
Showing posts with label #BeltYouToNirvana #PedalToDaMetal. Show all posts
Showing posts with label #BeltYouToNirvana #PedalToDaMetal. Show all posts

Sunday, February 02, 2025

#ChinnyChinChin #SuperBowlLVXIMMXIII 2025 A.D. #USAID



Invited to the party… but I didn’t know anyone except the lady who invited me, she’s gone
As if she was never here in the first or second place, through no fault of my own, I’m a pawn
On the board, playin’ the game by the rules against cheaters and liars who lose & then moan
As if it matters that you hear the displeasure of losing to you, the jig’s up fronting predawn.

Through the spin of Earth, assimilating the day and the night, it is what songs sing all about
Fear and loathing in every invisible atom of your skull, bones & inner soul, the ol’ holy spirit
Signify yourself by your irrelevance to the whole shebang, no matter what you do, you s#it
Yourself, in your diaper at first until you get badgered into getting clear on sanitary shout-out.

Bad boog-a-loo and slick bumpin’ & jumpin’ all around the drums & horns mix with G-strings
Keepin’ the harmony & melody with electronic 88’s & y’all’s’ mama knows the rest, she sings
On my knees down below the baby’s high-chair, like the boss of the board, not yet chairman
Acting like One in control of every decision to move this way or that, nobody doin’ a can-can.

A dance of steps, to and fro with random side-steps to follow, to get to the final waste of Time
Not telling anybody’s story once they’re dead, just look at the corpse & wait for the stop signs
Closing the top of the coffin/casket keeping the dead 208 bones contained from predator sins
Hear the sounds, see the sights, feel what’s hip from scent & taste of the loaves and fish fins.

Ready on the starting line, set to go and without further ado, it’s on the way to the finishin’
On the race of the Good scents of Evil for survival of the most fit species, prejudiced redskin
In the darkness of this living dream, many think they know it all, wise knowledge deepfakes
Certainty principles are appearances of the doom & gloom that rattles until the gods shakes.

Substance before the Big Bang was nothing like the sway of the human woman’s hips I feel
Makin’ my move to pretend that the species’ hormone has little to control the whole deal
Nothing left when everything loses its attention of your conscious mind, a brain-dead loner
Your creators & your parents along with enculturation methods will usurp you, The Stoner.

Think about surviving without the Gold earned or inherited from something Itself, squib cakes
No forgiveness for the malfeasance of your holy fathers and pure, virgin mothers and sisters
Harmony & some working rhythm keeping time with the movement of the waves & high tides
Beat kept from A to G, sharp & flat, diminished in major, minor or seventh, felt the beat vibes.

Alright, it’s going to gitter done on the backstroke & last toke, there’s no time to f’n waste
Playin’ with fire & sandcastles that won’t last through the next tide, ebb or neap, God’s Face
Gas up to begin the journey, it’s a necessary and sufficient condition to X or implode Space
Very good or not, it is what it is, it could be worse, you might not ever have been born, ace.

You’ve joined the herd by inheritance from the sex acts of Romeos & Juliettes who live & die
History of an unknown origin, rocks, scissors, sharp needles and silver spoons for the blue sky
Moving things, animated animals of animation, cartoons of comedy and drama, Word is all up
Love, Fear of losing Life, crushed, burnt, drowned or consumed like a BBQ’d swine or dog pup.

Peace & Ends of it have much to do with territory & boundaries for saving your family jewels
What I had before I died went right back into the matrix mix, immersed inside cosmic stew
Better or worse may not be good but evil is better than the alternative, Nothing but a Void
All spirits conclude it’s better to be than not to be, no question, the only answer, I’m android.


r j j  stephan, i

c.  Dimanche, February 2nd MMXXV Anno Domini 444 PMPST

{ Jammed while loopin’ #OneHeartbeat by @SmokeyRobinson in a loop on youTube link @ https://youtu.be/A39xfn3K_Ps?si=esrXN1EKYLxyGn-z }



Sunday, January 12, 2025

#StopPretendingThatYoureSomoneElse #SoulSearching

You are now homeless because you’ve spread homelessness, hum bums’ junk, Elvis & y’all
All streamin’ bums and junkies rule the uninhabited wealth of the high hill of the fools’ hill
Bums invaded the neighborhood of gold & silver hoarders, underground safely down low
Real estate agents, owners of the properties in paradise above & beyond the dregs below.

Tricks with or without magic words can cause the effect because of your will to power trip
Stark view of the world as we know it can suffice for all you’ll ever know and never skip
In the heat of the frozen night, undercovers that mysterious curiosity nobody recalls at all
Shot the guns and rifles, to be certain of the uncertainty of bad guys in mean streets’ pall.

Steering clear of the obstacles you could see, hear & smell but couldn’t touch good taste
Drinkin’ the alcohol only makes you want to drink more alcohol, a downward spiral mate
Our ancestors and descendants were & will be the filthy bums, drunks on the backstreets
Pumped the love and hate joy-juice into thin skin, down to the 208 bones’ hard rock beats.

Soul begins the scoot on the road, up the middle to the end of the clear lines, finite redux
High or low, seen or invisible to the sixth or the other five senses, days of old are pure luck
You were conceived either on purpose or in error, in every case roll & sweet leaf, Za ZEN tea
Runaways don’t turn into Getaways easily, balls ripped from their backs for social security.

Sensational alpha before the dawn turns into an extinct omega, we had to take it easy, man
Understanding & Acceptance of the Truth as it is, are required blind faith, One won, amen
Before each of our conceptions, saving your skin and bones wasn’t necessary, now it is, so
Dreaming you live and die on Earth is the cosmic psychopathic trail, whistle me, just blow!

My brown-eyed girl animates sleeping, inanimate objects of stone, obliterated a freemason
Out in bright sunlight with nothing to hide in a shadow of anything in itself, eyes wide open
Punch directly delivered to the two lips & chin, recall an uppercut to the jaw-drop the gums
You can’t fool mother nature & better love yo mama, karma isn’t kind to mother’s slums.

Essence of incense in the olfactory region of the form, scratch & sniff for the full effect of It
Living free or indentured makes a difference to humans alive on Earth, rich, poor, same chit
Oxygen helping to keep us all alive while carbon-O2 we exhale is used for cash, gods’ gold
Built to rock, stone & plastic fastened together in forged steel, it’s skyline to be rigmarole.

I have a secret which cannot be bifurcated in anyone’s mouth, you hear nothing at all y’all
Conceptual analysis is the tool your father warned you about & you played contrarian ball
Law enforced right after the crime is committed to avoid chaos’ lawlessness down under
Of the women and the puppy love served up in the way too early teens, SNAFU & FUBAR.

Penniless without pockets anyway, wealthy in a manner of speaking, far, far away, too far
Radioactive blood feeding the frenzy for a gold standard & live jerk-offs alive in a bell jar
A rat and a mole confronted each other inside of a floating container, it’s hard to swallow
No more being nice to the relative species, “No More Mr. Nice Guy!” what I oughta bellow.

Hound dog song clarifies the way it is, the way it goes more often than not, a ghost towner
Not alive & not dead but in between a rockin’ hard place & Outerspace’s empty chattaqua
Etcetera comin’ in threes like you’ve never seen before, now that I mentioned it, she sees
Overhears about what nobody but you will find, creepin’ afoot explains stone ‘hood’s trees.

In search of the miraculous trip only gods get, there are too many now homeless in the hills
Where the angels lived on a hill above the creepy fires that sealed the thievery speed bawls
No desires for things unrequited nor unrequired by the thing itself in me, underground to fear
Pity for the less fortunate who made the beds they sleep in, they don’t like it, God don’t care.

Called them punks because they seemed beyond good & evil, both in & out of stone temples
On the corners off the busy streets, using the cross-street to nominate the group of greasers
Or the future American religious-political fodder farmed from Wisconsin to Colorado fool gold
Shut your mouth oughta do the trick & keep the occult out of sight, certain it can’t be found.

In theoretical jargon, the conclusion deduced before a last gasp for one & all, that’s all folks
Splashin’ & screamin’ but it’s what’s happening when there’s a Big Bang & nowhere left to go
Past to Future in a snap, hardly a moment spent in the Present, Presence a gift to never give
Truth for all Life in all forms is just to be or not to be, Francis Bacon retrograde to Plato alive.

Regardless of your knowledge & recollection of facts of life & death, it’s happening Supreme
Wisdom of the ghost within is to remain humming silently like a well-oiled cyber-punk meme
Ruthless to defend power within at all costs, a priori premise & a posteriori deduced, it is sent
Masticating live birth, day & night ala womb to tomb & so on, it’s out of my hands, get bent!

r j j stephan, i

c. Dimanche, 1-12-2025 Anno Domini @ 1111 AMPST
{ Slapped this out the demons’ mouths while showing @TheRollingStones #LivingInAGhostTown on youTube link @ https://youtu.be/fq-NsyKxDiI }


Monday, January 06, 2025

WORD DOWN TO THE UPPERS #NeverForgetNineNineONE #Picasso & #911 #GetReady #HereWeGo #HereWeGo


Can I be frank here Frankie & Johnny since you can’t be, y’all are too afoul of stench and stank
My God & your gods are at war in the final fiscal battle for all of the gold in the dead lead bank
Cope with the next ten minutes & you’ll be good to go, bull’s eye on your heart not in the back
Dead air is underneath your wings as it should have been as your head’s been injured by crack.

Motherless and father in heaven, there was only One virgin left to come away with Life on Earth
Hear the scream to come into the oxygenated Space below the heavens, luck got the high hand
Queens over aces are the full boat you screamed about in Reno, cheated the house’s Black Jacks
Moved around until it was later than midnight’s manufactured night moves, I worked on backs.

Massaged until the cash register rang up the price to pay for the feeling of ecstatic “Eye DGAF”
Use a calculator to figure out the following equation when “x” & “y” equal subzero holy muck
Linguistic certainty of believing with Blind Faith that we’re here & now yet in some dire strait
A dream within a Poe dream, night’s mare of being innocent & powerless on a first love date.

Recollect the symphony playing Strauss in your headphones as you picked up the mellow riff
His mother named him Richard after his father’s uncle Rich who wandered onto the RR track
High to low,in 208 pieces all about being shattered in a NYC minute, if you know, you're a stiff
You know that it’s all manufactured scat from a bull, a dog or cool cat, on the 4 corners’ black.

No concrete or blacktop in the dust, glass and wood build the scat that One’s fire will toast
Burnt to a crisp, all dried up every atom of H2O & we’ve turned into Mars’ dead-dust roast
Neither astrophysicists nor philosophers posit a trick to being able to accept Truth well-said
Knowing it all & knowing nothing about everything there is, matter & energy in a box, dead.

This ain’t your fault so never to worry your little head’s mind about it, just forget I said it
You’re all woke-up with the attention to picayune items like what you’ll do if sharks chit
Or if Dick & Jane like you or not, as if that matters in the finale, one final gasp of O2 gas
Nobody takes anything with them, rich, poor, young, old, unborn abortive, atone nice _ss.

Apes walk, talk, collectively consume & annihilate the thing itself, birth to death’s fiasco
Hey man, give up some love and loneliness for the Void, you’ll know someday, just blow
Whistle like your papa to come home for supper, you know your seat at the dinner table
Someone told you it was time, you forgot all about Time history, early or once too late.

Fear and loathing inside of the rooms of every mansion & hovel in a cave, lost & found it
Watered down to the basic element, it’s all Gold & Silver spoons of the eternal dreamer
Asleep upon the altar of the sacrifice in the form of a lamb or human virgin, a final offer
To be or not to be, blind faith in something or other when you can’t figure out jack chit.

You played my instrument & I sang a song with words used, a rhythm & rhyme to go blind
Drums, strings & blown tubular bells that have no ring, it’s just a Void to avoid in the mind
Hello I say to Hades called Hell, what’s taken you so long to come around, no spark to blow
Sorry for the sorrow, you win some & you know when you’ve lost it all, ain’t no late show.

Bums and junkies flow from the tops of the hills to the dregs at the bottom of the Earth core
Lava hot rocks roll from mountain tops to the salted sea, some just a deep sound of the bore
Like your mother dropped you on the floor when she didn’t even know you were inside her
Between her legs came the new life, just like the old life, a reincarnated being, a drunk driver.

Neverland passed into forgotten territory, with or without you, I’m here for the party of One
Multiply your division’s quotient by zero and that’s precisely what you’ll get, that ain’t no fun
Therefore, follow the premises to the inevitable showdown, indubitable conclusion deduced
God’s nobody man, it’s like this & like that y'all, a Strauss’ symphony 2 in F minor, “Bruce!”

Stow away rolled stones you’ll need when you’re emptied of all the power of the sticks n’ stone
You may be good, bad or ugly and you may be all of the above from time to time, we’re alone
Astronauts & cosmonauts felt the pulse outside of this planet, it’s a long way to the tip’s top
Hot to trot just the way things are when a species needs extinction, cannot get boys to stop.

Bring your bag lunch & a good book to read, it’ll be a break you’ll never forget about up high
Undercover lovers move the unmoved & then abort the innocent glob nobody will ever buy
How species’ survive is the mystery, all luck of the draw, shuffle the deck well, take a chance
Try to hide, go ahead, naturally I fear the reaper, it’s a natural law, so sweet baby, let’s dance!

Forget what I just wrote, what you all just read, begin again, start over, repeat ad infinitum
I’ve already forgotten & I just wrote this a second ago, too tired even to be an old man bum
No way to survive for nothing at all, without a goal there’s no place to go, not San Francisco
Loved the Tenderloin but Marin dragged my ass down the One, coastal crust the God’s blow.

I rocked it to the hilt and the climax was quick & forgotten in my caffeination infusion trick
I like Merlot though, I’m wishin’ upon a star ridin’ on a cable car, almost there & it’s so sick
You ain’t here but it’s OK, I got saved & I’m still runnin’ on the emptiness, I’m gonna filler up
Sooner than later, ready, get set, Home for the rest of your life, immortally your phuq-up.

On my last flight in the old school, never knew I could fly on my zipper, that’s what I get too
No way other than this way, it’s narrow but it will get me to where I’m goin’ for free but blue
As it is above so it is below the Nothingness from Tennessee to California, it’s too much glee
For the sake of the music, let’s get the colors coordinated, last blink, in synch, corpse is free.

Earth is rare just like the space between your ears, neve forget The Thing they did to US
You know who did it, you know I ain’t forgettin’ with hope that I’ll jog your recollection
Of men and the mice they trap & kill by fooling them to be getting free cheese from gods
Got nothing to show, smoke & mirrors deleted, we’re left with bull’s scat & our hot rods.

r j j stephan, i

c. Lundi, Janvier VIth MMXXV Anno Domini @ 666 AMPST

{ Crafted a corpse of words to express the @RareEarth rendition of #GetReady (‘cause here I come)  on youTube link @ https://youtu.be/FEyz_WayzyQ?si=XmnCRX46NaL0Cbsu }







Friday, December 27, 2024

#WeCameToPlay @TowerOfPower MMXXV comin' up! #OORAH @USAF @ThunderbirdsUSAF

Begone from all sights & sounds of silent music, treble & bass to die for in naked cities
Talkin Bangor to San Ysidro & every single cesspool of humanity’s fecal matter, please
Take this & take that right in the kisser, you can’t see beyond a nosey character’s tease
I got out of town with my skin & 208 bones intact, ain’t my fault I fell out of family trees.

Produced in a huff, no immaculate conception but One son of Man, Father’s in heaven
With or without the other angels who flew around in the day & nightfall of the sword
Dots and dashes on the ship’s bow, sailing for the rest of my watch, never will retire it
My watch is on until my final snatch of air out the sky, gas I don’t know will kill my chit!

Hair is short or long, facts of life is hair is all dead cells, a result of the passage of Time
Stay bald eagle & nobody knows you’re o’er 12, so shave yo’ face at sundown in a gaol
I got a big, full moon over here, high in an imaginary sky, Space & Time’s illusion rhyme
Hidden from the uninitiated who would break Ten Commandments & theoretics, I fail.

Harps playin’ for the Captains of ships & the sailors who animate the sea’s DJ lockers
Davey Jones knew nothing then & still the same after all the pirates left gold for goons
Treasure chests ‘neath crystal clear underwater to island tops of drowned, goof loons
Lava is loose, merging a secondary scream for mercy to nobody, all lips just blowers.

Fire out of the sun, ignition of the atmospheric tornados and tidal waves, gods to plead
Wind remnants of a spin & wobble of Earth, carrion birds & bees, all too human doom
Survive the concoction, unimmaculate conception of a holy egg in mom’s womb tomb
Expression on your face is classic, here’s what I know in nutshell, it’s RNA in the seed.

Are you on board or will you wait until it’s far too late to save your soul, father fodder?
Don’t mind if you do or not, in a hundred years, nothing’ll matter but you’re the father
Absentee meaning nobody ever told you that you originated from thin air, RNA codex
To replicate the scars of a Big Bang & the march onto the return to the Singularity sex.

Oneness of One’s multiplicity of the Many is as obvious as a murder of crow’s caw-call
Iron the wrinkles from the invisible smoke’s turban, twirls about the brain bucket-ball
Listened to the words but forgot everything they said to me, something deep as a hole
Doves nor seagulls fly up in there, nothing alive needs a lit darkness, unnecessary con.

Children come to life accidentally on purpose, it’s all in the stars, all of us go very well
Kicking & screaming on the way to the corpus dillecti or a passing ship in zonal twilight
Go ahead & get behind me, watch my footsteps & follow each one as you would beach
Bums affluent in falling asleep, middle of the day or the night, crybabies do all preach.

Guides showing the way they don’t know because everybody must die to know, get it?
All the bibles and other languages ideas about after this life’s death know Nothing, sit
In meditation & absolutely still for an hour or two, every day or every year you’re alive
Systems above & below in synchronization of Big Bang’s slowing expansion, it’s jive.

Pain felt in your brain’s mind, a function of saving the host from disease, harm & death
If you disregard the signals thrown into your conscious awareness, take a last breath
Y’all won’t know it after you’re all gone but know it now, you’re just cosmic dust dying
At Space’s airports or undersea, jets & submarines get to final destinations’ ice frying.

Gravitational force just the suck of the two lips which speak no Evil nor Good, let’s roll
Upward or downward dog, either or both ways are the way the river goes to water’s fall
Binge & snatch life out of the dead things we kill to eat, for the power of Juice from Joy
Barking & bitching at my parents’ graves, deceived to believe in 49 reasons like a boy.

Babies and elders’ bones are not in my future nor yours, you may not have blind faith
Can’t see the Truth that has no words & therefore no reality for the hungry old wraith
Gods named after dots on a matrix, taken for granted in 400 years, still all’s the same
As above so below, things themselves & forms rock the shape of salt water & a dame.

Paid the fees to matriculate in a PhD program which requires dissertation of polemics
Want to bad enough, desire it good enough & you’ll certainly connect the dots’ sticks
Lucky you read the words in The Word from Genesis to Revelation, then dropped balls
To regenerate the species whether in love or lust, irresponsible for the werewolf calls.

Reconnoiter the flatland to secure the life and liberty for yourself & posterity’s men
Matter & the form it takes is all there is for us all, even the unborn in a womb of blues
Fight like a crazy baby to get here & now, depending on the whim of the girls & women
Hot to trot, horses ready to race, lathered up skin, muscles loose to lose, magic ruse.

Pie never was in the sky, it was a jackass’ carol on a stick and fishing line, no piece ate
A piece of peace just a dream in the middle of a battle & war of the states of being late
On time and eternal after the spin, when it stops, it is indeed, all over, that’s all, caput
No light or sound leftover, underground, under dirt, under water, let’s load up & shoot!

Certainty a thing of the Past, nothing for certain in the Present of Future, just figments
Imaginary chimera, appears & vanishes as it’s identified, First Cause of heaven scents
Blown mind, body eaten & defecated without prejudice, it’s nothing personal, I’m dirt
Of a star, billions of parsecs away from Earth’s core, stillborn & raised to be a Big hurt.

Would your parents ever abandon you to the powers that be? Could you survive alone?
Answer is clear as a bell, you will fight to survive if you need to kill aggressor’ T-bones
Buried deeper than a shovel can dig, in a body bag empty of a thing itself, down under
Believed hook, line & sinker that the hook was friendly, I got caught in light & thunder.

No return now, it’s not on the keyboard, ain’t in my repertoire to show the narrow way
If you don’t know already, you’ll never know, it’s the way it is, it’s not anyone, far away
Where nothing else can be, that’s where it is, it’s actually not It, it’s nothing special
Think therefore you exist, there’s no question, I am, You are, we all are, God in a cell.

r j j stephan, i
c. Jeudi, 12-26-MMXXIV Anno Domini @ 12 O’CLOCK HIGH NOON
{ Jostled this ditty jammin’ to the sound of @TowerOfPower #WeCameToPlay & #KnockYourselfOut #Hits on youTube link @ https://youtu.be/trHaA_oMZTA?si=3wb8msitIczFgwMW }

Monday, December 16, 2024

#CUT #TakeTwo #ThatsAWrap #DontAggravateYoMama #HookedOnPhonics #StereoPhonics #RunYoGame #FelixTheCat #FritzTheCat #DroneYoMama #DontDroneMeMankind #Nickelback #Nirvana #Homer

NOW THEN, gtf over it

Blows have been thrown & I parried the final ones before fools’ concocted rules
I kid you not, the weapons are disguised in the knots in the ropes with a noose
Nobody fits yet everyone gets fit, a neck snaps and the rest is History’s to lose
Whether you’ve violated the ethics or morals, it’s all the good & evil of fools.

Coming for your safe houses which are no longer a hide-out for all outlaw misfits
CoVid19 and your genetic DNA merge to malfunction, on the way, extinction chit
Dopamine for all, you get some and all of your people from mainland & sea isles
Before every atom of H2O evaporates, I’ve got something to say about UFO files.

Unidentified is a word used as if SOMEBODY doesn’t want EVERYBODY to know
That the name of the thing itself and the forms it has evolved into are low blows
Into the junk of the amorphous creator of the cosmic briolette POSs in final ends
Mighty mice & extinct forms of evolved dead air & stardirt, wet, funky Depends.

Scatological humor comes and then suddenly, the joke is on you, still it’s all funk
Refused to get efficient & slick as ice, broken down parts fall apart, cannot dunk
No draining threes back of the Three-Line, no short or long jumps or lay-up drills
It is all done gone, there’s no recourse to recoil for holy scat of Hell’s Bell’s shills.

We the people knew when we were zygotes in one dark womb, a holy sanctum
Respect for the blood, sweat & tears both before & after the facts of life’s scrum
In the game or injured on the sideline with body-mind annihilation, insane pain
Utter eclipse of whatever used to be lit, spacemen came back to Earth so insane.

Knowing what you have seen with your trained eyesight, it’s Top-Secret status
Row your boat gently down the stream or barge into the private Kracker dust
Either way at the mouth of the flow, the H2O gas is liquid stardust, shine it on
Spin Earth, stop when I die, carry on with All I’ll Never See Again, RIP My Man.

Fight for rights, live and die with or without them, just chimera fictions, I sigh
Hills and mountains all eight miles higher than sea level, top of the Rocky Fly
On the wall, as above, so below, wings move, legs to rub, bull’s scat to die for
I got everyone using lips on my hindsight, ALL my best friends, RIP TRIP door.

Dream is over, woke, awake, divine & mundane consciousness merge at One
Nothing inside the atoms and nothing outside of the Cosmic Menudo of Fun
Living, eating the living once dead & dying at the end of it all, birth to death
Recollection that you’re asleep in a lucid dream state is forgotten, last breath.

Again, no more than before, It is all of it, sounds of fury signifying dark holes
In the center of the vortex, silence of the center of zero, kills all of the Broze
Inoculated yet there’s The Way you’ll expire, deep-sleep dream, not #Woke

Wake or not, those left behind forget you are rotting in a box, karma broke.
Paid back the infractions’ fines and fees, I am solvent, a dead-even grim reap
Neither good nor evil on my list for the function of happiness & a deep sleep
Dreaming that star-sun shines, grows food ala seeds, plants & animals to feed

No malfunction when death calls, all night & day, doctoral immersion in greed.
Infinite line from point to point, add another for the triangle of gold for squares
Corners cut, created out of nothing but a line from One dot to another, a matrix
Squares, rectangles, pentangles, hexagrams of the Fire & Ice’s leftover big bangs

After you’re dead & gone, soul/spirit is invisible to consciousness, roadkill fangs.
Always hip to be a square but there’s no denial that if you’re not hip, you’re scat
Out of all the men, boys, women & girls, everyone was a baby, skinless yet so fat
Talking LSD acid in an invisible holder, all too human future’s evolved X-code set
Justice is indeed a green ham sandwich, all in fat cows & pigs, tisquet-a-tasquet.

Fear of getting Nothing but dead air when Life is over, that will cause the pain
Unforgiven facts of life, blind faith in Eden’s garden state, this scat’s forever day
All we can do is wake up #Woke, after a deep sleep, let dream fade to dark away
Nevermore to be told in a tale, scratched from memory, our God was insane.

r j j  stephan, I  {Ayn!  Is that You?}
c.  Dimanche, 12-15-2024 Anno Domini 911 AMPST

{ Drafted without a little help from my friends while listenin’ to @JoeCocker #GetHighWithALittleHelpFromMyFriends on youTube link @ https://youtu.be/eXV4WyQMHFM?si=7eC7jEvr57KVB2ov }
