
Wednesday, October 14, 2020

#GodsCareLess #AllTooDivine #HumanityRULES #NoExtinctionOfSpecies

Richard Joseph Stephan · Wednesday, October 14, 2020
---------------- #RungMyBells -----------------
Time and Space happened to me the day my mother and father conceived this body I got here
208 bones kept upright by an effulgence of indulgence in the out-takes of the drive-in movie
Opened the windows to keep the steam down and to keep her perfume from seeping into me
I have no idea why the aroma was such a good and pleasurable sniff but there it was, musky.

Not like a skunk musk or the skunk pungency of any other burning plants’ or animals’ pyres
In flames and smoking hot for a moment in time, Nothing stops whether good, evil or so ugly
This is all there is if you subscribe to the interplanetary solar system theory of existence scree
Unlike the babies under ten years old, the maturing of reproductive organs causes love’s fires.

Let me just say this about that bitter taste in your mouth, lucky that’s the only place you taste
In the case of having the competent ability to choose your associates based on intrinsic values
In a gang or a group of like minded individuals who collect themselves into a sort of bee hive
Where the buzz is to keep killer bees outside the bee group to protect the one queen’s honey.

Senior junior, sophomore or freshman makes little or no difference, ignorance is indeed, bliss
For you and for me and everyone else, the dead know now what we’ll know in due Time, Dick
Taking any day or night full of unconscious system shutdown away from us would spell tragic
Nothing itself should be taken for granted, that’s all there is after this dream of life, All It Is.

What is not fair in love and war? Nothing. Everything is fair in love an war, learn that soon
Become the One aware in your amorphousness family, in or out of your four cornered room
You can see that it’s all a matter of interpretation of the data, you may be right & I am crazy
I think I am thinking therefore, I think I am living a mortal awareness of beings, gods I see.

Inner knowledge and wisdom from the monks, the brothers, the sisters and high priests of Ra
On down through thousands of years into this here four cornered room, down with ma & pa
On stage for the finale, iron curtain drops and never comes back up, there’s no other chance
Search must be in the moments that dissipate into the matrix, a Twilight Zone’s happy dance.

Give it up now, right now or never and have no regrets, the world’s a ghetto and it’s all true
You and I NEVER had a chance to change the thing, it was it’s own thing, it did what it did
We were just passengers on the cruise-line watching rainwater of the ocean, a non-sequitur
Sky and water and this ship in the night, middle of nowhere with the moonshine and beer.

Serving men or mice you must mix in happiness because the atmosphere is insecure, volatile
Ready to blow at any moment, red giants need their momentary super nova debris micro tile
Pieces of a puzzle to be reoriented & spliced together in a vacuum of One’s selfless awareness
You there with me now? Through no fault of infancy, we’re in a muddy ghetto or a UFO fizz.

You’re a punk, I know ‘cause I’m One too, it’s an inheritance spell of DNA’s coded angel-devil
Smooth as ice or silk and as invisible as helium or hydrogen, drop my ego into this Vegas slot
It was in every breath and every word coming out of your lips and mouth, I cursed a whole lot
I have no idea why the Musk was such a good and pleasurable sniff but there it was, I am evil.

r j j stephan, i
c. Mercredi, ROCKTOBER 14th, 2020 A.D. @ 5:55 AMPST
{ Drafted in a micro-daze while listenin’ to Carlos Santana with 6 & 1/2 million others on youTube FESTIVALDEVINACHILE link @ https://youtu.be/AX9j0vIJ-aA }

Tuesday, October 13, 2020

#GreatBarringtonEvent #CourtPacking #COVID19 & @DowJonesIndices

Richard Joseph Stephan · Tuesday, October 13, 2020
--------------------- #BeginAtTheEnding -----------------------
I got your #COVid19 right here my man, come on and sit right down here and we’ll mitigate
As if you have any choice about life and death on Earth at all, come on man! It’s a canard
To be or not to be? Please. You have no choice if your DNA has been optimized to be hard
Of the mice, the rats, the bats and bad men who roam the planet’s rocks and dirt for a date.

What can you do with the data, the information that fills in the blanks, as if you know it rocks
Of choices between you and the rest of the world, as it appears to be, in this glass shadow box
Upon awakening from a dream in a dream, the sleep remains on top of the bed, a soul to keep
Swathed in mummy wraps, soft, warm alternating with hard and cold, womb dreamin’ sleep.

Are you with me because if you aren’t get off of my warship, we’re gonna gaze at the futures
Of men and the rats who feed off of their ash and loaded caskets full of bones, our mothers
Commonly very complex, the DNA of this genome’s polypeptide sequence is a COVid19 loom
Weaving a fictional cause of the Earth’s pollution and pending deceleration into God’s doom.

Remember before your conception or even before your personal birth into this pandemic life
Queens and kings follow the gold and the bugs to the pathway leading back to the virgin wife
Just because you want your DNA contribution to be yours and nobody else’s ovum zygote, uh
Doesn’t matter in the scheme of things, in the order of lines, forms, shapes of live, red blood.

You have the germs, the activated bacterial cultures and viral infections in a petri dish moms
Keep away from people who fill the womb Miami to Seattle, olden days’ statutory rape bombs
For the people, by the people and of the people who are still alive after it is all said and done
This One’s for YOU, books are alive with fools, dead men and women, dead ain’t so much fun.

r j j stephan, i
c. MARDI, ROCKTOBER 13TH, 2020 A.D. @ 11:11 AMPST
{ Drafted while listenin’ to the #NeedleDrop on #BallotHarvesting #KillHomelessCamps @HEART #HITS on youTube link @ https://youtu.be/BdlJX-5WiOk }
* * *

Monday, October 12, 2020

#RegressionProgression #ItIsDone #DontWorryBeHappy #SaturdayNightLive #Billy #POTUS_45

Richard Joseph Stephan · Monday, October 12, 2020
---------- #ArtificialIgnorance ----------

Jelly and jam optional as long as there's white WonderBread and my SKIPPY Peanut Butter s
My father hated that my fingers were swiped in the jar, in turn I blamed it on my little sisters
My mother let me slide if she got to the jar first before my father swiped his knife, stuck it in
It ain't my fault the other 5 children ran out of daily sandwiches of #BlueBonnetMargarine .

On the other hand, since life is but a dream according to the song I played on the accordions
A little red one, a pretty blue one and a fine black one which I've retained for 60 years of sins
Only venial or maybe a mortal one or two, I am so perturbed by the comedy and tragedy of I
My ego is irritated unto death with the waiting for the end to see what happens, multiply pi.

From a zygote to a grave or a tweeter full of dusted words, in any case, all holy death to avoid
How many zygotes are aborted, how many fertile, animated germs die without a yoke's code
To be a man or a woman, infant, baby to adult is the whole point, you come in a vacuum void
AdamIc and EveVent in a garden on Earth, on one of seven continents, speculation ala mode.

In the world, on the planet's surface, above and below it too, flying and dying to get into et al
Fathers and mothers of the being either evolved or were descended from something, a #One
Simply complex at one & the same time, everything & nothing, love & charm of the 1st atom
Before the Big Bang, before the Singularity, before 7 white dwarves and I, the red giant chum.

Psychosomatic with the avoidance of you and I, the aliens have spread rumors like assplagues
Stay away from me, yes you without a gag on your lips, I can't tell if you hate me or love me
Your eyes lie about everything, you may be sticking out your tongue when I speak in tongues
Speaking of consensual, smoked brilliance, hot cherry pie but I am #WOKE , Yo! #bafunguze !

rjj stephan, i
c. Lundi, ROCKTOBER 12th, 2020 Anno Domini @ 0845 hours PST
{Drafted while in an alternate universe pharynx with Armstrong & Getty on Talk 650 KSTE 0600-1000 AMPST link # https://www.iheart.com/live/talk-650-229/ & listenin 'to MorganWallen #LittleRain in an infinite loop @ https://youtu.be/o92I3m0i_QE }