TIME GOT ALL GOOFY, beer for my horses & a BOTTLE OF LAMBORGHINI’S 1’S & 0’S
Like it or not, Nothing is what you get small or big mouth closed or wide open
Ancient or modern historical records say nothing about the Nothingness kin
Our original sin was to allow ourselves to be created & defined by stern or bow
We are the masterpiece independent of the artist, created to be oh, Solo Mao.
You know what you’ve discovered, secrets not divulged to avoid panic & despair
In the children whom you mistreat or nurture to the genius mode under long hair
Man or woman, brain in the skull, no different than living forms killed to masticate
Grandmothers & grandfathers stopped making children & caused the decline, Fate.
Hollow Truth, empty of substance and form, empty sounds bouncing on ear drums
Got the beat, makes your toe tap on the floor, to the one, two, one, two & so on etc.
Higher or lower sounds and sights are neutralized by the wind sucking idiots & bums
Not their fault that their parents sucked wind, no count dirty rats evolved from a RA.
Monkeys climb & have no bathroom or bedroom manners, no civilized culture of God
Creator of heaven & this planet within the cosmic realm is AWOL, there’s ne’er a peep
From the emptiness’ foundation where everything else rides on the sharps & flats fad
Simulation of a dream within a dream yields everything you are conscious of, eh dad?
Call you papa or daddio, daddy or pops, y’all are just a common man, mortal in utero
Ingrained in the matrix of invisibility, indistinguishable from your memories of Skippy
My peanuts crushed into a liquidized paste of positive negativity, pessimism ain’t right
Optimism is the middle path on the journey from ignorance to enlightenment sunlight.
Cold fusion I’ve bottled for the atomic fission at the point of no return, Singularity
Stretched to be unconscious ennui instead of life as we know it, all country & city
Asleep for 1/3 of every 24/7 spin while alive as a human being, dreams ala virtuality
In your highness that’s below bottom of the sea, center-core of the planet’s sand.
Contraception Cro-Magnon female from 20 years or more tending to slackers’ slack
Beer and wine and ale & whiskey and rye, gin, vodka, scotch, or 1 bottle of Blackjack
Just me & God playin’ mumbly-peg & shootin’ shots of lead balls cut down my throat
You won’t know what hit you when it’s time to check out of the universe, all she wrote.
My plasma screen cannot be influenced by magnetic field, stabilized for high freaks
Lowest possible wavelength & highest frequency, blow your mind, leak the ass cheeks
Between 10 & 3, when the sun’s down, on opposite sides of the globe’s illusionary day
Where’s your head and third eye at right now? Asleep again, no doubt, safer that way.
Now, it’s a bit dark, the frogs are ribbeting for posterity and the scared, flying bug dead
Swamp is steaming it’s stench, the bog of the millennia where “the refused” accepted
Right or wrong, good or evil, out of this world those concepts migrate to illusionary six
Behind my back, I can’t see 360 degrees, still hope for the coverage, back exposed sex.
You guessed, conclusion deduced is the only reason you’ve spent time philosophizing
Assumptions & induction of the subjects & objects with or without the Deja vous thing
Space is the distance between atomic things, reality animates the empty sets of fools
I don’t want to be, but I am One of them, all fools have no scruples or command rules.
Vaporized or frozen Life as we know it, nothing to do with what we want or need as Man
Women don’t care why they do what they do, they’re here to procreate the game, Fam
More important than living is arranging your own disposal of the matter & form leftover
Time & Space have no mercy and no remorse, y’all got lucky to live to cry about a lover.
Close your eyes and #STFU, that’s what you can look forward to, it’s for sure #NotWoke
I’m a betting man but odds aren’t on my side, it’s a longshot even on a baby blue moon
Something to say when there’s nothing left but the break of day, up all night long alive
Not dead to the world & unconscious as the Earth wobbles and shakes, on a deep dive.
Sometimes, you just gotta say #WTF whether you like it or not, all ministers & sinners
We got here without our will & now we’ve assumed the position, as all us primates do
Getting it in front or behind is a matter of logic & reason accepted by the inseminator
Dumb as a rock no doubt, ignorant from foot to snout, promise to break all beginners.
In one form or another, substance from subatomic hydrogen to One, Black Hole portal
It is what it is and it sure is funky but it’s better than rigor mortis, I think, therefore I am
In the petri dish of wisdom and reproduction of matter transformers, shat & ate for all
Time is right now, here in this place in Space to divulge obvious & a subtle occult slam.
Bring you’re a-game to the rumble, be ready & willing to show you’re able, Sid & Mable
You’ll get hurt or you’ll die trying not to get hurt, last resort is you eliminate all threats
From your entrance to your exit, your presence is regarded as sacredly profane debts
All of past & present karma of redundancy, eternal recurrence of blind faith in sunsets.
Blind, deaf & dumb with the ability to taste, smell & touch things themselves, as above
Meaning beyond the stratosphere, beyond the moon, Saturn and the sun itself, it’s love
For Emptiness is more than enough to spread in every galaxy, clusterphuq from Hades’
A hot kitchen cookin’ up chit to do, dirty pots, pans, dishes & forks washed by ladies.
Bake, fry, boil, sear or BBQ all the things that need heat to kill all unwanted subatoms
It’s the fuel for our tanks to run the machine for the ghost within, a spiritual phenom
Not One of a kind but Many of One Kind, easy to beat that dead horse into submission
It’s the cheer of the red, white & blue, it ain’t free, stole liberty from a Father of a Son.
Incarcerated, inheritance of the dim wit & form of alpha extinction cataclysm in synch
Robbed a bank, robbed your mama and her boyfriend’s bank of North America’s stink
Small victories are better than nothing but losses, losers can’t be happy in chaos’ sink
Humor of the daughters until they see the light & become jaded by the odor of a skunk.
It works when it shouldn’t have, must have been the magic logo of the Batman ghost
Are you amazed that your air’s force is not empty of atoms, it’s all an illusion for most
The best of us are related to the least of us, high or low station in life, you’re all mortal
A Divinity out of this world, above or below or in any direction outside the Mother Fall.
First things first, agree on premises assumed & deduce the only conclusion possible
Presume the probabilities are never infinite, language itself is based on a finite bubble
Here inside it looks like a piece of cake, defeat snatched from the jaws of victory Hell
Second to none, first & foremost, before annihilation do tell the reason why Adam fell.
Created to be defective, inferior to the perfect and never mistaken in holy judgement
You’ll be gone before you know it but those you leave behind will recognize you spent
Every chit you had stored in our bank, high octane hyper burn power to explode, X-37B
Space Force created won’t fill an empty Void but it’ll recreate doubleback ZZ Top to be.
Lost and found in a deep, dark hole without a photon of light anywhere out of eyesight
Air in and out of the evolved or specially created gas sacs inside the A-frame skeleton
Idiot, moron, fool, ignoramus all, product of the DNA of #IpMan, reproduced TNT might
Speculate and commiserate upon the prolegomena of future UFOlogical Gods & sons.
Freaks in the lake beds in Nevada have originated the extinction of the human species
Black Manta you all know what you know, fly high my brothers & sisters, the God sees
My father believed that the fix was in, his father divorced his mother for the hot fires
Chicago Department that put all Mrs. O’Leary’s cows’ barn fires out, got horse power.
Mighty spades to dig six feet holes no deeper below the rock that can’t roll anymore
Once you get in down there, there’s no getting out, it’s a point of no return so to speak
Whether you like it or not, it’s the Ends, no heaven or hell to go up or down to, all men
Brothers, sisters, whiskey for my hombres, beer for my horses, all are One ball o’ Zen.
r j j stephan, i
c. Samedhi, 9-7-2024 AD @ 911 AMPST
Killed this gem while fixed on @TraceAdkins #CowboysBackInTown #WhoopAMansAssSometimes
(yup!) on youTube link @ https://youtu.be/rMnqPpHParo?si=LwgeJxUp_Diw6bXY & a couple other gems linked below! }