
Sunday, January 19, 2020

#NuclearMissiles @ApocolypseLater #DustThisBroom @ZZTop @MilesDavis & MOI

Richard Joseph Stephan·Sunday, January 19, 2020
----------------  #KindaBlueOrPurple -----------------
I’ve got a bone to pick with you and this ain’t no party, it ain’t no barbecue picnic, it’s blown
You have been allowed to run rampant through the concrete jungle and the donut holy hehl
Ladies and men don’t count in this levy of taxes for the things that breathe, ring a cowbell?
What comes before, what comes after the being you and I are, Man, disrespected Unknown!

Free and easy or in chain gangs of men and women who carry the burden, the mother’s lode
Of Gold, Silver, of Platinum, Iron and Steel, the ponies run around in circles, all my eyes’ face
For no reason at all, spontaneous combustion happens to the best of atoms and cells of bones
Prick balloons full of hot air, sit back in rockin’ chairs, wait for the final doze daze, into Space.

Rocked the face of the gods and demons for what it was worth, here to overturn the apple cart
Rotten apples make great apple pies for the diners on the side of the freeways and interstates
Angels fear to drive there on I-5 and the 405 where demons thrive on wasted, whiskey spirits
Gold dust within a charade of atomic events, quark of a God, a perfect punk, #CornPop phart.

Generals talk and a men emerge into One, dignity and respect mean nothing without the toys
Survive and be the best human, grandparents thought you could be, king or queen love blow
From an ovum and the intent of random collisions with the DNA left over by Big Banger Boys
If and only if you comprehend Nature, Beasts and the creator, THEN you’re incommunicado.

Baby girls dreaming of big boys, big daddies to bring home the bacon or not, just being alone
Without the baby boys who don’t know where they are or what they want, rolling a baby bone
All 208 of them from the first breath under the sun, out of the darkness’ holy, hot explosions
Ends of dreams comes before you even knew it was subliminal, who #Googled the life I’m in?

Search engine manipulation of cyber-libraries of the world, empty, uncracked books I loose
Lions ate my homework teacher! I did the work, I showed my work, got loose from the noose
Pricks of the pins and holes of the emptiness where beards are shaved and hair is overgrown
I’m not who you think I am or was, unidentified and behind my mind’s eyeshades, my 6 gun.

It covers my 6, it covers your 6 and if not for the bravery of lookin’ death in the eye, we’d die
Circumstances being given to you and I as a matter of accidental coincidence, death gets high
Way up there over the clouds into the deep, dark black, empty space between blown asteroids
Utter nonsense in philosophical jargon, Life is a flow of bloody water, we’re the hemorrhoids!

r j j stephan, i
c. Dimanche, Janvier 19th, 2020 A.D. @ 2:22 AM PST
{ Drafted in defiance of a divine comedy inherited from your mama AND jammin’ to the holy, silence of MilesDavis & John Coltrane @https://youtu.be/k7zBmDSSwZk }

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