
Showing posts with label #obama. Show all posts
Showing posts with label #obama. Show all posts

Monday, June 29, 2020

#ShipAhoy #BringYourMamaAndSisters #AintThatAmerica @JimmyBuffett @JohnCougar

----  #YoungManInaTShirt #GreasyHair ----
In a manner of speaking, I’ve already found what I’d lost being born into a new faux family
Of men, of mice and the virus to the bacteria to the forms from silkworm to angry bee hive
Blood & bones created by the gravitational collapse of my atomic matter, It Is All I ever see
There is no other rational explanation for the existence of bloody gods struggling to survive.

Paranoid leaders moving to where they get advised to go by #BigBucks, ain’t no mercy boost
To the foothills where the roads are closed to the drifters and harvesters of my Acapulco gold
More of the Many than the Few are allowing the unelected and elected to rule a shoddy roost
Thinking ahead of the bus stop in the middle of the riot, the ghetto now, All broken I am told.

Where’s the tonic for the gin, that’s what I’m wondering and why not? You have a better gin?
I have the #TopShelf and you have the bottom’s up swill so that’s the end of the story, I win
Completely in the hands of the unknown and somehow more adept than I, supreme will of Id
Part of the Ego that I am, I allow this to be, with or without me in tow, I know, it’ll the CoVid.

If and when it occurs that the entire realm of existence is dependent on viral pandemics, Die!
It’s all over, historically, the grand illusion of the living left alone by the dead’s pie in the sky
Ouzo is what we can squeeze out of a crystal bottle’s neck, a tyro, a rookie, punk of a gangway
Head punk. new punk, all gonna go to the same place, to the fire or the dirt, my daddy’d say.

Full on foolproof method of freezing the hot matters into dry ice, where angels fear to go too
Because the burn is instant, chromosomes be damned, nature cares nothing about pedigree
You & everyone else will lie down, as y’all lay dying you’ll think of the errors of being human
Raw or cooked, the skin and bones remain the same, like the song, a rhythm in the key of C.

Now and then, from the hollar I hear the call to return for the things I forgot to bring it along
Knowing nothing special about anything in particular and just a casual observer of all that is
I have less of an ego and id than I used to when I was just a kid, wet behind the ears & wrong
Skip the olive, dry or wet, I’ll down either or both with or without you, just pour a 151-gin fizz.

r j j stephan, i
c. Lundi, June 29th, 2020 Anno Domini @ 2:22 Post Meridiem Pacific Standard Time
{ Drafted while listenin’ to Looneytunes Adventure on youTube link @ https://youtu.be/j8hsq-mKLzg }

Sunday, June 28, 2020

#IDontDrink #AlwaysDrunkOnSunlight @JohnPrine

Richard Joseph Stephan · Sunday, June 28, 2020
 ****  MinimumSecurity ****
From the grandpa to the papa to the son, it happens that it all rolls down the Sierra foothills
From Wisconsin to Chicago to Washington & on to the end of Earth, California kills fagots
In the gas chambers, in the electric chairs, on the hanging platforms, flies in the sky kitchen
But I got a swatter to scoot them out the screen or snuff out their short life from a maggot.

Spinning around for no other reason than there is nothing else that can be done, I’m thinkin’
Yet, it’s impossible to come to a definitive conclusion before the bitter end of life stinkin’
In a cadaver, a corpse or a sliced thinly piece of protein for the cannibals to consume raw
For the sake of the mighty and the weak, the Void, the Matrix, the World is in your hands!

It’s your mother’s or your father’s or sister’s, brother’s, aunt’s, uncle’s or cousins’ meat raw
Imagine all of the lonely DNA which has no sun to shine on their balls of solar suns-in-law
You, me and the rest of the genome partake of the only thing keeping us alive, fish alewives
Immaculate conceptions and Assumptions into the Ether, getting killed, come back jives!

Behind the dirt plows and snow plows I come from the 208 bones of each operator of a crane
Living to die and dying to live is the only way the Winters knew, it happens ad infinitum slim
All of the gigs made up out of thin air, right out of the caves, with the bass and the sax, insane
Fission of my atoms, fusion of our molecular structure into the icy H2O Mars to the Ukraine.

What never matters is what doesn’t breathe in gas and metabolize the mischief that ensues
Nothing in the seams or the creases between the sheets because it’s all caput, cook #ActBlue
Cash in a #ThousandCurrents from Hollywood shocks and awes of babies in Hades’ #Tides
Director of financing the money laundering through the Matrix, is God’s son, #SlowRides!

Piercing the skin there is nothing but blood and bones, ready to go where you were before
Give me millions of your pounds of gold and silver, I don’t want your greenback-digit store
Who has the billions of value that will give the mortals’ immortality they can never procure
So, out of the oven and into the all-too-human mouths, coco chips in cookies, on a skewer.

r j j stephan, i *header is my kin, Grandpa Al, pops Stevie & 2 sonny boys, #Ich & #Jamz
c. Dimanche, June 28th, 2020 A.D. @ 9:11 AM PST

Friday, June 26, 2020

#FundsDry #WetlandsCool #MidnightOil @VanHalen

From San Diego to Manhattan, a riot or hurricane ain’t no way to know what’ll be in any gang
It may be conducive to existence and it may not be, good idea to colonize Mars & a blue moon
For the sake of the species survival, assuming there is no deity who exists prior to a big bang
Puns to break the ice with the keen wit of a surgeon and the steady mind of a following goon.

Whether you like it or not, the trajectory of the silver bullet goes directly into the bull’s eye
Every time I roll the dice, I got sevens and elevens for no good reason at all, just cuz I win
Winning is the only thing that’s important in this life and the next if there is One or any
It’s not my fault if there’s nothing after life and you didn’t believe it, it’s yours, the Many.

Using logic and reason to measure and evaluate the Past, Present and Future, we’re doomed
Not because of anything any human has done or will do but because It must be a Supernova
It is a primary condition for Being in general, a Super nova and gravitational collapse, dead
If I’m wrong about the cosmic repeater called Life and there’s more to it, it’s hidden I read.

Secret books in handwriting that few can read and decipher, not to mention torched libraries
Full of the herd’s ways, fit to survive the doom that’s coming but impossible to arm this God
What’s important to think about while being all too human? Nothing, which makes you nod
Word then there was some flesh and bone, fire, killing life and eating dead things, I’m Ceres.

There’s a part of this joker’s paradise that only the strong can understand, be One with fears
You can’t dwell on inevitable losses and defeats of the past, the only Way’s It, black or white
Stop #Crybaby #FakeMarx for the way you think it should be without a drop of bloody tears
A spoonful of sugar’s about all you need to live in perpetual bliss, rebellion’s genius’ li’l byte.

Are you idiots eating food and driving bicycles and motor vehicles without a license to drive?
If you eat something, where will you have all your friends and followers relieve themselves?
In your yard on a Capitol’s hill, the C.H.O.P. property under siege is my land without ANTIFA
We are coming undercover, you will not see the light coming, close your eyes now, sleep GA!

r j j stephan, i
c. Friday June 26th, 2020 A.D. @ 1:11 PM PST
{ Drafted while listenin’ to Midnight-Oil #WhenTheGeneralsTalk on youTube link @ https://youtu.be/mqP61lGsXOM }
Norma Jeane Mortenson - AKA Marilyn Monroe

Saturday, June 13, 2020

#NoJusticeYall #YourEyesTellASadStory

Richard Joseph Stephan · Saturday, June 13, 2020
-------  #TweetThisToInifinity -------
Here and now is a reason to be trigger happy if you got a gun or rifle to divinity’s forsoothes
Killing the corn and onion fields so that the plastic and steel could come to highest heavens
Can’t see anything past your blind corneas because the lights are all turned off, cherry fuzz
The dream started, it ended and y’all didn’t even know it was the Reality, all there ever was.

Pick a place outside of the palace, down any alley or backwoods hollar and you’ll be my food
It is what the genome does, throw the worst scenario up to the screen, we’re all in, We good
Yet miracles keep happening, they’re goin’ out of style, Smith on one side, Wesson the other
In a dark flashback in a dark, holy hole of #1 and #2, I hid from the killers of the backwoods.

I stood up in middle of marxism and lenninist slim shadiness, yet my groove survived a scum
Bananas and antelope are an antidote to the monkey dance, apes & trolls leakin’ it out some
Boys and girls learn to count to 10 and recite the ABC’s to write down 10 rhymes on 2 stones
Commandments to order your chaos in a straight and phuqed up One Way, yo’ mom’s bones.

Forties to seventies like a flash in the pan, proud to be out of my mind, once again, I’ve won it
Didn’t even know the rules or who was runnin’ the game, just knew I could rise to tops of chit
Evened it all up before the last gasp and last insight into humanity’s conventions, life of Huck
Harder than hell to accept a Truth, we’re here and gone, that’s it, caput! Custody? Upchuck!

Fine and dandy, it’s mighty cool, copacetic to the One and the Many, attention please, copy?
It’s the middle path where the groove is invisible, nobody goes there but the lost and sloppy
Accidentally runnin’ in the middle of the antidote for the Reality, as it is, punishment of Eve
Stick Adam up the Creator’s holy emptiness, where the Void’s my DNA up my mama’s sleeve.

Slim and very shady like a rat and a crow, mixed DNA of varmints and cannibals who love It
Living is It, anyway it goes it’s better than the alternative, closed coffin in underground chit
Minced meat and blanched legumes are to die for, hunters of living game kill the innocents
What do you care about it for? Attention please, just ignore the scree, just a GD #SlimChady.

#CheckYourOwnCoat I don’t need your tips and flips and chips, it’s a little bit funny but Not
Rather than be the One you are, here and now; hence, it’s a cinch that you are a bloody robot
In the particular or the general sense, it’s a mere fait complet for both poor and rich solo soul
Which #BigBang blew, lived and died for Reason’s logic, a #WAR form of #PEACE, let’s roll!

r j j stephan, i
c. Saturday, June 13th, 2020 Anno Domini @ 11:11 AM PST
{ Drummed up #LivingAndBreathing the #PhiladelphaFreedom listenin’ to Hall & Oates on youTube link @ https://youtu.be/VYKeA0UnBqc }

Tuesday, May 26, 2020

#Skinheads #Greasers & #Doopers @Stargard @Santana @FaithHill @JJGrey @MOFRO #HOMER

Richard Joseph Stephan · Tuesday, May 26, 2020
------------ #CompleteTheZero ------------
Still of the daytime when Mr. Sequestrate’s axe is present, hammer and sickle to pound hurt
Underfoot. underarms & down the side slab of ribs that won’t be BBQ’d COVID, DNA sings
Souls undergrounded, melted ice of northern and southern magnetic poles, dirty ball of dirt
If your mom and pop couldn’t tell you, what are you in for?... a mayhem without any inklings.

If y’all cannot survive the viruses and infections and we all die, that’s the way it goes #HAIR
It’s the nature of being human, all too human like you and I are, we’re all in this together, not
We’re all alone, single and solitary, nobody gets out alive and there’s no company to visit Bro!
Last gasp of gas, last two blinks and a wink, you have what you came for, nothing but the air.

It’s all due to the fur, the hair that we’ve covered our naked skin with, evolution of hot bones
Animals need it and plants do not, if your roots are in the ground of being, you’re hot to trot
If disconnected with fins, wings or feet then the Earth is your ground of being with iPhones
Flat Stanley’s imaginary place in space is what your mother left you, invented womb of her.

Bums and junkies that have always been on Earth, they are men and women, humans of God
It’s the handiwork of an almighty designer of DNA genes, this is what we’ve got, thank you sir
We ran but lost all of our breath and lost our way back to the center, back home where milk is
Fat, skinned and dressed folk, cocoa or vanilla, drunk on milk, ate birds, pigs, bats to be food.

People are the food of the gods, eaten animated memories of what you did while you lived life
No recorded history, they persuaded you when you were young and naive, God is the alewife
We all need the ale to complete the full circle, innocence to awareness of being and not being
At the end of the good times, a free bird attracts the end of It All, US, Infinity’s all or Nothing.

Sun never rises, it’s your illusion, your blind faith in things that are here, changin’ the blocks
Brothers and sisters of mine know but they can’t tell anyone but their own true self, we dead
It’s your great, great grandmothers and their own great, great grandfathers bald dead heads
This dumped on our heads, a crush of Beauty and Goodness, above & below the hard rocks.

I took a knee for the law enforcement to head off the chaos at the pass, it’s always comin’ over
Mixed up chronological orders of Time, scrambled the hand in the glove for outer-space lover
All of those homeruns blazing over the center-field fence had me going for a minute, swing!
Get the bat off of your shoulder, fight the heat comin’ in for a strike, here’s a homer! #Ding!
r j j stephan, i
c. Tuesday, May 26th, 2020 A.D. @ 6:66 AM PHT

{ Jammed out of my face this AM while listenin’ to JJ-Grey & JJ Grey & Mofro on youTube link @ https://youtu.be/GPlucqNQu2g }

Saturday, May 09, 2020

#FourFiveSix #PickUpYoSticks #YouCannotMakeThisSheetUpDown

----------------A hella snooze ----------------
Adam at one in a place’s Space where Time itself has run out of ticks, where I am now, here
So I walk alone in the darkness, under the moonlight, from dusk until dawn, creating the beer
In kegs, cans or long neck bottles, all the hops and grain making the alcohol of a mind’s hole
My paperclips have all disappeared from sight, neither on my desk nor on a mind’s eye soul.

If you can see deep into the miracle you cannot believe is true, you’ll know the Truth, all of it
First, you are not alive, you don’t exist on this planet or anywhere else in the universe, awshyt
But the importance of the consciousness of midnight blues of the purple people eaters scrum
No gods left over for the sewer of gravitational collapse, down a rabbit hole into a maelstrom.

UFO on the completed mission for the galaxy and it’s microscopic quarks that roll downhill
Not due to gravity but due to the weight of the thought, the idea, the ghost who runs the kill
Some live to eat and some die to keep the living alive, to be eaten and shat back into the scat
Where darkness and light exchange the photons, neutrons, psychos and sycophants did shat.

Ready to leave the planet’s ground of being? Nevermore, I won’t go, I will recycle to and fro
Gods and the emptiness of the Void, begin and end the whole shebang, I cannot tell a lie, no
It’s the Truth of the Way, it’s narrow and only one way from where you came from, go ahead
Tricks and the fools who perform these acts of contrition, I confess I am asleep in my hot bed.

Particular and general the magic comes and goes in and out of my conscious awareness, jerks
Just because you’ve lived inside of this comic book of divinity doesn’t mean you got the perks
Equality and neutrality are the qualities of a whore house of divine, #FakeNews of demonics
In a tailspin from the hilt of the atmosphere down to the core of being, holy carp, dirty tricks.

Fiction and Reality merge right now, you and I are here and now but soon won’t be, you get it
There’s no other option than complete, utter system shutdown, no soul, no spirit, zero output
Ends are complete, there is no other reason for the state, the reproducing of DNA and a funk
Cosmos’ inn of recycled star dust, burning hydrogen & helium, create elixir O2, I’m so drunk.

Pricks of a needle to inject the opium venom, making your mind swell & not care about scat
Alleys of Chicago, trash cans lined blocks, both sides of the backyards, it’s where I come from
Where I played hoops alone, nobody would play on my blue paint blackboard, broken, I’m fat
Bad-boy rotten apples were the city’s genii, struggled to survive in sand dunes of fake sitcom.

Tragedy that you rock and roll alone when there is a crowd, it’s a necessary condition for genii
Not being one, I assume that’s all the truth about a condition of being all too human, so funky
Amazing to be downtown, full of the junk in my veins, the wind of the city got me way too old
Into the present, back from 45 years, Desplaines to the Highlands’ lotus, loved my fool’s gold.

r j j stephan, i
c. Saturday, May 9th, 2020 A.D. @ 4:11 AM PST
{ Drafted listenin’ to @Vanillafudge #YouKeepMeHanginON on youTube link @ https://youtu.be/R3ChToIvLRM }

Wednesday, May 06, 2020

#Fiddlesticks #Pickupsticks #Nunchuckas & #Blackbelts

Richard Joseph Stephan · Wednesday, May 6, 2020
----------- #StraightUpTripping ------------
Just for a second I thought I saw you in my dream but it was only me in the guise of a ghost
It made no sense and I tried to pretend it wasn’t happening but I knew it was a dream manup
I could not stop it from going on and on as if it would never stop when it was time to wake up
So, I just waited until the alarm went off on my digital clock on the night stand, here’s a toast.

Wake up call for the unawakened boys and girls, men and women, clergy and flocks in a tow
From sea to sea or up to the tip of a mountaintop, nowhere viruses go all dressed to the nines
Or out whichever way is expedient & most likely to generate success at survival, to be the flow
Alternative to eating supper is being breakfast and lunch for the mighty of claw and canines.

On top of the flow, skimmin’ downstream to the sea where the surf blue meets the green sea
Up and down the rain rises and falls ad infinitum, just because that’s the way it’s always done
Full down in pools on the ground of being, evaporation and cloud formation force vapor tea
Smells like fresh dirt after a quick rain shower wets the concrete and steel, smells like foam!

Relatives of your enemies are mine too but they be my kin, cousins, brothers, I cannot comply
Therefore, I either got your back or my kin’s back regardless of their misguided allegiance fly
Enemies just a word for people who are jealous of you or what you’ve attained via karma stats
Of mice and men & all the rest of the vibrant, vital animations of matter, mind of wombats.

Compared to what? This here and that there, one way or the other, theoretically speaking now
If the world is finite then why do finite beings exist on it, it seems finite beings need to chillax
If they don’t then it’ll be intensive care or the morgue in the future once a ticker ceases a gun
Trippin’ past the Event Horizon to a stretch of Singularity, ceasing to be just a sleeping nun.

r j j stephan, i
c. 5-5-2020
{ Jammin’ & rockin’ to this while watchin’ the #SideShow & rockin’ to Van Morrison in Ireland VanMorrison #Wavelength on youTube link @ https://youtu.be/DhHfcrOwBas }

Monday, May 04, 2020

#FishInTheNet #CantCatchWhatsAlreadyCaught #ThrowBacks @WhiteyFord #Everlast @BobDylan #TheGodfather

Richard Joseph Stephan · Monday, May 4, 2020
---- #RunninFullThrottle #PedalToTheMetal ----
Better to me than I was to myself but it just didn't fly more than a few decades, It’s caput
On the rocks for the sake of knowing that you’re gonna die and haven’t accomplished it
Whatever that was when you were a teenager, the It hasn’t panned out & time’s wasting
Fake news and fake memories of things that never happened, somewhere over a rainbow.

By the curbside where a flying balloon lands just past the cornfields, Iowa or Nebraska husks
Where you’ll find the sweetness before the bitter ends, makes you cry to let it all go bye-bye
But then again, if you analyze the situation, you have no idea why you’re here anyway, to fly?
Up and down the mountains, downstream to the seas and on to the rain clouds’ rainbows high.

For the sake of sanity, you must play the hard rock with the classical notes of a million scales
Cryptic thoughts tied up in the arpeggios and chords from the angelic realm, above or below
Mean streets of only one way from the origin to the ends, it’s the only way to go, no free wills
On being all too human with crazy talkin’ control over the planetary orbit, lunatic WW5 kills.

In a position to rock the boat being the captain isn’t the brother you thought he was, no way
Not a moment will pass from now on to the last breath, when you forget the ruins, old homes
The way it was is the way it’ll never be again, nothing to do with the blaming herd’s immunity
Just the way it was is not the way it’s gonna be, space & time will tell if we’re phuqng gnomes!

Throw a mask on your face and it will make you feel invincible to the invisible lovers of DNA
Bad boys’ evil RNA to perform #TheBusiness on our kids & old ladies, the gods are on furlow
Like little babies in the cradle, we let the bugs run rampant up an down their legs and minds
For the sake of the Eagles among us, at least there’s the carrion left on ground zero, oh hero!

OK, now let’s roll, who’s in charge, take us to your leader, there’s only One in charge, don’t lie
I know when your nose gets red and you want some alcohol to drink or maryjane to cover fate
There it is, you’re ripe and ready now for the Truth, it’s been said before, what soul is all about
Doom n’ gloom go boom, darkness’ dirty, dark kings in check, the queens’ are at War to mate!

r j j stephan, i
{ drafted while listenin’ to some nonsense from RobertZimmerman1977 on youTube link @ https://youtu.be/hUvcWXTIjcU & https://youtu.be/L9EKqQWPjyo & Bruce Springsteen link @ https://youtu.be/BNwpbW0wCAI }

#WhoIsHiding #VirusInPlainSight #NowhereYetEverywhere #Maskup on your #Makeup @LosLonelyBoys @ArtieShaw

Richard Joseph Stephan · Monday, May 4, 2020
---------------  #WaitAndSee #NFW -------------
My down is not my up and the end is not my beginning, extreme unction for the soothing pie
Humble innards from the depths of psycho perception of the dream within a dream, pre-post
Presence of the people in the motels and hotels that used to be empty, now homeless camps
In your city and in your towns of fat bastards and crazy, cruel bitches with feelings, ya Bums!

Who am I to say? A visit a few thousand years ago and we dropped off some of our used fuel
Now, here y’all are, as they say down south, that’s fine but the evolution is beginning to fail
It’s not because there’s any evil will to become extinct, it’s built into the program, to prepare
It the inevitable and some of the most profound wisdom of the DNA, you’ve procreated hair!

The carrion are the carriers of the hair which in turn is the breeding ground, viral & bacterial
Rocks left over from Big Bangs and/or the illusion of being in a dream you can’t awaken from
Close in on the Singularity because there is an inevitable collapse of the Event Horizon into 0
Why we all got an outside chance to breathe in the hot and cold winds of change, don’t know!

Uncertainty is a certain principle that cannot erode during time, it’s an abstract, sacred vapes
Policy to hear the words and comprehend the essence of grunting sounds of hot, naked apes
Deep Space & Time pussyfooting Truth, you remember it all, the day before God’s conception
Here and now, at this spot in Time, there’s Nothing, quest complete, to divine err, it is done!

Pumped the lights from the ultraviolet and infrared region of the burning stardust into a shell
Packed it with the powder of fireworks to send it as far as it could go in an outer space of hehl
Dubious to be one of the many concerned with all but the One but there it is, old man & a sea
It’s what happens if you don’t die young, you get to speculate about the promise of eternity.

Saved from an edge of the twilight zone, all ghosts’ hands on the funky deck, mother’s milk
Nobody can find us and nobody will until UFOs return from the Ether of #DiamondAndSilk
Bloody & without any hint of heartbeats, y’all get what ya paid for, get specific to the generals
Mic’d up for the mass, celebrating the death dancin’ cancer of God, risen from a rotten grave.

r j j stephan, i
c. Monday, May 4th, 2020 A.D. @ 1:11 PM PST
{ Waiting for my 5th on the 4th of may, may the 4th be with you though, I ain’t no hater, but well.... wrote this while listenin’ to @ArtieShaw #HornUp on youTube link @ https://youtu.be/GsiKy_H1KUM }

#AllThereIs @Santana #EverythingIsNothingAtAll #StringTheoryAndYourLittleArse

Richard Joseph Stephan · Monday, May 4, 2020
--- #TimeWaitsForNobody #TimeIsOut ----
Fairy tales cannot come true, even if you have a fairy who delivers upon demand, acts of Will
Intention to do what needs to be done at any given time when opportunity arises to break bad
We all do what we gotta do, under pressure or not, nothing really matters in Mariana’s trench
All you are you take with you as you leave your nest of Ma & Pa, you’ll use the good wisdom?

Perfection of the mutated genetic matter not only was impossible, it’s an impossible fool’s act
Recombining the DNA from species-specific coupling will edge toward extinction, life’s effect
Or the Facts of Life which are, girls and boys grown become mothers and fathers, good & bad
Not just some men and women but Everyone, there are no exceptions to the Rule, so, so sad.

Today cosmic stew flew right past an infinite series of burned out stars, looking like planets
Wait! What? Those are burned out stars just like all of the rest, they burn & burnout dumb
Nothing new or special about that, infinite time is a series of eating, bird, cow & veal cutlets
Minimum wages will get you to survive in a hostile environment but you need a mate/chum.

Exploration of the world as we know it is disregarded when we go to sleep at night or we die
Nothing including your entire life and career full of memories of the good, the bad and ugly
Miraculous things realized and for a very important reason, miracles are symbolic of a secret
You know like I know what happened before or during the #BigBang, Bam now you know!

Unified laws and general theories, relativity’s categorical imperative, you lived, you’ll die high
Nothing other than that is certain, Dr. Heisenberg’s principle erased the gods, less One’s flip
My true self has nothing to do with my mother and father in the flesh, an entropic soul’s sigh
Utter domination of Alice bytes lost in #Wonderland’s Black Hole, I am as I willed to be, Zip.

r j j stephan, i
c. Lundi, May 4th, 2020 A.D. @ 12:12 PM PST
{ Drafted during a lecture on #BlackHoles by Leonard Susskind- The father of String Theory How many bytes of information in a black hole can a guy fit into a bar? link on youTube #IncreaseTheMass #FireItUp @ https://youtu.be/2DIl3Hfh9tY }

Friday, May 01, 2020

#CaseyAtBat #MAYday #MayDay #OneMay2020 #WordUpsCuz #ColorBlind #ActinTheFoo #NumberNineBongBang @MAYDAY #MAYDAY #GDI

Richard Joseph Stephan · Friday, May 1, 2020
-------------- #Shallowness ---------------
There is no reason in #Wu-Han to doubt me since you’re not hearing this, you’re the minions
It will take y’all either an hour or two minutes to go through the faux original reproductions
Movies that won’t move any more, those are both pictures and memories, we greatfully dead
Not only the men and women, the dogs, cats, snakes and birds Noah got in Antarctica’s bed.

It’s a saga without significance, like the last words of a dead guy or gal, like #WhatTheHeck
Or divine #Form of matter that comes out a burning ball of gas, It expands and It collapses
Created Creator for comfort to edge out the doomsayers, the heroes of us, #AllHandsOnDeck
If you’ve been to the edge of this world, Earth, your town, city, country or continent, ya know!

One thing, you and I don’t actually know anything at all, nobody knows anything for certain
There’s the uncertainty that you’ve got to entertain, as a septic, One that is true to only One
I mean, before I can figure out any type of algebraic equation or geometric 3D calculus, I die
What good was that to come and go without an answer to the question, what da physiques UP?

Glory days of the danm Yankees from the Big Apple are all gone, all we got is the replays @10
But it’s better than just the #Words comin’ out of our #Yaps, it’s a faux pas of evolution, sin
Meaning what happens when you disobey the law is the sin and what you get is the big stick
That’s punishment for the crime of disregarding sacred rules of the road, facts of life’s dick.

All you ever were and always will be is an egg, fertilized to think that you’re a #BigShot, yo
You will find out in the end regardless of your #BlindFaith from the #BrightLights of Chicago
Or Jersey, the NYC Apple or City of Angels, Miami, Seattle or Nome, nobody gets out alive, eh
Nobody gets OUT alive, #Leftists left 3 #Rightists on base, #GamzOver Adam, Eve’s #Today!

r j j stephan, i
c. Vendredi 1er mai 2020 (dans l'année du Seigneur) Anno Domini A.D., @ 11:11 Ante Meridien (AM) Heure normale du Pacifique (PST)
{ Drafted being inundated by the #Minions whereever they came from & listening to the Sounds of the mighty #TowerOfPower CONCERT from #GoldStateOfBeingCalifornia, youTube link @ https://youtu.be/LngXJ5kwt84?t=63 }
S icilianphilosophy's coup d'Etat 
#MayDay #DontTellOnSnitches