Invited to the party… but I didn’t know anyone except the lady who invited me, she’s goneAs if she was never here in the first or second place, through no fault of my own, I’m a pawn
On the board, playin’ the game by the rules against cheaters and liars who lose & then moan
As if it matters that you hear the displeasure of losing to you, the jig’s up fronting predawn.
Through the spin of Earth, assimilating the day and the night, it is what songs sing all about
Fear and loathing in every invisible atom of your skull, bones & inner soul, the ol’ holy spirit
Signify yourself by your irrelevance to the whole shebang, no matter what you do, you s#it
Yourself, in your diaper at first until you get badgered into getting clear on sanitary shout-out.
Bad boog-a-loo and slick bumpin’ & jumpin’ all around the drums & horns mix with G-strings
Keepin’ the harmony & melody with electronic 88’s & y’all’s’ mama knows the rest, she sings
On my knees down below the baby’s high-chair, like the boss of the board, not yet chairman
Acting like One in control of every decision to move this way or that, nobody doin’ a can-can.
A dance of steps, to and fro with random side-steps to follow, to get to the final waste of Time
Not telling anybody’s story once they’re dead, just look at the corpse & wait for the stop signs
Closing the top of the coffin/casket keeping the dead 208 bones contained from predator sins
Hear the sounds, see the sights, feel what’s hip from scent & taste of the loaves and fish fins.
Ready on the starting line, set to go and without further ado, it’s on the way to the finishin’
On the race of the Good scents of Evil for survival of the most fit species, prejudiced redskin
In the darkness of this living dream, many think they know it all, wise knowledge deepfakes
Certainty principles are appearances of the doom & gloom that rattles until the gods shakes.
Substance before the Big Bang was nothing like the sway of the human woman’s hips I feel
Makin’ my move to pretend that the species’ hormone has little to control the whole deal
Nothing left when everything loses its attention of your conscious mind, a brain-dead loner
Your creators & your parents along with enculturation methods will usurp you, The Stoner.
Think about surviving without the Gold earned or inherited from something Itself, squib cakes
No forgiveness for the malfeasance of your holy fathers and pure, virgin mothers and sisters
Harmony & some working rhythm keeping time with the movement of the waves & high tides
Beat kept from A to G, sharp & flat, diminished in major, minor or seventh, felt the beat vibes.
Alright, it’s going to gitter done on the backstroke & last toke, there’s no time to f’n waste
Playin’ with fire & sandcastles that won’t last through the next tide, ebb or neap, God’s Face
Gas up to begin the journey, it’s a necessary and sufficient condition to X or implode Space
Very good or not, it is what it is, it could be worse, you might not ever have been born, ace.
You’ve joined the herd by inheritance from the sex acts of Romeos & Juliettes who live & die
History of an unknown origin, rocks, scissors, sharp needles and silver spoons for the blue sky
Moving things, animated animals of animation, cartoons of comedy and drama, Word is all up
Love, Fear of losing Life, crushed, burnt, drowned or consumed like a BBQ’d swine or dog pup.
Peace & Ends of it have much to do with territory & boundaries for saving your family jewels
What I had before I died went right back into the matrix mix, immersed inside cosmic stew
Better or worse may not be good but evil is better than the alternative, Nothing but a Void
All spirits conclude it’s better to be than not to be, no question, the only answer, I’m android.
r j j stephan, i
c. Dimanche, February 2nd MMXXV Anno Domini 444 PMPST
{ Jammed while loopin’ #OneHeartbeat by @SmokeyRobinson in a loop on youTube link @ https://youtu.be/A39xfn3K_Ps?si=esrXN1EKYLxyGn-z }