
Showing posts with label #PedalToDaMetal. Show all posts
Showing posts with label #PedalToDaMetal. Show all posts

Thursday, May 09, 2024



Pulling a rabbit out of my top hat isn’t the absolute first time I’ve tricked the fools
Wants and urgent needs have no necessity in the fusion & fission of the holy tools
Bloody liquid turns into a scab once it leaks into the open air & bleeds it out hot
Leaving the organs and bones cold as ice and in decrepit mode, God’s best shot.

Pears and pomegranates in the baked pies coolin’ down on the windowsill & I’m all
Meaning I don’t have anything to say because I’m rhetorically insufficient to play ball
Up the Hudson or down the Mississippi, I’m in the mode to signify the Dozens’ corners
In the end, exit door swings open to let me into a sacred hole that nobody else enters.

Fuel burnt to move the animation from frame to frame, present to past, creepy lapses
Reality of curve and speed balls getting’ tagged with deep wood to the bleacher’s pass
Far left or far left, even deep center, feat to complete the four banger was a cake walk
Caught Babe, Roger, Mickey & Casey at bat that last inning, in bottom of the ninth talk.

In the end, it was just like the first time, the wood sinks the unseen fastball, no label
Sailing so far, I couldn’t track it’s distance and landing, I just knew it was out the park
There will be no others, this one was all in my mind in the first place, had no A-power
Explains no scouts at my little league all star game, just a bunch of moms down lower.

Miracles happen only if there’s no cause to initiate the follow up effect, spontaneous C
It moves it all from the alpha to the omega, outside the cosmic hole, a God can’t see
Could have if I would have but I didn’t and I knew I wouldn’t follow the ten commands
I lied right off of the bat, the other nine would fall like all dominos & hourglass sands.

Queens birthed the princes and the paupers; they lived up the block with their warden
Split ends on both sides stretching infinity into a delicious, loosen nuts from all bolts
Dreaming about escaping from prison you’ve been locked up in, your neighborhood sin
Horses pulling the stagecoach up from Virginia into a New York state of mind Autumn.

Blind belief and a baseless hope for all too human beings of compassionate Charity
You’ve met them, you’re related to them and befriended some of them, in perpetuity
Feckless without a limit, without remorse that nobody has any recourse, romance sin
Having sugar babies who grow into men and women who fought the law & stars of tin.

Malfunctions of our calculus is abstract, we are notions in the garden nobody tended
Stuck on the other side of the other side, until it’s too late to be so damned offended
Imagine perfect zero, perfect one and everything else, essence of the whole shebang
Reality exposed and it’s skintight, dream fades & you’re fading to black, bang, bang.

r j j stephan, i

c. Jeudi, May IXth MMXXIV Anno Domini @ 840 PMPST

