
Sunday, September 22, 2024

@Caitlin_Clark is RIPPIN' #WORDUP @KORN #DEADSCAT #BeerForMyHorses #JusticeFound #SaddleUpForTheVictoryTune #LoneRangers #GratefulDEAD


I wouldn’t have shat you if you weren’t my most favorite turd of the recycled pile
It’s complicated and simple at one and the same time in space, matter & form file
In a straight or crooked line, either way you get to the end & it’s only to begin again
Like it or not, amazing things happened after the Big Bang, God, Mankind & the Sin.

Complicated to be guilty for the nature of the being, created out of random, bay mud
Nobody gets out of the pincushion alive with the spirit they inherited from the blood
DNA all over the stage, shared with the minions who eat & shyt at will, free will too
Smelling like putrid barf & the stuff that got stuck in a hole without any air, shyt stew.

For what it’s worth, the bitter ends justify the unacceptable means, it’s extinction fun
You come and you go, it’s not only you, it’s an edifying universal idea of oneness’ sons
Who mill daughters into the mold we see, hear, touch, smell & feel in utero’s vacuum
They all come and go in a hundred years, much less or a little bit more, into the scrum.

It’s all about the billing, what you pay for what you get, it’s the whole shebang deal
Beginning with zip & zilch, accumulation of Gold is the freeborn nature of dead-meat
Innocence and the guilt is mind-implanted by the minions who run all numbers down
Millions to One ain’t a fair match but the One always ends in victory, one mind blown.

Blood and the tears come leakin’ out the pores until the point is made, transit the void
Put yourself in Beelzebub’s place for a moment in Time, the Past animates Future shock
In a squeak it all finalizes the deal, gasp because it’s incredible, when you die, it’s all over
Nothing like any heaven or hell promised to the faithful minions, buried or burned lovers.

Of this story about the beings who inhabit the Earth grounds, the origin of species’ groin
All about the orgasmic turpitude granted by the powers that be, not us, flip a dime coin
Heads or tails, it will always be either one or the other, no other possibility is the Known
All or Nothing, categorical imperative of a First Cause, “1” unmoved mover cover blown.

Think this way, Earth dissolves as salty NaCl in wet H2O, you weren’t here pre-birth at all
Some folks climaxed into the fertilization of an egg with the dynamic Cause of Life, a bawl
In the south of the States, all the dixie girls & boys call it the spice of life, cookin’ kid-oven
Hot, a hundred degrees, fed by the machine to thrive & expire when Space & Time collide.

Wait a minute or two before you decide what to do, let the idea become for real, it’s moot
A point that can’t be made with your silence, got to speak up and allow the voice to boot
It is as it is above this dirty plane, atoms dissolving into a Singularity’s collapse upon soot
Monkeys aping Koala bears all drank the Kool-Aid, now it’s then, all too human, God’s afoot.

In a tavern at the bar on a barstool chit-chatting with the tender, closed spot, system’s down
Full stop with a full house that can only be beat by 4 deuces or any foursome of a cool clown
All in the pot with my call & raise, I have nothing left but the best hand at the table’s content
Winning isn’t everything, it’s the only thing, it’s a Raiders principle that got the airmail sent.

Passing, rushing, intercepting, blocking the opponent progress into oblivion, just to win baby
It’s the only thing that matters, losers never prosper but they die like the rest, a bird & a bee
Prisoners of love and hate, stealing what others earned a la blood, sweat and crocodile tears
Hocked the stuffed animals, cupie dolls & the compartments they lease, extinction God fears.

Homers and homies get the gist of the problem, it’s all about us, we are the Ones who thrive
Or we die in pain or in surprised accidents when you aren’t paying close attention, you dive
From the top of mountains to the bottom of the sea, turns clear to unlit caves of the hu-men
Flight without wings, burrow without the digs, ho-hum, AUM, it’s the thing I am, divine ZEN.

Kites fly, all too human species ends the turmoil, it’s the dissolution of the DNA adaption
We have run the course from zygote to corpse, it is what it is, what it was & will be, a sun
A burning ball of gas, making memories of days and nights flow until a final blink’s done
You know nothing, I can guess the rest as well as you, eyes wide-open, it is me, I am One.

r j j stephan, i
c. Dimanche, September XXII, MMXXIV Anno Domini @ 666 AMPST
{ Highly unlikely to be read by anybody, the beans are the fruit & I am the toot, blew this one out of the Cosmic Dust while jammin’ to @LynyrdSkynrdsInnards on youTube link @ https://youtu.be/-qlzg5_hCXo hence, #TurnItUp }