
Tuesday, October 13, 2020

#GreatBarringtonEvent #CourtPacking #COVID19 & @DowJonesIndices

Richard Joseph Stephan · Tuesday, October 13, 2020
--------------------- #BeginAtTheEnding -----------------------
I got your #COVid19 right here my man, come on and sit right down here and we’ll mitigate
As if you have any choice about life and death on Earth at all, come on man! It’s a canard
To be or not to be? Please. You have no choice if your DNA has been optimized to be hard
Of the mice, the rats, the bats and bad men who roam the planet’s rocks and dirt for a date.

What can you do with the data, the information that fills in the blanks, as if you know it rocks
Of choices between you and the rest of the world, as it appears to be, in this glass shadow box
Upon awakening from a dream in a dream, the sleep remains on top of the bed, a soul to keep
Swathed in mummy wraps, soft, warm alternating with hard and cold, womb dreamin’ sleep.

Are you with me because if you aren’t get off of my warship, we’re gonna gaze at the futures
Of men and the rats who feed off of their ash and loaded caskets full of bones, our mothers
Commonly very complex, the DNA of this genome’s polypeptide sequence is a COVid19 loom
Weaving a fictional cause of the Earth’s pollution and pending deceleration into God’s doom.

Remember before your conception or even before your personal birth into this pandemic life
Queens and kings follow the gold and the bugs to the pathway leading back to the virgin wife
Just because you want your DNA contribution to be yours and nobody else’s ovum zygote, uh
Doesn’t matter in the scheme of things, in the order of lines, forms, shapes of live, red blood.

You have the germs, the activated bacterial cultures and viral infections in a petri dish moms
Keep away from people who fill the womb Miami to Seattle, olden days’ statutory rape bombs
For the people, by the people and of the people who are still alive after it is all said and done
This One’s for YOU, books are alive with fools, dead men and women, dead ain’t so much fun.

r j j stephan, i
c. MARDI, ROCKTOBER 13TH, 2020 A.D. @ 11:11 AMPST
{ Drafted while listenin’ to the #NeedleDrop on #BallotHarvesting #KillHomelessCamps @HEART #HITS on youTube link @ https://youtu.be/BdlJX-5WiOk }
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