, wobbling, plummeting or ejecting away from atomic fission, chill, fusion.

r j j stephan, i
c. Samedi, BLOVEMBER 2nd, 2019 A.D. @ 4:44 PM PST
{ drafted while listenin’ to a documentary “How Did The Universe Begin” on youTube link @ https://youtu.be/2JwpYeT_2yY }

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

#FightThePowerIfYouDare #TheHeatIsOn

Richard Joseph Stephan · Wednesday, October 23, 2019
There’s no need to get all crazy about it, facts are facts, #FWAAT Canada-Hong Kong rocking
No queen or secretary of state available for comment on insignificance of Trumpism, a viking
What do you think about that? You know that I know what you think, it all comes down Jack
We gotta eat to live, to stay alive it’s either kill or be killed, a homer, raw McDonoh’s BigMaq.

#YellowSnowFlakes or #Shaq, quite a juxtaposition of opposite philosophies of existence, we
Unless you’re a monk livin’ in a cave on a 3 hill island, the Ugly, the Good and the Bad to be
All three formerly mountaintops of volcanoes until Earth shifted the oceans place in Space
An axis shift and a velocity decrease of both the orbit and the wobble-revolution, Sunny Daze.

It’s customary to attempt to crucify your skin and bones in an airless gas chamber, choke up
On the bat, wood to a head like in the olden days when the young bucks ran rampant, #STFU
Steps up and down the ladders and stairways to heaven and around in circular jerks’ parties
Remain calm when you discover the actual Truth about this matrix for unholy spirits’ envies.

Does anything survive the flesh and bone when it’s animation of itself fails into freeze-frame
#DeepFake to the nucleus, now, a video created by Chinese Zen Masters, martyrs of my Tao
You know and I know nothing more than what’s right in front of an open door of perceptions
Cause of the First Cause is the indeterminate principle, not for you to know, perfect 7th sons.

Conditions of the categorical imperative and the metaphysics of the Form and Matter of Id
Wearing nothing at birth and totally ignorant of what had just happened, startled by Light
If lucky or not, here and now is for some but not for all, it’s not All for One and One for All
Glad you could get to the end of the path in One piece, an unbrave, old world of Eve’s Fall.

Utter emptiness outside of this atmosphere, boys and girls have bones in bags’ of acid DNA
Acid moving, eating other moving things after boiling or frying, cooking the meat of holy prey
Truth makes you cry so go ahead and cry on my shoulder, it will All be Over sooner than then
Well, any second of any moment of any night or day, a last breath’s ovum, yo mama’s a hen.

r j j stephan, i
c. ROCKTOBER 23rd, 2019 A.D. @ 07:11 PST
{ Drafted while breathin’ in a plastic mask & listenin’ to Armstrong & Getty on Talk 650 KSTE 0600-1000 AM PST, they got podcasts too & bumper music of The Isley Brothers #GoForYoGuns link @ https://youtu.be/rzfpeF6_okI  }

Sunday, October 13, 2019

#MamasLittleMan #Everlast #ItCannotBeSold #LoveMillionaire

Richard Joseph Stephan · Sunday, October 13, 2019
In utter dissolution from the indoctrination of my youth from seven to nineteen, it is so Basic
That is what every single child in America needs either right after high school, before college
Or the only alternative if being a drop-out extinction malfunction is the goal, it is militaristic
To discover the discipline required to be totally dependent on god’s Big Brother’s power edge.

Unnecessarily coy to know the history of your predecessors, hunters, slaves, ‘foregathers’ kin
To rule is either inherited smoke and mirrors or imposed to force keeping Law’s origin, a sin
Policing the rivers and the valleys where the gardens grow means, obliterating homelessness
#Pride in producing a positive vibration in public is enculturated from infancy, it’s kindness.

To be or not to be isn’t the only question, why #TrickOrTreat others like I want to be tricked
What is that all about, an annual festivity in specific type of human culture, live evil danced
From vampires to the werewolves, mummies risen from pyramid tombs and gold temples
Yo yo, I say it a million times a day, inside my head, it’s annoying out loud but hey, Yo, yo!

Now and then you and I know that you’ve got no free will, no choice other than an imperative
Wonder is fine for the children with stars in their eyes but if you would have asked me, jive
I’d share the dozens and the history of civilization and prehistoric speculation on the dying
What I came here for, exposing the obvious and contemplating my reason’s whistle blowing.

Just wanted to play games down here and have fun getting hurt and dirty, back for more
Or less if the brain and mind become comfortably numb, either in affluence or in a morgue
Options in the deduction are limited to the compound subjects, predicates and objects all
What I say, what you hear and what you say is what I hear, written down chance to dwell.

On being this mindful mouse searchin’ for the cheese or crust, milk of goat or cow, gold dust
In a dream’s state of being alive yet totally at one, asleep and devoid of fear of being stone zen
What the creator of the universe would do to become animated mud and blood, evil’s a must
You’ve got to be an awkward, two-headed step child, if you wanna be in It, a cult in heaven!

You and I may disobey the rules and guidelines but that won’t fake a byte of espresso foam
In the scheme of everything on Earth and the solar system of our Sun, nobody’s Dumas-free
Things of matter are few and far between your ears, that’s where reality resides, my freedom
Extreme happiness or sadness, mason free to wake from beta-wave sleep, #Come, #Go me.

r j j stephan, i
c. Sunday, ROCKTOBER 13th, 2019 A.D @ 7:11 AM PST