
Saturday, August 31, 2024

#FriedGreyMatter #SheetFerBrains #GraduateInfinityFinite #HappyGraduationNiko @AssociateDegreed

You don’t know like I know or maybe you do, I don’t know for sure, it’s academic
Treat is on me, I’ve got more Jack than I can ever spend on myself & my loving ilk
Hence, this idea to give it away before I die because I’m no angel, man you know
No evil genius ever warned me that knowledge was impossible creative backflow.

Out the clouds & below the innards of the planet’s red mud & all too human blood
Rained down the manna to the men and women leftover from the whole world flood
Swimming until you felt the mud and blood losing liquidity, like your stock & Bondo
Hand out to me above fish in the sea, old man that I be, over seventy flies of a crow.

Sift through the hype and once the chafe falls & tumbles out of your grasp, that’s it
Half crazy with the love you had for the ones who left dead or alive, all you got is chit
Use it to buy stuff a la Bevis & Buthead after they laugh their empty heads off, aw hell
All time spent with or without you doesn’t count in eternity, still ringin’ my damn bell.

Beer, wine, spirits of the beauty and beast within my holy soul, altar boy Latino lingo
Forgive me for requesting raspberry ice tea but it’s all I can handle with bull’s chit
Too sweet to be true or false, being as is, sight & sound, smell & taste, feel it blow
Right on through a thing itself, deeper than I’ve gone since I found it was no Exit.

Be nice to me, honeybee, I’ll be your shade tree to hang a honeycomb upon, pleasure
It’s all mine and I hope you’ll go for a ride and a date at a dance and company picnic tour
Of my friends and family, you need to be one of the many, not braggin’ just that I’m sayin’
On this road, a narrow path, one clear light Way since a day I gasped O2, dream stoppin’.

Out of a womb into a grave or gold dust in the wind caught in soul-filled spirit, axe’s licks
Freedom was worth it from 1776 to the day I see it still in front of me, eyes don’t deceive
Trip on Light has been fantastic, above & beyond whatever was, it’ll be turned on forever
Microscopic tattoo, my spirit’s soul, consciousness’ recollection, naked ape kicks.

One force of one human means nothing to anybody but you, yourself and you know who
Hay is for horses, on a prairie or kickin’ in a stall, mix in some water & oats, manure
Run around in counter-clockwise circles for no reason but a bet that you’re a furlong better
Hens get inseminated by the roosters, it’s the way like the other plants & animals, so blue.

If I mastermind the conditional & then force the outcome, mandated by the spell, I am One
No need or want for anything else while on the surface of the planet, zero multiplied love-in
Wings or hands, feet or claws, teeth or poison injection of viral bacteria from a CoVid19 sin
Inside my glass, there’s shots of spirit, rum & coke to water my dehydration, come on son.

Chainsaw opened up cuts for the bloodletting, to eat leftover meat from the last first date
Minds cleared of clutter like the closets in your bath and barbecue, a farce’s pregnant doe
Stag function to become extinct as unicorns & australopithecine trope, mitosis in meiosis
For the sake of the universe, specks of invisibility are your super malfunctions, I annihilate.

Mountains behind & ahead of your present tense, gotta go up to get down, below & above
Searing in the frying pan, eating while it’s sizzling hot, a pig, cow, sheep or holy white dove
Communion with spirits invisibility, still thoughts in the mind of the living left-overs of gods
Reunification with the mud and blood once you’ve been dead & gone, a miracle, hotrods.

Simply less than zero to balance the more than One, wrong or right it’s the way it always is
Before the Big Bang, before anyone went to a church to celebrate the unseen grace of fizz’s
All bubbles bursting with joy of having too much to handle, all orphans know, alone at One
Nothing matters and if it ever mattered at all, it was a method to teach an idiot to have fun.

Bobbing up & down like a bobber 18 inches above the hook & bait, my rod’s sunk in weeds
Bringin’ the tangled mess into the shore for clarity’s clear path, trophy trout released deed
Still on the hook, alive and swimming back in the drink of freshwater, lease on life extended
Karma in return for the assistance on resistance to dissolution of the conditional, undead.

Once upon sometime in the Past, the Future became Present for a New York Minute too
No way to ever bring back the moment it all came down & went up back into the Void blue
Happiness or sadness just a measurement of memory that you’re just an atomic dip chit
There’s an essence of invisible what-not, it’s what gets rewarded or punished for being It.

Fun is what you have to pass the time from future to present to past, it’s inevitability fun
Choice between absolute nothingness inside and outside of the body & a mental ill son
Vigorous diggin’ deep down for the grave’s dirty dust to bury the past in the freezing foam
Pride & the prejudice you put on the fools, keep it for yourself, me, king’s goin’ on home.

I cried when I was a boy, cried when I was a man, ain’t cryin’ a tear when I’m dead & gone
Neither will you, none of you, even ones who don’t read words written for dragon minions
Fighting in all shadows for whatever is leftover to eat & defecate, all there is is original sin
Disobey the boss, knowledge’s @Apple on the tree, innocent wisdom’s divine, clear skin.

Now you know it all, you let it slip your mind a moment but it’s the gift that keeps on giving
No regrets ever about anything, this is all your idea, to be awake & alive for a witch’s spell
Magic is all there ever was, spun a Big Bang far & wide, One’s animated dream in a dream
Chief at the apex, slave cylinder at absolute ground zero where Nothing’s never, ever at.

Busy bodies must encompass the strange and familiar to embrace the powers that be
You & I came from somewhere beyond the darkness of mothers’ wombs, deep blue sea
Way down to the bottom of the faulty cut in the planet’s crust, corresponding Randos
Fly in every direction without wings, not birds, neither angels nor bats, I know it blows.

You and I do what we need to do in order to survive among the fit, it’s a mandate of One
Here today, spin & wobble around the sun, I dreamed you died, and you were dead son
If you had the numbers you’d have the scores, the goals, the extra points of a hat trick
Three at a time, slap shot or a back hand around the rear of the net, shitz so GD slick.

Believe in the impossible, it’s highly improbable to a point of being king of man’s bone
Heart is broken in the center, live in a dream at your own peril, you can burn it all down
Ice Kool-Aid melted into my hot mouth at 98.6 degrees of separation from the i-phone
Hurry up & wait a minute, stand in a line, face to back of the class, last desk, last row.

Common ground is underfoot, you’re the only one that’s going to die when it’s Time
Space is wide-open to humanity for an entry back into the Void, where I come from
Hints to exercise exorcism have been ignored by the masses, observed by accident
On a routine basis, living things will die in less than century’s years, so heaven sent.

Bitten down hard, your last task as the grim reaper is to reap, corpse rigor mortis in
Rear back bone cracked into bits, snapped the spinal cord in two, repaired by the Ai
Full house and straight up four aces, I win the game with or without rules, I’m Simon
3.14 always the same, always what Simon says, we know the rules, it’s pi in the sky.

Hit me with your best shot or any shot of your best sharpshooting terminator of Man
Fear the forefront and backstage of the venue, blood flow backward out the oil can
Funny or not, jokers have no punch line, it’s all in the mind of the beholder’s behead
Evidence of who you are born to become & who you will be when you’re all undead.

By the hair of my chinny-chin-chin as the old saying goes in the fairy tale, three l’il pigs
They may have been little pigs but they were the smartest pigs in the deep woods’ digs
Divinity above your highest heads buried in dead star-stuff leftover from a Bigger Banger
Nuclei sorted in alphabetical, chronological order of all things, subatomic charm lover.

Swinging from limbs in the jungle is an activity of naked apes, it’s a miracle naturally
Why are you alive today and why were you alive since your conception in the womb?
Answers are catastrophic to the rhetorical questions, as they lay down mustang sally
She moved back & forth like a fish in a current upstream & downstream in a white room.

Period of the era is long like the speed of the Earth’s rotation and wobble on the ecliptic
Conspiracy of all bad guys like bacteria & viruses must be exterminated by magic Dick
Inside every angle of every shape of crooked, straight lines tweaking direction gone fun
Above & beyond this atmosphere to the Void between the moon, Venus, Mercury & Sun.

Lost your mind but you didn’t know where it was in the first place, so it’s no liability at all
Trouble is as trouble does in a prank on your mother and father, you weren’t on the ball
Just a passenger on the freight train, on the platform with my mother and father, cloud 9
We’re ready and we’re set, parallel universes merge, intersect circles, Gold’s God, fine.

r j j stephan, i
c. Samedhi, 8-31-2024 Anno Domini @ 911 PMPST

{ Drafted while jammin’ to @RobinWilliams #WeaponsOfSelfDestruction
on youTube link @ https://youtu.be/at-LN8PXQGE?si=Ge_hZCXMreEmROUO }



Thursday, August 29, 2024

Where did those days go? #SATCH


So, who told you what you could expect from involuntary inheritance of glee
Procrastination of a mind grasping high Truth is neither good, bad nor ugly
What it is, y’all need to know, getting to my point’s a triple, homer long shot
Break dancing with neutrons & protons, waitin’ on the electronic ink blot.

Behind a door or in front of the portal where you’re goin’ like it or not at all
It’s likely to be nowhere you want to go or to be for a minute much less days
Of unknown proportions in some measure of fairness, you get every ounce
Of gold, quicksilver & silicon, procreates all UFO’s useful idiot syndromes.

Cops out the precinct goin’ cuckoo for cocoa puffs, cracked out their minds
And I kid you not, as they say, right before they lie or prefabricate scenarios
Signify the subjects and objects in predication of linguistic simulation of IQ
Which is not a thing itself but the name of a process of critical thought stew.

Barked up the wrong tree but it didn’t matter since I exuded blustering fury
No corroboration with another bible thumping, swearing fodder for a jury
You’ll see nothing further than your eyesight without the third eye to sing
Inside the third eye it’s a matter of Time & of course, Timing is Everything.

Hence, the game begins, rules observed until the it’s over, all gods agreed
Nobody but the One gets out of the battleground’s circus alive, it’s a creed
Whatever was understood by all trainers learned experience, rise above it
To put blind faith in actually being consciously alive after death is a myth.

Feature this event horizon, you see a light in the distance, move to it slowly
Like creeping in the shadows at night clubs up & down, off the strip dizzy
Full house, aces over queens or just a dead man’s hand, gold strike upstart
Black ace of spades & clubs color blinded red aces, diamonds & solo heart.

Believe this or not, there’s no such thing as fairness in the struggle to live
To survive if you’re the most fit to reproduce your hearty genetic matter
On the mark of all superheroes is a supernatural ability to perform magic
Whether shapeshifting by stretching, flaming on or turning a TNT trick.

Mellow yellow or agent orange all in the family and all for you all, my kin
Cousins from aunts and uncles eight times removed from the one origin
Garden we’ll never return to thanks to the law abiding, non-guilty perps
If you lie & retain proper defense, you may violate society’s peace burps.

Well hung on the wall without door or window pane, flat screen godsmack
Proceed to the ends of the race’s original starting pistol shot blank round
Harder than the mental trials and tribulations you’ve shared with the lucky
Beyond good & evil, even beyond the origin-god, evil & I don’t give a phuqy.

Think like a First Cause, created life on Earth, what would you choose to do
You’re a virus or bacterium from an alien planet surrounding a sunny star
Change your mind now, before it’s too late, break bad, about face, die hard
It’s never personal, I refuse to cast aspersions as I mentioned before, son.

Hilarious that you keep all of you eggs in the same basket, that’s #NoJoke
If you honor and respect the memory of your next of kin & distant kinfolk
Shoving you to the side, suddenly blow pretenders, imposters love stones
What is & will always be because it always was, full of the has-been bones.

You & I know a lot & we have no choice but to guess the rest, probable cause
Who do you know creating the common news of the public? Nobody, right
Drop a dime on the cabal & you’ll either join or be terminated, take a pause
Mute your microphone, oh wait, don’t mute my microphone, my Bluetooth.

Picnic & party with a bottle of wine, 2 glasses & a chunk of Havarti cheese
Itemize list in order of importance, our budget is in reductio ad absurdum
Are you dead when you believe you’re alive, when you’re dead, a fly on high
Let me listen to your evaluation before I decry it’s lack of certainty, please?

I’m gone and so you believe nothing matters anymore, you’re in deep chit
It ensures that there will be no dependence on my presence, free your fool
Someone haunts the 208 bones we all get a lease on some life as we know it
We may induce the good, the bad, the ugly and the beautiful, we be hopeful.

Prudence is dear, hope she remembers the whole shebang, of origin to end
Bending light from source to imaginary screen in cyberspace’s hypertime
Simple woman knows man with a complex, elevated to No Man’s neverland
Where your mother don’t know who your papa was, @JesusChristos, OMG!

Babies out of the womb they knew couldn’t contain them, all claustrophobic
Either everything’s the same or everything’s different in some form, a Way
Whether you or I like it or not, it’s the way it is, you’re a passenger, enjoy it
Slow ride ain’t for everybody, for you, me & a handful of ancient step kids.

Angels flyin’ in the dark just like the light, everything & everyone is united
American cradles rockin’ the babies who will grow to procure body tattoo
Glad your great grand folks couldn’t see results of the paint job, oh please
Labels for what you need to recollect, shorthanded quick response squeeze.

Gold and diamonds I found right where I left them the day I got away with It
Booty’s the Jesse James of stagecoaches, a whole treasure of the mystical fit
Put all the words into an empty book of invisible and unintelligible factoids
Treatment of mean tweets with kind responses, wins yin & yang, bad boys!

Mull around the streets & backroads until your Feets' bones creak out loud
Cold as ice or as hot as a pistol, crime & punishment do what they do proud
I’d never hurt you intentionally but if you need me to hurt another, it’s done
All I know, All that I am, All everything we know can ever be, all me, T-bone.

Bumping into the bumper cars was a shock and a surprise, brain bashed
It is so subtle you’ll never realize the facts and fiction are one & the same
Incredible as it seems, the Earth & its activity moves & wobbles until lame
Harmony & the peace that follows are the narrow way ahead, sins cashed.

Hippies drip with body odor sweat from the cabbage you gobble with beer
Sympathy for the devil’s been exhausted, a Beelzebub or Lucifer, whatever
Balls to the walls, if you’ve got ‘em light ‘em up, smoke yours with gusto too
There may not be another coming down the road, a toke for the road crew.

Pronto or not, the end will come eventually and that will be the final Space
Where we’ll be left in that subatomic state without bloody bones or a face
I got shit to do, I’m not being facetious, and it means I’m doin’ it necessarily
All that needs to be done to be sufficiently in tune with all wanderlust dust.


r j j  stephan, i

c.  Jeudi, 8-29-2024 @ 111 PMPST

{ Blasted out of the cosmos while jammin’ to @RUSH #RedSectorA  https://youtu.be/g7N6oC-qVMk?si=csSd1nwG7qa_UrMC }


Monday, August 26, 2024

pi is 3.14 ... I need some cherry pie now! @ThePoynters #NeutronDance @BlueCheer #SummertimeBlues

{ (above fEEtage shot from my android on the outside patio of our room) MY WIFE #CarolAnn ON A @PRINCESS CRUISE TO ALASKA }
Being all uncertain is innocence of the facts of life, it’s the nature of the beast
Mothers inject you with the venom you get hooked upon, the teat milk breast
In the end, rejected by the attraction, we don’t fight for it, it disappears quickly
They hate US & allies too, an inevitable stench of bodily functions ceasing at sea.

Throw you in the ocean for fish food, they’ll eat anything as dead as a phantasm
In a bitter end, cadaver odor smells nothing like apples, peaches or cherry pie
One piece of a pie isn’t enough until the whole thing itself disappears, gods die
In reality or in a dream, either way, it comes & it goes as quickly as an orgasm.

Puns in the name of playing with the mind to see if you can be fooled by a fool
Laughing at yourself or someone else isn’t a full-blown command, it’s just a tool
To fix broken minds that got hurt and disappointed by expectations non-material
Up & down a hill like Jack & Jill for a pail of water, we gotta give, so we give it all.

Hell ain’t hot because it’s far away from the stars & sun, it’s gotta be innermost
Acting or at rest without moving a muscle, either way that’s all you have is time
Until the day you die, that last moment won’t stop you from success, so get it on
Faith in blind words that have no reference to life’s Earth, somewhere in heaven.

Optimus Prime means the first best thing is the thing itself, origin of matter I am
Egg in a womb, gamete swimmin’ upstream with or without the will of the host
Obscenity is unseen, unknown, undetectable yet, it’s the nature of a beast, boy
Courage to fight ‘til you can fight no longer, never win or lose what God damned.

Heart & soul, spirit and flesh’s bones. are all in for the duration of the fandango
Bought an argument, hook, line & sinker, logic & reason to the home on mango
Vibrations are good and bad but at least they’re vibrating, silence disguises it all
Drunk on weed and alcohol, tweaked the waking and walking on cloud 9’s Fall.

What if you woke up & found out that life was the dream, it would kill your Con
Confidence in the rotten fruit that rats reject on the ground, seeds rotting, man
You can’t believe the incredible unless you’re a dupe & stupid moron, I’m a fan
Wise owls passed along the problem’s answers, fixed the watchtower, it is done!

Bare backs ridden until they break from the white man’s burden, Ethiopian byte
Inherited the DNA, it’s a pariah from the denizens of mud, blood & high life beer
Guess wrong & it’s your curtains comin’ down on your stage, your play’s all over
Pine is smoked, it’s a euphemism for burning leaves inhaled to heighten insight.

Perfectly odd set of everything that doesn’t fit in the puzzle, got my zipper down
Clothed ala head to toe, cap to sandals, quadriplegic body of the all too human
Projected conception, aborted consciousness’ reincarnated human god
Why change evolution with aborted, fetid fetus of Woman’s inner sanctum pod.

Torn by the tour of duty I volunteered for, the enemy came for my uniform ranks
Merely a conscript volunteer for the abuse of the technical instructors, got dank
Fear & loathing, peace & violence fix it all, terminator assaulters of hominid hair
All the bad guys and bad girls know I’m comin’, I may be late, but I Will Be There.

High times for High crimes hidden within the foul fissures of grey material mind
Comin’ for the innards of the Trojan Horse in a minute, all bad boys we will find
Girls will all be sterilized, this species will become extinct, there’s no other way
It’s narrow, step away at your peril, walk or crawl, running will blow you away.

Fear the feeling, fear the thoughts coming in and out of your mind, getting even
No compromise for the phase of life ending, firing of neurons in every red vein
Find the evil and reverse the letters into “l I v e” & never allow evil spirit to be
Alive and free to mock the anti-gravity blow jobs of mankind, extinct humanity.

Gold mined, bitcoin, big bucks of greenbacks and digital wallets full of credit chit
Mirror your image makes two of you, pour double on the rocks, I’ll finish the skit
Program arrested my attention, data auto-generated to obliterate the scat bull
Savior sved the savings, the check cleared the bank, extinction is Void Survival.
r j j stephan, i
c. Lundi, August 26th MMXXIV Anno Domini @ 444 PMPST
{ Drafted in utero, then unaborted, born to woman 8-27-1951, lucky to have been here for a NY minute, drafted this while jammin’ to @CharlieParker #JamSession on youTube link @ https://youtu.be/KXP84ijiLbg  }
