
Thursday, January 04, 2024

#Psycho #Sycophants #WheresWALDO? #NadaJoker

 Force of air above & the ground we arrive alive upon below the filthy star dirt
You probably should stop reading to understand the Truth, it is so gonna hurt
Your balance of the inside & outside of your skull & bones is a matter of energy
Nothing is free, dude, liberty’s conceptual analysis yields no god of Humanity.

Astronauts & Cosmonauts came & went back to the place in Space we’ll not see
Everything we’ve been taught in every school in every culture since day One
Lone wolf in a mysterious conjecture of Why this petri dish of DNA’s blue sea
Imagine one cell of DNA, it evolves into you & I, the extinction of species’ fun.

Physically and emotionally a bundle of the dead poets & philosophers who died
Of natural or unnatural causes, according to the legends tattle tales, some lied
But which digital threat of fear & loathing is too sinister a Reality in 2024 AD?
Shutting down the power grid for the marines, the navy & the air force, I’m bad.

Words matter, thoughts evaporate & extinguish Life as we know it, nevermore
As it is, you thought God kept your consciousness’ recollection of birth/death
Instead, as Witness of the spacemen reported, THERE AIN’T A THING ABOVE
Doubt my essence of The Way’s free choice, Nothing but girls & boys in love.

Pity’s what the wild men & women need, it’s an industrial disease of a dire strait
Once the ticket to paradise is punched, the alligator ate the living entrails' fate
Follow nobody but your invisible father in heaven, absentee, pure wisdom’s tea
Eyes closed or wide opened to see the light, blinded conception, silent liberty.

You have plagiarized everything from A to Z in a sequence of ad infinitum sap
It flows as scat does down hill but none of it survives in the black hole PM nap
Singularity will blame nobody about anything, don’t worry now, just be happy
All you can do, every night and day from the first day it dawns on you, you die.

Like you needed to release the functionality of the corpus dillecti injection
The venom that created the events of cause & effect is the original infection
Recycle the things themselves, heart to heart, beyond good & evil invention
Female & clueless male is dumped conception to show how to be dead & gone.

One fallacious argument to persuade the invisible idiots mated, all dead & gone
Don’t say that phrase again, it’s disturbing to my adolescent children’s i-Phone
On the leashed reins of the wild dogs who obey nobody but a choker spike chain
Inherited, earned through hard, gold panning work, grave digging’ old man.

Comprehend ways to get from one end to another without dying in transit, sigh
You’ve no choice, y’all ain’t free to drown in the sea or jump off a cliff way high
Rational thought forces deduced inductive conclusion, counter argument tool
To be or not to be, no question asked, not even by an uneducated, unwoke fool.

#Woke morons’ wannabe this & that, fill in the blanks from semi trucker to clerk
Making more money on a salary or hourly wage than you’d get as a soda jerk
Since you’d be volunteering your time without recompense, you on a downlow?
Pride being privileged to serve the hell, black hole Singularity, above as below.
r j j stephan, i

c. Jeudi, 1-4-2024 Anno Domini @ 1111 AMPST