
Showing posts with label #RiffRaff. Show all posts
Showing posts with label #RiffRaff. Show all posts

Wednesday, September 11, 2024


Never forget about it



You know where to go and you know you'll never forget the day on nine one one, you watched
Hijacked plane on FOX & CNN showing me what I didn't know, I thought this meant W A R
I even went so far as to call up the Air Force recruiter to see if they needed me to back up TED
I was way too old, some were way to young to recall, some not even born to Mankind's horror.

Murky water used to be liquid helium, an accident from liquid hydrogen, a few electrons off it
Yet it's always better than nothing, it could be worse, you might not have ever been born, git git
You were, you exist at the mercy of Mother Earth, nothing personal, just a fact of life, Nothing
Zero, zippity zilch, nada & for certain, Absolute Emptiness, the hole in the circle with no bling.

Height of the sky is lower than the arpeggios comin' out of my horns & struttin' twelve strings
It's complicated beyond logic, it's above metalogic and crypto metaphysics, it's a put-on things
Albeit like my father Albert, his father & grandfather before them all, it's all done by the dorks
It's that thing itself that precedes the essence, the form of cellular adhesion to gluons & quarks.

You wouldn't let your daughter, sister or mother crawl in bed with a snake, you'd skin it clean
Of course, it'd be too late unless you sucked the poison out of the puncture wound's scheme
To animate your heart and soul with the nasty & obtuse for the world to consume like a bean
Refried or uncooked, it's the source of the living forms that turn up to the sun, as a plant's kin.

Turned you loose, you found out you had no tether in the first place, it was all in your mind
Cooked up, mixed up and consumed before the poison was recognized for that thing itself
Hated the loving disease that consumes healthy cells one by one until the end of your time
Hot fun in the city, hangin' loose in the country, drinkin' & smokin' the Earth charm, Fine!

You never heard this coming, your secret service was asleep & on permanent vacation, son
9 1 1 cry about it, remember it, never forget about it, never skip the annual terror that spun
One morning it began, Gulf War from deep in Hades, we got the bin Laden monkey chump
Vaporized the ghost of the spiderman in the cave, Ala, gods & the divine sparks ate him up.

Barrels of laughs with the full Tupperware bowls, throwing them like flying saucers on air
Turned into a Frisbee and got my mind off of throwin’ down yoyos and tops to spin there
Out here and deeper than brave men fear to go, there's the thing itself, all I am is what it is
Ignorant wisdom on the wane in the wake's coffin, I'll be surfin' hangin' ten, I'm bodacious.

Harder day's night than i remember from recent memories, stayed wide awake, no sleep
Performing the acts of kindness for the ones who could care less if your mind is too deep
Cannot believe or conceive a thing but the factoid on a message in a bottle or a tea cup
Bumphuq ain't in Egypt but if it was, we in that the desert where the bums phuq it all up.

Be prepared, cub scouts webelos taught me, boy scouts just tenderfoot, bear cub, lion cub
Jellybeans and peanut butter cups for everyone, you need handouts, this is the only rub
You have to pay by going to work at the club, the house of blues places where bands rock
Minimum wage & bonus if you Bounce (on call at the venue, if needed) 1000 buck mock.

Gods will to power is much more than you think, human extinction is close to nothing at all
It’s the ends of the being that created it all in the first place, before when it was a silent dot
Exploded to get right here & right now in your face, on the gridirons, the courts & diamonds
Every day, you play & some day once your finished with the games, it’s curtains my sons!

Taxes levied and the government charges the governed to govern them and their freedom
Weird but the way it is, it's the system of the ups & downs of Life, it is what it is for some
What type of form, species or genome are we, all too human, 208 bones of ecstasy's tragedy
Only you know & I know, secret in a bottle opened at your last gasp, eyes wide open, GONE!

r j j stephan, i

c.  9 ONE ONE  9-11-MMXXIV Anno Domini @ 333 PMPST

{ Tricked this out of my Muse while listenin' to @ledZeppelin #TheLemonSong on youTube link @ https://youtu.be/8gWbKAcuzN8?si=wuoS4KIAqo-R4Aqx }


Thursday, September 05, 2024

WHAT'S YOUR NUMBER? 634-5789 ? Now I got your number... #Beatlejews2024 #TheWalrusWasPaulAfterAll


Gas’ air full of skyscraper ash & plastic smoke to put the living to sleep ‘til December
I would try to remember the incredible day of #NineOneOne, September to remember
Getting in the mood for a boogie night, it’s comin’ tomorrow night, Friday alrighty then
Getting the grim reaper off our planet & sentence the boney mother’s scourge to life

Together as One, hand in bone, out your bath & bedroom, dining room, Hehl’s kitchen
Desires and dreams come true miles away from you, you may never know the twelfth
Of never, or forever in the fantasy where the mind goes because the brains ain’t dead
When the air ceases to blow in and out of the form, the shape dissolves in God’s head.

All there is can’t be more than this, a rational approach to the deduced induction trash
Reason points to empty void as the matrix, Nothing more nor less, that is all, as MASH
Mobile Army Surgical Hospital saved the poor young and innocent from dying afraid
Fear of the gods wrath upon the judgement day, poor young boys died, didn’t get laid.

In love with the income and the high credit rating, in love with my income & high IQ
Actuality a low IQ but I like the illusion that it’s too high, light is too bright to be in me
You asked me if I got this, of course I do, if not me then who? Nobody, you got that right
Like @LynyrdSkynrd or feet down on the ground of my @EarthWindAndFire solo flight.

Picked myself on the 1st all-star team, a #ShootingPointguard #747 of champions
Special delivery door to door, manufacturer to consumer, in two extramarital affairs
For the price of three, there’s the fourth you’ve forgotten, you drunk the unholy fifth
No surprise party from the first day of birth to the first day of pro-practice in stealth.

No fantasy phantasm available for anyone else, this is a solo mio, raw and nekid too
Protein required in OutSpace too, what the hell do you do? Grow meat from Nothing
Just like the creator of A universe, use all of it & then use Nothing as if it’s something
It’ll be what will be, que sera sera, it ain’t my conceptual analysis in synchronization.

Blind faith isn’t proof that the Word which made flesh and bone save a thing in hell
Even if I’m wrong, I’m right, I’m saved from my own misjudgment and malformation
Of my thoughts that blow out my lips, red-hot air I’ve sucked clean of all Ma’s oxygen
Atomic evening of missionary-style fusion, pregnant without end, Amen, dream’s ZEN.

Squirreled away from the marauding punks who were orphaned by the urchin offspring
Not their fault that the star’s sunshine nurtured them until they had to follow the ruling
Of their forefathers who never taught them to be all too human, proud of mankind’s ilk
Hence, heretofore I waxed upon the opinion I’ve gleaned out the hive, mama teat milk.

Lost and found in perpetuity, without an ending, neither happy nor sad, it’s academic
A point of view of the intellectual genius to the morons & idiots who wax idiosyncratic
Spirits infiltrated every atom outside of the dead rocks’ leftovers from some Big Bang
Louder than anyone could hear, audio wasn’t created yet by the super freak who sang.

Girls love it, boys wanna have proof of life inside the inner sanctum, it’s a pop-off One
Frozen when the burn turns to black ice not even God can see, it’s unforeseen my son
Daughters are the tools, it’s not their will nor their fault that they’re the First Causing
If not for the magnetic attraction to the black hole, there would be no Singularity ring.

Octaves of arpeggios forced upon consciousness, pain & pleasure alternating currents
Hot as a pistol and cold as ice depending on the Will to Power, it’s above & below ants
Down to the Earth’s centerfield core, up through a moonshine boost, a Milky Way mess
Chocolate with a center from the twilight zone, future sugar dental decay’s happiness.

On a camel, on a horse, on a llama, just a rider that can’t walk on his own metatarsals
Fear & loathing for the results of rampant sex of cavemen high on mary jane & her pals
Wizards have the words, the spells cannot be stolen by the witches & sibling warlocks
Nobody’s immune to powers of princess Mary Jane, she turns heads around in slacks.

Whatever you say, whatever it is, that’s all there is, nothing more nor less, the shebang
Woke or not, awakening to empty sets of zero to negative & positive infinity, you rang?
In communion, in confession, baptism, confirmation, there is some extreme unction
Inside of the funk, there’s atomic and nucleic essence that precedes existence’s sin.

Original sin and sacraments out of the grooves laid down in Sacramento, California
Eagles to the Funkadelic mash that came out of the sky like manna from Sabrina
Windy magic flyin’ through the emptiness to find the place where landing is Home
To your 208 bones of dwindling flesh-colored muscles’ thin skin, offspring of Rome.

Keep love warm until you can’t blink, can’t swallow the swill and can’t think you are
Alive or not, walking or just lying in a hospital bed, the fallen falling to the morgue, far
Certified the death per the grim reaper, decrepitation begins at rigor mortis’ appetite
Soon it will be too late for every single thing, here and now or in the future to be light.

You’re in the herd but you’re not being heard by the heads nor minions of the clergy
High up above the fray, running the dozens for kicks, talk ‘bout yo’ mama now? Hey!
Dripping and burning like you’ve caught the hot flame-fire in your below belly dream
Putting holy species propagation to test, superstars forget the rubber, trip baby team.

Putting my cache where my mouth is, a credit card from Bank ONE, punk funk debt
Racked it all up within the past 40 years in this Man’s World, paid it all off in full set
It was thirty-love and I had the serve, I aced the serve & won game, set & match afar
Got out of town before the taxes got stolen from the coffer, now behind booze bars.

You know the people who died already know the Truth about Life on Earth, don’t you?
You’ll find out too, then there’ll be no doubt, when you scroll with the trolls, it is blue
So sad that you can’t be a weirdo & make fun of the fools who entertain the ol’ minion
Kids the word for immature warriors about to either survive or become extinct by fun.

Can you put the lipstick on a pig or remix the cogs in the hogs’ bodies and minds’ set
In mud, blood and beer, possible the brown or white-water spirits are the cool tools
To allow us all to be or not to be, drunk or sober, we’re all gonna die sooner or later
Hope & fear of annihilation are sacrosanct, I think, OK, therefore, I am, wanna bet?

State of being anywhere border to border & coast to coast of the original 13th colony
Copasetic 24/7 without end, infinity governed by best of the best, sea to shining sea
Pretend you’re immortal at your peril, pretend you have a spirit or a killer-antibody
Kamel appreciation in Time & Space, archives dropped on an innocent, fuddy duddy.

Bees’ hives sucked dry of the honey, the labor laws violated by the bear’s nosy jaws
An analogy between the good and the bad, the flawless and the evil errors of squaws
Warriors have little control over anything other than the destruction of the opponent
Peace and joy are unnatural, can’t handle more than an hour every month, I pay rent.

Five thousand debits’ robbery will get you ten years behind the pen’s bars, lost liberty
Kick you in the backside, smack you in the head, wake you up before it’s too late, see?
Your will & testament enhanced by your ignorance and lack of insight ala immortality
God forsaken mortal, you weren’t alive before your conception, you die when you die!
r j j stephan, i

c.  Jeudi, 9-5- MMXXIV Anno Domini @ 911 AMPST

{ #KFTC  @ArmstrongAndGettyRadioShow M-F 6-10 AMPST #VoicesOfTrumpism link @ https://kste.iheart.com/ }


Wednesday, September 04, 2024

#PITBULL #EARTHwindAndFIRE #BONUSpicksOmine post this epic rhyme!

Y’all Gtf over it !

Gone to confession again for the 500th time & I’m just a mind in the gutter, kids
Don’t do as I do, do as I say & I’m in the position of sayin’ right now, here Covids
Vaccine my arse, virus made by China, man, we besmirch a Fauci crooked finger
In a lab, in a rat or a bat, man-made mankind, it’s one way to extinguish species.

Quit your bitchin’ about this & that, the bed you made after your folks died off too
No free choice, just get over it or die in a hole, buried if you’re lucky, eaten if not so
Human too much for me, divine not enough to pitch a fit but it’s getting’ to the point
I have every Truth I’ve heard about it all, under this sun, my pop’s name was Sonny.

I made the most of draggin’ around the heavy balls on the chains, blamed it on the kid
My friend, a Kid who said he needed Ends to be near his graveyard, close to the vest bid
Lived right across the street from the boneyard, in his mama’s basement, single mom pit
Where mama landed ‘cause she didn’t wanna waste that 4 year Catholic education chit.

Pitched my tent on the sidewalk next to the other blue and orange lean-to messed up huts
I don’t cast aspersions just sayin’ there’s garbage, refuse & excremental urination, no buts
Lawyers all gone, courts all closed for malfunction at the junction, capitol offensive doubts
Streets & sidewalks thoroughly hosed down from the dead weight of high school dropouts.

Whining still? Don’t believe me, listen to your own guilty conscience, world owes you zero
Don’t be a drag like a ball and chain, it ain’t my bag & it shouldn’t be yours even down low
Suffer in drag and underground below the civilized & inoculated, mortals dead in a century
Or even before the age of Reason, a variable that’s never an absolute, asteroid in the sea.

Apes dream of food & mates, that’s it for the pre-maggot state of being, nothing divine in it
Did I mention to quit ptchin’ a fit & to get over it sooner rather than later, life is too shorted
Whole shebang squeaks until I pitch a fit, then the oil greases the gear before a hot crash
I can’t get over it, I’ll need some help, I’ll go to confession & be forgiven for the Dana Bash.

Above and below, one and the same, nobody but I’ll die when it’s time for me to croak it
208 bones shuffle off to Buffalo or dumped in the great Lake Michigan with the fishes chit
Either way, it comes & goes, clarity and a lucid vision of what’s goin’ on here and now too
I will get over it, I can’t get over it now, it’s a badge of honor, poor little cry baby Boo-Boo!

You’re so weak, you may want to consider getting over it & get over your self, you’re a mess
High dive off the board, jack knife or backward double flip cannon-ball splash, I do confess
Point those crooked fingers back at yourself, three point at you & only one at me, now I see
It’s just an accidental crash you didn’t see comin’ & you still gotta get over it, cringe worthy.

Bring the back up with you when you come for what I call self-defensive offense, fast fists
Such a whirlwind of smacks, kicks & pokes, nobody on Earth but Bruce Lee ever manifests
If anyone says that they quit and that they’re out of the game, cuttin’ off all ties to this & that
Stop at the red light, even if there’s no traffic comin’ either way, don’t go, it’s cool alley cat.

I found a full bag of cash on my gravesite, no headstone yet, I ain’t dead yet by the stash pit
My mind was in a gutter since my parents died of living life walking in their sleep, not woke
They exited the planet warning, don’t follow me, I’m out of here, let it go, go have a hissy fit
Thoughts & results of ideas look exactly like the sh#t you can’t get over, you’re an egg yolk.

Crooked finger pointing at me when you got three of your own pointing right back at you fool
I ain’t the one who wants to live like a king, kings suck and can’t get over their mortality, I do
Follow arguments to their irrational inductions, faith in hooks, lines & sinkers choked upon
You know your big sisters and big brothers were right, it’s too late for everyone, It is all done.

Meanwhile it is academic for the losing streak aficionados wallowing in the muck and mire
Knowledge and wisdom without ignorance is the hard way, see the Truth, shock the monkey
No working for you, King of Nothing, mommy & daddy ain’t lickin’ your mortal wounds at all
Games played, you’re in them now, know rules of cheaters, y’all go have a red rubber ball.

Purpose of living awake 16 hours every day, sleeping for 8 hours every night, unknown is “X”
Nobody knows so they lay down blind faith to remind you and me of this Truth, I’ll get over it
Outside Earth is what astronauts call, not a God’s damn thing, moon 190,000 miles away
Everything’s Nothing, so insignificant it makes me wanna cry, feel sorry for myself all day.

r j j stephan i
c. Mercredi, 9-3-2024 Anno Domini @ 611 AMPST
{ Drafted while jammin’ to #EarthWindAndFire #September on youTube link @