
Sunday, October 13, 2019

#MamasLittleMan #Everlast #ItCannotBeSold #LoveMillionaire

Richard Joseph Stephan · Sunday, October 13, 2019
In utter dissolution from the indoctrination of my youth from seven to nineteen, it is so Basic
That is what every single child in America needs either right after high school, before college
Or the only alternative if being a drop-out extinction malfunction is the goal, it is militaristic
To discover the discipline required to be totally dependent on god’s Big Brother’s power edge.

Unnecessarily coy to know the history of your predecessors, hunters, slaves, ‘foregathers’ kin
To rule is either inherited smoke and mirrors or imposed to force keeping Law’s origin, a sin
Policing the rivers and the valleys where the gardens grow means, obliterating homelessness
#Pride in producing a positive vibration in public is enculturated from infancy, it’s kindness.

To be or not to be isn’t the only question, why #TrickOrTreat others like I want to be tricked
What is that all about, an annual festivity in specific type of human culture, live evil danced
From vampires to the werewolves, mummies risen from pyramid tombs and gold temples
Yo yo, I say it a million times a day, inside my head, it’s annoying out loud but hey, Yo, yo!

Now and then you and I know that you’ve got no free will, no choice other than an imperative
Wonder is fine for the children with stars in their eyes but if you would have asked me, jive
I’d share the dozens and the history of civilization and prehistoric speculation on the dying
What I came here for, exposing the obvious and contemplating my reason’s whistle blowing.

Just wanted to play games down here and have fun getting hurt and dirty, back for more
Or less if the brain and mind become comfortably numb, either in affluence or in a morgue
Options in the deduction are limited to the compound subjects, predicates and objects all
What I say, what you hear and what you say is what I hear, written down chance to dwell.

On being this mindful mouse searchin’ for the cheese or crust, milk of goat or cow, gold dust
In a dream’s state of being alive yet totally at one, asleep and devoid of fear of being stone zen
What the creator of the universe would do to become animated mud and blood, evil’s a must
You’ve got to be an awkward, two-headed step child, if you wanna be in It, a cult in heaven!

You and I may disobey the rules and guidelines but that won’t fake a byte of espresso foam
In the scheme of everything on Earth and the solar system of our Sun, nobody’s Dumas-free
Things of matter are few and far between your ears, that’s where reality resides, my freedom
Extreme happiness or sadness, mason free to wake from beta-wave sleep, #Come, #Go me.

r j j stephan, i
c. Sunday, ROCKTOBER 13th, 2019 A.D @ 7:11 AM PST

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