
Friday, May 01, 2020

#CaseyAtBat #MAYday #MayDay #OneMay2020 #WordUpsCuz #ColorBlind #ActinTheFoo #NumberNineBongBang @MAYDAY #MAYDAY #GDI

Richard Joseph Stephan · Friday, May 1, 2020
-------------- #Shallowness ---------------
There is no reason in #Wu-Han to doubt me since you’re not hearing this, you’re the minions
It will take y’all either an hour or two minutes to go through the faux original reproductions
Movies that won’t move any more, those are both pictures and memories, we greatfully dead
Not only the men and women, the dogs, cats, snakes and birds Noah got in Antarctica’s bed.

It’s a saga without significance, like the last words of a dead guy or gal, like #WhatTheHeck
Or divine #Form of matter that comes out a burning ball of gas, It expands and It collapses
Created Creator for comfort to edge out the doomsayers, the heroes of us, #AllHandsOnDeck
If you’ve been to the edge of this world, Earth, your town, city, country or continent, ya know!

One thing, you and I don’t actually know anything at all, nobody knows anything for certain
There’s the uncertainty that you’ve got to entertain, as a septic, One that is true to only One
I mean, before I can figure out any type of algebraic equation or geometric 3D calculus, I die
What good was that to come and go without an answer to the question, what da physiques UP?

Glory days of the danm Yankees from the Big Apple are all gone, all we got is the replays @10
But it’s better than just the #Words comin’ out of our #Yaps, it’s a faux pas of evolution, sin
Meaning what happens when you disobey the law is the sin and what you get is the big stick
That’s punishment for the crime of disregarding sacred rules of the road, facts of life’s dick.

All you ever were and always will be is an egg, fertilized to think that you’re a #BigShot, yo
You will find out in the end regardless of your #BlindFaith from the #BrightLights of Chicago
Or Jersey, the NYC Apple or City of Angels, Miami, Seattle or Nome, nobody gets out alive, eh
Nobody gets OUT alive, #Leftists left 3 #Rightists on base, #GamzOver Adam, Eve’s #Today!

r j j stephan, i
c. Vendredi 1er mai 2020 (dans l'annĂ©e du Seigneur) Anno Domini A.D., @ 11:11 Ante Meridien (AM) Heure normale du Pacifique (PST)
{ Drafted being inundated by the #Minions whereever they came from & listening to the Sounds of the mighty #TowerOfPower CONCERT from #GoldStateOfBeingCalifornia, youTube link @ https://youtu.be/LngXJ5kwt84?t=63 }
S icilianphilosophy's coup d'Etat 
#MayDay #DontTellOnSnitches

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