
Showing posts with label #Spooky. Show all posts
Showing posts with label #Spooky. Show all posts

Monday, September 23, 2024

#EyesFliesAndLiesAboutPies 3.14 #HighFortuneSonny #BidenHidin' & #KamelaRidin'


Hey man, there's blood in the water gato, you know it's invisible
Knowledge and wisdom without the application is a burst bubble
Perfection and the dissolution of the thing without a flaw, it's you
Me and the rest of us are just here, amigo, you're one of many too.

Form and shape of bent Time and Space, showdown's at sundown
Free will is denied, exact regulation of the flow is heaven's blown
Jobs performed or fleed from when it all came down to brass tacks
It hurts to be denied the attention you believe you deserve, blacks.

Browns, yellows, reds, blues played from dark 'til 3 AM predawn
Ready for bed, a pillow for my head & the dream of the pretender
Hoping and thinking that hope provides the things, will do you in
Better have the will handy, without it, they'll burn you in hot fire.

Not incinerted for any small reason, it's to deter the bugs & rats
The dead meat provided by life & death is all they get too, all cats
Dogs too, humanity's best friends which eat & lie where they shat
Nothing they can do, we put the diapers on the babies, then a hat.

Send them off to strangers to learn in schools & churchs, oh my
It could have been worse if there was still a closed herd, extinct
Yet we've survived because we're accidentally too fit to be shat
In holes in the ground, in sewers underground, a divinity's sigh.

Quality and the quantity of atoms in the Void, that's Life babies
Idiots, morons and genii come out of the glass & plastic botttles
Granting as many wishes as you may choose, up to the Inifinite
Beyond Nothing, a singularity to shrink your atoms into a byte.

Cyberfunk's 1's & 0's in equations, calculus' trigonometry sign
Only you know what I know, being one and the same thing too
It's a wordless, secret code that only dead men & women know
I can't tell you why but I'm One who knows of God's low blow.

Common men got the word up, they go from Goo Goo to phuq u
Other than that, teenagers got the tickets for survival, fired souls
X used the interior of the outside whereever it was, ain't there now
I see something but it vanishes in darkness with my hippy glow.

Creeks full of the wasted days & nights of the snakes & pirranahs
Only you know the Truth is similiar to a lie only you don't know it
Figure it out once you've passed out & on to the answer of death
Without life like your dead friends & ancestors, Die to be Dead.

r j j  stephan, i
c.  Lundi, 9-23-2024 AD @ 911 PMMST
{ Created out of Nothing, left over something while listenin' to @TheRamones #HITS on youTube link @ https://x.com/i/status/1838262104132075522 }

Tuesday, June 04, 2024

#HaveNoMercyNoLordFlatbush #NoGaylords #UpDown #Gaylords #GrammasHand #Everlast #Everclear #TheLifeAcoustic #GoodUglyAndBadArse

HOOKEd on ups & Downs
Contents of the Cosmos is teaming with life both as we know it, virtually bacteria & nucleic acid
Monkeys know no more nor less than the naked apes who developed civilization, tamed beasts
Nurtured by Nature or unnatural orphanages that house the accidental conceptions of all moms
Mission is impossible to ascertain without a deep dive into lower echelons’ embedded bombs.

Zip your lip and your barn door to keep the secrets undivulged by any living being, man or alien
Facts of Life are vague, about the One & the many on the way to a black hole’s Singularity within
Timeline of infinity imagines a never ending pattern of numbers you named Fibonacci sequence
Nature from the neutron, the proton, the atom in geometric forms full of Platonic living on Ice.

Aristotle’s Socratic koans appear as draconian attempts at Platonic dialogue ‘tween blind bones
Believers & sceptics put all hands on deck for the beginning of anchors away my boy, Zen koans
Woe be tide you if you pay no attention to all pending doom ahead & behind your elderly knees
Killer scroll down through the nouns, pronouns, verbs, adverbs & adjectives of the slaves’ pleas.

Necessary condition for the conclusion’s validity is using logic for the key to the predication sign
Premises assumed lead to deductive or inductive arguments pro or con, settle Nothing, it’s fine
Nobody cares when you die that you’re dead and gone, it’s nothing personal, just the fax of life
You get a new car, all of you all get a new car, no trade-in required, it’s tax-free like a new wife.

Completed a free ride you never knew you were on until the excitement dried up a wet dream
Knowledge & wisdom with the ignorance & moronic idiocy of the masses yields God’s scheme
Algebra & Trigonometry fill this Void with an infinite number of recombinant DNA more or less
Any way you look at it from above or below the timeline, there’s nothing else at all, atomless.

The human pound just like the dog pound, fatherless and motherless bitches and puppy scat
Everywhere gravity allowed, the dropping of the ingested mush and flushed H2O for the shat
My mistakes to have allowed the dogs to be bred and raised to be champions, stud fee 2 grand
Best job in the dog’s world of seeing, hearing, barking, eating & filling holes nobody can stand.

Civil suit & tie, with or without the vest, depending on the game of cards at a table of felt
Shadows come over the kitty, the pot is full of everyone’s chips, I pulled four aces, I dealt
High as the lower deck of the outfield where homers all fall from the sky, batter got wood
Timing is everything before or after the exact moment of Will to Power, late show’s good.

Happiness is the happy ending that sometimes conceives & sometimes shoots blank shots
Like jello shooters of vodka on a Popsicle stick, you think it’s cool candy until you’re soused
Beyond the good & evil you consider when sane, to the high spirit’s insane drunks we salute
It’s always for those about to rock, last gasp of air, see a golden ratio, give up the ghost root.
r j j stephan, i

c.  Mardi, June 4, MMXXIV Anno Domini @ 222 PMPST

{ Cranked this #GoldenRatio gem out the Cosmic woodwork all day today while jammin’ to @ZZTop / @LynyrdSkynyrd 2024 link @ https://youtu.be/zxvzJozYaUg?si=vvlifPqdLadM_3cJ  }



Monday, May 13, 2024

Forensic Pathos #Cream #GingerBaker #JackBruce #EricClapton #ElSlowhand #MyMaria #BWStevenson #GrammasHands

Even if blind as a bat, you’ve inner feelings that y’all are good for Nothing, son
For the sake of your ancestors, we’re all still doin’ the rhumba with the willing
Some are & some ain’t so much, future past times I can’t recall Italiano filling
Apes flakin’ out in and out of the tribes, accumulating too much scat to go on.

Imagine freedom if you’re locked in a box with a visible ceiling & a cellar absentee
Nobody gets out alive and free, hence that means if you’re alive now, you won’t be
In the eye-to-eye direction when I see you see me & you see I see you, that is a trip
Waiting eons for the moment to be applied to the Singularity scenario, a red lip skip.

I brought doubles for everyone and then the horns began to play the chorus, all love
Feel it soon, final gasp of gas, all of THIS here is all we came for so don’t leave it above
Below we go with the urn of ash or the box of formaldehyde bones, erect lay out face
Skip the religion hopes of the faithful, be the charity I leave behind all over the place.

Best plan achieved if you please, then it’s curtains for the rest of the story’s hip mission
To deceive the junior achievers who get groomed for a sensational imaginary savior son
Complex as simple as possible for the uninitiated with no talent to obfuscate a GD thing
Getting to the bottom of the line, discovery that there’s Nothing supporting everything.

Pretenders who can’t lie well, they tell the Truth thinking it’s a fabrication, a plethora set
All subatomic and macro-cosmic substance goes Rando on the dirty dust evolution of shyt
Don’t get all sacrosanct keeping Heckel and Jeckel just a tweet away from the deep in debt
Sometimes you wish you had genii power, three wishes & team of wild horses out of sight.

Picked up sticks & threw up the rocks & stones until they piled up to the top of the red barn
Children grow and move away from the next, groomed to leave the world behind the yarn
Categorical imperative of the aliens who fly UFO’s, that’s extraordinary extraterrestrial DNA
Form or shape of things that have come and gone, that form is God, fun, funny divine La La.

You and I are here & now but why we’re here, on the planet at this time, that’s the mystery
Call it blind faith, belief in the beyond our planet’s atmosphere, just Earth and nowhere else
Freeways underneath the soil, burnt-out star dirt, piece of what it is, face & wounded knee
Soft & hard rocks came from a prime Origin, volcanic eruption of hot lava, covers up destiny.

No secret can be told without the extended background investigation of all that I am to lose
Without prejudice I am at the precipice of the cliff that has nothing down below but a hole
It probably ain’t a holy hole if there is grief & injustice everywhere in sight, above, so below
Now then, present charges into the past, future keeps comin’ & won’t slow to sing the blues.

Doin’ the rhumba baby, mama can’t catch us doin’ a rhumba now baby, still the man for you
Lots of dope all over the country, in every county, every borough in every state of this union
Out in back of the truck, loaded dead buck, found on road dead, got on with the good fight
Dressed, packed, froze, BBQ on & #Shine flowin’ with the rhumba steps ‘til ‘round midnight.

Bit the hook like a lame brain fish lookin’ to spawn upstream, pulled away, set the barb, jump
You mind as well lunge above the equator, 8 miles higher than the surface-slick garbage dump
Standing & leaning with my back against the wall listenin’ to the jute box rock of ages’ wax-spin
Gods and devils in the details, first or last, the flip is always the same as it’s always been, ZaZen.
r j j stephan, i
c.  Lundi, May XIIIth MMXXIV Anno Domini @ 0:00 AM/PM
{ #Sit #GoodForNothing chips of philosophical wisdom sifted out of the sand of Timeless Zen Master teaching, youTube link @ https://youtu.be/8T-Z1WoFXkk?si=XGtf8OKvhdLicxHo }
